Meadstead Children’s Centre Advisory Board Meeting Focus: Engaging Dad’s in children’s learning. Date: 9th July 2014 Time: 4pm Venue: Meadstead Children’s Centre Attendees: David Tomlinson (Community Member and Advisory Board Deputy Chair) Leanne Cooper (Parent) Scott Copeland (Health Trainer) Joy Harris (National Careers Service) Charlotte Dalton (Reception) Claire Chambers (Children’s Centre Manager) Apologies: Matt Bullimore Wendy Baxter Lucy Hardwick Gemma Day Sarah Broadbent Anette Martin Meigh Natalie Chappell (Parent Representative Vicky Caunt (Healthy Settings) Agenda for the meeting: Introductions David Tomlinson to Chair meeting Managers Report Update on Action Plan from Last Meeting Joy Harris (National Careers Service) to present information about what their service can offer to our parents. Focus: Engaging Dad’s in children’s learning Reach Area – Data specific to Dad’s Scott Copeland (Health Trainer) to present information on how his service works with men in our community. What we currently do in our own settings? What else we can do in our own settings in relation to this? What do we currently do in our own settings? Action Plan Suggested Focus for the next meeting Next Meeting Date: 9th October 2014 4pm Minutes were agreed from last meeting. Produced By Charlotte Dalton 09 February 2016 Minutes Introductions A round of introductions was completed by the group. Welcome to Joy Harris representing the National Careers Service who has replaced Margaret Stevenson due to a prior commitment. Manager’s Report Claire circulated a Manager’s report before the meeting. Ofsted recommendations for further improvement were discussed, more evidence based procedures are in place to demonstrate the impact our services have on our families. Continual recruitment of parents is underway to increase representation of parents ie; parents forum, advisory board, and board of governors. No specific questions were raised. Claire discussed priority groups, and how hard it was to engage Dad’s. There is no data to say how many Dad’s are in the Royston area, but proven how important to a child’s development, the presence of the Dad in the child’s upbringing. Domestic violence is high in the Royston area also. Claire discussed the Mini Academy Ofsted inspection May 2014. The grade given was ‘requires improvement’. Claire felt that the inspection was not carried out in the correct manner, as the inspector did not give any indication, until it was too late, of the grading she had decided upon. Therefore no further evidence could be sub-mitted to clarify any doubts the inspector had. It was also felt that the inspector did not understand how the planning worked within the setting. A complaint has been made to Ofsted in relation to the conduct of the inspector. Leanne Cooper explained she had complained to Ofsted regarding the inspector, as she was stood up holding a laptop trying to type in answers and comments that Leanne and another parent were discussing. Leanne felt in the report a lot of what was said, was missed out. Claire and Leanne both agreed that the outcome from the complaints would be that another inspection would not be carried out in this way again. Claire explained that the grading would not be changed, as a result of the complaint. A re-inspection could be expected in the next 12 months. Claire advised that due to the grading, at present the Two Year Old entitlement funding would not be withdrawn, grading have to be ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ to receive funding. The action plan would be followed in order to receive a ‘good’ grading at the next inspection. Action Plan from last meeting Job Club is underway with a drop in session scheduled for September, then a six week group thereafter. Action: Joy Harris to attend the drop in session to speak to parents and represent National Careers Service. The benefits were discussed of having a parent in the household that works how this positively affects the child/children in the household. Produced By Charlotte Dalton 09 February 2016 A champion for each priority group was agreed, ensuring that research was carried out and focus remained on each priority group. Joy Harris National Careers Service Joy presented the services which they offer and gave examples of how the service could help families. This is a one stop service, offering not only careers advice but identifying transferable skills and how to develop them, help with accessing education, voluntary work, paid work, or courses etc. An individual plan is generated for each person. It was agreed that this would be a fantastic partnership with the children’s centre as many of the parents have lost confidence, have no self esteem, and feel incapable of getting back into work. Focus: Engaging Dad’s in children’s learning Claire explained that in short there was no data on Dad’s. It is nearly impossible to have a figure of how many Dads’ live in the Royston/Carlton area. Therefore an engagement figure cannot be obtained. Registering Dad’s was also difficult as we predominately dealt with mothers, they would complete the registration form, with Dad not being present. Scott Copeland (Health Trainer) Scott discussed how to engage men and how this presented problems in many different areas. He reported how they have adapted ways to capture men, by collaborating with Barnsley Football Club and this has been running for five years. By collaborating with a football club it disguises the main goal of the group which is obviously health and fitness. Scot also offered his services at any events, groups etc that he could be of assistance, also being a male presence in a predominately female environment could make the Dad’s feel more comfortable. It was also discussed that the advertising materials the Centre produced did appeal more to females and children, but not Dad’s. This matter will be addressed and put into place immediately. Action Plan Joy Harris and Scott Copeland to attend the drop in session (Job Club) Claire to present examples of the new advertising to appeal to Dad’s Focus of the next meeting: Agreed that this would be Domestic Violence. Produced By Charlotte Dalton 09 February 2016