Bullying and Harassment Policy Sample

Bullying and Harassment Policy SAMPLE #1. You may need to revise this policy to suit your business needs.
Insert Company Name (logo) here:
Bullying and Harassment Policy
(Insert company name) is committed to providing a safe and respectful work environment for all staff and
clients. Bullying and harassment will not be tolerated in this organization. All workers will be treated in a fair
and respectful manner.
Bullying and Harassment:
(a) includes any inappropriate conduct or comment by a person towards a worker that the person knew or
reasonably ought to have known would cause that worker to be humiliated or intimidated, but
(b) excludes any reasonable action taken by an employer or supervisor relating to the management and
direction of workers or the place of employment.
Examples of conduct or comments that might constitute bullying and harassment include verbal aggression or
insults, calling someone derogatory names, harmful hazing or initiation practices, vandalizing personal
belongings, and spreading malicious rumors.
Employers are responsible for:
 Modeling respectful conduct in the workplace;
 Taking all complaints about disrespectful behaviour seriously and addressing them promptly;
 Intervening when they witness disrespectful behaviour to stop the behaviour;
 Providing guidance and assistance to employees who report disrespectful behaviour to them;
 Investigating reports of harassment and bullying when necessary and taking proper corrective action;
 Explaining the significance of this Policy when involved in orienting new employees.
Employees are responsible for:
 Conducting themselves in a respectful manner in the workplace and at work related gatherings;
 Attempting to resolve differences with other employees in a respectful manner;
 Approaching their supervisor or manager for assistance to do this;
Reporting to the employer if they experience harassment or witness another person being harassed;
Co-operating in the investigation of a harassment complaint
The (insert company name here) will keep the identity of the individuals involved in the complaint and any
information about the complaint confidential, unless: it is necessary in investigating the complaint, if it is part
of the disciplinary action, or where it is part of the law.
*The safety information in this policy does not take precedence over Yukon Occupational Health and Safety legislation. All employees
should be familiar with the Yukon Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Regulations.