IMG 025 Professional Development Activities for IMGs undertaking CA

Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
Professional Development Activities
IMGs undertaking clinical assessment
Period of Participation
Received date
Approved date
Surgical Audit
(minimum one per
Requirement Met
A personal surgical audit that complies with College guidelines
Total/practice workload audit
Selected audit from surgical practice
Locum Logbook
The audit has been reviewed by peers
Y / N
Participation in activities that examines and evaluates the clinical
care of patients and can include :
Clinical Governance –
Quality Improvement,
Evaluation of Patient
Care and Professional
(minimum two activities
per annum)
Performance Review
(minimum one activity
per annum in addition to
the 6-monthly MSF
Hospital/clinical meetings that focus on improvements in clinical
Meetings reviewing adverse events and instituting action to
remedy systemic faults
Activities related to organisation or review of surgical services
Other hospital meetings (e.g. Credentials, Complaints, Ethics,
Infection Control, Competence Review Committees)
Meetings with hospital managers/administrators that contribute to
improved clinical management of patients
Y / N
In addition to the mandatory requirements of 6 monthly MSF (multisource) or 360 degree evaluations; two activities that focus on review
of professional practice across the College’s 9 competencies. These
can include:
Development of a structured Learning Plan
Patient Feedback Survey with action plan
Recipient of a structured Practice Visit by a peer with evaluation
and action plan
Participation in a Practice Visit (as a visitor)
Peer Review of three reports e.g. medico-legal, clinical etc.
Y / N
Attendance at meetings/seminars/workshops/courses which support
the maintenance of skills, knowledge and competence and for
keeping up to date with developments in area of practice, as well as
developments in clinical and medical science. These can include:
Maintenance of
Knowledge and Skills
(minimum of one
attendance per annum)
Scientific meetings (e.g. the College ASC, Regional ASMs,
Specialty Society ASMs)
Courses/workshops that focus on professional practice (nontechnical competencies) e.g. leadership, teamwork,
communication skills, practice management, teaching/supervision
Surgical or clinical attachment with clear learning objectives and
Document Owner: Manager, IMG Assessments
Version: 1 26/11/2014 Ref. No. FRM-IMG-025
Y / N
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
General teaching activities to surgical residents, undergraduates,
health professionals – including grand rounds and clinical
teaching rounds
Presentation to surgical/medical peers at a scientific meeting
Publication of a surgical/medical book
Publication in a referred journal, a chapter in a surgical/medical
book, or a patient information booklet
Acting as a referee for a journal article
Verification Evidence
Information on what is required for submission is summarised below or at
Surgical Audit
For peer reviewed Surgical Audit:
 Audit topic and scope
 Date of commencement and completion
 A letter from your head of department confirming your participation
 Peer review: date of review, names of peers/committee
Clinical Governance
A letter from head of department confirming your attendance
Photocopy of first page of minutes confirming your participation
Performance Review
A letter from your hospital/head of department confirming your participation
Details of practice visit
Copy of learning plan
Summary of patient feedback report
Maintenance of Knowledge
and Skills
Copy of Certificate of Attendance
Details of journal reading (i.e. journal titles, dates)
Copies of letters of appointment to teaching posts
Copies of presentations (including date/time)
Copy of published journal article
Details of participation in volunteer services
Signed: …………………………………………….
Date: ………………………………
Peter J Dohrmann FRACS, FRACMA
Clinical Director
IMG Assessments
Document Owner: Manager, IMG Assessments
Version: 1 26/11/2014 Ref. No. FRM-IMG-025