Important Concepts to Review for ESRM 150 Midterm 2 Know what these concepts are about and whenever possible understand a real example that illustrates the importance of the concept to wildlife science. From lectures and guest lectures Intentional and accidental species introduction Invasiveness Vector Characteristics of good invaders Economic and ecological impacts of invasions Hybridization Disturbance regimes Predator-free islands Changes in community structure due to introductions Quarantine Eradication Biological control Biotic resistance hypothesis Climate change Greenhouse gas Carbon dioxide (historic and present concentrations) Global mean temperature Surface vs. Troposphere temperature Future climate projections Physical effects of climate change Snow pack Fire regime Sea-level change Ecological effects of climate change Projected climate-induced changes in biota Species distribution shifts Protected areas and climate change DDT Effects of DDT on bird populations Biological concentration Example of Bald Eagle and Peregrine Falcon Persistence (DDT) Mobility (DDT) Solubility characteristics of DDT Biological activity (DDT) Reproductive failure Eggshell thickness Recreation Relationship between recreation and wildlife Immediate effects Whale-watching Habituation Predator-prey dynamics Predictability of disturbance Frequency and magnitude of disturbance Timing relative to annual cycle Properties of the animal (that influence response to disturbance) Individual/population/community/ecosystem response Closure Spatial restrictions Temporal restrictions Overexploitation Bushmeat Wildlife trade CITES Cites Appendices IUCN Red list categories Rarity Endemism Niche width Demographic stochasticity Environmental stochasticity Genetic problems Bottleneck Founder effects Inbreeding depression Heath Hen Mass extinction Endangered Species Act (ESA) Endangered species (under ESA) Threatened species (under ESA) Minimum viable population Masafuera Rayadito Pileated woodpecker Home range Food supplementation Black-capped vireo (BCVI) Population model Empirical models Mechanistic models Effects of fire in BCVI populations Effects of military training in BCVI population Megachiroptera Microchiroptera Echolocation Bat friendly human structure Bat habitat requirements “Dog-hair” forest Non-consumptive use of wildlife Wildlife watching participation rates Birding ethics Feeding wildlife Cats indoors! Landscaping for wildlife Ecotourism Leave no trace From readings Compensatory Mortality Additive Mortality Density Dependent Density Independent Winter Dispersal Overwinter rate of population change Juvenile dispersal compensate for hunting mortality 16 strategies for wildlife managers to adapt to climate change (summary of main points) Carbon Legacy Emissions added per child Per capita emissions Why U.S. has much higher per capita emissions than the rest of the world Adaptive Management Framework Knowledge-Based Ethic of Lethal Wildlife Control 4 reasons wildlife control programs are effective 7 reasons wildlife control programs fail 2 major commitments of knowledge-based ethic for nuisance wildlife control 4 essential elements of knowledge-based ethic for nuisance wildlife control Why Canada geese in Bend, OR were killed and what happened to the dead geese