Lego NXT Tutorial Checklist Team Members: ____________________________________________ BLOCKS Move Move Move Loop Loop Wait Wait Light Sensor Ultrasonic Sensor Switches Cascading Display Data Hubs Variables My Blocks EXCERSIZE Make robot move exactly like in MOVE exercise Make robot move exactly 12 inches Robot moves in a square and returns to start point Make robot move exactly like in LOOP exercise Robot moves in a square and returns to start point (with a loop this time) Make robot move exactly like in WAIT exercise Robot moves until it bumps an object, backs up, turns, and goes again Robot moves until it encounters a SECOND black line and then stops Robot moves until it senses an object 5 cm away, backs up, turns, and continues Robot backs up and turns if it encounters a black line or if it bumps into something Make a program that plays multiple musical notes Have your robot have a smiley face and read “Have a Nice Day!” Use a motor as an input and display the number of rotations you turn the motor User pushes a button a given number of times and the robot displays the count Develop a program that uses a My Block SIGN OFF