Proverbial Prose Rubric 15 0 - 7 8 - 9 -10 11 - 12 - 13 14

Proverbial Prose Rubric
Sensory Details
and Mechanics
Meets 1 of 4 requirements:
- Character learns a life lesson; lesson learned
is clear and creatively applied
- Lesson is based on proverb/ quote
- Proverb is clearly used within the story, and
the story is centered around this quote
- Theme is woven throughout the story to
create flow and fluidity
Meets 1 of 3 requirements:
- Characters have at least 3 distinct quirks
which make them unique individuals
- Characters speak, act and think according to
their distinct personalities
- Characters are life-like and realistic
Meets 2 or fewer of 4 requirements:
- Story utilizes proper paragraph structure
- Conflict is clear, developed, realistic and
- Story has a clear beginning, middle and end
- Plot is fully developed and sensible
- lacks strong sensory details;
- not marked in bold face type
- does not use more than 10 words from the
writer’s palette or Vocabulary units; words
that are challenging are not underlined
Less than 3 examples of Figurative Language;
not highlighted and labeled
Meets 1 of 4 requirements:
- Dialogue is properly punctuated,
capitalized and formatted
- Shows rather than tells:
- Characters’ attitude displayed
- Dialogue tags are used only when
necessary; limit on “said”
- Narrative surrounds quotes
- Quotes show conflict
- Dialogue used to bring life to story rather
than overused
4 or below
Many errors which detract from meaning and
disrupt the reader; shows lack of proofreading
8 - 9 -10
Meets 2 of 4 requirements:
- Character learns a life lesson; lesson learned
is clear and creatively applied
- Lesson is based on proverb/ quote
- Proverb is clearly used within the story, and
the story is centered around this quote
- Theme is woven throughout the story to
create flow and fluidity
8 - 9 -10
Meets 2 of 3 requirements:
- Characters have at least 3 distinct quirks
which make them unique individuals
- Characters speak, act and think according to
their distinct personalities
- Characters are life-like and realistic
8 - 9 -10
Meets 3 of 4 requirements:
- Story utilizes proper paragraph structure
- Conflict is clear, developed, realistic and
- Story has a clear beginning, middle and end
- Plot is fully developed and sensible
8 - 9 -10
- has efforts at using sensory details and
descriptive words; marked in bold face type
- Uses at least 10words from the writer’s
palette and Vocabulary Units; all are
8 - 9 -10
3 examples of Figurative Language;
appropriate, highlighted and labeled
8 - 9 -10
Meets 2 of 4 requirements:
- Dialogue is properly punctuated,
capitalized and formatted
- Shows rather than tells:
- Characters’ attitude displayed
- Dialogue tags are used only when
necessary; limit on “said”
- Narrative surrounds quotes
- Quotes show conflict
- Dialogue used to bring life to story rather
than overused
6-4 errors which are disruptive; shows lack of
11 - 12 - 13
Meets 3 of 4 requirements:
- Character learns a life lesson; lesson learned
is clear and creatively applied
- Lesson is based on proverb/ quote
- Proverb is clearly used within the story, and
the story is centered around this quote
- Theme is woven throughout the story to
create flow and fluidity
11 - 12 - 13
Meets 3 requirements:
- Characters have at least 3 distinct quirks
which make them unique individuals
- Characters speak, act and think according to
their distinct personalities
- Characters are life-like and realistic
11 - 12 - 13
Meets all 4 requirements:
- Story utilizes proper paragraph structure
- Conflict is clear, developed, realistic and
- Story has a clear beginning, middle and end
- Plot is fully developed and sensible
11 - 12 - 13
- has 5 examples of sensory details (for several
senses) that are descriptive; marked in bold
face type
- Uses at least 10-15 words from the writer’s
palette and Vocabulary Units; all are
11 - 12 - 13
3 examples of Figurative Language; original
appropriate; highlighted and labeled correctly
11 - 12 - 13
Meets 3 of 4 requirements:
- Dialogue is properly punctuated,
capitalized and formatted
- Shows rather than tells:
- Characters’ attitude displayed
- Dialogue tags are used only when
necessary; limit on “said”
- Narrative surrounds quotes
- Quotes show conflict
- Dialogue used to bring life to story rather
than overused
4-3 types of errors which do not take away
from the overall piece.
14 - 15
Fully meets all 4 requirements:
- Character learns a life lesson; lesson learned
is clear and creatively applied
- Lesson is based on proverb/ quote
- Proverb is clearly used within the story, and
the story is centered around this quote
- Theme is woven throughout the story to
create flow and fluidity
14 - 15
Expertly meets all 3 requirements:
- Characters have more than 3 distinct quirks
which make them unique individuals
- Characters speak, act and think according to
their distinct personalities
- Characters are life-like and realistic
14 - 15
Expertly meets all 4 requirements:
- Story utilizes proper paragraph structure
- Conflict is clear, developed, realistic and
- Story has a clear beginning, middle and end
- Plot is fully developed and sensible
14 - 15
- has more than 5 examples of sensory details
(using multiple senses) that are vivid; marked
in bold face type
- Uses at least 15 words from the writer’s
palette and Vocabulary Units plus your own
challenging vocabulary; all are underlined
14 - 15
5 examples of Figurative Language; original,
appropriate; highlighted and labeled correctly
with footnotes
14 - 15
Fully meets all 4 requirements:
- Dialogue is properly punctuated,
Capitalized and formatted
- Shows rather than tells:
- Characters’ attitude displayed
- Dialogue tags are used only when
necessary; limit on “said”
- Narrative surrounds quotes
- Quotes show conflict
- Dialogue used to bring life to story rather
than overused
9 - 10
2 or fewer types of errors which do not take
away from the overall piece; consistent verb