Analyzing Age-Structure Diagrams Name: For each of the countries, you need to analyze their age structure diagrams to determine what is happening to their populations. Compare the 2000 data with the projection for the year 2050. Provide the populations for each year and provide a sketch of the age-structure diagram. Then decide if the population is expanding (rapid or slow growth), stable (zero growth) or declining (negative growth). Circle the correct answer. Go to the following website: “Click a Country” using the alphabet letters- make sure you select 2000 or 2025 AFGHANISTAN 2000 Population: __________________________ JAPEN 2000 Population: __________________________ Circle: Expanding Stable Declining Circle: Expanding Stable Declining 2025 Population: ________________________ 2025 Population: ________________________ Circle: Expanding Stable Declining NIGERIA 2000 Population: __________________________ Circle: Expanding Stable Declining UNITED STATES 2000 Population: __________________________ Circle: Expanding Stable Declining Circle: Expanding Stable Declining 2025 Population: ________________________ 2025 Population: ________________________ Circle: Expanding Stable Declining Circle: Expanding Stable Declining EASTERN AFRICA 2000 Population: __________________________ BANGLEDESH 2000 Population: __________________________ Circle: Expanding Stable Declining Circle: Expanding Stable Declining 2025 Population: ________________________ 2025 Population: ________________________ Circle: Expanding Stable Declining Circle: Expanding Stable Declining Create hypothetical histogram on the next page Briefly explain a situation that has taken place in the past or hypothetically could take place in the future- use your imagination. Design a histogram that best fits the scenario you have described. Age groups should be in increments of 5 years- make sure to label males/females, population numbers etc. Identify at least 3 characteristics/abnormalities found in your histogram and explain how your scenario correlates to those characteristics/abnormalities. For example, your histogram could be box-like which correlates to a scenario of stable population. BE AS CREATIVE AS YOU LIKE!! Make sure your STORY MATCHES YOUR HISTOGRAM AND EXPLANATIONS! You will present you histogram to the class Story: Summarized characteristics: