Resources & Links

Resources and Links
Intercultural Competence
D.K. Deardorf. (2013) Duke University How will we know? Assessing students’ intercultural
learning in education abroad programs
Parrish, P., & Linder-VanBerschot, J.A. (2010). Cultural dimensions of learning: Addressing
the challenges of multicultural instruction. International Review of Research in Open and
Distance Learning, Vol.11, (2).
Teekens, H. (2003). The requirement to develop specific skills for teaching in an intercultural
setting. Journal of Studies in International Education, Vol. 7: 108.
Group Work and Academic Writing in the Discipline
Carroll, J., & Ryan, J. (Eds.). (2005). Teaching international students: Improving learning for all.
London: Routledge.
De Vita, G. (2005). Fostering intercultural learning through multicultural group work. In J.
Carroll & J. Ryan (Eds.). Teaching international students: Improving learning for all.
London: Routledge 75-83.
Leask, B. (2009). Using formal and informal curricula to improve interactions between home
and international students. Journal of Studies in International Education 13 (2), 205-221.
McLean, P. & Ransom, L. (2005) Building intercultural competencies: Implications for academic
skills development. In J. Carroll and J. Ryan (Eds.) Teaching International Students:
Improving Learning for All. London: Routledge.
Schmitt, D. (2005). Writing in the international classroom. In J. Carroll & J. Ryan (eds) Teaching
International Students: Improving Learning for All. London: Routledge.