
Active Learning & ICT Session Script
Slide 1 The purpose of this session is to look at Active Learning Methodologies of the Primary School
Curriculum and how ICT may support the implementation of these.
Slide 2 PDST is trying to develop an insight into how ICT can be used in teaching and learning across
the curriculum rather than a standalone subject area. Today is a starting point in developing this
concept an extending this rationale to core subject areas across the curriculum.
Slide 3 Between now and break time we are going to have an opportunity to look at the various ALM
recommended in the primary school Curriculum and how we might engage pupils in these through
the medium of ICT.
W e are very conscious that there is an huge range of expertise here in the room today, and a range
of teachers who teach single stream and multi stream classes, today primarily is an opportunity for
us all to learn from each other, so please feel free to contribute or share at any point.
Slide 4 Ask teachers to speak with each other on what the term Active Learning means to them, and
how they might define it. Invite feedback from the group and record on flipchart 1.
Q: How would you define Active Learning in your classroom context?
Allow answers from the floor before compare and contrast session with accumulated themes and
threads from previous sessions.
Slides 5 & 6: Many different ways to define Active Learning, here we have one definition, which I
think summarises very neatly what you have been saying themselves.
Ask teachers what they see the as the main difference between them as teachers facilitating as
opposed to dictating the learning.
It’s not to say that there is not a place for direct teaching in the Curriculum and it is recognised as a
methodology in itself; however it is about providing a balance between direct teaching and other
methodologies. ICT can accompany other methodologies by means of adding an extra layer of
engagement to existing practices so as to complement existing effective teaching & learning
practices in the classroom.
Slide 7: We have all heard the term Active Learning and its importance within the curriculum, but
you might find it hard to actually source specifically what Active Learning is and what methodologies
are recommended in each subject area of the curriculum. Nowhere in the 23 books is there a central
list of methodologies to be found. In fact, reference to teaching and learning methodologies vary in
content and tone from subject to subject. The spirit of the curriculum was to promote AL as a
guiding principle. However, there are methodologies which are central across all subject areas.
Slide 8: Think about the difference in your classroom or school setting from 1999 to 2011. Are there
any other methodologies that you might add to the list that are central to all subject areas? Invite
feedback from the group and record this on flipchart 2.
Note- If Play comes up Aistear Curriculum focuses on the methodology of play and the Aistear
framework teaching from the junior end of Primary School into the future...
Think about the physical environment of you classroom?
Think about how your school communicates with local and other school communities?
Very obvious the influence of ICT in our everyday classroom routines and how it has impacted on
Irish education
Slide 9: Let’s look at ICT specifically and examine the place in the 1999 Curriculum and then in the
Literacy Strategy
Generate a response to the 1999 statement. Did we realise the significance of this statement in 1999
and how does it resonate 12 years later with the strategy?
If you were to think of it in terms of outcomes, what is different?
What is different from 1999 to 2011 is the pace at which ICT is influencing our classrooms now.
Slide 10: Looking at key DES reports on ICT in Irish schools, the message is that our children are
growing up in a culture of all pervasive technology, ICT is a huge part of children’s daily lives, and we
as teachers find ourselves competing with it. How we can we harness the enthusiasm and interest
that children have for ICT?
Key questions for us as teachers?
How do we integrate ICT in our daily teaching and learning practices so as to encourage students to
engage in Active Learning?- This is our focus for the day – Intended outcome that you look at how
you use ICT effectively in your class.
Slide 11: Where we are coming from is a list of ALM that is common to all subject areas across the
curriculum, and they will our focus for this session. However, as list illustrates there are
methodologies which are specific to each individual subject area.
It is very important to note that a variety of methodologies should be employed to motivate and
engage children and cater for different learning styles.
What we are going to focus on today is the central methodologies and combining their use with ICT
Slides 12 - 37: Let us now take an opportunity to look at the central methodologies of the curriculum
and investigate how we might engage children in these methodologies through the use of ICT
Handout to teachers at this stage: After each methodology we might have an opportunity to
capitalise on the expertise in the room, so we will take an opportunity to note other ideas that have
used in your classroom that you have found effective
Key question after each methodology: Could you see any other methodologies that were
exemplified in the samples. Reminding ourselves of the central methodologies we will be focusing
on, starting off with Talk and Discussion.
Slides 12 to 37 These slides follow the same format in terms of reference to the curriculum –
reference to the NCCA 2004 Report – then sample lesson combining ICT and the methodology –
after every methodology ask for feedback and development of the concept in other subject areas so
as to update flipchart 3.
Slide 14-17 Slides that reflect the use of talk and discussion within the languages. We can see
teachers combining traditional classroom practices with creative uses of ICT to enhance engagement
and increase responsibility and direct self-learning.
Slide 18-20 Use of the environment – transferring and developing ICT in the local environment –
adding an extra dimension to traditional tours etc mention flip share camera, digital camera and
show walking tour of Ennis (Reference SESE curriculum)
Slide 21-24 Collaborative learning – using the successful strategies of editing, paired reading, peer
co-operation etc (Reference the English Curriculum)
Slide 25-28 We are striving to challenge the traditional view of problem solving solely applicable to
Maths – using questioning, investigating, experimenting etc scientific skills through the stand of
energy and forces (Reference models of problem solving from maths teacher guidlelines)
Slide 29-32 Guided discovery – scaffolding the child’s learning experience - encouraging sensitivity to
the visual arts / mirrored in drama / music
Slide 33-37 Developing historical skills in terms of
Time and chronology
Change and continuity
Cause and effect
Using evidence
Slide 38: Reflecting on what we have just seen in terms of each of the methodologies, can you place
of ICT in your daily and teaching practices?
Which subject area does it lend itself best to? – Message is that is not a standalone tool for any
subject, it is cross curricular and is designed effective teaching that is already taking place in your
Slide 39: 1958 Blooms Taxonomy explored the different layers of learning, moving from
Remembering information through to creating. We can use this as a framework for how we want
children to engage in the curriculum but also how we want teachers to engage in ICT. We want to
encourage and strengthen the full spectrum of development from lower order to higher order
thinking skills and capacities. The workshops that you will be engaging in for the rest of the day are
based on this framework. In terms of content and instruction we will try to reflect the continuum of
bloom’s taxonomy in our workshops.
Slide 40: Here is an overview of the different types of learning styles, think about what your own
preferred learning style is. Your learning compliments your own unique abilities and intelligences
and in any classroom there will be a variety of these. As teachers we have to recognise the different
teaching methodologies develop different learning styles. Your educational should mirror skills that
you need to use in real life situations.
Slide 41: This is a 12 yr olds overview of multiple intelligences, based on the work of Howard
Gardner – as teachers it is very beneficial to reflect on the variety of learning styles that are residing
in our classroom and to question how we can cater for the unique traits of each pupil’s learning
Slide 42 / 43 : ICT is not a teaching methodology in its own. This clearly highlights the place that
traditional teaching has and always will have on the curriculum. Yet national and international
influences and educational research highlight the need to embrace e-learning as a 21st century
methodology in order to enhance our teaching and learning.
Slide 44: We want our children in effectively to function effectively in a changing society and cope
with the demands of modern life
How is this statement in the curriculum still so relevant today?
Think about this child’s educational future, and the changes he will see along the way.