30 mm 174 mm PREPARATION OF POSTER DIGESTS FOR TMRC 2015 First AUTHOR1, Second AUTHOR2 and Third AUTHOR3 1) Tohoku Univ., Sendai, Japan, progpmrc@kiroku.riec.tohoku.ac.jp 2) Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, pmrc2004@spin.pe.titech.ac.jp 3) Akita Research Institute of Advance Technology, Akita, Japan, submitpmrc@ait.pref.akita.jp I. GENERAL FORMAT Only electronic digests of MS-Word files are accepted. The electronic digests will be photographically printed in their original size. We recommend that you use a computer desktop publishing software, such as Adobe PageMaker or MS-Word, to prepare the digests. You may use this form to make your original digests. Digests, including the title, authors' names, affiliations, main text and table(s)/figure(s), must be in single-column format on A4 paper or a close approximation. The top margin should be set to 30 and the left margin to 18 mm. The length of the text area should be 217 mm and the width of 174 mm. Bottom margin of approximately 50 mm should be left for the following information, the full-name, affiliation, E-mail address, fax number, mailing address and 18 mm phone number of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed. In addition, a preferred category number from the list on the "Call for Papers," should be specified. Either an E-mail or fax number is necessary for quick correspondence. Each digest is limited to a maximum of two pages. Do not type page numbers; your digest will be repaginated for publication. Digests must be typed with single spaced. Allow an extra half space above lines containing superscripts and below those containing subscripts. The characters should not be too small. A proportional, serif-type face, such as Times or Dutch Roman, is preferable. The font should be 10-10.5 points, except for the title, which should be 14 points, and the authors' names, which should be 11 points. One point is equal to about 0.35 mm. The digest should be submitted to the following address by e-mail as an attached file with the subject title. Submission by FAX will not be accepted. The word processor files should be transformed into PDF or MS Word files before submission. 217 mm Subject title: Digest submission for PMRC 2009 e-mail address: Kaizhong.gao@seagate.com II. TITLE AND AUTHORS Center the title on the first page so that it runs across the upper portions, within the left and right margins. The title of the paper should be typed in CAPITAL letters only with bold type, except for any small letters necessary to define subscript, superscripts, and other special character strings. The names of the authors, their affiliations and their business E-mail addresses should follow, on separate lines, in upper and lower case letters. The title and the authors' names are best printed in bold type. Print the family name of each author entirely in CAPITAL letters. Corresponding AUTHOR AIT, Akita Research Institute of Advanced Technology E-mail: submitpmrc@spin.pe.titech.ac.jp fax: +81-22-217-5496 tel: +81-22-217-5494 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577, Japan Preferred category: #6 50 mm III. MAJOR HEADINGS Major headings should be printed in CAPITAL letters and centered in the column. Insert one line above each major heading. When numbering equations, enclose the numbers in parentheses, and place them flush with the right-hand margin. Ep(k) = Lt(t,k)·e-kd·(1-e-kd) (1) IV. ILLUSTRATIONS Figures, line drawings and photographs are to be included in the two-page limit, and must be placed in a proper position within the margins. Colored illustrations and photographs may be used but they will be printed only in black-and-white in the digest book. Careful choice in color should be made when you use multi-colored figures so that best result is obtained in printed figures. All lines should be clear and heavy enough to remain legible during printing. Likewise, all lettering should be large, that is, at least as large as in a typewritten letter. Table captions should be placed above the tables flush with the left side. Figure captions must be typed in place, directly below the figures they describe. REFERENCES List and number a minimum number of bibliographical references at the end of the digest. When referring to them in the text, print the corresponding reference number in square brackets [1]. 1) P. M. Recording, "Second and final call for papers for the PMRC 2000," J. Magn. Soc. Jpn,. 10, 23-26, (2000). Table I Font sizes and styles. Title Authors' names Authors' affiliations Mailing/E-mail addresses Main text Other texts Fig. 1 Sample figure of a photograph. 14 points (Bold) 11 points (Bold) 10-10.5 points 10-10.5 points 10-10.5 points 10-10.5 points