
Date Policy Document Adopted
Issue (Version) Number
Last Review Date
Next Planned Review Due
Related Documents
June 2006
September 2013
September 2015
Contract of Employment
1. Purpose
The purpose of the Bullying and Harassment Policy is to state clearly BCC’s
opposition to bullying or harassing behaviour in the workplace and to provide
a clear process for managers and employees to follow. Additionally it provides
managers and employees with some guidance on the nature of bullying and
2. Definitions
BCC is Blackpool Carers Centre
Bullying may be characterised as:
offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour, an abuse or
misuse of power through means intended to undermine, humiliate,
denigrate or injure the recipient .
Harassment, in general terms, is:
unwanted conduct affecting the dignity of men and women in the
workplace. It may be related to age, sex, race, disability, sexual
orientation, religion, nationality or any personal characteristic of the
individual, and may be persistent or an isolated incident. The key is
that the actions or comments are viewed as demeaning and
unacceptable to the recipient.
Further examples are listed in more detail below, but it is not an exhaustive
i. spreading malicious rumours, or insulting someone
(particularly in relation to the above);
ii. copying memos that are critical about someone to others
who do not need to know;
iii. ridiculing or demeaning someone – picking on them or
setting them up to fail;
iv. exclusion or victimisation;
v. overbearing supervision or other misuse of power or position;
vi. unwelcome sexual advances – touching, display of offensive
vii. making threats or comments about job security;
viii. deliberately undermining a worker by overloading and
constant criticism;
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ix. preventing individuals progressing by intentionally blocking
promotion or training opportunities.
x. sending bullying, offensive or an unnecessary amount of
emails to people
Line Managers are responsible for ensuring that employees who report to
them perform to an acceptable standard. Bullying does not therefore include
legitimate, justifiable, appropriately conducted criticism of an employee’s
behaviour or job performance.
Bullying and harassment do not need to be face to face; they may be by
written communications, social media, email, text messaging and telephone.
3. Policy Statement
 BCC is opposed to bullying or harassing behaviour in the work
place and will respond seriously, sensitively, confidentially and fairly
to any allegations of such behaviour.
BCC recognises that bullying or harassing behaviours in the
workplace are not only damaging to the individual recipient(s), but
that they are also damaging to the organisation.
Where an allegation of bullying or harassment is upheld on
investigation, BCC will deal with the matter firmly and swiftly, in line
with the Disciplinary Procedure, and the most severe disciplinary
sanction will include dismissal.
All employees are responsible for ensuring that their own behaviour
is sensitive to others and for ensuring that they do not condone or
support the bullying or harassing behaviours of others.
BCC will ensure that anyone bringing a complaint of harassment or
bullying will not be victimised for having done so.
Managers are responsible for leading by example and will be
expected to treat their staff and other colleagues with respect,
dignity and sensitivity. BCC has a zero tolerance of bullying and
harassment which will be reflected in all its organisational
4. Procedure
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BCC recognises that an individual experiencing bullying or harassing behaviour may
find it hard to raise the matter and may have concerns about how their complaint is
perceived or responded to. Therefore the organisation wishes to make it clear that
any such allegations will be taken seriously and heard sensitively, confidentially and
No one will be victimised for having taken out a complaint of harassment or bullying
but, if, following investigation it is found that the complaint is both untrue and has
been brought with malicious intent, disciplinary action will be taken.
Many incidents of harassment can be dealt with effectively in an informal way by
raising the matter with the harasser without invoking this procedure. Often the
harasser has no idea of the effect their behaviour is having on others. Once it is
drawn to their attention the behaviour ceases. Therefore, where possible, individuals
are encouraged to raise the issue directly with the harasser.
However, BCC recognises that there will be circumstances where the individual
experiencing bullying or harassment will not feel comfortable raising the matter
directly with the harasser. In these instances, or where the problem has been raised
but the behaviour of the harasser has not changed, the individual should discuss the
matter with their Line Manager. However, they are also able to raise their complaint
under the stage of the Grievance Procedure that feels most appropriate, comfortable
and safe.
The individual experiencing bullying or harassment is encouraged to approach their
Line Manager for advice and support.
BCC offers all employees a free confidential and independent Employee Counselling
Service. Employees are able to contact counsellors to discuss any personal
problems or issues in a confidential and secure way 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Details of the service are available on the noticeboard. The service is also available
to family members.
If the complainant then experiences further bullying or harassment as a result of
raising their concerns, this will be regarded as victimisation and the alleged harasser
will be liable to disciplinary action.
Should, upon investigation under the Grievance Procedure, the complaint of bullying
or harassment be upheld, the harasser will be subject to the appropriate stage of the
Disciplinary Procedure. This can include dismissal, including summary dismissal
where the behaviours constitute gross misconduct.
BCC will also consider providing counselling to individuals who have experienced
bullying and harassment. Guidance and, in some cases, counselling, will also be
offered to the person whose behaviour has been described as unacceptable.
Monitoring and Review
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The Chief Officer will keep confidential records of any and all complaints of bullying
and harassment. These records will note the parties involved in the complaint, the
nature, details and date of the complaint and how it was dealt with and resolved. An
annual report will be made to the Board in order to keep them informed as to the
levels of complaints and resolutions.
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