Austin Independent School District Contract and Procurement Services Request for Proposals (RFP) P16-044 Learning Positioning System (LPS) III. SCOPE OF SERVICE AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS The following describes the scope of service and performance requirements that the selected Vendor will be expected to perform and/or provide. AISD intends to award a single contract for this RFP. Failure to address or to comprehensively describe capabilities to accomplish all elements of this section or unwillingness to customize or develop capabilities during Phases 1, 2 and 3 of this project will result in a loss of evaluation points. Please indicate (Y/N) for each requirement, if your firm meets or is willing to meet the requirement. Please describe in detail how your firm satisfies each of the following requirements, being sure to include examples and screenshots, whenever possible, to demonstrate your firm's ability to meet the requirements. Failure to respond to any requirement will result in a lower score. If a feature or functionality is currently in development or on the road map, please indicate in your detailed response when you anticipate the release of the feature or functionality. 3.1 Contractor's Capabilities – 20 Points 1. Vendor has experience implementing their management system in K-12 school districts, including large Texas urban districts. Include in your response, how many years your management system has been used in districts. List all large Texas urban districts that have or are currently using your system. 2. Vendor has managed assessment data for school districts with 65,000+ students. Include in your response the names of districts for whom you managed their assessment data. 3. System was developed by the Vendor. If not, include in your response the company from which you acquired your management system. 4. Vendor has full-time employees in Texas. If yes, include in your response how many, if any, of these employees are located in the Austin area. Y/N Phase N/A N/A N/A N/A Detailed Response Request for Proposals P16-044, Learning Positioning System (LPS) 5. Vendor has full-time staff who are actively certified to provide maintenance and support. Include in your response the number of full-time staff dedicated to maintenance and support, as well as the days and hours that support staff are available. Also indicate if a third-party supplier is used by your company to provide customer support. 6. Vendor provides response times that are industry standard or better. Include in your response, your response times to questions, support requests, fixing data quality issues, and fixing critical issues. 7. Vendor has minimal downtime, with downtime planned and communicated well in advance. In your response, indicate the average length of downtime during scheduled maintenance and the average downtime per year related to unexpected system failures. 8. Vendor provides a toll-free help-desk, with a waiting period not longer than 1 minute. If yes, in your response indicate hours and days available. 9. Vendor provides support through live chat and online Q&A. In your response, detail other help desk methods available. 10. Vendor has and uses an incident tracking system allowing its customers to create and track system issues. If yes, indicate in your response if access to the incident tracking system is limited to identified district users. Whether or not your company has an incident tracking system, list the top 20 customer reported issues encountered in the past 12 months. 11. Vendor has an online knowledge base (KB) detailing previous system issues, with resolutions. If yes, indicate in your response if access to the KB is limited to identified district users. 12. Vendor will assign one or more dedicated persons to the AISD account during the proposed project period. Include in your response the names of persons who will most Austin ISD Contract and Procurement Services N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Request for Proposals P16-044, Learning Positioning System (LPS) likely be assigned to the AISD account should your company be selected at the end of this RFP process. For each person listed include the title, length of time with your company, number of relevant years experience, and where they currently reside. Include all training staff who will likely be assigned to AISD to provide on-site or remote training. 13. Vendor, if invited to present, will at no cost to the District, provide the AISD evaluation team with a minimum of two (2) temporary Sandbox licenses to its system, which must be available upon invitation to present. 14. Vendor will assist AISD with system configuration, implementation, testing, training and roll-out during Phases 1, 2, and 3 of this project. In your response, detail what type of support is provided for each of these areas. 15. Vendor implements its system through a series of iterations, with success criteria established for each iteration. 16. Vendor employs industry best practices and tools with regard to project management methodologies for implementation and project delivery. In your response, explain the project management practices and tools used by your company. 3.2 Customization and Development – 20 Points 1. Vendor has full-time employees who are actively certified to provide customization and development. In your response, include how many full-time employees are dedicated to customization and development and where your development team(s) are located. 2. Vendor has or is currently partnering with education agencies and/or education service centers to customize features and functionality of its management system. Include in your response, the names of these agencies and the type of customizations provided. 3. Vendor has or is currently partnering with Austin ISD Contract and Procurement Services N/A N/A N/A N/A Y/N Phase N/A N/A N/A Detailed Response Request for Proposals P16-044, Learning Positioning System (LPS) education agencies and/or education service centers to develop features and functionality of its management system. Include in your response, the names of the agencies and the type of development provided. 4. System can accommodate the creation of customized fields to incorporate information, such as, but not limited to: vocabulary, background knowledge, prerequisites, strategies, resources, assessment correlations, number of lessons, performance outcomes, and accommodations for diverse students. If yes, include in your response examples of the types of customized fields that can be incorporated into the system. 5. Vendor, should it be selected at the end of this RFP process, is willing to partner with AISD to customize features and functionality of its system to meet the requirements outlined in this RFP. 6. Vendor, should it be selected at the end of this RFP process, is willing to partner with AISD to develop features and functionality of its system to meet the requirements outlined in this RFP. N/A N/A N/A 3.3 Program Plan – 40 Points 3.3.1 Teaching and Learning 1. System contains features and functionality of a Learning Positioning System (LPS). Include in your response the features and functionality that currently exist in your platform that support the purposes of an LPS as defined in the Introduction (Section I) of this RFP. 2. Vendor has accurately and effectively correlated the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) with State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR). 3. System is capable of referencing correlations between/among one or more TEKS/Student Expectation (SE) standards across content areas and grade levels, and various instructional Austin ISD Contract and Procurement Services Y/N Phase 1 1 1 Detailed Response Request for Proposals P16-044, Learning Positioning System (LPS) components of the AISD curriculum, including, but not limited to, units lessons, handouts, and assessments (including individual assessment items). 4. System is capable of referencing correlations between/among one or more TEKS/SE standards, and other sets of state and national standards, including English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS), and College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS), Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Standards, and 21st Century Skills. 5. Vendor entry of Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), including the notation of the Readiness and Supporting assessment standards, for all subjects, courses, grade levels, and dual coding (English and Spanish). 6. System contains a Learning Objects Repository (LOR) or Library to store various video, audio, text, interactive content and image file types. 7. System has the ability to save content to a repository as either "learning object" or "teaching object." 8. System contains a historical view of searches in the LOR, including the content parent version and threaded modifications by teachers or groups of teachers. 9. System is capable of referencing correlations between/among one or more TEKS/SE standards, and learning objects (LOs). 10. System has the ability to add content to a LOR in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, the linking of URLs, storing files created within the system, or the uploading of files, including 3rd-party content. 11. System allows for district-developed and district-adopted/purchased curriculum and teacher created lessons, as well as, instructional resources and materials (i.e., syllabi, scope and sequence documents, pacing calendars, vertical and horizontal standards alignments, planning guides, units, activities). Output is ideally able to be exported from the proprietary system to a Austin ISD Contract and Procurement Services 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Request for Proposals P16-044, Learning Positioning System (LPS) web format, digital document and a structured printing output. 12. Content creation is uncomplicated and straightforward, modular and menu-driven, with no required programming knowledge. 13. System allows for scope and sequence documents to be integrated into a lesson plan, allowing teachers to see SEs planned out over the course of the school year. 14. System has the ability to assign recommended content by standard, to individuals and class. 15. System has the ability to organize content in folders and subfolders. 16. System has the ability to export course content from one year to the next with file, folder and subfolder structure included. 17. System accommodates a wide range of curriculum and instruction resources and materials of a variety of types (i.e., stateadopted, district-adopted, district-created, teacher-created, district licensed instructional software) and formats (i.e., PDF documents, Word documents, web pages, image files, audio files, video files). Include in your response, maximum file size limits for imported resources and material formats. 18. System allows the embedding of videos in resources. Include in your response, maximum file size. 19. System allows a teacher to create a lesson plan from a selected district-developed or campusdeveloped template. 20. System allows a teacher to create a lesson plan from preloaded district components and content. 21. System allows a teacher to copy and paste instructional timelines of district curriculum into teacher lesson plans. 22. System allows teachers to share lesson plans within and across campuses using an anonymous approval workflow that is dynamic enough to have different approvers by grade band, subject area, campus, and district. Austin ISD Contract and Procurement Services 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Request for Proposals P16-044, Learning Positioning System (LPS) 23. System allow multiple teachers to create team lesson plans that can be edited and modified by the lesson owners, similar to a Google Doc. 24. System allows team created lesson plans to be used by teachers outside of the team by importing or saving a team lesson plan as an individual teacher lesson plan, then allowing the teacher to edit and/or modify the saved lesson plan. 25. System provides the ability for campus administrators to view and comment on personal lesson plans of teachers on their campus , and for central administrators and district curriculum developers to view and comment on personal lesson plans of all teachers by campus. 26. System provides the ability for teachers to view assignment titles and student results (i.e., number of completed assignments, missing assignments, assignment grades) of their assigned students, and send electronic comments to their students. 27. System provides the ability for campus administrators to view and comment on assignment titles and student results of the teachers on their campus, and for central administrators and district curriculum developers to view and comment on assignment titles and student results of all teachers by campus. 28. System provides the ability to search all content, files, and resources by variable criteria, including but not limited to: TEKS objectives, TEKS subobjectives, district academic performance standards, key words, subject, file name, file type, resource type, date, most used, author, and rating. 29. System contains a notification tool that can be individualized by user for the purpose of sending and receiving external notifications: deadlines new content revised content Austin ISD Contract and Procurement Services 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Request for Proposals P16-044, Learning Positioning System (LPS) 30. System considers teacher-modified content as the "original" for that teacher, as such, the modified content remains in the teacher's section. 31. System maintains a historical record of previous content revisions. 32. Hide/show content and selective release – through variable criteria, such as, but not limited to item completion, score, and date. 33. System supports languages other than English, including at minimum Spanish and Vietnamese. Response should include a list of all languages that are supported. 34. System includes a gradebook. If yes, include in your response whether or not the system has the ability to export grades from the system to the District's Student Information System (SIS), TEAMS. 35. System contains a relationship tool that promotes collaboration and community building (student to student, teacher to student, student to teacher, teacher to parent, parent to teacher, and teacher to teacher). 36. System allow users, including teachers and students, to rate and write comments about curriculum components, resources, and learning objects. 37. System allows students access to assignments from all classes to coordinate their workload. 38. System provides student customization options, such as assignment view or portfolio format. In your response, describe all existing customizable options for student, as users. 39. System provides student portfolio capability. In your response, include the unique benefits of your student portfolio feature. 40. System contains a template for space to house personal learning plans. Personal learning plans can be modified by teacher, student, or parent. 41. System has the ability for teachers to add interventions to an individual or group learning plan. 42. System allows for mastery course and section Austin ISD Contract and Procurement Services 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Request for Proposals P16-044, Learning Positioning System (LPS) creation through a District's Student Information System (SIS). 43. System allows students to add resource to an existing bank. 44. System user interface looks different depending on the user role. In your response, highlight some of the key differences by user. 45. System contains course templates. 46. System contains bookmarking capability. 47. System contains a student note-taking tool. 48. System contains a modular lesson plan builder. 49. System contains a plagiarism checker. 50. System contains an equation editor, with the capability to select varying symbols, fonts, and font attributes. In your response, highlight features that can be manipulated by the end user. 51. System contains an assignment creator, with drop boxes. 52. System contains threaded discussion board capability. 53. System contains a Wiki tool. 54. System contains a blogging tool. 55. System contains a rubrics tool. 56. System contains document sharing capability. 57. System contains chatting capability with built-in safety features (pairs and groups), that can be monitored and unmonitored. 58. System has the ability to send and receive SMS "text message" alerts. 59. System has the ability to deliver and archive synchronous learning presentations (whiteboard, screen sharing, chat, video). 60. System has the ability to host simulations. 61. System has the ability to link to external email system. For example, teachers or students can set up their internal mail to be delivered to their external email address. 3.3.2 Assessment 1. System allows for the creation of a district item bank and the ability to import items from the current item bank. System has the functionality Austin ISD Contract and Procurement Services 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Y/N Phase 1 Detailed Response Request for Proposals P16-044, Learning Positioning System (LPS) to align items to the TEKS, with notation of Readiness and Supporting, and allow dual coding for all assessed standards (English and Spanish). In your response, include information regarding any included item banks the number of items for each item bank, and the cost associated with each item bank. 2. System accommodates a large expandable bank of juried questions (vendor provided, districtdeveloped, and district-purchased) for STAAR and non-STAAR content areas. 3. System has the ability to restrict access to test items. 4. System has the ability to share new test items and passages. 5. System has the ability to search test items by TEKS objectives, TEKS sub-objectives, district academic performance standards, level of difficulty/understanding, depth of knowledge level, SE, grade level, subject, cognitive level, language, Readiness and Supporting, and dual coded, item type, and keywords. 6. System includes copyright/item source for test items. 7. System has the ability to show item revision history, including editor names. 8. System has the ability to link items with corresponding passages, either single or paired. 9. System can distinguish between and separate test items and item banks by district-, campus-, and user-authored items. 10. System allows for uncomplicated and straightforward creation and delivery of a variety of teacher-, campus-, and districtdeveloped assessments and answer sheets, including, but not limited to rubrics, performance-based assessments, project-based learning, quizzes, and district tests. 11. System allows for uncomplicated and straightforward creation and delivery of individualized and group assessments based on student performance data and needs. 12. System supports the creation and delivery of Austin ISD Contract and Procurement Services 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Request for Proposals P16-044, Learning Positioning System (LPS) pre-assessments tied to mastery learning of course content. 13. System supports the creation of multiple versions of tests, without recreating each test. 14. System contains a copy feature, so that existing assessments can be easily modified to form a new assessment. 15. System provides at minimum the following seven (7) methods of input of assessment data: NCS scanning of student answer sheets (i.e., AEIS-IT) plain paper scanning of student answer sheets online keying of student answer sheets online keying of student answers by the student online keying of student answers by the teacher online keying of student assessment data (i.e., rubric-scored, observational checklist, numeric score) by the teacher delimited text file batch import handheld wireless device 16. System must accommodate the following types of assessment data: State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) Texas Primary Reading Inventory (TPRI / TejasLee) District Tests Campus Tests Classroom Assessments Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) American College Test (ACT) Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) 17. System contains a rubric tool, and includes preloaded leveled rubrics and templates. 18. System accommodates paper-based assessments and online assessments in multiple Austin ISD Contract and Procurement Services 1 1 1 1 1 1 Request for Proposals P16-044, Learning Positioning System (LPS) formats. In your response, include the unique benefits of your testing feature, noting which formats are online-based only. 19. System allows for online testing in a secure browser environment. In your response, include the unique features of the secure environment. 20. System provides student portfolio capability. In your response include the unique benefits of your student portfolio feature. 21. System supports applicable STAAR accommodations. Include in your response, the type of accommodations supported and if accommodations can be assigned based on student's needs. 22. System contains text editing functionality when creating and modifying assessments. 23. System has the ability to search for and modify existing test items. 24. System has the ability to reorder, renumber, and replace items on an existing test. 25. System provides immediate scoring results to students, teachers and administrators for tests and quizzes taken online or in paper version. 26. System allows teachers to easily integrate student test grades into their gradebook (TEAM, Prologic). If yes, explain the integration process. 27. System is able to configure item alignment to the TEKS. System will allow weighting of items, assignment of Depth of Knowledge (DOK) level, page breaks, formatting, importing of art, paired passages, online testing, print options, testing windows and teacher scoring options. In your response, identify which alignments are configurable and explain the configuration item alignment process. 28. System has the ability to map assessment items to learning objects. 29. System supports the grouping of items and allows the user to embed files, images or videos into assessments. In your response, include the maximum file size allowed. 30. System supports assessments taken from a mobile device (i.e., tablet). Austin ISD Contract and Procurement Services 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Request for Proposals P16-044, Learning Positioning System (LPS) 31. System contains the ability to enable and disable calculator use during assessments. 32. System can create a PDF and a Word version of tests. System will allow for ancillary documents to be made available to teachers and test takers through links on the test page. 33. System can import test questions from the following file formats: QTI, XLS, SML, Word. In your response, include any other file formats that can be used to import test questions. 34. System allows the ability to easily add audio support for test items and answers. In your response, explain how this is done. 35. System allows a test question to be linked to more than one standard, either from two or more standard documents or within the same standard document (i.e., English Language Arts). 36. System enables users to be limited to a prescribed testing window that may be unique to each test and/or campus. 37. System retains all previously created assessments and items. PDF formatting remains the same after a product update is applied. 3.3.3 Reporting and Analytics 1. System provides complete student profile and longitudinal assessment data from the time a student enters school, with data from three or more years back. 2. System provides quality pre-formatted and adhoc reports, that contain actionable information based on system data, in easy to understand formats (i.e., color coding, bar graphs, line graphs, pie chart, tables) that may be viewed in a number of ways to meet the needs of different users. 3. System allows for detailed reporting of all imported data. 4. System provides longitudinal item analysis and reporting of multiple formative assessment data (not averaged for grading purposes), correlated to TEKS objectives and sub-objectives for individual students. 5. System provides longitudinal item analysis and Austin ISD Contract and Procurement Services 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Y/N Phase 1 2 1 2 2 Detailed Response Request for Proposals P16-044, Learning Positioning System (LPS) reporting of summative assessment data (averaged for grading purposes), correlated to TEKS objectives and sub-objectives for individual students. 6. System provides longitudinal item analysis and reporting of assessment data, correlated to TEKS objectives and sub-objectives for individual teachers. 7. System provides longitudinal item analysis and reporting of assessment data, correlated to TEKS objectives and sub-objectives for individual campuses. 8. System provides longitudinal item analysis and reporting of assessment data, correlated to TEKS objectives and sub-objectives for the District. 9. System provides longitudinal item analysis and reporting of assessment data, correlated to TEKS objectives and sub-objectives for PEIMS-based student groups and subgroups. 10. System provides longitudinal item analysis and reporting of assessment data, correlated to TEKS objectives and sub-objectives for programbased student groups and subgroups (i.e., Special Education, GT, Bilingual/ESL, dyslexia, atrisk). 11. System provides longitudinal item analysis and reporting of multiple formative assessment data (not averaged for grade reporting purposes), correlated to district academic performance standards for individual students. 12. System provides longitudinal item analysis and reporting of multiple summative assessment data (averaged for grade reporting purposes), correlated to district academic performance standards for individual students. 13. System provides longitudinal item analysis and reporting of assessment data, correlated to district academic performance standards for individual teachers. 14. System provides longitudinal item analysis and reporting of assessment data, correlated to district academic performance standards for individual campuses. Austin ISD Contract and Procurement Services 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Request for Proposals P16-044, Learning Positioning System (LPS) 15. System provides longitudinal item analysis and reporting of assessment data, correlated to district academic performance standards for PEIMS-based student groups and subgroups. 16. System provides longitudinal item analysis and reporting of assessment data, correlated to district academic performance standards for program-based student groups and subgroups (i.e., Special Education, GT, Bilingual/ESL, dyslexia, at-risk). 17. System provides longitudinal item analysis and reporting of assessment data, including statistical analysis (i.e., p-value, point by-serial) and customizable score group color-coding for assessment reporting. 18. System has the ability to produce and publish custom reports that are accessible to other identified users. Include in your response examples of custom reports that customers have created and if there was a cost associated with report customization. 19. System provides a tracking report for Reports Published (i.e., title, type of report, who the report was published to, when). 20. System allows for a single report to be published to multiple level/areas (i.e., District, High Schools, Middle Schools, Elementary Schools, Alternative Schools). 21. System contains a seamless integration of a gradebook program with the assessment component (i.e., scanned and online data input). 22. System has the ability to record and access metadata fields (including keywords, tags, and similar classification data) for content, students, curricular units and other elements which can be selected for reporting and analytics. 23. System can provide a report of students who have mastery of a specific standard or students who have failed to master a specific standard. 24. System provides an analytics tool that can: track usage and interactions of all aspects of the application assess attainment of TEKS and specific Austin ISD Contract and Procurement Services 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Request for Proposals P16-044, Learning Positioning System (LPS) learning objectives identify groups of students who have attained the same level of mastery in order to target instruction and assess a student's educational progress by standard, across disciplines and/or grade levels. 25. System can produce a per class or universal calendar view and report of all classes taught by or taken by an individual. 26. System does not place limits on the number of columns that can be included in a report. 27. System reports can be separated by course number (i.e., stacked inclusion classes). 28. System provides reports in a PDF format, CSV, and Microsoft Excel formats. 29. System provides a masking function for reports. 30. System provides dashboards at various levels (district, campus, teacher, and student) to identify students that are meeting multiple criteria and those that need support (i.e., early warning indicator). 3.3.4 Technology 1. System has a responsive web-base design with tools and capabilities for creating, storing, and accessing course content, curriculum, resources, data, metrics, custom queries, and reports. 2. Vendor will allow system to be hosted on AISD server(s). In your response, indicate the method of hosting that is allowed. 3. System is compatible and works on Mac OS, Windows OS, Chrome OS, iOS, Android OS, and other devices that connect to the AISD network, such as Nooks and Kindles. In your response, indicate any of these systems that are not compatible. 4. System is compatible with and successfully operates on all current major operating systems and devices. Respond by listing the devices and operating systems your application supports. 5. System is fully integrated, using a single common database and application for all Austin ISD Contract and Procurement Services 2 1 2 1 2 1 Y/N Phase 1 1 1 1 1 Detailed Response Request for Proposals P16-044, Learning Positioning System (LPS) features. 6. System is device and browser agnostic, with all system functionality accessible from any AISD workstation on the District's wide area network with a standard browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Google Chrome). 7. Vendor offers standard and flexible general communication requirements for home access (cable, broadband, DSL). In your response, provide recommendations and requirements for home access. 8. System must use Thin Client with screen refresh rates comparable to high-speed internet performance (2.5 seconds or less). In your response, specify Wi-Fi speed per hundred users on campuses. 9. System does not require client applications to be installed on workstations. 10. System does not require the use of Terminal Services on either workstations or services to support the delivery of system functionality to the browser. 11. System does not require ActiveX controls or installation of Java Virtual Machine on workstations. 12. System can work in a proxy server environment. 13. System supports integration with SAML or Active Directory for authentication and role assertion. 14. System includes support for an automated interface with existing district enterprise systems where needed. The District's ERP system is Infor Lawson and the student information system is TEAMS (Prologic). 15. System requires no local application programming in order to become operational. 16. System is able to import the raw format of all State and national standardized test results (i.e., STAAR, TPRI / TejasLee, TELPAS, SAT, ACT, PSAT, and TSI). In your response, explain the import delivery process for the data to be viewable in the system by end users in the system. Austin ISD Contract and Procurement Services 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Request for Proposals P16-044, Learning Positioning System (LPS) 17. System allows printing of information displayed in the interface from any function within the system (without requiring copy/paste operations). 18. Data are stored on a secure server with backup recovery systems in place with access available for extract and download as needed. 19. Systems for database storage include Oracle 11.2+ and Microsoft SQL Server 2008+. 20. System provides HTTPS support in all functions where usernames, passwords, and other confidential data is transferred; therefore, the system allows for all web pages to be accessed solely through a secure HTTP connection. 21. System provides for Cloud environment integration support in all functions where usernames and/or passwords are transmitted for Single Sign On (SSO). 22. System's web-based interface will utilize the existing user identification system for secured access, data, and reporting. AISD uses a Microsoft Active Directory for managing user names and passwords, and the WebNetwork Cloud environment for SAML authentication. 23. System's web-based interface will be able to handle standardized and custom query and reporting capabilities on any identified basis and by multiple time frames (daily, weekly, monthly, annually). 24. System's web-based interface will allow the export of reports and raw data to a Microsoft Excel (.xls / .xlsx) compatible format and directly to Adobe Acrobat. 25. Data stored in the system is FERPA and COPPA compliant. 26. Vendor will load data for AISD system migration at no cost to AISD. 27. System has the ability to import and export pertinent data to other district systems. 28. Vendor has documentation (i.e., SAS70) outlining in detail the security measures in place to protect district data. In your response, outline security measures currently in place. Austin ISD Contract and Procurement Services 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Request for Proposals P16-044, Learning Positioning System (LPS) 29. System has the ability to support microcredentialing/digital badges and houses the associated meta-data for curriculum and professional development purposes. 30. Vendor has security measures built into its development lifecycle. In your response, outline security measures currently in place and the cadence of product release cycles. 31. System is ADA compliant. 32. System provides accessibility and use features to accommodate persons with disabilities. In your response detail the accommodations that exist in the system and the specific disability that it addresses. Guidance can be found in the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which was amended in 1998. 33. System offers options for data integration (i.e., Web service, XML) and frequency options. In your response, detail options available for data integration. 34. Vendor will perform a comprehensive performance load testing of the system as part of its system implementation and support. 35. Vendor will provide AISD with a separate staging and testing environment for rolling out customizations, new functionality, fixes, and patches to the system. 36. Vendor will provide AISD with notification via email, not less than two weeks in advance, of upcoming releases, changes, and retirements. 37. Vendor will conduct and provide AISD with their Quality Assurance process for upcoming releases and changes. 38. Vendor allows AISD to reserve the right to schedule and/or reject any upcoming releases to Testing and Production environments. 39. Vendor will provide raw and enriched/ calculated data available to AISD in a standard (non-proprietary) data format that can easily be recognized by the District, such as XML or CSV. 40. Vendor provides a data dictionary that adequately explains its enriched/calculated data. Austin ISD Contract and Procurement Services 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Request for Proposals P16-044, Learning Positioning System (LPS) 41. Vendor has the flexibility to change the format based on changes to AISD standards and architecture. 42. Vendor will make enriched/calculated data available via an FTP site, Web services, or other method from which AISD can automatically pull data securely on a set schedule or on demand. If yes, include in your response the secure automated options available to AISD, how the data will be encrypted, and the encryption standards used by the Vendor. 43. Vendor will provide support or make a Subject Matter Expert (SME) available, if and when, issues occur related to accessing or understanding enriched/calculated data. 44. Vendor can transfer data to AISD in real time, if required. 45. System includes dashboards. If yes, provide screenshots of dashboard examples. 46. Vendor can uniquely match formative assessment data to each student, intervention, and other records. 47. System contains multiple and customizable roles, including the ability to hold more than one role in each course/class. 48. System supports a variety of scanners. Include in your response the scanners and specifications supported. 49. Vendor will work with existing AISD vendors to obtain a Common Cartridge or LTI to ensure the ability to integrate textbooks and instructional materials. 50. System integrates with external software/applications such as social media, blogging, and videos. Include in your response any web-based apps that are already integrated into your system (i.e., Kahoot, Plickers). 51. System has applications that can be purchased and/or turned off by AISD. 52. System is mobile device compatible (Android, Windows, IOS, OSX, Chrome). 53. Vendor offers mobile application that supports SAML authentication. Austin ISD Contract and Procurement Services 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Request for Proposals P16-044, Learning Positioning System (LPS) 54. System offers user friendly navigation with regard to all tools and functionality. 55. Vendor has processes and measures in place to ensure that system updates and new releases do not create issues in existing system functionality and data. In your response, indicate the processes and measures that are in place. 56. Vendor must provide detailed specifications for data files that AISD is to produce from TEAMS for SIS uploads, including, but not limited to data types, sizes, precision, and nullability. 57. System must allow for AISD to produce and upload a complete set of year-to-date data each day, and not a set of differential data from the previous upload. 58. System must provide daily detailed error reports from the uploads of the various data files. 3.3.5 Professional Growth and Training 1. System provides robust staff development directly within the system (i.e., help feature, tutorials, printable training materials, Knowledge Base, FAQ) 2. Vendor will provide a separate training and staging (testing) environment for AISD system training purposes. 3. Vendor provides on-site train-the-trainer and web-based training designed to meet the needs of AISD users throughout all phases of the project. 4. Vendor provides knowledge transfer and training on each data element of the system. 5. Vendor provides just-in-time help, with 24/7 access to online pre-recorded animated tutorials and other training/user support. In your response, detail what your just-in-time help looks like. 6. Vendor offers online live and recorded training events for new features and functionality or updates to existing features and functionality. 7. System integrates with AISD's Human Capital Platform for registration, tracking, and reporting of teacher and staff development. Austin ISD Contract and Procurement Services 1 1 1 1 1 Y/N Phase 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Detailed Response Request for Proposals P16-044, Learning Positioning System (LPS) 8. System integrates with AISD's Human Capital Platform for the delivery of online content created in the Learning Positioning System. 1 IV. FINANCIAL PROPOSAL – 20 Points Provide a detailed response to the following questions: 1. What is the cost of your products and services and how are your costs structured (i.e., licensing by, fees, concurrent vs. named users)? 2. Does the Vendor use a third-party to host its system for customers? If so, who is the third-party vendor? 3. What is the pricing difference between a vendor hosted, customer hosted, and third-party hosted system? 4. What, if any, additional costs/fees would there be for users outside the firewall? 5. What, if any, additional costs are associated with the set-up and configuration of any hardware and platform components required to support your system? 6. Are your system components sold separately? Include a detailed description of your components and associated costs. 7. What, if any, additional hardware or software purchases are required beyond the basic hardware/software system requirements? 8. What, if any, additional costs are there for providing AISD with a testing/staging, training, and production environment? 9. What are the options and pricing associated with training AISD identified trainers, district staff and administrators (i.e., live onsite training, webinars)? 10. What are the options and pricing associated with training teachers and campus staff (i.e., live onsite training, webinars)? 11. What are the options and pricing associated with training system administrators, helpdesk staff, and developers (i.e., live onsite training, webinars)? 12. What, if any, customization costs will there be for customization of existing features and functionality? How are these costs structured and are there customization limits? Austin ISD Contract and Procurement Services Request for Proposals P16-044, Learning Positioning System (LPS) 13. What, if any, development costs will there be to develop functionality and features to meet the requirements of this RFP? How are these costs structured and are there development limits? 14. What options and prices are there for maintenance and support during Phases 1, 2, 3, and beyond Phase 3? Austin ISD Contract and Procurement Services