Mrs. Turley Jan. 26-30 MONDAY TUESDAY Common Core Workbook Common Core Workbook *calendar *Mighty Math Wall *HFW flashcards *vocabulary *Share the pen – irregular plurals *read aloud cards Calendar Morning Meeting/ calendar Welco me Work Doral Lesson Plans 9:22-10:12 Media Arts *calendar *Mighty Math Wall *HFW flashcards *vocabulary *Share the pen – irregular plurals *Read aloud cards WEDNESDAY PE 8:30-9:23 Common Core Workbook *calendar *Mighty Math Wall *HFW flashcards *vocabulary *Share the pen – similes *Read aloud cards Writing Wonders Reading/Language Arts Unit 3 Week 1 Standards: RF.2.3, L.2.2, L.2.2d, RF.2.3af, L.2.5, L.2.5a, RI.2.4, RF.2.4, RF.2.4a, RL.2.3, RL.2.7, RF.1.2c, RF.1.2b, RF.2.4, W.2.2, SL.2.1, SL.2.2, RI.2.6, RI.2.8, RI.2.5, RI.2.7 Objectives: SWBAT apply grade level phonics and word analysis to decode words. SWBAT demonstrate command of the conventions of English, demonstrate understanding of word relationships, real-life connections between words, and meaning of words and phrases. SWBAT read with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. SWBAT verbally retell and write to recount sequence of events. SWBAT focus on a topic and strengthen writing skills with support. SWBAT ask and answer questions about a text, visualization and compare/contrast text. Materials: Teacher Edition (T), Reading/Writing Workshop, Literature Anthology, Pretest, PB pages Assessment: End of week tests, teacher observation, student response in small group discussions. Phonics/Spelling *introduce r controlled vowels – or, ore, oar, and ar (spelling sound card) *intro spelling, pretest Grammar: *irregular verbs T202 Guided Reading: *Build Background Video *Close read of “Happy New Year”(Listen on mimio first, then reread with discussionfocus on visualization) *RWW student book pg. 290-293 Math – Investigations Unit 3 –Number Combinations Phonics/Spelling *Review r controlled vowels (spelling sound card) *irregular plurals T 219 *similes-T224 *Phonics PB Grammar: *irregular verbs T227 Guided Reading: *Close read of “Dear Primo” *Discuss compare/contrast, genre, and reading with expression. *Student Lit. Anthology pg 336 Small Group Vocab: Sentence frames, differentiated PB pages, foldable, Vocabulary Roll game Spelling: Write and highlight, syllables, Roll and Spell game, Task Cards Reading Comp./Grammar: making words, word endings, punctuation, silent read at library Teacher: O - Review r controlled vowels, HFW, vocab., punctuation, irregular verbs, plurals, and similes. Read “A New Life in India”, predict, close read, retell, comprehension questions- compare/contrast. B – Review r controlled vowels, HWF, vocab, punctuation, irregular verbs, plurals, and similes. Read “Akita and Carlo”, predict, close read, retell, comprehension questions, discuss compare/contrast. BB - Review r controlled vowels, irregular verbs, plurals and similes, RAZ vocab. Read mini book from RAZ. Discuss compare/contrast. S: W.2.2, 2.5 Obj: SWBAT write expository pieces where they introduce a topic, give details, and end with concluding statement. SWBAT follow writing process with guidance. Materials: narrative story outline and brainstorm, paper Procedure: 10 min. quiet write in journal, mini-lessons, writing process (edit and publish) Assessment: Published story Mini lessons: Mon.-brainstorm, Tues. – rough draft, Wed. –Peer and self edit, Thurs.-Conference with teacher, Friday – Publish ***Finish Publishing all unfinished writing***** LUNCH/RECESS 12:1912:49 12:491:00 Science, Social Studies Phonics/Spelling *Review r controlled vowels (spelling sound card) * identify irregular plurals *Phonics PB Grammar: *irregular verbs T215 Guided Reading: *Reread “Happy New Year” RWW book pg 290-293 *Discuss visualization and compare/contrast *Students take notes comparing/contrast (graphic organizer). *Listen to “Dear Primo” (pg 336-364) from lit. book (on mimio) Read Aloud-“Indian in the Cupboard” Lesson 1.2 Guess My Rule With Yekttis S: NBT 2.2, NBT 2.5, G.1 Obj: SWBAT group data into categories, sort data. Mat.: Yektti cards, Assessment: Teacher observation, student completion of activity pages. Procedures: *Routine-today’s number *Activity/discussion – introduce yekttis, play guess my rule with Yekttis, graph favorite weekend activity. *Ind. Work – no worksheet today *Wrap-up discussion – how did they represent and solve problems Weather *See attached plans Spanish Intervention/Enrichment – “Reading Power Hour” Lesson 1.3a CC28 – guess my rule with two rules S: 2MD.7, 2.G.1 Obj: SWBAT sort data with multiple rules Mat.: Assessment: teacher observation of game and activity pages Procedures: *Classroom Routine- what time is it? *Activity – sorting with a venn diagram *Discussion – how to collect and sort information *Ind. Work – *Wrap-up discussion – graphing data Weather *See attached plans 1:33-2:23 Music Lesson 1.4a – CC35 Bar Graphs S: 2.0A.2, 2.MD.10 Obj: SWBAT read and interpret bar graphs Mat.: quick images with sticker strips and singles Assessment: Teacher observation, student activity pages. Procedures: *Classroom routine – graphing data *Activity – interpreting graphs *Wrap-up discussion – how to use a graph key Weather Science *See attached plans Doral Lesson Plans Mrs. Turley Jan. 26-30 Thursday Friday Common Core Workbook Common Core Workbook *calendar *Mighty Math Wall *HFW flashcards *vocabulary *Share the pen – irregular plurals *Read aloud cards To Do/Notes *calendar *Mighty Math Wall *HFW flashcards *vocabulary *Share the pen – review for test *Read aloud cards Standards: RF.2.3, L.2.2, L.2.2d, RF.2.3af, L.2.5, L.2.5a, RI.2.4, RF.2.4, RF.2.4a, RL.2.3, RL.2.7, RF.1.2c, RF.1.2b, RF.2.4, W.2.2, SL.2.1, SL.2.2, RI.2.6, RI.2.8, RI.2.5, RI.2.7 Objectives: SWBAT apply grade level phonics and word analysis to decode words. SWBAT demonstrate command of the conventions of English, demonstrate understanding of word relationships, real-life connections between words, and meaning of words and phrases. SWBAT read with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. SWBAT verbally retell and write to recount sequence of events. SWBAT focus on a topic and strengthen writing skills with support. SWBAT ask and answer questions about a text, visualization and compare/contrast text. Materials: Teacher Edition (T), Reading/Writing Workshop, Literature Anthology, Pretest, PB pages Assessment: End of week tests, teacher observation, student response in small group discussions. Phonics/Spelling *Review r controlled vowels (spelling sound card) *Phoneme addition/deletion *Review multiple meaning words Vocabulary Strategy: *Intro antonyms- explain, mimio presentation Guided Reading: *Close Read of “Games Around the World” pg 366-369 *Student Read (3 ring circus) “Dear Primo” *Students record graphic organizer for compare/contrast Phonics/Spelling *Review r controlled vowels (spelling sound card) *Final test Guided Reading: *Review main idea/details *Weekly selection test (vocabulary/comprehension) *Research and Inquiry (EQ foldable project) T234-T236 Grammar: *Grammar test Small Group Vocab: Sentence frames, differentiated PB pages, foldable, Vocabulary Roll game Spelling: Write and highlight, syllables, Roll and Spell game, Task Cards Reading Comp./Grammar: making words, word endings, punctuation, silent read at library Teacher: O - Review r controlled vowels, HFW, vocab., punctuation, irregular verbs, plurals, and similes. Read “A New Life in India”, predict, close read, retell, comprehension questions- compare/contrast. B – Review r controlled vowels, HWF, vocab, punctuation, irregular verbs, plurals, and similes. Read “Akita and Carlo”, predict, close read, retell, comprehension questions, discuss compare/contrast. BB - Review r controlled vowels, irregular verbs, plurals and similes, RAZ vocab. Read mini book from RAZ. Discuss compare/contrast. S: W.2.2, 2.5 Obj: SWBAT write expository pieces where they introduce a topic, give details, and end with concluding statement. SWBAT follow writing process with guidance. Materials: narrative story outline and brainstorm, paper Procedure: 10 min. quiet write in journal, mini-lessons, writing process (edit and publish) Assessment: Published story Mini lessons: Mon.-brainstorm, Tues. – rough draft, Wed. –Peer and self edit, Thurs.-Conference with teacher, Friday – Publish ***Finish Publishing all unfinished writing***** LUNCH/RECESS Read Aloud-“Indian in the Cupboard” Lesson 1.7 Assessment – Favorite foods and plus 10 combinations S: 2.NBT.5, 2.MD.10 Obj: SWBAT group data into categories with similar attributes, describe data, sort data, use venn diagram Mat.: chart paper, SAB 10-13, scissors, assessment pages Assessment: Teacher observation, student completion of written assessment Procedures: *Classroom Routine-ten frames *activity – guess my rule with animals *Assessment – graphing favorite food and plus 10 combinations *Ind. Practice – pg. 12/13 Weather *See attached plans 1:33-2:23 Theater Intervention/Enrichment – “Reading Power Hour” No Math – Video remaining weather reports Fun Friday – Treasure chest, Buddy, finish unfinished work 2:25-3:15 Art