Theme Chart GRAPES Mesopotamia

G.R.A.P.E.S. Theme Chart for
Mesopotamia / Sumer, Chapter 3
Tigris and Euphrates Rivers flooded so the used
levees to help with the flooding – to water crops
Poked holes in levees to water crops – canals
No stone or timber – used mud bricks for
Desert – modern day Iraq
Ziggurat – home of the gods
o So tall to get them closer to heaven
Only priests could enter the top level of the
Had over 3000 gods – to represent forces of
Only on earth to serve gods
Each city-state had own god
Thought there were only male gods at first but
then female gods
City states were a city with a wall around and
then farmland on the outside
Ziggurat was in the middle, then upper, middle,
and on the edge the lower class houses
Made statues, pottery,
Had bronze gates (bronze a new metal)
Cuneiform (writing
Invented the wheel
360 degree circle
60 min hour, 60 sec. min.
Calendar based on moon
Invented sailboat
Invented plow
Cradle of Civilization (first civilization)
Oldest written records were Sumerian
Their ideas were copied and improved by others
o Neolithic Revolution caused villages to
start because people could stay in one
place – then villages developed into
civilizations (Sumer)
o Specialization (jobs) started
o Writing developed
o Sargon I – pushed the civilization to
become larger
o Hammurabi – pushed it even farther
and wrote down laws (Code of Laws)
Hammurabi was best known for Code of Laws –
given to rule each city-state
Priests were kings, hereditary (parent to child)
At the beginning each city-state had an
independent government
Sargon I (from Akkad)– ruled for 50 years – he
united city-states – worlds first EMPIRE
o Akkadian become the language
o Pushed civilization to become larger
o When he died empire fell
Hammurabi (Babylon) – ruled for 40 years
o Golden Age of Babylon
o Improved city-states
o Made judges to give punishments
o Upper class punished harsher
o Increased trade
o When he died Mesopotamia fell and
divided into small city states
Fisherman/ farmers
Government officials / priests
Merchants / shop keepers
Artisans / metal workers
Scribes / teachers (went to school to learn to be
Pottery makers (artisans)
Traders with the rest of the world
o Cuneiform (writing) – keep track of
Social Systems
Upper class – priests and merchants (trader)
Middle class – government officials, shop
keepers, artisans (skilled workers)
Lower class – farmers, unskilled workers,