12th grade Portfolio Checklist_SAMI

Senior Portfolio Requirements
The following items should be in your Senior portfolio as part of your requirements for graduation.
A best work from each of the following classes with a written “learner statement” for each. Choose one for
each subject that most relates to your 13th Year Plan.
□ English
□ World Issues or Civics
□ Math
□ Science
□ Elective
Career cruising printout for your grade level
Civics CBA (Completed your Junior or Senior year)
Evidence of Leadership Activity (refer to Graduation Portfolio Requirements form under “Leader”)
Brag sheet
Graduation Requirement Worksheet with the classes you have taken so far checked off
Student Led Conference Goal Sheet with signatures from conference
Final college search results with written explanation for each
List choices here:
Reach: ________________
Personal statement for college application (Can be one completed in class.)
Print out page or email from FAFSA website (fafsa.ed.gov) showing that you applied for your PIN
Print out page or email from FAFSA website showing that your guardian applied for their PIN (Only one
guardian needs to complete this.)
13th Year Plan
o If college is not the focus of your post-high plan, proof of working towards it should be here.
Examples: Research on branch of military and name of recruiter. Research on specific industry of
interest. Copy of job application(s).
Senior Project
Optional suggestions:
Teacher’s letter of recommendation from your college application
Letter of recommendation from internship
Print out page from FAFSA website showing that you completed your FAFSA
Email confirming application to a college
Letter(s) of college acceptance
Mentor signature signifying that this student has met the Portfolio Graduation Requirements: