Wildlife in the Modern World - ESRM 150 MIDTERM EXAM 2 November 22nd, 2011 FORM A - KEY Read questions carefully (each worth 2 points). Select ONE correct answer for each question. Fill in your answers on the SCANTRON sheet with a #2 pencil. Read both sides of each page. Good luck! Name: ___________________________________________________ 1. Which of the following is a factor in declines of Pacific Northwest bats? a. Forest conversion to urban/suburban development b. Loss of large trees and snags c. Creation of thick, dense dog-hair forest stands d. All above e. None above 2. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) a. Aims to ensure international trade of species does not threaten their survival b. Is a yearly gathering where you can buy, sell, and trade rhino horns, ivory and the like c. Is mandatory for countries to participate in d. All of the above e. None of the above 3. Which of the following is NOT a non-consumptive use of wildlife use? a. Hunting within a mile of home b. Bird-watching around the home c. Wildlife photography in Peru d. Feeding squirrels in a local park e. None of the above 4. The current amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is: a. Lower than in the past 100 years b. Lower than in the past 5000 years c. Close to the average of the last 600 thousand years d. Slightly higher than the average seen in the last 600 thousand years e. Much higher than what it has documented for the last 600 thousand years 5. Temperature on earth is rising. But, the increase is higher on the northern hemisphere than in the southern hemisphere. This is because: a. The northern hemisphere is closer to the sun b. The northern hemisphere is has less ice in the pole c. The predominant winds tend to go north more often than south d. The proportion covered by ocean is higher in the southern hemisphere e. None of the above 6. Recreational activities may disrupt wildlife’s behavior. Some immediate effects may be: a. Stress (such as changes in heartbeat rate) b. Escaping from the area c. Increase in alertness d. All above e. None above 7. As visitors bring food to campgrounds in protected areas, some species may take advantage of that. Corvids, such as the Gray Jay and the Steller’s Jay, may provide a good example of this. What ecological consequences this may have? a. Increase in corvid numbers b. Concentration of corvid activities around campgrounds c. Reduction in corvid prey due to excessive predation d. All above e. None above 8. What is environmental stochasticity? a. When climate behaves in a predictable way b. A way to measure changes in precipitation and temperature c. When strong winds create tornadoes d. A random series of environmental changes e. When sea-level oscillates on a regular basis 9. Which of the following is NOT a strategy that wildlife managers can use to help wildlife cope with the changes associated with climate change? a. Increase the extent of protected areas b. Design new natural areas to maximize resistance c. Implement a knowledge-based approach to remove invasive species d. Translocate species at risk of extinction e. Collect genetic samples for each endangered species to study genetic drift 10. When would restricting access to areas intensively used by wildlife in national parks have the highest impact? a. At night b. In the fall c. On rainy days d. When wildlife breeds e. When is too hot 11. Which of the following is NOT correct about the Canada geese in Bend, OR? a. They were part of a controlled experiment to learn why geese stop migrating b. Their meat was donated to local food banks c. Previous methods of population control did not work d. There are many people that were outraged at their death e. The geese that were killed had become permanent residents of Bend 12. Which of the following is an essential component of a successful wildlife control? a. Disregard for sympatric species b. Objective methodology for assessing if target reductions have been achieved c. Ability to ignore temporal dynamics of the target species d. Effective tools for achieving reductions of the target species e. b and d are correct 13. Density independent factors that limit population size… a. Keep a population near carrying capacity b. Take the form of flooding, extreme cold or fire c. Have more of an effect as the population grows d. Are associated with compensatory mortality e. Are related to the number of individuals on the population 14. Ecotourism principles include: a. Provide direct financial benefits for conservation b. Build environmental and cultural awareness c. Minimizing your impact d. All above e. None above 15. Which of these is a category used by IUCN? a. Generalist b. Appendix II c. Candidate Species d. Endangered e. Rare The following graph shows the strength of response of different Barren-ground caribou herds to airplanes flying overhead. Remember that the Delta Herd lives close to an Air Force base. Please use this graph to answer the next two questions: 16. The Western Arctic herd tends to show stronger responses than the Delta herd. What mechanism can explain this difference? a. Density-dependence b. Dispersal dynamics c. Habituation d. Food supply e. Latitudinal gradient 17. This reduced response to planes may have the following consequence(s) on the Delta Herd Barren-ground caribou population compared to the Western Arctic Herd: a. More foraging efficiency b. More use of the preferred habitat c. Less overall stress due to air plane activity d. All above e. None above 18. Why are species rare? a. Recent speciation b. Reproductive rate c. Body size d. All above e. None above 19. Small populations have problems with genetic variability. Sometimes, a whole new population can start off from very few individuals. This is known as: a. Inbreeding depression b. Founder effect c. Bottleneck d. Isolation e. Edge effect 20. Climate change is affecting species. These effects may include: a. Changes in species interactions b. Changes in reproduction rate c. Changes in its distribution range d. All above e. None above 21. A species that was wide-spread and very common in the US went extinct due to various factors acting together. This species is: a. Gray Wolf b. Heath Hen c. Dodo d. Grizzly Bear e. Peregrine Falcon 22. The variability of resources and conditions a species can exploit is known as: a. Landscape b. Biotic factors c. Annual cycle d. Niche width e. Fitness 23. DDT and other contaminants tend to be more toxic to species on higher levels of the food chain. This is known as: a. Trophic cascade b. Indirect effects c. Toxicity d. Mass extinction e. Biological concentration 24. When hunting increases the number of individuals that die over the winter (compared to what is expected) is called: a. Sink population b. Low fitness c. Bottleneck d. Additive mortality e. Inbreeding depression 25. Invasive species are very problematic. Sometimes, another exotic species is used to fight the invasive. This is known as: a. Edge effect b. Biological control c. Biotic resistance hypothesis d. Symbiotic species e. None above 26. What is the purpose of Cat Indoors? a. Reduce unintended cat pregnancy b. Reduce cat mortality due to weather c. Encourage good relations with your neighbors d. Reduce wildlife mortality by cats e. Reduce disease spread 27. The main purpose of IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) Red List is… a. Give local government advice on wildlife management b. Provide a platform for democratic discussion on wildlife control c. Assess the level of endangerment of species worldwide d. Buy land to ensure species conservation in the world e. Prevent the expansion of human activities to natural areas 28. Why does the USA has much higher per capita carbon dioxide emissions than the rest of the world? a. Because no other country has higher total emissions b. Because the lifestyle in the US is more intensive in carbon emissions than other countries c. Because carbon dioxide tends to concentrate in the atmosphere over the Great Plains d. Because other countries have more forest to fix the carbon dioxide that is emitted e. Because the economic crisis has affected other countries more 29. Models are useful tools to predict the future. Sometimes, you need to deal with uncertainty and different scenarios. In these cases, you use: a. Mechanistic models b. Empirical models c. Climatic models d. Integrative models e. Cross-related models 30. Chad Wilsey showed us in his lecture that Brown-headed cowbirds are a problem for the Black-capped Vireo. Under the different models he studied, his conclusion was: a. That climate change will reduce the abundance of Brown-headed cowbirds b. That the Black-capped Vireo is developing resistance to the parasitism by the Brownheaded cowbird c. That permanent control of the Brown-headed cowbird is required to ensure the persistence of the Black-capped Vireo in Fort Hood, TX. d. That disease is a more important limitation to Black-capped Vireo populations e. None above For the following questions, mark A for True, B for False on your SCANTRON sheet (2 points each) 31. Most invasive species tend to be K-selected, specialists. FALSE 32. Bats typically only require one age-class of forest for their daily activities. FALSE 33. Empirical models are the best way to represent randomness in nature. FALSE 34. Climate change is making wild fires larger in western USA. TRUE 35. Bushmeat is a way to cook meat using bush firewood. FALSE 36. Under the Endangered Species Act, a Threatened species is an animal or plant species in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range. FALSE 37. A knowledge-based ethic does not require the use of good experimental design before conducting a lethal control. FALSE 38. Per capita emissions are higher in China than in the US because China has a greater human population. FALSE 39. Global warming is making species spend the winter further south in the USA. FALSE 40. Feeding wildlife in protected areas is OK because wildlife needs food supplementation to prevent extinction. FALSE For the next 10 questions, you will have to fill the blank space with the concept that completes the sentence (2 points per blank space completed correctly; 30 points total). 41. Name two international conservation organizations: The Nature Conservancy and WWF . 42. Not having kids is the most the most influential way to reduce your carbon legacy. 43. Minimum viable population is the minimum number of individuals that make long term persistence possible. 44. Many of the 16 adaptation strategies that natural resource managers will need to combat climate change are already in practice. 45. DDT caused widespread decline in raptor populations because a reduction in egg shell thickness that lead to widespread reproductive failure. 46. Some properties of DDT include mobility and persistence. 47. Echolocation is the way most bats find food and navigate through the landscape. Although bats in the group of Megachiroptera don’t do it. 48. Planning and implementing lethal control of wildlife should be informed by a knowledge-based ethic. 49. More droughts and fires increase Black-capped vireo habitat in Fort Hood, TX, while they reduce Golden-cheeked warbler habitat. 50. The Masafuera Rayadito is an endemic species of an island in the coast of Chile. WORD BANK 16 adaptation strategies | 7 Reasons why wildlife control program fail | bad smell | Bald Eagle | Cats Indoors! | Chilean Woodstar | carbon legacy |Core population | DDT | echolocation | egg shell thickness | Environmental Protection Agency | health care costs | increase | knowledgebased ethic | Masafuera Rayadito | Megachiroptera |Metapopulation | Microchiroptera | minimum viable population | mobility | number of eggs per nest | persistence | Peregrine falcon | Pileated Woodpecker| reduce |Sink population | Source population | The Nature Conservancy | Willow Ptarmigan | WWF |