Teacher Kindergarten Plans Social Studies M O N D A Y T U E S D A Y W E D N E S D A Y K.E.1 Understand Change and observable patterns of weather that occur from day to day and throughout the year. Objective: We will explore the season of winter by discussing and acting out The Snowy Day. Materials: The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats (or other winter book about snow), Winter-snow ppt Teacher: TW activate prior knowledge about snow (have you ever played in it? Describe snow, what is it made of, where does it come from, what can you do with it?, etc. TW read winter book, TW discuss book with students, then reread and have the students act it out. TW share winter songs and snow fun facts.. Create an anchor chart on snow. Student: SW discuss, act out character. Sing winter songs. Assessment: S participation K.E.1 Understand Change and observable patterns of weather that occur from day to day and throughout the year. Objective: We will explore winter by creating a snow scene Materials: black and blue construction paper, 2 pre-cut black strips for each child, chalk or white crayons, markers or crayons; Winter-Snow ppt Teacher; TW review snow fun facts and winter songs from yesterday TW introduce project to students. Student: SW create snow project Assessment: S participation K.E.1 Understand Change and observable patterns of weather that occur from day to day and throughout the year. Obj: Students will create snow by exploring soap Materials: baggie, soap, water, tape Reading A-Z: Winter, Winter Fun, Wonderful Winter, Teacher: TW review and discuss weather changes and snow from yesterday Snow Fact chart about snow. Student: SW state facts about snow and changes in weather. Week of 1/6/14 Math K.CC.1 Write numbers from 0 – 20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0-20 (with ) representing a count of no objects. K.OA.1 Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds, (e.g. claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions or equations. Topic: Double Compare (Unit 4 – 3.4 p.104) Obj: We will combine two amounts, compare two quantities to determine which is more, and use a Ten-Frame to develop visual images of quantities up to 10. Activities: -Introducing Double Compare -Quick Images: Ten Frames Math Workshop: -Double Compare -One More, One Fewer -Racing Bears -Collect 15 together Session Follow-up: SAB p. 36 Topic: More or Less at the End? (Unit 4 – 3.5 p.109) Obj: We will compare two quantities to determine which is more, add or subtract one to/from numbers up to 10, and model the action of combining and separating situations. Math Workshop: Counting, Combining, and Comparing -Double Compare -One More, One Fewer -Racing Bears -Collect 15 together Discussion: More or Less at the End? Session Follow-up: Student Math Handbook Flip Chart pp.21-22 Topic: Build It/Change It (Unit 4 – 3.6 p.113) Obj: We will create a set of a given size, add to or subtract from one quantity to make another quantity, and compare two quantities to determine which is more. Activity: -Introducing Build It/ Change it Math Workshop: Adding, Removing, and Comparing -Build It/Change It -Double Compare -One More, One Fewer Discussion: Checking In Session Follow-up: SAB p. 30, Flip Chart p. 21-22 Experiment: Place the bar of soap in the baggie. Then pour the water little over the soap. Fold top down and tape(to prevent spilling) and place in the refrigerator overnight. Encourage the children to knead the soap in the bag. Scoop snow out and the children can make snow balls to play with. t h Assessment: S participation MATH Topic: Addition / Subtraction Review (Unit 4 – 3.3-3.6 p.100-113) Obj: We will develop an understanding of more than and fewer than. We will add or subtract one to/from numbers up to 10, and model the action of combining and separating situations. We will use a Ten-Frame to develop visual images of quantities up F R I D A Y Character Trait: Justice and Fairness Obj: We will learn and discuss what being just and fair is Teacher: TW use PP on Justice and Fairness (I drive Character Trait) Student: SW view ppt and write about why it is important to be just and fair. Assessment: S participation Current Events (35 mins) to 10. Math Workshop: - One More, One Fewer - Double Compare - More or Less at the End? - Build It/Change It Discussion: Roll and Record 2 Session Follow-up: Flip Chart p. 21-22, 25, 26, 31-34 Topic: Six Tiles In All and Quick Images: Square Tiles (Unit 4 – 4.1,4.2 p.128-134) Obj: We will develop and analyze visual images for quantities up to 10; create a set of a given size; record an arrangement of a quantity; decompose numbers in different ways and model the action of combining and separating situations. Activities: - Introducing Six Tiles in All - Quick Images: Square Tiles - Acting Out Story Problems Math Workshop: - Six Tiles in All -Counting Jar -Build It/Change It Discussion: Sharing Our Arrangements Session Follow-up: SAB p. 37 & 38 Flip Chart p. 20, 27-28, 31-34