LETTERS AND SCIENCE EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (EDP) Date: Department: Employee Name: Supervisor’s Name: Review Type: Choose Review Type Review Period: Review Date: Date of Last Review: to PURPOSE: The purpose of the EDP is to provide guidance and support for the highest levels of employee performance, and to focus on the employee’s professional growth. An Employee Development Plan must be completed minimally on an annual basis by every employee and their immediate supervisor. Emphasis should be placed on: 1. Aligning employee goals with Department, L&S, and UWM strategy, goals, and values 2. The employee’s professional and career development goals EDP PROCESS: 1. Supervisor obtains employee’s most recent PD and performance standards 2. Supervisor notifies employee of EDP discussion date, allowing employee up to 10 working days to complete SelfAssessment. With notification, Supervisor provides the following to the employee: a. Current PD and standards b. EDP Part 1 c. EDP Part 2 3. Employee completes self-assessment on EDP parts 1 and 2 and sends to supervisor prior to EDP meeting. 4. Supervisor adds Manager Rating and Manager’s Observations to the form, along with any additional goals for discussion and schedules EDP meeting. 5. EDP meeting - the employee and supervisor should: A. Discuss attainment of goals that were established for the year in review. B. Discuss supervisor’s and employee’s assessment of employee’s job performance, including clarification of performance factors ratings and discussion of strengths & proudest moments and improvement opportunities. C. Establish together the performance and professional development goals and actions for the upcoming year. D. Discuss employee’s longer-term career interests and establish related professional development goals and actions. E. Review and discuss employee’s PD and related standards for the upcoming year. Within 10 working days of EDP discussion: 1. Supervisor completes EDP document based on discussion, along with updates to PD and Performance Standards. 2. Employee and Supervisor sign and forward to Department Chair. The employee may also add comments to the signature page of the EDP document at the time it is signed. Employee and Supervisor retain a copy of the goals pages for periodic follow-up and discussion. 3. The supervisor should forward the following to the appropriate Department Chair/Director/Dean for signature: a. The signed version of EDP Part 1 b. A copy of EDP Part 2 c. If updates are necessary, PD and standards established for upcoming year 4. Department Chair/Director/Dean signs and forwards L&S HR for review and Personnel File. 5. L&S HR forwards original to campus HR and provides copies to Employee and Supervisor. The completed, signed EDP should be printed double sided if possible. A. PERFORMANCE FACTORS: Performance factors ratings are based on performance of responsibilities as described in the position description and performance standards. Functional Area Employee Rating Manager Rating Overall: The employee demonstrates an understanding of goals and knowledge specific to their position through the application of related policies, procedures, technologies, and/or concepts. Rating Rating i. Applies necessary skills, both technical and nontechnical, to accomplish assigned tasks. Rating Rating ii. Consults appropriate staff, internal or external resources as needed. Rating Rating iii. Exhibits knowledge of and adherence to group, departmental, College, and University policies and procedures. Rating Rating iv. Demonstrates willingness to learn new practices and adjust to changes in assignments or working conditions. Rating Rating v. Works to remain current in the field of work. Demonstrates an awareness of new practices, approaches or technology by utilizing this knowledge in related work activities. Rating Rating Job Knowledge Description Employee’s Self-Observations Strengths, Proudest Moments & Accomplishments Improvement Opportunities Manager’s Observations Strengths, Proudest Moments & Accomplishments Improvement Opportunities Functional Area Respect & Community March - 2012 Description Employee Rating Overall: Manager Rating Rating Rating The employee values the campus community by showing consideration for the needs of faculty, staff and students. Exemplary behaviors and actions are modeled through responsiveness and a willingness to help shape and foster the L&S and/or Department connection to campus. i. Handles interpersonal relationships and conflicts in a professional and constructive manner. Rating Rating ii. Helps build and maintain productive partnerships with internal and external customers and colleagues. Rating Rating iii. Supports the mission, goals and priorities of the Rating Rating Letters & Science | Employee Development Plan 2 Department and UWM. iv. Shares knowledge and information willingly. Rating Rating v. Exercises courtesy, tact, and diplomacy in all dealings with internal and external customers and colleagues. Rating Rating vi. Welcomes feedback to promote improvement and progress. Rating Rating vii. Anticipates how Work Group, Departmental &/or L&S policies, procedures, and services will impact the campus/customers and takes appropriate action. Rating Rating Employee Rating Manager Rating Employee’s Self-Observations Strengths, Proudest Moments & Accomplishments Improvement Opportunities Manager’s Observations Strengths, Proudest Moments & Accomplishments Improvement Opportunities Functional Area Supervisory/Lead Worker Skills Description Overall: Rating Rating The supervisor/manager/lead worker possesses the skills necessary to effectively manage employees. i. Effectively manages personnel activities, including recognizing excellent performance and addressing poor performance. Rating Rating ii. Promotes employee development. Rating Rating iii. Provides honest, clear, productive feedback to employees. Rating Rating iv. Fosters teamwork among workgroups and campus teams. Rating Rating v. Effectively mediates conflicts. Rating Rating vi. Establishes group goals in alignment with Department, L&S, and campus goals. Rating Rating vii. Helps employees effectively manage work load. Rating Rating viii. Empowers employees to make decisions; provides relevant information and context; ensures employees know they are empowered. Rating Rating Employee’s Self-Observations Strengths, Proudest Moments & Accomplishments Improvement Opportunities Manager’s Observations March - 2012 Letters & Science | Employee Development Plan 3 Strengths, Proudest Moments & Accomplishments Improvement Opportunities B. MANAGER’S OVERALL ASSESSMENT FOR TIME PERIOD COVERED IN THIS REVIEW Circle the letter that best matches your overall assessment of job performance over the review period. The overall assessment should be supported by observations provided above. (E) (A) (B) The employee consistently exceeds expectations and performance standards. The employee meets or exceeds expectations and achieves all performance standards. The employee’s performance is below expectations at times. Some performance standards are met, or performance standards are not consistently met. (DN) The employee consistently does not meet expectations and is at risk due to unmet performance standards. C. EMPLOYEE COMMENTS: After meeting with your manager, you may add your comments here. (Attach additional sheets if necessary.) D. FINAL STEPS: Please initial to verify the following have been completed before forwarding to Department Chair or L&S HR: ___ Attach EDP Part 2 (Goals Document) ___PD and Standards for review period have been reviewed with employee ___ PD needs to be updated and is attached ___ PD needs to be updated and is NOT attached March - 2012 Letters & Science | Employee Development Plan 4 SIGNATURES: Our signatures indicate that we have seen, discussed, and understand the contents of this Employee Development Plan. ______________________________________ Employee’s Signature ____________________ Date ______________________________________ Supervisor’s Signature ____________________ Date ______________________________________ Manager/Director/Chair’s Signature ____________________ Date ______________________________________ L&S Reviewer Signature ____________________ Date March - 2012 Letters & Science | Employee Development Plan 5