Mississippi Department of Education Federal Programs Amendment Procedures Effective May 27, 2015 The Office of Federal Programs is issuing the following guidance on processing and approving of amendments for the following federal programs: Title I, Title II, Migrant Education, Homeless Education, 21st Century Community Learning Centers, Rural and Low-Income Schools, Neglected/Delinquent State Agency Programs, and English Language Learners. WHAT? An amendment is a change to the approved original (final approved) application. WHY? You will need to submit an amendment for the following: Cumulative transfers among direct cost categories which exceed or are expected to exceed ten percent (10%) of the total approved cost/budget; (Total Objects) Transfer of funds allotted for training allowances (i.e., from direct payments to trainees to other expense categories); Any revision of the scope or objectives of the project (regardless of whether there is an associated budget revision requiring prior approval); and Changes in key persons in cases where specified in an application or a grant. HOW? Include the following documents with all amendment requests, regardless of the reason: Cover letter (must be addressed to the Bureau Manager and include a detailed description of the reason for amending the project) Amendment Request Form (completely filled out with original signatures) Application Cover Page or last approved amendment on file (with original signatures) Highlighted or mark changed areas in the amended project and the amended project budget Amended Project Plan/Narrative (complete) Amended Project Budget (complete) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Incomplete Amendment Request will delay approval of your amendment. Funds may not be expended or reimbursed toward any account prior to the date the amendment is approved by the Office of Federal Programs. If funds are expended prior to the approval of the amendment your general fund will be responsible for the amount expended. LEA must remain in compliance with program specific guidelines and/or polices that govern deadlines for processing and approving amendments within identified grant periods. The deadline to submit an amendment request for any federal program administered through the Office of Federal Programs is June 30th. Mississippi Department of Education Office of Federal Programs May 2015 Upon receipt of your request staff will process and either approve or disapprove your request in writing. Generally, amendment requests will be processed and mailed within fifteen (15) business days of receipt of the request in the Office of Federal Programs. The MDE will not approve any budget or project revisions that are inconsistent with the purpose or terms and conditions of the federal grants to the grantee. In order to download additional pages that you might need for your amendment, please visit the Office of Federal Programs website at: http://www.mde.k12.ms.us/innovative_support/federal_amendments.html We hope this information will aid in a more efficient amendment process. We look forward to helping you in any way we can. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call your District Contact at (601) 359-3499. Mississippi Department of Education Office of Federal Programs May 2015 Mississippi Department of Education Amendment Request Form District Name: District Address: District Code: Superintendent Name: Contact Person Name: Contact Person Title: Amendment Number: Fiscal Year: (Ex. FY 15-1) Federal Program Name: Project Number: Original Project Amount: Revised Amount: Required Signatures: Project Coordinator Date Business Manager Date Superintendent/Executive Director Date For MDE Use only: DATE RECEIVED: DATE APPROVED: Signatures: District Contact: Office Director: Bureau Director: Bureau Manager: Mississippi Department of Education Office of Federal Programs May 2015