BMPOA Board Meeting Sept 2014

BMPOA Monthly Meeting Minutes 9/8/14
Attendees: CH, JM, MV, JD, NR, JC, RL
Tim and Jon excused
Members: Patricia Chilcote, Bev Chetosky
Minutes recorded by: Carl Herz
Called to order 6:00PM
First business: Special mtg minutes ready for posting, annual mtg minutes to be corrected in Oct. First
Correction: roads are not funded, only has a cost associated. 2nd: Tim was present at special mtg
Treasurers Report, MV
NR: Designate some money to improve lodge, i.e. roof, etc.
Action: MV three years of data, break down budget vs spend by category
Roads report, JM
Action: CH to email Pete about sand barrel at 30 Old Log. Also about fallen limb at Deer Lake
Recreation report:
JM suggests discussion on rearranging lodge rooms. 104 sq ft mtg room. Chairs can’t fit stacked
in mtg room. Suggestion is to maintain current arrangement: mtg/dressing room, store equip in kitchen.
Cliff road, major issue. Correspondence between JD and member to address issues. ARC mtg to follow
this mtg.
MV brings to discussion the umbrella insurance policy. Makes motion to increase liability insurance.
Seconded and approved.
JM: Members here to discuss “Fall Festival.” BMPOA function? Hay bales; concern for the cliff. Bright
orange fence will be installed as temporary. Outdoor events will be staged in front (not cliff) of lodge.
Charge for entrance to cover cleaning, etc. Expected attendance from 40 to 100. BMPOA would fund
from BMPOA budget. Costs to include: paper plates & etc., some candy. Pot luck style event. $3,800 in
entertainment budget. Oct 18th 1P-5P. Tricia will buy materials and MV will authorize reimbursements.
Lowest parking area will be cordoned off. Promotion and signs at the BMPOA mailboxes and facebook.
Attendees will clean the lodge. Missy apparently indicated approval of cleaning.
NR makes motion for $500 budget- seconded – approved. Fall Festival is a go.
JM: By-Law re-write committee volunteers? JD, JC, PP, JM, likely NR. Action: JM to initially mark-up
existing by-laws first then send to board. Potential contentious issues: vote by proxy, ballot mailing.
JM: Paving remainder of Woodthrush. Cost of paving Woodthrush is 17k, 14k refund to be held until
decision. Would become state road, alleviating road expenses. Argue with Shenandoah Farms over
responsibilities will be nullified.
JM makes motion to get this in process. Seconded and approved.
JM: Discussion of lights on the back of the lodge? Security cameras on lodge may be infrared. sensor
lights may also be tied in to cameras? Security value may be negligible, safety becomes the imperative.
RL makes motion to install security lights with motion detection and see if neighbors mind. JC
amends: up to $500. Adequate number of fixtures. Seconded, approved unanimously.
JM: Grounding issue is checked by Axis, JD suggests driving extra grounding stakes. Driving may not be
possible, may need to be buried. Agreed to fix the issue, no vote required: for maintenance of facilities
JM: Pete complains about web site updates. Rob’s action item ETA is November. He is working on it.
JD: When and where are minutes? CH has July-Sept 2014. Action for Jim and Nynette to recover winter
2013-2014 minutes.
JM: Insurance adjuster will come Sept 16th to re-evaluate our insurance needs at lodge.
NR: Safety issue- door above long stairway opens directly to stair. JM is already working on the door
replacement. Insurance agent will be consulted about this on Sept. 16th.
JD: Has Tim worked on the lake overflow action item? No, but pending. Likewise, JM working on the
lodge door.
CH: One last item, secretarial items to be stored at the lodge? CH will buy labels, and keep printed
copies of docs, etc. in cabinet. Agreed.
Adjourned 6:55P.
Action items:
CH: Append list of members present at 2014 annual mtg to the minutes
CH: Mail returned letters
CH: Tim was present at annual mtg- change minutes
CH: July and Aug minutes to Rob as draft minutes
MV: Edit 2014 annual mtg minutes
CH: Issue thank you note to Jahn’s for $200 donation to fireworks