Marissa Lazenby 10/7/12 Physics Term Paper #1 Ultrasonography

Marissa Lazenby
Physics Term Paper
Ultrasound or ultrasonography is the sound of other vibrations having an ultrasonic
frequency used in medical imaging. There are several interesting views about ultrasonography.
One being, how ultrasound is performed, and how it is to be proceeded. Ultrasound is most
common in pregnancy. Mostly known as only a two-dimension image, with technology
improving we are now capable of being able to experience three-dimension images. We also
are able to perform an ultrasound on many other parts of the body for other health reasons,
other than just pregnancy.
First how does it work? The medical imaging technique is used by high frequency sound
waves and its echoes. It is very similar to the echolocation used with whales, bats, and dolphins.
As well as how it is used with submarines and SONAR. But the real question is how it really
works? Here are some of the key tips broken down so it may be easier to understand. First, the
ultrasound machine sends high frequency sound pulses into the body using a probe and it’s
measured in megahertz, usually anywhere from 1-5. Second, as the sound wave travels into the
body it hits the boundary between the fluid and soft tissue, and soft tissue and bone. Some of
the sound waves are received back to probe while others go on further and hit other
boundaries and are bounced back to probe. The received waves are then picked up by machine.
Third, the machine then calculates the distance from the probe to the boundaries (tissue, bone,
etc.) using the speed of sound. Then the time of the echo's return is recorded, which is usually
Marissa Lazenby
Physics Term Paper
on a scale of millionths of a second. Last but not least, the machine shows the distance, and
intensity of the echoes and are formed into a two-dimensional picture.
Ultrasound technology has made amazing progress in the past several years. There is
more than just two-dimensional ultrasound, there is now 3-D imaging. These images are best
used to detect cancer and benign tumors in the human body especially, in the prostate gland,
colons and rectum. It is very helpful when looking for lesions in the breasts for biopsies. This 3D ultrasound is absolutely amazing during pregnancy. It is able to detect the small features in
the baby such as its development in the face, as well as the limbs, fingers, and hair. It is
becoming a lot more common in the U.S to use the three-dimensional ultrasound for finding
out the gender of the baby. With this imaging process it is also able to visualize the blood flow
within the organs of the human body as well. But The Doppler Effect is the form of ultrasound
that detects the rate of blood flow through the heart and other organs.
Along with the new 3D ultrasound, technology has even come out with a 4D motion
image. You can see your baby in the womb actually moving. Research shows that realistic
surface images provide a connection between the parents and baby that can be beneficial to
the whole family. The doctors are able to send you home with a movie of your little child now
days, how amazing.
There are many other major uses of ultrasound. It is used in many clinical settings, like
gynecology, cardiology, obstetrics, and cancer detection. Ultrasound does not use radiation and
can be done so much faster than an x-ray or other radiographic techniques. Here’s a list of
Marissa Lazenby
Physics Term Paper
other detections from ultrasound: detecting ectopic pregnancy (life-threatening pregnancy
when fetus is implanted in the fallopian tubes), seeing cancer in the ovary tubes, measuring the
baby for the correct due date, seeing the inside of the heart and abnormal functions, measuring
blood-flow through the kidneys, and seeing kidney stones.
Physics being the purpose of this essay is related to ultrasound in many ways. Within the
wave, Compression happens when there are high pressure and high altitude and the opposite
which is Rarefaction where the low pressure zones and widening of particles happen. There is
also Wavelength which is important because the wavelength in ultrasound cannot be more
than a 1-2. Also Frequency, how often the wave is passed in the unit of time. The speed of the
sound wave is recorded and this would be using Velocity. There is much more advanced
physics in this topical of ultrasound, but these are just a few important dynamics of physics,
also some of the terms we have learned in class.
It is hard to say what the future of ultrasound predicts, but it will only increase. They are
able to see much inside the human body by using one machine. Hopefully we are able to cure
other diseases and be aware of everything that is going on in the body, when something isn’t
feeling right. I feel I learned a lot writing this essay. I wanted to research on ultrasonography
because it is the field and career I am leaning towards, it certainly made me that more excited
to accomplish my goal. I feel ultrasound will be in the medical field for ever because, everyone
will always want to know the gender of their babies and with the way technology is moving
today, there is only room for it to excel that much more.
Marissa Lazenby
Physics Term Paper
In the womb, Peter Tallack
Marissa Lazenby
Physics Term Paper