1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Arlington, VA 22209, USA +1-703- 475-9217 http://dicom.nema.org E-mail: dicom@medicalimaging.org MINUTES DICOM WORKING GROUP SIX (Base Standard) Sept. 14-19, 2015 MITA/NEMA HQ Arlington, Virginia, USA Members Present M T W Th F x x x x x x x x x x x x x JIRA PixelMed Philips Healthcare Makoto Suzuki for Yukio Ito David Clunie x Wim Corbijn x x x x x x x x x x x Siemens Healthcare Toshiba MRI USA Bjorn Nolte Kevin O’Donnell x x x x x x x x Members Not Present Voting Representative Carl Zeiss Medical Software *Merge Healthcare *Konica Minolta Med. Imaging Karl-Heinz Fleischer Ronald Cowan Michael Laconti ACR Agfa Healthcare GE Healthcare Represented by James Philbin Robert Horn Harry Solomon 1688 x x x _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 Alternate Voting Representatives, Observers, Others Present Affiliation Ulrich Busch Dianna Cody M T W Th x x x x x F Lynne Fairobent David Flade Sven Flossmann WG-07/Varian WG-21/AAPM/ MDAnderson WG-16fMRI/Nordic Neuro Lab WG-28/AAPM WG-16/Brainlab WG-16/Brainlab Brad Gabrielse Shlomo Gotman Marc Kaemmerer WG-21/GE WG-21/Philips Deutsche Roentgengesellschaft x x Janet Keyes Andrweas Klingler Joe Luszcz Hologic WG-11/Siemens WG-11/Philips p p p Chris Pauer Donald Peck Sonja Pujol WG-07/Accuray WG-28/AAPM WG-16/Harvard Med School Elliot Silver Francisco Sureda Elmar Seeberger McKesson WG-02/GE WG-16/Siemens p p p Jim Reuss p p p R. Rajagopalan Reinhard Ruf WG-16fMRI/Prism Clinical Imaging p WG-16/Philips p WG-21/Siemens Stephen Vastagh Rowena Vigh Reinhard Ruf MITA WG-16/Medtronic WG-21/Siemens x x p x Jonathan Whitby WG-11/Toshiba p Cathy Elsinger x p x p p x x p p x p p p x x x x x x p (* = Does not count toward a quorum, P = Phone and/or web, X = Present) Presiding Officer: Robert Horn, Chair 1689 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 Contents 1. Opening and Administrative .................................................................................................. 1691 2. Report on Ballots..................................................................................................................... 1691 3. CPack-82 Ballot Results: Review of the Comments, Disposition of the CPs ..................... 1691 4. VP-Current (Voting Package) for September 2015)......................................................... 1697 5. Letter Ballot CPack-83 ........................................................................................................... 1702 6. Assigned CPs Discussed .......................................................................................................... 1706 7. VP-Next (Voting Package for November 2015 - the next WG-06 meeting).................... 1712 8. New CPs Submitted that were assigned a CP Number and an Editor .............................. 1714 9. New CPs Submitted But Not Issued a CP Number ............................................................. 1716 10. CPs on Hold ............................................................................................................................. 1717 11. CPs Cancelled at this meeting ................................................................................................ 1718 12. List of all remaining assigned CPs at the end of this WG-06 meeting ............................... 1719 13. Supplement 121 – Modality Procedure Plan and Protocol Storage (CT) {WI-2006-04-E} ..... ................................................................................................................................................... 1728 14. Supplement 147 – 2nd Generation Radiotherapy Prescription [WI ................................. 1729 15. Supplement 156 – Planar MPR Volumetric Presentation State {WI 2008-04-C}............. 1729 16. Supplement 174, RS (RESTFUL) (RETRIEVE) RENDERING – WI-2008-04-B) .......... 1730 17. Supplement 175 –2nd Generation Radiotherapy - C-Arm Radiations {WI 2007-06-B} .. 1730 18. Supplement 176 –2nd Generation Radiotherapy – Additional RT Treatment modalities. {WI 2007-06-B} ................................................................................................................................... 1730 19. Supplement 181 – Tractography Results Storage SOP Class {WI 2014-08-A}................. 1731 20. Supplement 183, Part 18 (Chapter 10) Re-documentation [WI-2008-04-B] ..................... 1732 21. Supplement 184 – Brachytherapy Delivery Instructions {WI 2000-11-B} ........................ 1732 22. Supplement 185, Content Assessment (changed from ‘Object Evaluation’) Results IOD {WI 2000-11-B} ................................................................................................................................... 1733 23. Supplement 187 – Preclinical Small Animal Imaging Acquisition {WI- 2015-05-A} ....... 1733 24. Supplement 188 – Multi-Energy CT Storage [WI-2013-08-A] ........................................... 1733 25. Supplement 189 - Functional MRI Blending Presentation State Storage [WI-2014-12-A] ..... ................................................................................................................................................... 1734 26. Supplement 190 – Volume Rendering [WI 2008-04-C} ....................................................... 1735 27. Supplement 191 – Patient RDSR Storage [WI-2012-11-C] – .............................................. 1735 28. New Business Items ................................................................................................................. 1737 1690 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 29. New Work Item-CT Sinogram . ........................................................................................... 1737 30. New Supplement -Supplement 192 - Instance Approval Storage [WI-2006-04-E] ........... 1737 31. Future Meetings ...................................................................................................................... 1737 32. Next Meeting Agenda ............................................................................................................. 1738 33. Adjournment ........................................................................................................................... 1738 1. Opening and Administrative The Chair called the meeting to order at 8.40 am, on Sept. 14, 2015. A quorum was present. Members approved the agenda. The Secretary reviewed the antitrust rules. It was noted that WG-06 held a t-con, on Sept. 9, 2015, to review CPs in advance of this meeting. No approvals were made; the purpose of the t-con was to prepare recommendations for this meeting. The minutes were reviewed and approved. 2. Report on Ballots The Secretary reported the results of the Letter Ballots. BALLOT APPROVE DISAPPROVE ABSTAIN COMMENTS CPack-82 Sup 181 Sup 174 21 22 23 2 2 0 5 6 4 9 3 6 3. CPack-82 Ballot Results: Review of the Comments, Disposition of the CPs The Group held its “pre-meeting” t-con on Sept. 9 to start work on CPs. For the September 9, 2015 t-con the Editor, D. Clunie processed the ballot comments in CPack 82 and developed Draft Final Texts (DFT). The participants of the t-con discussed the DFTs and recommended approval as Final Texts; the recommendations were approved by the Group at this meeting, as shown below. In addition to the CPack 82, the following CPs, that were previously on hold, have also been approved as FT (CP-1357, CP-1302) The unanimous decisions of WG-06, made at this meeting, are shown below. (DFT=Draft Final Text, FT=Final Text, AS-remains Assigned): CP# 1066 Titles in CPack-82 Encoding of Attributes with Value Length > 64KiB with Explicit VR Assigned to Review of Comments & Discussion R. Horn 1691 2015-09 mtg: deferred in tcon, approved FT see discussion below this table. Disp ositi on FT _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 2015-June mtg: 2015-09 mtg: 2015-06-02: MAR 23 2015: Approved for VP. RH will prepare vp draft Prepared VP by 3/26. RH got OK from Guenther 1302 Correct example of Chinese encoding H Solomon JAN 12 2015: should be CP-991 Follow-up with R. Horn 2015-09 mtg: deferred in tcon, approved FT after reviewing CIMICS comment FT MAR 23 2015: H Solomon will update and draft response. DICOM will add rationale and communicate to negative vote asking if they would withdraw the negative. SEPT. 2014 Remains on hold. Rob and Andrei will investigate negative ballot vote from China OCT 2013: Discussed negative by China in CPack 73. Discussed returning to ASCII. Noted that Part 5 does not call for =. ACTION: R. Horn to check AUG 2013: more editorial revisions JUNE 2013: Discussed the carat issue and added to CP draft. 1357 Allow Unicode Katakana in alphabetic name group H Solomon 2015-09 mtg: deferred in t-con, approved FT after discussion with HS, M Suzuka, KOD and DC. FT 2015-June 16 mtg: PASSED LETTER BALLOT Toshiba and GE comments received and discussed. HS comments will be sent to Toshiba in Japan, will attempt to find approvable 1692 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 language by week’s end. 2015-06-02 LB Comments: JIRA Comments discussed. HS will review before WG-06 mtg. MAR 18 2015: OK for LB JAN 12 2015: re- assigned from A. Leontiev to H Solomon. OK for VP 1441 Add UPS scheduled output destination K ODonnell 2015-09 mtg: pulled in t-con, approved in mtg. Formatting only, no comments FT 2015-June mtg: vp4-hs-koddac.docx included HS comments; Group will not include MHD till it is FT. KOD-RH discussed yesterday. HS comments were reviewed on 16th. Approved for VP 2015-06-02: Homework to resolve highlighted. HS. KOD, RH will cooperate. The split is not needed by RH and HS MAR 23 2015: Discussed -02 version. KOD received advice from WG-06 on broad questions. Decided to split in two CPs. No. 1 will be 1441. No. 2 will be drafted later. 1444 Add additional dental view sets to Structured Display A Casertano JAN 12 2015: currently in UPS can specify source but not destination 2015-09 mtg: deferred in t-con, approved in mtg. JIRA Comment, D Clunie counter proposal FT 2015-June mtg: approved for LB 1693 2015-06-02: MAR 23 2015: A Casertano _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 described the CP. Discussed version 05. WG-06 reviewed CP in detail, changed attribute names, etc. Resaved as version 06 1445 Remove In-Stack Position text from figure C.7.6.16-3 D Clunie JAN 12 2015: New Informative Annex is helpful. Should this be a CP or Sup? Opinion: CP because it is backward compatible 2015-09 mtg: no comments FT 2015-June mtg: 1446 1447 Prohibit circular Dimension Index references D Clunie 2015-06-02 MAR 23 2015: approved for VP JAN 12 2015: New 2015-09 mtg: FT 2015-June mtg: Clarify 8 bit in Extended JPEG D Clunie Transfer Syntax 2015-06-02: MAR 23 2015: approved for VP JAN 12 2015: New 2015-09 mtg: J Keyes comment on format, accepted, no more plural in “notes”. FT 2015-June mtg: 1448 Add blood normalized IAUC codes D Clunie 2015-06-02: MAR 23 2015: made changes approved for VP JAN 12 2015: New 2015-09 mtg: GE comments No 1resolved /changed Comment No. 2- create new CP. FT 2015-June mtg: 2015-06-02: MAR 23 2015: DC reviewed the CP for the group. Minor changes were made; approved for VP 1694 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 1449 Clarify Modality Device Code Definitions D Clunie JAN 12 2015: New 2015-09 mtg: FT 2015-June mtg: 2015-06-02: Refers to the acquisition device MAR 23 2015: definition of device revised to indicate type of device. This was drafted to improve consistency. approved for VP 1454 Add color space attribute D Clunie JAN 12 2015: New 2015-09 mtg: Comments on typos OK FT 2015-June mtg: 2015-06-02: MAR 23 2015: add references, approved for VP 1456 Add Operator Identification Sequence to Series Modules D Clunie JAN 12 2015: New Optional alternative 2015-June mtg: FT 2015-06-02: Did not add when others were added MAR 23 2015: approved for VP Serial 1458 1459 Value representation of real world value first and last values mapped Add Patient Medical Module D Clunie U Busch 1695 JAN 12 2015: New 2015-09 mtg: deferred in t-con, reviewed with HS the changes. Approved for FT June mtg: 2015-06-02: MAR 23 2015: approved for VP JAN 12 2015: New 2015-09 mtg: no comments FT FT _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 to Unified Procedure Step IOD 2015-June mtg: 1461 Add B1RMS value to MR Enhanced and MR Object W Corbijn 2015-06-02: MAR 23 2015: approved for VP JAN 12 2015: New 2015-09 mtg: J Keyes: add IEC reference-done FT 2015-June mtg: 2015-06-02: Mar 123 2015: Reviewed version 01. W Corbijn will revise per WG-06. Approved for VP JAN 12 2015: New CP-1066 - discussion The CP passed Letter Ballot with Siemens voting negatively. After discussion by the WG-06 the CP was approved as final text with Siemens maintaining its objection. The discussion included the following points: DICOM included a 16bit length field for data elements in explicit syntax many years ago. The length field is not large enough for all data types. The possibility to send studies with implicit syntax is always possible as there is no length field in this syntax, but implicit syntax has some limitations. However, this has not impacted patient safety adversely. After these many years Guenther Zeilinger found a clever solution to the CP-1066 which has been unsolved for a long time. This has been widely implemented by the radiation therapy industry in its “1st Generation” of standard. Siemens argued that to prevent further loophole use when the standard uses data types which don’t work with the 16bit length field. Siemens proposed either a restrictions to cover legacy cases but closing the loophole for non-legacy or to add strong advice in the standard text to guide against misuse. The balance of the members of WG-06 argued that the Siemens constraints would invalidate a very large installed RT base and further that the CP is not presenting a patient safety issue. It was noted that the objection is theoretical if all vendors follows the intention of writing CPs when better data types are needed instead of using unsuitable data types with overflow in the field size . The fact that it may be untidy is outweighed by the practical benefits 1696 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 inasmuch as the CP will solve real problems. The CP rationale has been updated to make the intention of the change very clear. Lastly that the impact of CP-1066 is on the creation side and not on the receiving side. 4. VP-Current (Voting Package) for September 2015) The CPs listed below have either been approved for the September VP at the June 2015 meeting or have been proposed for this Voting Package, following the June 2015 meeting. The CPs were reviewed and discussed at the Sept. 9, 2015 t-con of this Group, in preparation for this meeting. Seven CPs were deferred in the t-con for discussion at this F2F meeting, the others were recommended by the participants of the Sept. 9 t-con to be approved for inclusion in the next CPack-83 Letter Ballot. The decisions of WG-06, taken at this meeting, are shown below: the CPs were either approved by unanimous vote for inclusion in the next Letter Ballot (CPack 83) or were directed for further work (remained “Assigned”). [Legend: LB=approved for next CPack, VP=for next meeting’s voting package, AS=returned to assigned status] CP# Title 1364 Minor corrections to WADO-RS and STOW-RS 1431 Add Beam Effective Dose in RT Fraction Scheme Module Assigned to Discussion Disp ositi on J Philbin 2015-09 mtg: LB U Busch JAN 12 2015: Stay assigned. Will discuss in March 2015 with when WG-27 members attend 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: version-06 approved for VP 1432 Add Support for Ion Therapy Scanning Modes U Busch SEPT. 2015-NEW: Needs editing 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: version 09, title changed from original version Where does this older title come from? Add Beam Effective Dose in RT Fraction Scheme NOV 2014: Version 04. Remains AS SEPT. 2015-NEW: 1451 Remove retired Point Index List attributes in PS3.5 Annex A B Nolte 2015-09 mtg: LB JAN 12 2015: New 1697 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 1452 1457 Correct Recommended Presentation Opacity explanation Identification of pre-clinical research small animal subjects B Nolte 2015-09 mtg: LB D Clunie JAN 12 2015: New 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: version 06. DC described it, showed new illustrations Mar 23 2015: Reviewed version 04. It will be divided: Part 1 – 1457, Part 2 – 1478. DC will make new PT module 1463 1464 Clarify Enhanced US Volume Image and Frame Type Values 3 and 4 Add reference region segmentation property type A. D Clunie JAN 12 2015: New 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: cleans up values 3&4 B. D Clunie March 18 2015: NEW Add “generic flavors”. Discussed type 3&4 attributes. State of the art is series description. 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: approved for VP March 18 2015: NEW 1465 Add type of finding to measurement SR templates C. D Clunie 2015-09 mtg: deferred at tcon to F2F mtg. Approved for LB. LB 2015-June mtg: approved for VP March 18 2015: NEW 1466 Add session to measurements group D Clunie 2015-09 mtg: deferred at tcon to F2F mtg. Approved for LB. LB 2015-June mtg: for research purposes – time point. Adds NCI activity session March 18 2015: NEW 1467 Correct time point context relationship D Clunie 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: approved for VP March 18 2015: NEW 1698 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 1468 Add defined CID for modality in image library D Clunie 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: approved for VP March 18 2015: NEW 1469 Remove duplicate rows referencing source image or series for segmentation in volumetric ROI D Clunie 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: approved for VP March 18 2015: NEW 1470 Small animal anatomy for preclinical research D Clunie 2015-09 mtg: deferred at tcon to F2F mtg. Approved for LB. LB 2015-June mtg: will be two different tables 1471 Generalize clinical trials attributes to refer to any type of research D Clunie March 18 2015: NEW Fixes tool differences 2015-09 mtg: deferred at tcon to F2F mtg. Approved for LB. LB 2015-June mtg: no changes in attributes, only description of attributes. 1472 Additional responsible persons D Clunie March 18 2015: NEW Adds words: “and research” to “clinical trials” 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: veterinary responsible March 18 2015: NEW (1) 1473 Transverse positioning of preclinical research small animal subjects D Clunie 2015-June mtg: Reviewed version 02, adds codes to context group LB (2) Second part would be 1474 1475 Add patient defined term for Ultrasound Acquisition Geometry March 18 2015: NEW 1.Adds left-1st & right-1st position to supine & prone. – easy CP D Clunie 1699 2015-09 mtg: LB _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 1476 Add settling phases information and D. W Corbijn Synch pulse for Functional MRI 2015-June mtg: approved for VP March 18 2015: NEW Need PT- relative description. Being implemented. 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: reviewed version 02, change term to spell out ‘f’ in fMRI Mar 23 2015: Discussed for WG-06 advice on naming revising the name with redundant text March 18 2015: NEW, received CP#. fMRI. Settling down and add functional synch pulse. 1477 Angles for Positioner with DigitalE. B Nolte Detector 2015-09 mtg: deferred at tcon to F2F mtg. Approved for LB. LB 2015-June mtg: approved for VP March 18 2015: NEW, received CP# 1478 1480 Use of term image intensifier Identification of species and strainF.of D pre-clinical Clunie research 2015-09 smallmtg: deferred at tcon to F2F animal subjects mtg. Approved for LB. This is Part 2 of the divided CP1457 (Identification of pre-clinical 2015 Sept mtg: OK with rob Horn research small animal subjects) 2015-June mtg: version 06, checked with WG-25, it welcomes species material in CP Also recorded under AS CPs discussed Table 5) 2015-09 mtg: Allow multiple items in the MR G. Receive Coil Sequence (0018,9042) LB LB 2015-June mtg: version 02 Approved for VP March 18 2015: NEW 1486 Add RT Ion References H. U Busch 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: version 03 1700 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 U Busch will fix rational for VP folder 1487 Add Display Origin Coordinates To I. RT Plan U Busch Mar 23 2015: new 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: version 04 DC: definition in Pt 16 does not match CP , change title 1488 1489 Clarify RT Image Exposure Attributes in case of MPEG Encoding J. U Busch Mar 23 2015: new 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: version 04 UB explained, DC asked and received verbal clarification. Correct description of Surface ScanK. H Solomon IOD Mar 23 2015: 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: approved for VP 1490 Update top level DICOM diagram for Web Services H Solomon Mar 23 2015: NEW 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: approved for VP 1491 Incorrect terms in Part 18 Sections 8.2.5 and 8.2.6 J Philbin Mar 23 2015: NEW 2015-09 mtg: deferred at tcon to F2F mtg. Approved for LB. LB 2015-June mtg: approved for VP 1506 QIDO-RS maximumResults J Philbin Mar 23 2015: NEW assigned CP# 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015 June mtg: is ready for November Voting Packet Version 07, clarifies that algorithm is clear. No change in parameter. Needs to delete highlighting. JP will prepare and post in VP Sept 15 2015-June 2 tcon: NEW Adds clarity to the right intent 1701 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 5. Letter Ballot CPack-83 The CPs listed below comprise the CPack; they include the CPs from Table 4 above and CPs that were ordered for re-balloting or whose balloting was postponed. WG-06 decided unanimously to submit for legal review and thereafter circulate in a Letter Ballot, for vote by the DICOM Standards Committee, the Correction Proposals (CPs) listed below: Note: this time Table 5 and Table 4 are identical. CP# Letter Ballot to Be Issued CPack-83 Title 1364 Minor corrections to WADO-RS and STOW-RS 1431 Add Beam Effective Dose in RT Fraction Scheme Module Assigned to Discussion Disp ositi on/S tatu s J Philbin 2015-09 mtg: LB U Busch JAN 12 2015: Stay assigned. Will discuss in March 2015 with when WG-27 members attend 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: version-06 approved for VP 1432 Add Support for Ion Therapy Scanning Modes U Busch SEPT. 2015-NEW: Needs editing 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: version 09, title changed from original version Where does this older title come from? Add Beam Effective Dose in RT Fraction Scheme NOV 2014: Version 04. Remains AS SEPT. 2015-NEW: 1451 Remove retired Point Index List attributes in PS3.5 Annex A B Nolte 2015-09 mtg: LB 1452 Correct Recommended Presentation Opacity explanation B Nolte JAN 12 2015: New 2015-09 mtg: LB 1457 Identification of pre-clinical research small animal subjects D Clunie JAN 12 2015: New 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: version 06. DC described it, showed new illustrations Mar 23 2015: Reviewed version 04. It will be divided: Part 1 – 1457, Part 1702 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 2 – 1478. DC will make new PT module 1463 1464 Clarify Enhanced US Volume Image and Frame Type Values 3 and 4 Add reference region segmentation property type L. D Clunie JAN 12 2015: New 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: cleans up values 3&4 M. D Clunie March 18 2015: NEW Add “generic flavors”. Discussed type 3&4 attributes. State of the art is series description. 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: approved for VP March 18 2015: NEW 1465 Add type of finding to measurement SR templates N. D Clunie 2015-09 mtg: deferred at tcon to F2F mtg. Approved for LB. LB 2015-June mtg: approved for VP March 18 2015: NEW 1466 Add session to measurements group D Clunie 2015-09 mtg: deferred at tcon to F2F mtg. Approved for LB. LB 2015-June mtg: for research purposes – time point. Adds NCI activity session March 18 2015: NEW 1467 Correct time point context relationship D Clunie 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: approved for VP March 18 2015: NEW 1468 Add defined CID for modality in image library D Clunie 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: approved for VP March 18 2015: NEW 1469 Remove duplicate rows referencing source image or series for segmentation in volumetric ROI D Clunie 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: approved for VP 1703 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 March 18 2015: NEW 1470 Small animal anatomy for preclinical research D Clunie 2015-09 mtg: deferred at tcon to F2F mtg. Approved for LB. LB 2015-June mtg: will be two different tables 1471 Generalize clinical trials attributes to refer to any type of research D Clunie March 18 2015: NEW Fixes tool differences 2015-09 mtg: deferred at tcon to F2F mtg. Approved for LB. LB 2015-June mtg: no changes in attributes, only description of attributes. 1472 Additional responsible persons D Clunie March 18 2015: NEW Adds words: “and research” to “clinical trials” 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: veterinary responsible March 18 2015: NEW (1) 1473 Transverse positioning of preclinical research small animal subjects D Clunie 2015-June mtg: Reviewed version 02, adds codes to context group LB (2) Second part would be 1474 1475 1476 Add patient defined term for Ultrasound Acquisition Geometry March 18 2015: NEW 1.Adds left-1st & right-1st position to supine & prone. – easy CP D Clunie Add settling phases information and O. W Corbijn Synch pulse for Functional MRI 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: approved for VP March 18 2015: NEW Need PT- relative description. Being implemented. 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: reviewed version 02, change term to spell out ‘f’ in fMRI Mar 23 2015: Discussed for WG-06 1704 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 advice on naming revising the name with redundant text March 18 2015: NEW, received CP#. fMRI. Settling down and add functional synch pulse. 1477 Angles for Positioner with DigitalP. B Nolte Detector 2015-09 mtg: deferred at tcon to F2F mtg. Approved for LB. LB 2015-June mtg: approved for VP March 18 2015: NEW, received CP# 1478 1480 Use of term image intensifier Identification of species and strainQ.of D pre-clinical Clunie research 2015-09 smallmtg: deferred at tcon to F2F animal subjects mtg. Approved for LB. This is Part 2 of the divided CP1457 (Identification of pre-clinical 2015 Sept mtg: OK with rob Horn research small animal subjects) 2015-June mtg: version 06, checked with WG-25, it welcomes species material in CP Also recorded under AS CPs discussed Table 5) 2015-09 mtg: Allow multiple items in the MR R. Receive Coil Sequence (0018,9042) LB LB 2015-June mtg: version 02 Approved for VP March 18 2015: NEW 1486 Add RT Ion References S. U Busch 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: version 03 U Busch will fix rational for VP folder 1487 Add Display Origin Coordinates To T. U Busch RT Plan Mar 23 2015: new 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: version 04 DC: definition in Pt 16 does not match CP , change title 1705 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 1488 1489 Clarify RT Image Exposure Attributes in case of MPEG Encoding U. U Busch Mar 23 2015: new 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: version 04 UB explained, DC asked and received verbal clarification. Correct description of Surface ScanV. H Solomon IOD Mar 23 2015: 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: approved for VP 1490 Update top level DICOM diagram for Web Services H Solomon Mar 23 2015: NEW 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015-June mtg: approved for VP 1491 Incorrect terms in Part 18 Sections 8.2.5 and 8.2.6 J Philbin Mar 23 2015: NEW 2015-09 mtg: deferred at tcon to F2F mtg. Approved for LB. LB 2015-June mtg: approved for VP 1506 QIDO-RS maximumResults J Philbin Mar 23 2015: NEW assigned CP# 2015-09 mtg: LB 2015 June mtg: is ready for November Voting Packet Version 07, clarifies that algorithm is clear. No change in parameter. Needs to delete highlighting. JP will prepare and post in VP Sept 15 2015-June 2 tcon: NEW Adds clarity to the right intent 6. Assigned CPs Discussed (CPs in the “Assigned” meeting folder and other previously assigned CPs that were introduced for consideration for the next Voting Package (Nov. 2015).) [Legend: LB=approved for next CPack, VP=for next meeting’s voting package, AS=remains assigned] CP# Title Assigned to 1706 Discussion Dis- _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 posit ion 757 Add RTSS ROI Feature UID H. Solomon 2015-09 mtg: Replaced by CP 1496 canc elled 1415 Update PS3.1 front matter H Solomon 2015-09 mtg: Reassigned from A Leontiev. WG-06 reviewed VP 1418 1423 Add UDI (Universal Device ID) to objects Extending RFC 3240 with DICOMMime header fields Renamed title to “Update RFC 3240 with mail and web services related content” 1433 RT-specific KOS CIDs K O’Donnell J. Philbin reassigned from D Clunie, U Busch 1707 JUNE 2014: New, received CP number 2015-09 mtg: KOD reported reaching out to JIC (IHE, HL& to inquire whether doable. JUNE 2014: New, received CP number 2015-SEPT mtg: Marc Kaemmerer called in and presented the rationale for the CP. J. Philbin also submitted a CP for updating the RFC. Marc and Jim were asked to work together on a new RFC. Submitter to IETF. See CPXXXX_v1_ rfc3240_2015-0912.docx in the Sept 2015 WG-06 mtg folder/CP/New JAN 12 2015: Confirmed task SEPT 2015 – NEW: David Clunie will work with Marc to finalize CP and submission to IETF. Secretary will submit to IETF. 2015-SEPT mtg: discussed on Tuesday: Remains AS unless Uli finishes work on Friday. Friday discussion: missing in the CP the description of context without which difficult to interpret the se concepts.. How are the codes related to UPS task. Who would use the KOS Object? Which part of the workflow is managed by UPS or KOS? Need a description. Discussed specifically NNN7: both input and output are included. Getting loosey-goosey workflow into the Standard. DICOM does not use KOS for workflow. If IHE creates a detailed description of the workflow, DICOM would create the Codes. DICOM Code definitions should not include ‘workflow’. AS AS Rema ins AS _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 2015-June mtg: Version 06 Adding a lot of Codes but decided this is not something for LOINC. Needs to remove term ‘series’, call it diagnostic images only. The terms should not duplicate themselves. Avoid “workflow” use “grouping RT objects” instead. 1460 Add Ion Range and Modulation Definition U Busch SEPT. 2014-NEW: Delete blank lines 2015-SEPT mtg: added depth dose diagram. To VP VP 2015-June mtg: not ready for VP 1462 1482 Admission ID missing in MPPS module Correct PS3.18 RFC references W. H Solomon X. H Solomon JAN 12 2015: New 2015-SEPT mtg: March 18 2015: NEW It is a documentation issue 2015-SEPT mtg: will not interfere with new CP 1536 VP VP 2015-June mtg: not discussed 1483 Clarify Bulk Data URI 1485 Resolve discrepancy in SOP Class multiplicity for ATNA messages W Corbijn 1492 Archeological Extension R Horn 1493 Correct code for organ used in Y. Reassigned to Rob Horn on Friday from J Philbin & H Solomon D Clunie 1708 Mar 23 2015: new 2015-09 mtg: define what bulk data uri refers to. JP submitted a new CP on this topic (1540). Will merge with his new CP except the part of the new CP separating metadata from bulk data. RH noted we were inconsistent with use of uri and url. Further discussed on Friday. Definitions of uri and url were not clear : Homework for Rob Horn Mar 23 2015: new 2015-SEPT mtg: reviewed Friday 9/18 Mar 23 2015: new 2015-SEPT mtg: reviewed v01 . Needs an informative Annex. Stays assigned Mar 23 2015: new 2015 SEPT mtg: to VP Rem ains AS VP AS VP _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 segmentation 1494 June 2015 June mtg: is ready for SEPT Voting Packet More Zr 89 monocolonal antibody and D Clunie other targeted PET radiotracers 2015 June 2 tcon: NEW 2015 SEPT mtg: to VP VP June 2015: is ready for Sept Voting Packet 1495 Replace incorrect SNOMED codes D Clunie 2015 June 2 tcon: NEW 2015 SEPT mtg. DC received note from SNOMED. Needs to process Stays assigned Stays AS 2015 June mtg: clean up editorial note and will be ready for Sept Voting Packet 1496 Add Tracking Identifier and UID to Segmentation Instances D Clunie 2015 June 2 tcon: NEW Discovered when cleaning up SNOMED codes see CP-817 for history 2015 SEPT mtg: Group read carefully v.01. Made several changes. To VP VP June 2015: ready for Sept. Voting Packet 1497 More PET radionuclides D Clunie 2015-June 2 tcon: NEW Creates 2 new attributes 2015-SEPT mtg: VP 2015 June mtg: is ready for November Voting Packet 1498 More Image Model Component Semantics for Parametric Maps D Clunie 2015-June 2 tcon: NEW Adds more PET Radionuclides. Definitions are short. SNOMED routine is referring to parent briefly. DICOM could/should explain more 2015-SEPT mtg: VP 2015 June mtg: not discussed further 1499 Fix CP 1365 setback with Long xxx Index List VR B Nolte 1709 2015-June 2 tcon: NEW Add Magnetization 2015-SEPT mtg: decided to use OL instead of OB Bjorn to change VP _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 2015 June mtg: not discussed further 1501 Add floating point pixel data to list of bulk data attributes D Clunie 2015-June 2 tcon: NEW Fixes problems 2015-SEPT mtg: 1502 Pixel Intensity Relationship in RT Image U Busch June 2015 mtg: NEW 2015-SEPT mtg: added reference text VP VP 2015 June mtg: not discussed further 1503 Extension of the Selector Attribute Macro U Busch 2015-June 2 tcon: NEW Change to RT Image Module. Suggest including reference text in new version of CP 2015-SEPT mtg: reviewed by Sup 121 Editor. Group looked at the example. VP 2015 June mtg: Looked at version 04 for advice Hold until Sup 121 is finished 2015-June 2 tcon: NEW 1504 Add Accessory Code To Trays U Busch 2015-SEPT mtg: VP 2015 June mtg: not discussed further 1505 Replace "MIME type" with "media type" J Philbin 2015-June 2 tcon: NEW Adding another accessory code. Tray and block have different accessory codes. 2015-SEPT mtg: change it to Editorial change 2015 June mtg: not discussed further 2015-June 2 tcon: NEW 1507 WADO-URI region parameter forbidden when Presentation State J Philbin 2015-SEPT mtg: Jim referred to past discussion that important info for physician may be deleted. Canc elled to Edito rial Chan ge VP 2015 June mtg: not discussed further 2015-June 2 tcon: NEW Make shorter Log Summaries 1710 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 1510 Correct UPS-RS errors J Philbin 2015-SEPT mtg: approved for VP VP 2015 June mtg: not discussed further 2015-June 2 tcon: NEW UPS_errors 2015-SEPT mtg: VP June 2015 mtg: NEW 2015-SEPT mtg: VP U Busch June 2015 mtg: NEW 2015-SEPT mtg: Stays assigned AS U Busch June 2015 mtg: NEW RT is seeking to use current RDSR. WG-28, -22, -02 are coordinating CBCT. Dentistry domain wants to add dose data in image header (DAP). WG-02 is considering a grand unification work item to develop a new object for all CBCT (dental, angio, RT) 2015-SEPT mtg: VP 1512 Correction of Motion Mode AttributeZ. U Busch Reference 1514 Add missing attributes to Coded Terminology Macro 1515 Addition Of Cone beam CT dose Recording for RT CT Images 1516 AA. D Clunie Extend Identified Person or Device Macro 1517 Create required media type for CDA for web services J Philbin 1518 Add default media type for video for web services J Philbin 1519 Add transfer syntax parameter to application/dicom media type for WADO-URI J Philbin June 2015 mtg: NEW 2015-SEPT mtg: cannot suddenly require uri to support RS rendering. Cancel, RS part folded into Sup 174 (FT development in progress. No change for WADO-WS June 2015 mtg: NEW 2015-SEPT mtg: is DICOM ready for a required media type? Required video type comes with mandatory licensing. Encoding, trans/re-encoding requires licence. Storing, replaying (regurgitating, decoding does not require license.) Stays assigned until clarity about optimal code June 2015 mtg: NEW 2015-SEPT mtg: stays ASSIGNED Canc el Rem ains AS AS June 2015 mtg: NEW 1711 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 7. VP-Next (Voting Package for November 2015 - the next WG-06 meeting) Based on discussions and decisions as recorded in Tables 3 and 6, the Voting Package for the next meeting includes: (CPs are copied from previous tables for convenient reference.) VP=for next meeting’s voting package CP# Title Assigned to 1415 Update PS3.1 front matter H Solomon 1460 Add Ion Range and Modulation Definition U Busch 2015-09 mtg: Reassigned from A Leontiev. WG-06 reviewed JUNE 2014: New, received CP number 2015-SEPT mtg: added depth dose diagram. To VP VP VP 2015-June mtg: not ready for VP 1462 1482 Admission ID missing in MPPS BB. H Solomon module Correct PS3.18 RFC references CC. H Solomon JAN 12 2015: New 2015-SEPT mtg: March 18 2015: NEW It is a documentation issue 2015-SEPT mtg: will not interfere with new CP 1536 VP VP 2015-June mtg: not discussed 1485 Resolve discrepancy in SOP Class multiplicity for ATNA messages W Corbijn 1493 Correct code for organ used in segmentation D Clunie 1494 More Zr 89 monocolonal antibody D Clunie and other targeted PET radiotracers Mar 23 2015: new 2015-SEPT mtg: reviewed Friday 9/18 Mar 23 2015: new 2015 SEPT mtg: to VP June 2015 June mtg: is ready for SEPT Voting Packet 2015 June 2 tcon: NEW 2015 SEPT mtg: to VP VP VP VP June 2015: is ready for Sept Voting Packet 1496 Add Tracking Identifier and UID to D Clunie Segmentation Instances 2015 June 2 tcon: NEW 2015 SEPT mtg: Group read carefully v.01. Made several changes. To VP VP June 2015: ready for Sept. Voting Packet 2015-June 2 tcon: NEW 1712 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 1497 More PET radionuclides D Clunie Creates 2 new attributes 2015-SEPT mtg: VP 2015 June mtg: is ready for November Voting Packet 1498 More Image Model Component Semantics for Parametric Maps D Clunie 2015-June 2 tcon: NEW Adds more PET Radionuclides. Definitions are short. SNOMED routine is referring to parent briefly. DICOM could/should explain more 2015-SEPT mtg: VP 2015 June mtg: not discussed further 1499 Fix CP 1365 setback with Long xxx Index List VR B Nolte 2015-June 2 tcon: NEW Add Magnetization 2015-SEPT mtg: decided to use OL instead of OB Bjorn to change VP 2015 June mtg: not discussed further 1501 Add floating point pixel data to list of bulk data attributes D Clunie 2015-June 2 tcon: NEW Fixes problems 2015-SEPT mtg: 1502 Pixel Intensity Relationship in RT Image U Busch June 2015 mtg: NEW 2015-SEPT mtg: added reference text VP VP 2015 June mtg: not discussed further 1503 Extension of the Selector Attribute Macro U Busch 2015-June 2 tcon: NEW Change to RT Image Module. Suggest including reference text in new version of CP 2015-SEPT mtg: reviewed by Sup 121 Editor. Group looked at the example. VP 2015 June mtg: Looked at version 04 for advice Hold until Sup 121 is finished 2015-June 2 tcon: NEW 1504 Add Accessory Code To Trays U Busch 2015-SEPT mtg: VP 2015 June mtg: not discussed further 1713 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 1507 WADO-URI region parameter forbidden when Presentation State J Philbin 2015-June 2 tcon: NEW Adding another accessory code. Tray and block have different accessory codes. 2015-SEPT mtg: Jim referred to past discussion that important info for physician may be deleted. VP 2015 June mtg: not discussed further 1510 Correct UPS-RS errors J Philbin 2015-June 2 tcon: NEW Make shorter Log Summaries 2015-SEPT mtg: approved for VP VP 2015 June mtg: not discussed further 1512 Correction of Motion Mode Attribute Reference DD. U Busch 1514 Add missing attributes to Coded EE. D Clunie Terminology Macro 1516 Extend Identified Person or Device Macro U Busch 2015-June 2 tcon: NEW UPS_errors 2015-SEPT mtg: VP June 2015 mtg: NEW 2015-SEPT mtg: VP June 2015 mtg: NEW 2015-SEPT mtg: VP June 2015 mtg: NEW FF. 8. New CPs Submitted that were assigned a CP Number and an Editor The following new change proposals were received and posted in the “…/CP/New” subdirectory of the meeting folder. CP numbers shown were assigned by WG-06. They will be marked as “Assigned”: CP# assign New Correction Proposals -Title 1520 Assigned to Discussion New CP File ID Real World Mapping in Abstract GG. D Clunie Multi-Dimensional Model Sept 2015: NEW 1521 Add Root Template Definition D Clunie Sept 2015: NEW 1522 Order is not significant for subordinate measurement templates D Clunie Sept 2015: NEW cp_dac297_realw ordmapinabstract modelornot cp_dac298_rootte mplatedefinition cp_dac299_ordern onsignificantform easurementtempla tes 1714 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 1523 Requirements for items in Quantity Definition Sequence D Clunie 1524 More tracer kinetic models D Clunie 1525 Water equivalent diameter for CT RDSR D Clunie 1526 1528 Correct order of reference to D Clunie pixel spacing values in SR Image Library Correction of X-Ray Frame B Nolte Acquisition Sequence Attributes Description Update specs for citing DICOM H Solomon 1529 Private Creator once per group H Solomon Sept 2015: NEW 1530 Add Purpose Code For RT Plan Positioning U Busch Sept 2015: NEW 1531 Additional Tags For Ion Eye Treatment U Busch Sept 2015: NEW 1532 Modify the Specific Character Set Description for the MWL Conformance Statement Example 1533 Clean up Composite IEs H Solomon descriptions Add Assignment Rejection Code KO Donnell for UPS Cancelation Sept 2015: NEW 1535 Additional SUVlbm formulas D Clunie Sept 2015: NEW Adjust BMI formula 1536 Support HTTP/2 J Philbin 1537 Specify STOW error codes in decimal H Solomon Sept 2015: NEW need explanation Sept 2015: NEW Prompted at DICOMweb Conference 1527 1534 D Clunie 1715 Sept 2015: NEW stemming from GE comment No. 2 on LB Sept 2015: NEW Sept 2015: NEW AAPM TG 204 PT size Add water equivalent diameter to images, add info to RDSR. Sent to WG-21 and WG-28. Asked WG-28 to work in parallel with the TG to save time. Sept 2015: NEW Sept 2015: NEW using old CP template; update Sept 2015: NEW Sept 2015: NEW Sept 2015: NEW cp_dac307_multip leitemsinquantityd efinition cp_dac308_moret racerkineticmodel s cp_dac309_ctrdsr waterequivalentdi ameteraapm220 cp_dac310_pixels pacingvalueorderi nimagelibrary cp_frameacquisiti onsequence cp_HS82_SpecCit ation CP_JN_private_ta g_block_ids cp_RT87_04_Add PurposeCodeForR TPlanPositioning cp_RT92_01_Add itionalTagsForIon EyeTreatment CP-MatsuiModifySpecificCh arSetDescriptionF orMWLComform anceExample cp_HS85_CleanU pIEs CP_kod_AddDisc ontinuationReaso nForAssignedUPS cp_dac311_suvlb malternateformula s CPXXXX_v1_htt p2 cp_HS83_webstat us _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 Correct IOD relationship to Info H Solomon Model Add Equivalent Purpose Code U Busch 1538 1539 1540 Clarify definition of metadata and bulk data (Add a Bulkdata Reference (BR) Value Representation) J Philbin on 9/11 Sept 2015: NEW Sept 2015: NEW Group agreed with the need Sept 2015: NEW Split in two JFP will think about part 1 and part 2 will be folded in CP 1483 cp_HS86_InfoMo del-IODs cp_RT93_01_Add EquivalentPurpos eCode CPXXXX_v1_bin ary_metadata_bul kdata_2015-0913.doc 9. New CPs Submitted But Not Issued a CP Number CP# assigned New Correction Proposals -Title Assigne d to Discussion New CP File ID Cp_RT88-01 CorrectERModelF orSpatialRegistrati on.doc Cp_RT91_01 CorrectDateTime AttributesInUPSR equirementsSectio n.doc Cp_RT89-03 GeneralReference Module.docx No number needed Correct E-R Model for Spatial Registration D Clunie Sept 2015: NEW Will be fixed as Editorial Change No number needed CorrectDateTimeAttributesInUPSRe D Clunie quirementsSection Sept 2015: NEW Will be fixed as Editorial Change No number given for now General Reference Module Sept 2015: NEW Extensive discussion of Ref’d Image Sequence (RIS) and Source Image Sequence (SOS). It was suggested to write a macro for RT use cases and not mess up RIS and SIS. WG07 wants to record/annotate how segmentation was done More discussion needed at next meeting How is this related to the Common Instance Reference Module, and how does it handle references from within functional group macros? 1716 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 No number given for now No number, editorial change Add Alternate Code to Segmentation IOD Update PS3.18 to standard HTTP Terminology J Philbin No new number given. Merged with existing CP 1423 Update RFC3240 J Philbin Sept 2015: NEW More discussion needed at next meeting. Why not use the generic alternate code? Sept 2015: NEW discussed that this would happen in the redoc. This is change of technical terminology. It was decided that D Clunie will make the change judiciously. HS and RH noted that marketing fluff changes should be done as CP where changes are visible. Sept 2015: NEW Merged with 1423 Cp_RT90-03 AddAlternateTyp eCode.docx CPXXXX_v1_up date_web_termino logy.docx CPXXXX_v1_ rfc3240_2015-0912.docx Note: The comprehensive list of all CPs (including all FT and cancelled CPs) is posted in the “Overviews…” folder of the public ftp directory, shortly after each WG-06 meeting: ftp://dicomftpuser@medical.nema.org/MEDICAL/Dicom/Overviews-CPs-Sups-WIs 10. CPs on Hold CP# 1071 Title Additions to various CIDs of Supplement 78 Assigned to W Corbijn W Corb ijn 1349 Discussion Status Waiting for SNOMED Codes FT Passed , On hold Reassigned to W Corbijn from B Revet Link from still picture to video B Revet to 1717 JAN 12 2015: discussed to not include AS , _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 D. Clunie Kevi n and Flori an 1403 Clarify use of DIMSE service Status codes H Solomon H Solo mon implementation advice particularly as it links to current technology. Need to re-ballot. Need comment from Florian NOV 2014: Kevin and Florian will discuss further off-line. KOD: make it more of a cook book. JUNE 2014: See the Toshiba comment: KOD the text is not fully informative, only understandable to “insiders”. Check with author, Florian Knicker. Remains assigned. MARCH 2014: WG-06 reviewed, no comments JAN 12 2015: Passed ballot but not ready for FT - Andrei will make argument in March re. forbid other codes or not Andrei not present in Jan. Wait till response by Andrei to U Busch’ argument. (Approved in CP79) On Hold for reballot ing Passed ballot On hold JAN 6 2015: Uli Busch explained that Wg-07 cannot live with disallowing the sending of codes. Others concurred; A. Leontiev explained the intent of this CP. More discussion will be needed. NOV 2014: Clarifies standard. vp version approved for LB SEPT 2014: Approved for Nov. VP JUNE 2014: New, received CP number 11. CPs Cancelled at this meeting CP# 757 1505 Title Assigned to Discussion Stat us Add RTSS ROI Feature UID H. Solomon 2015-SEPT mtg: Replaced by CP 1496 canc elled Replace "MIME type" with "media type" J Philbin 2015-SEPT mtg: change it to Editorial change Can celle 1718 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 2015 June mtg: not discussed further 2015-June 2 tcon: NEW 1517 Create required media type for CDA for web services J Philbin 2015-SEPT mtg: cannot suddenly require uri to support RS rendering. Cancel, RS part folded into Sup 174 (FT development in progress. No change for WADO-WS d to Edit orial Cha nge Can cel June 2015 mtg: NEW 12. List of all remaining assigned CPs at the end of this WG-06 meeting (AS=assigned) CP# Title Assigned to Discussion 235 Clarify NM detector start angle usage J. Pohlhammer 296 Eliminate Duplicate Terms and Provide Missing Definitions Additions to PS 3.16 for Cardiac Cath SR Add Common Finding Template Attribute Identifier List for Errors in Sequence Attributes Instance Availability Notification Structure Incorporate Fixes on 702 and 706 Note for Forwarders Regarding SCP-assigned Instance UIDs during NCREATE Transfer Syntax Availability and Selection for Q/R Clarify Usage of Attributes for Normalized IODs Consistent Naming of Error Code Tables More Clarification of Instance References Clarify Handling of Private Data in the Retrieve Without Bulk H. Solomon AS H. Solomon AS H. Solomon H. Solomon AS AS H. Solomon AS 430 471 591 597 802 811 833 836 838 941 991 D. Clunie JAN 12 2015: Discussed to contact J Pohlhammer to decide whether to cancel – (referred back to WG3 Jan 2001 WG6 meeting minutes) AS AS R. Horn JAN 12 2015:D. Clunie will do more work Jan 12 2015: Reviewed, follow-up with Dave Harvey or cancel - related to IHE MPPS Manager CP - ? Ever done? KOD recommends canceling JAN 12 2015: Follow-up with R. Horn K. O’Donnell K. O’Donnell D. Clunie JAN 12 2015: Follow-up with K O’Donnell, cancel? JAN 12 2015: Follow-up with K O’Donnell, cancel? JAN 12 2015:Will require a lot of work AS R. Horn JAN 12 2015: Rob Horn will write up as SCP discretion AS D. Harvey 1719 AS AS AS AS _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 992 1013 1019 1030 1106 1115 1126 1127 1163 1180 1189 1196 1207 1208 Data Service Clarify Allowable Length Values for Certain PDUs RT Ion Beams Recording Clarifications K. O’ Donnell U Busch JAN 12 2015: Follow-up with K O’Donnell, 2015-June mtg: Postponed discussion AS Add Body Part at the Study Level Re-factor Common Attributes for Enhanced Images K O’Donnell W Corbijn AS Assign a Namespace for Audit Schema Elements Add Dose Reference Point Codes for CR/DR Corrections LOINC Codes Sup78 R. Horn JAN 12 2015: Follow-up with K O’Donnell, will add anatomic region, too JAN 12 2015: Follow-up with W. Corbijn, reassigned to W. Corbijn from B Revet JAN 12 2015: Follow-up with R. Horn Add Fields for Organ Dose to Dose SR Conformance for Application Hosting Use LOINC_Short Name Add usage of Temporal Position Time Offset to Per Frame content Macro as needed for Enhanced MR and Enhanced CT objects. Add phantom-specific Total DLP Values to allow for Head and Body in same RDSR scope of accumulation K. O’Donnell H Solomon Change Multi-frame Dimension module usage to “User Option” for IVOCT IOD W. Corbijn Clarify the unambiguous use of Private Creator Data K. O’Donnell B. Revet Rem ains AS AS AS AS JAN 12 2015: Follow-up with W. Corbijn, reassigned to W. Corbijn from B Revet AS AS AS H. Solomon W. Corbijn Was in Aug 12 VP JAN 12 2015: Follow-up with W. Corbijn. AS AS D. Clunie JAN 12 2015: DC will discuss with WG 21 and WG 28; Kevin will check implementation Last discussion: Need to be discussed in WG-21 JAN 12 2015: Follow-up with W. Corbijn. Probably cancel. reassigned to W. Corbijn from B Revet AS W. Corbijn Last discussion: Tom Probasco-WG-06 needs more information and examples for when it is meaningful [BR to contact TP] JAN 12 2015: Follow-up with W. Corbijn. Reassigned to W. Corbijn from B Revet AS AS Last discussion: B Revet clarified that the 1720 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 intent of the CP is to prevent the same identifier issued for different blocks. It was suggested to state that the “same privet creator shall not be used for different blocks.” ACTION: B Revet will reword it to include more normative text and include examples in the notes. Also make it clear that there is no implication in the order of the blocks. 1224 Add Expiration Date to UPS 1225 Add Procedure Step Completion Codes to UPS Add more specific postprocessing codes to CID 9231 Fix Estimated Dose Saving attribute Correct inconsistency between Table C.30.3-1 and Table CC.2.5-3 of UPS Restrict claming UPS Work items AS to another AE Frame Of Reference Reliability 1226 1227 1228 1241 1319 K O’Donnell K. O’Donnell K. O’Donnell K. O’Donnell K O’Donnell AS K O’Donnell U Busch AS AS AS AS AS MAR 23 2015: U Bush proposed to discuss. As written the CP does no harm. As proposed the FOR info is given as it was available at the time. Will discuss again on Thursday AS MARCH 2014: The related White Paper was posted. Reviewed the CP (version 07) and conducted extensive discussion, which will continue. Concluded that there is a need for analyzing and solving specific use cases. Reviewed the attributes. Noted that these types of changes, as a matter of policy, are not being added to existing objects. Jan 2014: discussed the Frame of Reference White paper OCT 2013: v03 reviewed. WG-02&27 White Paper to be reviewed 1320 Update to CID 3411 A Leontiev 1721 August 2013: How to record whether FOR is correct. KOD noted that all changes should be a different FOP with mapping JAN 12 2015: Follow-up with H. AS _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 Intracoronary Devices 1323 Clarify Audit Code Meanings R Horn 1345 Add Related UPS Sequence 1349 Link from still picture to video K O’Donnell B Revet to D. Clunie Kevin and Florian 1353 1358 1361 1362 1414 1418 1423 Secure Transport Connection Profile should allow higher TLS versions Correct tag mismatch between Implant Template Group Module and dictionary Correct ParticipantObjectDescription in DICOM audit message Correct AuditSourceIdentification in DICOM audit message Update PS3.1 definitions Add UDI (Universal Device ID) to objects R Horn Extending RFC 3240 with DICOM-Mime header fields J. Philbin reassigned from D Clunie, Renamed title to “Update RFC 3240 with mail and web services related content” Solomon. version _01 says waiting for ACC Cath Committee et al JAN 12 2015: Follow-up with R. Horn. Last discussion: Clarify Codes JAN 2014: Lengthy discussion. This CP may be the solution to existing problems. JAN 12 2015: discussed to not include implementation advice particularly as it links to current technology. Need to reballot. Need comment from Florian NOV 2014: Kevin and Florian will discuss further off-line. KOD: make it more of a cook book. JUNE 2014: See the Toshiba comment: KOD the text is not fully informative, only understandable to “insiders”. Check with author, Florian Knicker. Remains assigned. MARCH 2014: WG-06 reviewed, no comments JAN 12 2015: Follow-up with R Horn A Leontiev AS AS AS , On Hold for reballo ting AS AS R Horn JAN 12 2015: Follow-up with R Horn AS R Horn JAN 12 2015: Follow-up with R Horn AS A Leontiev K O’Donnell JUNE 2014: New, received CP number 2015-09 mtg: KOD reported reaching out to JIC (IHE, HL& to inquire whether doable) AS AS 1722 JUNE 2014: New, received CP number 2015-SEPT mtg: Marc Kaemmerer called in and presented the rationale for the CP. J. Philbin also submitted a CP for updating the RFC. Marc and Jim were asked to work together on a new RFC. Submitter to IETF. See CPXXXX_v1_ rfc3240_2015-0912.docx in the Sept 2015 WG-06 mtg AS _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 folder/CP/New 1433 RT-specific KOS CIDs U Busch JAN 12 2015: Confirmed task SEPT 2015 – NEW: David Clunie will work with Marc to finalize CP and submission to IETF. Secretary will submit to IETF. 2015-SEPT mtg: discussed on Tuesday: Remains AS unless Uli finishes work on Friday. Friday discussion: missing in the CP the description of context without which difficult to interpret the se concepts.. How are the codes related to UPS task. Who would use the KOS Object? Which part of the workflow is managed by UPS or KOS? Need a description. Discussed specifically NNN7: both input and output are included. Getting loosey-goosey workflow into the Standard. DICOM does not use KOS for workflow. If IHE creates a detailed description of the workflow, DICOM would create the Codes. DICOM Code definitions should not include ‘workflow’. Rem ains AS 2015-June mtg: Version 06 Adding a lot of Codes but decided this is not something for LOINC. Needs to remove term ‘series’, call it diagnostic images only. The terms should not duplicate themselves. Avoid “workflow” use “grouping RT objects” instead. 1450 1455 Correct media application profile description with respect to compression Add exposure attributes to XRay 3D CRANIOFACIAL Image IOD D Clunie A Casertano 1723 SEPT. 2014-NEW: Delete blank lines MAR 23 2015: needs work JAN 12 2015: New JAN 12 2015: New Will need to consider discussions of WG28: should dose data be in image header or in SR. Concern: dose registries collect data, not images. On Agenda for 12/15 Thursday CP Session. Will do both image and RDSR template update AS AS _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 1474 More flexible description of positioning of human and preclinical research small animal subjects 2015-June mtg: not ready for VP 1479 Update PS3.4 for expanded Code Sequence HH. H Solomon 1481 Update PS3.19 for expanded II. H Solomon Code Sequence 1483 Clarify Bulk Data URI 1484 Add ordering decision supportKK. to H Solomon CDA 1492 Archeological Extension 1495 JJ. Reassigned to Rob Horn on Friday from J Philbin & H Solomon Replace incorrect SNOMED codes R Horn D Clunie 2. Add non-horizontal table positions (table positioning other than horizontal or vertical – reference is gravity WG-30 is still working on part 2 March 18 2015: NEW The proposals are not in CP. Use a macro. 2015-June mtg: appears to need more work March 18 2015: NEW Updates Pt 19 definitions for Expanded Code Sequence 2015-09 mtg: define what bulk data uri refers to. JP submitted a new CP on this topic (1540). Will merge with his new CP except the part of the new CP separating metadata from bulk data. RH noted we were inconsistent with use of uri and url. Further discussed on Friday. Definitions of uri and url were not clear : Homework for Rob Horn Mar 23 2015: new 2015-June mtg: wait for more work Mar 23 2015: new 2015-SEPT mtg: reviewed v01 . Needs an informative Annex. Stays assigned Mar 23 2015: new 2015 SEPT mtg. DC received note from SNOMED. Needs to process Stays assigned Rem ains AS AS Rem ains AS Rem ains AS AS AS Stays AS 2015 June mtg: clean up editorial note and will be ready for Sept Voting Packet 1500 Correct status codes in WADOURI J Philbin 1724 2015 June 2 tcon: NEW Discovered when cleaning up SNOMED codes see CP-817 for history June 2015 mtg: NEW Status codes WADO-URI patch AS _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 1508 Add ‘accept’ and ‘charset’ to WADO-RS URL J Philbin 2015 June mtg: not discussed further 2015-June 2 tcon: NEW AS 1509 Refactor media type description for web services J Philbin 2015 June mtg: Discussed for advance advice: This is not part of Re-documentation. HL7 changed preference for media types and broke installed base. Should make this two CPs. One the change and the other the redoc. See 1517 & 1518 AS 1511 Clarify WADO URI media types J Philbin 2015-June 2 tcon: NEW Made into two more CPs 1517&1518 2015 June mtg: JP will show the struck out and the replacement sections. Msg should be -we are NOT changing WADO URI. CP wants to make request understandable and clarify the transaction structure/model. Remove reference to WG-06 in the rationale. Reviewed the three permutations for getting DICOM back. There are currently no rules for WADO URI. CP changes reference from implicit to explicit and should state so. Add in rationale: depends on 174 and there was an http redoc. Need matrix of behavior to clarify justification of CP. Rema ins AS 2015-June 2 tcon: NEW 1513 Clarification of meaning of entrance dose 1515 Addition Of Cone beam CT dose Recording for RT CT Images LL. K O’Donnell U Busch June 2015 mtg: NEW F Sureda will coordinate with WG-15. D Peck objected, wanted to wait until P_RDSR is further developed. Need to add changes to Pt 16 template in rationale: a) discuss the future looking PRDSR object (b) should MPPS be retired? 2015-SEPT mtg: Stays assigned AS AS June 2015 mtg: NEW RT is seeking to use current RDSR. WG-28, -22, -02 are coordinating CBCT. Dentistry domain wants to add dose data in image header 1725 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 1518 Add default media type for video for web services 1519 Add transfer syntax parameter to J Philbin application/dicom media type for WADO-URI Real World Mapping in Abstract MM. D Clunie Multi-Dimensional Model Add Root Template Definition D Clunie Order is not significant for D Clunie subordinate measurement templates Requirements for items in D Clunie Quantity Definition Sequence More tracer kinetic models D Clunie Water equivalent diameter for D Clunie CT RDSR 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 Correct order of reference to pixel spacing values in SR Image Library Correction of X-Ray Frame Acquisition Sequence Attributes Description Update specs for citing DICOM Private Creator once per group Add Purpose Code For RT Plan Positioning Additional Tags For Ion Eye Treatment Modify the Specific Character Set Description for the MWL Conformance Statement Example Clean up Composite IEs J Philbin (DAP). WG-02 is considering a grand unification work item to develop a new object for all CBCT (dental, angio, RT) 2015-SEPT mtg: is DICOM ready for a required media type? Required video type comes with mandatory licensing. Encoding, trans/re-encoding requires license. Storing, replaying (regurgitating, decoding does not require license.) Stays assigned until clarity about optimal code Rem ains AS June 2015 mtg: NEW 2015-SEPT mtg: stays ASSIGNED AS June 2015 mtg: NEW Sept 2015: NEW AS Sept 2015: NEW Sept 2015: NEW AS AS Sept 2015: NEW stemming from GE comment No. 2 on LB Sept 2015: NEW Sept 2015: NEW AAPM TG 204 PT size Add water equivalent diameter to images, add info to RDSR. Sent to WG-21 and WG-28. Asked WG-28 to work in parallel with the TG to save time. Sept 2015: NEW AS Sept 2015: NEW using old CP template; update AS H Solomon H Solomon U Busch Sept 2015: NEW Sept 2015: NEW Sept 2015: NEW AS AS AS U Busch Sept 2015: NEW AS D Clunie Sept 2015: NEW AS H Solomon Sept 2015: NEW AS D Clunie B Nolte 1726 AS AS AS _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 descriptions Add Assignment Rejection Code for UPS Cancelation Additional SUVlbm formulas Support HTTP/2 Specify STOW error codes in decimal Correct IOD relationship to Info Model Add Equivalent Purpose Code Clarify definition of metadata and bulk data (Add a Bulkdata Reference (BR) Value Representation) KO Donnell Sept 2015: NEW AS D Clunie J Philbin H Solomon Sept 2015: NEW Adjust BMI formula Sept 2015: NEW need explanation Sept 2015: NEW Prompted at DICOMweb Conference on 9/11 Sept 2015: NEW AS AS AS U Busch Sept 2015: NEW Group agreed with the need AS J Philbin Sept 2015: NEW Split in two JFP will think about part 1 and part 2 will be folded in CP 1483 AS H Solomon AS The discussion of the Supplements follows. The documents referenced are posted in the ‘Sups’ subdirectory of the meeting directory. 1727 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 13. Supplement 121 – Modality Procedure Plan and Protocol Storage (CT) {WI-2006-04-E} This was a continued presentation for Letter Ballot. Editor K. O’Donnell presented the draft supplement posted prior to this session as <Sup121_PC+0120150912.docx>. WG-06 continued line-by-line review for Letter Ballot for 6 hours over Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. In addition, on Wednesday, WG-21 discussed the Supplement in a separate meeting. D. Cody of AAPM, R. Ruf of Siemens, S. Gotman of Philips, and Brad Gilberts of GE assisted and supported the presentation. WG-06 directed various revisions. K. O’Donnell annotated and revised the document accordingly. The annotated document was posted in the meeting folder as <Sup121_PC+01-20150917.docx> Substantive changes included: Revision of the Real World Diagram Clarification/revision of the Attributes for Modifiable Constraint Flag, Content Qualification, Indications, Constraint Policy, Clinical Trial Name/UID, Model Accessories, CTDIvol, Noise Target Generalization of the Hanging Protocol Selector Attribute Value Macro to the Attribute Value Macro Expansion of Acquisition Element Description to address summary and purpose separately and clarify that this is not for instructions to the tech. The line-by-line review was not completed due to lack of time. The supplement will return in November to complete line-by-line review for Letter Ballot. 1728 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 14. Supplement 147 – 2nd Generation Radiotherapy Prescription [WI This was a post PC reading for Trial Implementation. U. Busch reported on the Public Comments. The comment period started in February 2015 and closed in June 2015. Several targeted outreach was made including special announcement in the AAPM Newsletter. Over 200 public comments were received. WG-07 reviewed and considered all comments and distilled and consolidated them to about 50 comments that resulted in revisions to the draft Standard. He will be reviewing the revised draft at this WG-06 meeting. U. Busch next presented the WG-07 plan to develop a Draft for Trial Implementation and request WG06 approval, after the review of the public comments. He also noted that experimenting by individual companies for trial implementation has already started, indicating the extent of thoroughness with which this industry is proceeding. In general, in trial implementation, standard tags can be issued and used or private tags may be used. In this case hundreds of tags are involved. In this case WG-07 intends to use private tags. (Ultrasound also used private tags.) Further, it should be clear whether trial implementation includes treatment of patients. In this case no patient treatment will be conducted. Chief technical issues discussed included: Series in DICOM are collections of similar things, not of different things. For the latter a different construct should be used. WG-06 suggested to develop a definition of RT Study which may solve the series – related discussion. Labeling Macros should be generalized to make them available for general use (Esp. 'RT' prefix should be removed) The syntax used in the expression to combine Conceptual Volumes should be defined more strictly. R. Horn will provide some Links to possibly suitable specifications. The supplement will return in November for continued reading of the PC phase comments and in January again for approval of the Trial Implementation draft. 15. Supplement 156 – Planar MPR Volumetric Presentation State {WI 2008-04-C} This was a continued reading for Final Text. WG-06 held several phone conferences, since the last WG-06 meeting, and completed the line-by-line reading and approved the Final Text. At the meeting of WG-11, last week, a few editorial changes were made. WG-11 made it clear that they can submit these last changes as CP’s if it would delay FT approval. However, WG-06 decided to review the few editorial; changes and allow inclusion in the FT. Thereafter the FT was approved unanimously; WG-06 congratulated Joe Luszcz on the completion, who in turn thanked Andreas Klingler and Jonathan Whitby for their significant contributions. The supplement was approved as Final Text. 1729 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 16. Supplement 174, RS (RESTFUL) (RETRIEVE) RENDERING – WI-2008-04-B) This was a reading for Final Text. The reading started in Q4 on Monday, in place of the scheduled Sup 183 discussion because Sup 174 is a major part Sup 183. The supplement passed Letter Ballot, on Aug. 18, 2015. Editor J. Philbin presented the draft that included the comments that were received during the Letter Ballot process. The document he presented was posted in the meeting folder as < sup174_v7_pre_final_2015-09-13.docx>. A lengthy discussion took place and all members of WG-06 contributed reviews and comments. The review of Sup 174 consumed the allotted time plus the time scheduled for Sup 183. If no additional time becomes available during the week to finish the Final Text. T-con(s) of WG-06 will be scheduled to complete the FT review and approval. The Supplement will return to complete Final Text if not approved FT in special t-cons prior to the next WG-06 meeting. 17. Supplement 175 –2nd Generation Radiotherapy - C-Arm Radiations {WI 2007-06-B} WG-07 decided to conduct a reading of RT Supplement 147 instead of Sup 175. 18. Supplement 176 –2nd Generation Radiotherapy – Additional RT Treatment modalities. {WI 2007-06-B} WG WG-07 decided to conduct reading of RT Sup 147 instead of Sup 176 during this allotted time. 1730 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 19. Supplement 181 – Tractography Results Storage SOP Class {WI 2014-08-A} The title was changed from MR Tractography Storage SOP Class. This was a reading for Final Text; it started in the second half of Q1, on Tuesday. Jim Reuss represented, via web meeting, the Editor of this Supplement, Sven Flossmann, who could not be present today. Jim thanked the commenters for the thorough review. DTI Group members David Flade, Sonja Pujol, Elmar Seeberger, and Rowena Vigh were also connected by web meeting. Jim presented the GE comment and the DTI Group’s evaluation thereof that was posted as <Sup181NEGATIVEcomment-GE-Solomon_SFL.docx>. Accepted most comments, detailed reasoning in the referenced document for not accepting certain comments. In the discussion of coordinating Value Pairs Sequence the question was posed whether OL should be added? If not, OB should be explained as to how to interpret it. WG-06 will consider this question, D. Clunie will draft a description of OL and will return to the point on Friday. With respect to the acronym comment it was decided that there is no obligation to describe term of art in a DICOM Standard. Next the Siemens Comments and the DTI Group’s evaluation thereof was discussed as posted in the file <Sup181-Disapprove&Comment-Siemens-Klingler_SFL.docx>.Again, most comments were accepted. Explanation is shown for non-acceptance. D. Flade suggested another change for data retrieval, not yet in the Supplement; WG-06 concurred and asked to include the change in the current FT rather than introduce is as a CP. Finally the Hologic comments and the DTI Group’s evaluation thereof were reviewed as recorded in the document posted as <Sup181-Approve&Comment-Hologic-Keyes_SFL.docx>. The WG-06 next proceeded to a line-by-line review of Sup 181 for Final Text (FT) on a copy that included tracked changes from the Letter Ballot Draft posted as <sup181_lb_diff_00_to_06_MR_Diffusion_Tractography_Storage.docx>. During this reading Restored the General Results Series module and kept Tractography Series Module as well, throughout the draft. Add attribute for a new IOD in Tractography Series Module Noted that a potential new OL VR attribute may be added on Friday Revised C.8.X.2.1 C.8.X.2.1.1 will be folded into the table. The Tuesday review ended at this point. The line-by-line review will be continued on Friday. After the Tuesday reading, the DTI Group (D. Flade) revised the Supplement 181 with the feedback given in the Tuesday session and the amendments from Jim and David Clunie that they 1731 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 have provided following the Tuesday reading. D. Flade prepared a document containing only changes related to feedback given up to that point. The changes have been: Notes from Jim that he made to the supplement during the presentation. Added new VR=OL (32-bit unsigned integer) for the attribute Track Point Index List (gggg,ee29) and the related amendment to the DICOM Standard as proposed by David Clunie. Added some more attributes to the Tractography Results Series module as proposed by David Clunie. Added a passage at the end of “C.8.X.2.1 Tractography Results Module Attributes” which was not part of the presented text yesterday. The added text is actually old text that was removed because it was thought to be outdated; however, after review by the chairman it was re-added. Unfortunately, the re-added passage did not make it to the supplement Jim presented yesterday. So, now it’s back in. The revised document to be presented Friday morning Q1 Session was posted in the WG-06 meeting folder as document < sup181_lb_08_MR_Diffusion_Tractography_Storage.docx>. The post discussion document was posted as <sup181_lb_08_MR_Diffusion_Tractography_Storage.docx> The Supplement was approved as Final Text. 20. Supplement 183, Part 18 (Chapter 10) Re-documentation [WI-2008-04-B] This was going to be a First Read. However, the line-by-line reading of Sup 174 consumed the Sup 183 time as well. There was no discussion of Sup 183. The Supplement will return. 21. Supplement 184 – Brachytherapy Delivery Instructions {WI 2000-11-B} This was a reading for Letter Ballot. Editor U. Busch presented the document <sup184_PC. Philips.doc> , which was posted in the Pub-Cmts folder, which also contained Sup184_PC_Comments-Philips-Medema.docx. These were the only comments received during the Public Comment period. Besides two small grammatical correction there was one question about scope etc, which U. Busch clarified with the reviewer prior to the meeting. A Plan IE definition was added and the Enhanced General Equipment C.7.5.2 included in the IOD. After line-by-line review the Supplement was approved for Letter Ballot. 1732 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 22. Supplement 185, Content Assessment (changed from ‘Object Evaluation’) Results IOD {WI 2000-11-B} This was a continued reading for Public Comment. The updates and insertions discussed at the last WG-06 meeting were completed prior to this meeting. U. Busch presented < Sup185_PCpre.doc>. An IE definition for Content Assessment IE was added and references to Supplement 121 have been updated. The supplement was approved for Public Comment. 23. Supplement 187 – Preclinical Small Animal Imaging Acquisition {WI- 2015-05-A} This was a reading for Letter Ballot. D. Clunie presented the posted document < sup187_13_preclinicalanimalacquisitioncontext.pdf>. There were no public comments. WG-30 has resolved the open and closed issues, completed the to do lists. The document presented was a proposed text for Letter Ballot. On Monday the Group started a line-byline review and discussed the draft extensively including directing several changes. Approximately 75% of the document has been reviewed during the Monday session. At the end of the session the changes were made resulting in < sup187_14_preclinicalanimalacquisitioncontext.pdf>, which was posted. The changes from v13 to v14 are shown in <sup187_14_preclinicalanimalacquisitioncontext_changesfrom13.pdf> that was also posted in the meeting folder. The line-by-line continued and was completed on Tuesday. The Supplement was approved for Letter Ballot. 24. Supplement 188 – Multi-Energy CT Storage [WI-2013-08-A] This was a first read. Editor Reinhard Ruf presented; WG-21 members Dianna Cody, Brad Gabrielse, S. Gotman, and Kevin O’Donnell were assisting. The starting presentation is posted as < Sup-Multi-Energy-Images-2015-09-17-before review-withwg06.docx.> The discussion identified items needing further technical discussion: Standardized Color Maps 1733 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 Material Classification (Labeling) Images – use segmentation IOD instead of Image IOD Generate a new Sequence for ME KVP Attribute for supporting of spiral, non-spiral CT Additional X-Ray Source Sequence Mode proportion, move to macro Focal spots Exposure time, spiral, non-spiral Spiral Pitch Factor Retire Energy Weighing Factor? Multi energy in text and keywords Defined terms for Multi Energy CT Images Multi source with switching not covered The post review draft is posted as < Sup-Multi-Energy-Images-2015-09-17-after review-withwg06.docx> The presenters noted that they intend to return for a reading for public comment, in January 2016. The Supplement will return. 25. Supplement 189 - Functional MRI Blending Presentation State Storage [WI-2014-12-A] This was a First Reading. W. Corbijn, Chair of the fMRI Group of WG-16, described the concepts of this supplement with the help of a power point presentation. Members of the WG-16 fMRI Group, Jim Reuss of Prism Clinical Imaging and Cathy Elsinger of Nordic Neuro Lab have assisted the presentation and participated in the discussion. The presentation was posted in the meeting folder as ppt file: <Sup189-FMRI-overview-after-WG06.pptx>. There was an extended discussion of the concepts and the open questions. The following conclusions were reached regarding the topics discussed: should target a full 3D support from data point of view without really going for the Volume Rendering already when the full version is completed one can see if it can be restricted to create a simple version that doesn’t need registration / MPR for creating one geometry space contour generation is a complex operation; consider to leave it to the application to implement this feature without describing in the Blending object. This way get a better adoption of the object. 1734 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 Alignment with the MPR supplement(s) is needed to get better take up of the supplement Threshold must be part of the Blending object and not from the parametric map. For this come up with the actually used types of ranges (LE, LT, GT and GE) and leave out extra capabilities that are not considered relevant in the near future. Use the Floating storage for the values if they are not integer by nature. Create function to map the values to a color range directly without using a color LUT and integer value range as intermediate step. Real world value mapping shall be used for communicating the real meaning of the parametric map. If needed multiple Real-World mappings can be used to communicate different meanings Reminder for later: see what is already described for “Neuro DM experiments” as it might be used for Paradigm descriptions. The Supplement number 189 was assigned. The Supplement will return. 26. Supplement 190 – Volume Rendering [WI 2008-04-C} This supplement is the third under this Work Item: (1st: Sup 156, 2nd: Sup 182.) This was a presentation of the concepts and a First Read. The WG-11 Team presented the topic by phone: A Klingler, Joe Luszcz, J. Whitby. The concepts were presented by J Whitby with the help of the ppt (posted as VolumeRenderingVPSproposal_v2.pptx.) Thereafter the draft was presented (posted as SupXXX_VolumeRendering_20150909_1530.docx.) The ensuing discussion concluded that examples will need to be added and some ppt slides should be added to an informational annex. The Supplement will return. 27. Supplement 191 – Patient RDSR Storage [WI-2012-11-C] – This was a First Read. Donald Peck of AAPM, Chair of WG-28, presented the Supplement with Francisco Sureda, Chair of WG-02 assisting by phone connection. D. Peck noted that WG-28 and WG-02 work in close cooperation on this Supplement. 1735 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 The following files, posted in the meeting folder were referred to in this discussion: < WG-28_Patient Radiation Dose SR (P-RDSR)_rev7.pptx> and < WG-28_supXXX Patient-RDSR draft 06 20150824.docx>. The Supplement was assigned number 191. Comments and directions of WG-06 were recorded by D. Peck in the draft presented. At the end of the session the annotated draft was posted in the meeting folder as < WG-28_sup191 Patient-RDSR draft 07 10-2015 End of Session.docx>. The Scope and Field of Application was reviewed. It summarizes the purpose and rationale for this Supplement and is reproduced below. Supplement number 191 was assigned. Supplement 191 is scheduled to return for Reading for Public Comment, at the January 18-22 Meeting of WG-06. Scope and Field of Application Many professional, public-health, and regulatory authorities recommend or require recording dosimetric information from diagnostic and therapeutic studies that use radiation in the patient’s medical records. For non-oncology therapeutic applications, the current Information Object Definitions (IOD) used for measuring the radiation dose indices is the Radiation Dose Structured Report (RDSR). The RDSR contains only information about the irradiation system or information the system can determine, i.e. radiation output, geometry, x-ray source, detector system, etc. Yet, these IOD do not include sufficient information about the patient, which is required to adequately estimate the radiation dose to the patient. In addition, there are multiple methodologies and models that can be used to estimate patient dose and these methods are rapidly changing. Once an estimate of the radiation dose absorbed by a patient is performed, storing and transferring the method used, parameters involved with them, and the resulting dose estimate in standard format will facilitate recording such information. It is assumed that the best location for information relative to the dosimetric method used and the estimated patient – radiation dose should be to send this data to a Dose Information Reporter, an actor (in the IHE sense) that may or may not be combined with a RIS, a PACS, or may be a standalone system. The approach taken here for the Patient - Radiation Dose Structured Report (P-RDSR) is to define a new Structured Report (SR) object template and SOP Class. This SR object, independent of the images or the MPPS, could be routed to an appropriate Dose Information Reporter System. A system that claims conformance to such an SR object would then be expected, as a concomitant of the conformance claim, to appropriately deal with such data items. Such an SR dose object allows the data flow and data management of patient estimated radiation dose reports to be disentangled from the data flow and data management of images. 1736 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 28. New Business Items 29. New Work Item-CT Sinogram D. Peck, as AAPM representative, reported that a DICOM Work Item is planned for introduction of a new DICOM Storage SOP Class (based in part possibly on a private SOP Class being used by Mayo). The contents of the SOP Class is “sinogram” data (also called “projection” data) from a CT scanner. The sinogram data is the “raw” data that the CT scanner acquires and then reconstructs to produce the image data stored in the CT Image Storage SOP Class today. Kevin O’Donnell suggested to avoid calling the new SOP Class ‘Raw” data to avoid confusion with the Raw Data Storage SOP Class that already exists in DICOM. The existing Raw Data Storage is a DICOM wrapper around a black box. The black box can have arbitrarily contents and be encoded in a proprietary way. It’s useful for using DICOM to move and store black boxes. The Work Item is to define a standard format for sinograms/projection data, not a black box. The purpose is to facilitate 3rd party research into reconstruction algorithms and other things that need the projection data. The draft is posted in the Sups directory of the meeting folder. 30. New Supplement -Supplement 192 - Instance Approval Storage [WI-2006-04-E] WG-06 initiated this supplement as it recognized the commonality of Supplements 121 and 147, and expected other uses outside CT protocols. This Supplement defines a storage SOP Class to convey assertions of approval for Protocols (and other instances). The assertions are encoded using a macro which is also being used for RT. These were originally part of the Sup121 but have been moved into a separate supplement when it was decided they should be a separate SOP Class rather than embedded within the CT Protocol SOP Classes. The supplement number was assigned. See < Sup192(Approvals)_PC+20150909.docx> posted in the meeting folder. It was decided that Sup121 can proceed to LB without Sup 192 is finalized. The supplement will return. 31. Future Meetings Nov. 9-13, 2015 - MITA HQ, Arlington, VA, USA Jan. 18-22, 2016 - MITA HQ, Arlington, VA, USA March 7-11, 2016 - MITA HQ, Arlington, VA, USA June 6-10, 2016 – Munich or Iceland TBD 1737 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015 TBD-Late Summer 2016 - MITA HQ, Arlington, VA, USA TBD-Fall 2016 - MITA HQ, Arlington, VA, USA 32. Next Meeting Agenda An agenda plan was prepared for the next meeting. This was posted as <Agenda-Plan-for-Nov2015.xls> in the meeting folder. Note: The comprehensive list of all CPs (including all FT and cancelled) is posted in this meeting’s folder CP-2015-nn-nn.xlsx, shortly after the meeting. The comprehensive list of all Supplements (sorted by Supp. Number) is posted in this meeting’s folder: Supstat-2015-nn-nn.xlsx, shortly after the meeting. These files and a comprehensive list of all Work Items, sorted by the dates of approvals are also posted in the public ftp directory: ftp://medical.nema.org/MEDICAL/Dicom/OverviewsCPs-Sups-WIs 33. Adjournment The meeting recessed at 17.30 daily and resumed at 08.30 the next day. The meeting was adjourned at 13:00, on Sept. 18, 2015. Submitted by Stephen Vastagh, Secretary Reviewed by Clark Silcox, Legal Counsel 1738 _____________________________ Working Group Six (Base Standard) of the DICOM Standards Committee CP’s Sept. 14-19, 2015