Section 2 Mesopotamia (Word Version)

Unit 2
Civilization & Development
in the Neolithic Age
Section 2
Key Terms for Mesopotamia
city-state =
artisans =
ziggurat =
cuneiform =
scribe =
priest-kings =
Sargon I
The Rise of Mesopotamia
The earliest known civilizations developed along the ____________ and ____________
These rivers originate in eastern Turkey, which in ancient times was
The rivers join and enter into the ____________ Gulf
Today we call this area _________.
In ancient times this area was known as Mesopotamia OR
1)___________________________ 2)___________________________
The First Civilization
People originally settled __________ in about 3500 BC. This area is located in southern
They were:
Black haired
Sumer is known as the first civilization on earth.
For the first time people began to control their physical environment.
The two rivers flooded each spring.
They built _____________ in order to control the river.
Wyoming Valley Levee
Forty Fort, Pennsylvania
Every year when the climate became dry, they would poke holes in the levees.
This water would run through channels to water the crops
This invention was called _______________.
The chief crop was barley.
fruit trees
date palms
Mesopotamian Cities
As the population grew, other cities emerged.
Each city was considered a country within itself.
Historians call them ________-_____________.
Greatest city in Sumeria was Ur.
Each city-state consisted of the city and the nearby _____________. The city-state was
surrounded by a fortified _______.
Near the center of the city lived the upper class. Their jobs were___________and
wealthy ___________.
Upper class houses were two stories high with balconies which looked over
Behind the houses of the rich lived the middle class:
Government officials, shopkeepers, & ______________, or skilled workers.
Middle class houses were built around courtyards, but were only one story high.
Further beyond the middle class lived the lower class: fishermen, unskilled workers,
and _________________.
Often city-states would go to war with other city-states over boundaries, to prove
which city was more powerful, or to gain wealth.
At the center of each city-state was a ______________.
“ziggurat” literally translated means 1)_________________________ OR
The ziggurat was the home of the city’s chief god.
Around the ziggurat were courts
These courts and the ziggurat were the center of everyday life.
_______________ worked there.
Students attended school.
All great events were celebrated there.
Sumerians believed that all forces of nature were alive.
There were more than ________ Sumerian gods.
They believed that humans were on earth to serve the gods.
Only priests knew the will of the gods.
Priests ran every aspect of daily life.
Priests ran the schools:
Schools were only for the sons of the ______________.
___________ children learned to work the fields or learned a trade.
Schools were known as “tablet houses.”
They taught students how to write.
Sumerian writing was called _______________ .
Their writing was made up of a system of wedges carved into clay tablets.
Cuneiform Tablet
Development of Writing
Writing was developed for the sole purpose of keeping track of business deals.
When a student graduated from school he became a ___________, or a person who
makes a living by writing.
Women’s Rights
Women did have certain rights.
Could buy and sell _____________.
They ran businesses and could sell enslaved people.
Men’s Roles and Rights
Males were the head of the households.
A man could _______________ his wife by saying “you are not my wife.”
He could sell or rent his wife or children for up to 3 years.
Children were expected to always support their parents, or they could face slavery or
Priests and Kings
At first the priests were also the kings, known as _______________.
One of the most famous was Gilgamesh of Uruk.
Oldest known story in the world is known as the “Epic of _______________ .”
Received advice from a council of free men.
When war broke out these assemblies chose one man to lead the military.
As time went on these leaders stayed in power even during peace time.
By 3000 BC they took the place of the priests and became permanent kings.
At the same time kingship became hereditary. WHY?______________
Mesopotamian Empires
Sargon I
Ruler of Akkad
c. 2300 BC he marched his armies south and conquered everything in his path.
He created the word’s first _______________ , or territories governed under a
single ruler or nation.
First professional (_______)army.
(Northern Mesopotamia)
Hammurabi of Babylon
1800 BC a new group of people called Ammorites entered the river valley.
One of the new cities they built was _______________ .
The people of Babylon took on many parts of Sumerian _______________ , or way of
Hammurabi of Babylon reconquered Sumer and Akkad and became _______________
of a new empire.
The people of Babylon incorporated the cultures of the people they conquered into
their own.
Hammurabi was a great conqueror.
He improved irrigation systems
Changed religion by raising the god of Babylon above all others.
Reorganized the tax system.
Began a government housing program.
Code of Law
The _______________ , or improvement that he was most famous for was his
He issued and wrote down for the first time, one law code for all the unified citystates.
These codes were to be enforced fairly and justly.
He appointed royal judges.
Laws covered most of daily life
Punishments ranged from fines to death.
His _______________ ,or period of power, became known as the “Golden Age of
Mesopotamian Contributions
The Sumerians developed the first ________________ in the world.
Wrote the oldest written records.
Invented the wheel, the plow, the sailboat.
Invented the 12-month calendar.
They made huge accomplishments in the field of mathematics.
Developed a number system based on 60.
From this came the 60-minute hour, the 60- second minute, the 360 degree
Used a _______________ based on drips of water.