Title of Manuscript: Author Guidelines Heinz Meier,1 Stefan Krause,2 Randall Smith2 1 Universität Leipzig, Fakultät für Physik und Geowissenschaften, Germany 2 Dept. of Chemical Engineering. Northwestern University, USA Corresponding author: Randall Smith, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Northwestern University, IL 602083120 Evanston, E-Mail: smith@nwu.edu (received 22 July 2005, accepted 29 July 2005) Abstract Abstract should be a single paragraph that summarizes the background, methods and the main findings of the paper. The printed area including text, illustrations, legends etc. should be 25 cm in length and 16 cm in width. Provide an empty headline above the Title to be filled in by Diffusion-Fundamentals. The character font should be "Times" in the whole document. Character size in the text must be 12 pts. Character size in Footnotes and Legends should be 10 pts. Copyrights remain with the Authors. Keywords provide five keywords 1. Section Diffusion Fundamentals is a peer-reviewed online journal publishing original research articles of an outrageous importance for a broad scientific community interested in diffusion and transport. Manuscripts in English language including short communications or full-length articles will be considered. No limitations of the length are required. As the main criteria for acceptance the contributions are required to demonstrate novel original research results important for any field of diffusion theory, experiment and application. 1.1. Subsection Editors would like to deliberately leave a decision on the presentation forms to authors. However basic requirements of scientific writing and arranging the manuscript are implied. The writing style should be concise and clear. The manuscript should start with the Title followed by Authors, Affiliations and Keywords. 1.1.1 Title Provide a clear title specific to the study but comprehensible to a broad community. All words except for prepositions, articles, and conjunctions should be in capital letters. Any abbreviations should be avoided in the title. 1.1.2 Authors and Affiliations Provide the first names or initials, the middle names or initials, and the last names. Provide affiliations (department, university or organization, city, state/province, country). Designate the corresponding author and provide the contact information. 2. Structure Recommended structure of the Sections is as follows: Summary, Introduction, Methods and Materials, Results, Discussions, Conclusions, References, Acknowledgments. Illustrations and tables should be numbered according to their sequence in the text and inserted into the corresponding sections of the contribution, see Fig. 1 for example. Each illustration or table should be accompanied by a caption. Please note: only high resolution Figures can be accepted. Fig. 1: Dependence of the parallel (⃞) and perpendicular (∆) components of the axisymmetrical self-diffusion tensor on the inverse temperature for water in MCM-41 as measured at 10 ms observation time with PFG NMR. The dotted lines may be used as a guide for the eyes. For comparison, the full line represents the self-diffusion coefficients of super-cooled bulk liquid water. Equations should appear with the number in parentheses at the right margin. Throughout the text and in the equations physical quantities have to be noted in Italic script. The Experimental section should provide enough detail for reproduction of the findings. Discussion should provide a critical interpretation of the data described in Results and support the main conclusions. Results and Discussions may be combined in one Section and organized into subheadings. References should be cited in the text by square brackets, e.g. [1]. 3. Conclusions Conclusions should summarize the main ideas and findings. References [1] H. Meier, S. Müller, R. F. Snider, Chem. Phys. Lett. 401 (2005) 28-35. [2] F.M. Ashcroft, Ion Channels and Disease, Academic Press, San Diego, 1998. [3] P. Colarusso, L.H. Kidder, I.W. Levin, E.N. Lewis, in: J.C. Lindon, G.E. Tranter, J.L. Holmes (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy and Spectrometry, Academic Press, San Diego, 1999, pp. 1945-1954.