Lab Lesson: Equilibrium Intro Learning Objectives: Describe why a

Lab Lesson: Equilibrium Intro
Learning Objectives:
 Describe why a reversible chemical reaction eventually reaches equilibrium.
 Model chemical equilibrium using manipulatives
 Use a model to show that at equilibrium, the rate of the forward and reverse reaction are
equal, but the concentrations of products and reactants are NOT equal.
NJCCCS: 5.2.12.D.5
Tech Use: none
Anticipatory Set/Do-Now:
 Discuss "dynamic" vs. "static" conditions
 Review terms (reactant, product, forward reaction, reverse reaction, reversible)
Instructional Activities:
 In groups of 4, students will model a reaction (2 as reactants and 2 as products) using
objects such as beans. They will exchange beans via certain ratios, and find that they
come to equilibrium.
 At equilibrium, only the rate of exchange is equal. The concentrations of reactants and
products do not change (but are not equal to each other) at equilibrium.
Lab Report Questions
Assessment Plan: Lab Report, Unit 12 Test
Lesson 1: Equilibrium
Learning Objectives:
 Describe equilibrium as a dynamic process in which the rate of the forward reaction
equals the rate of the reverse reaction
 Write equilibrium expressions (Keq)
NJCCCS: 5.2.12.D.5
Tech Use: Online Notes, YouTube Video
Anticipatory Set/Do-Now: Review Crossword Puzzle
Instructional Activities:
 Define basic terms of equilibrium, in the context of topics covered previously and using
the analogy of a bank account
 Class discussion- compare/contrast equilibrium of a bank account with equilibrium of
 Individual Practice- write equilibrium expressions
Discuss economic, industrial, social implications of the Haber Process
Assessment Plan:
Unit 12 Test
Lesson 2: Equilibrium Gizmo
Learning Objectives:
 Determine the equilibrium constant Kc for a reversible reaction.
 Show that Kc does not depend on initial concentrations.
 Calculate the reaction quotient Qc for a reversible reaction.
NJCCCS: 5.2.12.D.5
Tech Use: ExploreLearning Gizmo
Instructional Activities:
 Students will work individually to complete the Explore Learning Gizmo. Students will
use the Gizmo to calculate equilibrium constants.
 The gizmo provides a visual analogy for chemical equilibrium.
Closure: Assessment Questions following Gizmo
Assessment Plan: Gizmo Questions, Unit 12 Test
Lesson 3: "ICE” Charts
Learning Objectives:
 Use "ICE” Charts to calculate initial, changes, and equilibrium concentrations.
 Calculate the equilibrium constant given initial concentrations and the change in
NJCCCS: 5.2.12.D.5
Tech Use: none
Anticipatory Set/Do-Now:
Re-cap of the lab of the week (equilibrium activity)- during the lab, students constructed ICE
charts for the activities they completed on a macroscopic activity.
Instructional Activities:
 Direct Instruction- 2 examples
 Guided Instruction- 2 examples
 Independent Practice- 5 examples
Closure: Students will put answers on the board from their independent practice problems and
explain how they arrived at their answers.
Assessment Plan: Unit 12 Test
Lesson 4: LeChatelier's Principle
Learning Objectives:
 Predict which way a reaction at equilibrium will shift when a stress (change in volume,
pressure, or concentration) is applied to it
NJCCCS: 5.2.12.D.5
Tech Use: LeChatelier Animation
Anticipatory Set/Do-Now:
Demo using color that demonstrates LeChatelier's Principle
Instructional Activities:
 Based on the animation, students will arrive at the patterns in the way that equilibrium
 Guided instruction- several examples will be done on the board as a class
 Practice in pairs- students will practice applying LeChatelier’s principle in pairs
Closure: Application- shifting equilibrium for industrial applications
Assessment Plan: Unit 12 Test