Immaculate Conception School Bellevue, Ohio Student/Parent

Immaculate Conception School
Bellevue, Ohio
Student/Parent Handbook
Pupil Transportation
Transportation is provided to students enrolled at ICS, residing in a public school district that does not
offer transportation to and from ICS or instances where student education may be interrupted due to
pick-up and drop-off timing. Currently, all students presiding in the Clyde-Green Springs School District
are eligible for ICS transportation. Please call Mrs. Curtis, School Principal, for additional information.
In planning and carrying out the transportation program at ICS, major consideration is given to the
safety of the children transported, to maintain effective and efficient service that gets children to and
from school with the least possible interruption to the school program, and to providing the service in
the most economical manner.
ICS is responsible for the safety and supervision of students from the time they board the school bus in
the morning until the time they depart the school bus in the afternoon.
Transportation routes may vary from school year to school year due to enrollment numbers, student
promotion to the next grade-level, as well as families moving in and out of a community.
The arrival and drop-off times are approximate. During the first two weeks of school, bus arrival and
drop off times may fluctuate due to school dismissal procedures, route adjustments, and bus drivers
becoming familiar with the bus routes.
Parent Responsibilities
Parents are urged to assist their children in developing a respect for and a sense of safety concerning all
of the related operations of the school bus.
Parents should see that their children are ready at least five (5) minutes before the regularly scheduled
arrival time. Bus drivers will not wait for tardy students since they will adversely affect the established
time schedules for other students.
ICS should be notified immediately when an emergency situation arises that prevents the
parent/guardian from being home or at the bus stop in the afternoon. Upon arrival, if the child’s
parent/guardian is not home to greet the child, and this is not the typical pattern for the family, then the
bus driver will take the child back to ICS and attempts to contact the parent/guardian will be made as
quickly as possible.
Parents will be notified of unscheduled school delays or closings by e-mail, text message, or voice
message through the ICS Parent Communication System.
Students must board the school bus and be discharged from the school bus at the assigned stop or
home. Permission to use a different stop may be granted by the school principal provided the request
does not involve a significant route change.
Issues and concerns regarding your child’s transportation should always be addressed at school with the
school principal. Attempting to resolve a bus issue at a bus stop or outside the home or school parking
lot with a school bus driver may hold up traffic and the school bus from completing its assigned route.
Parents are not permitted to board a bus for any reason.
Transportation Rules for Students
The following transportation rules apply to all students riding the ICS bus. Additionally, all other policies
adopted by ICS and the Diocese of Toledo regarding student behavior on school property will be
enforced on the ICS school bus; as the school bus is an extension of the classroom. The driver is in full
charge of the school bus and the students; however, when present, a teacher, pupil personnel worker or
other administrative staff member is in charge of the students. (ORC 3319.41)
The bus driver is responsible for proper enforcement of discipline on his/her bus. He/she has the
authority to use the following measures to modify student behavior:
1. Verbal reprimand
2. Communication with parent
3. Refer to school principal
4. Assign seat
5. Written citation
Bus Boarding Responsibilities:
1. Students should be at their assigned stop/home of residence five (5) minutes before the
regularly scheduled bus arrival time in the morning.
2. Students should wait for the school bus in an orderly fashion, out of the way of traffic. Students
waiting in vehicles must be out of the vehicle when the bus approaches.
3. Students should wait at their designated bus stop/home until the bus has completely stopped
before moving toward or boarding the bus.
4. Any students who must cross the road after leaving the bus must do so prior to the bus’
departure from the stop approximately 10 feet in front of the stopped bus while the bus’ red
warning lights are activated. Students should never walk behind the bus to cross the street.
Traffic should be checked carefully before crossing the street.
5. Students should board the bus in a quiet and orderly fashion. Students should always use the
bus handrail and steps in a safe manner.
On-Board Responsibilities:
1. Students are to walk to their assigned seats and be seated as quickly as possible.
2. Students are to sit in their bus seats, facing forward with feet out of the aisle and hands, arms,
and head inside the bus. Students must remain in their seats at all times when the bus is in
motion. Changing seats anytime during the run is prohibited.
3. Students must remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop before attempting to
gather personal items and move to exit the bus.
4. Students may talk in a normal manner; loud, excessive noise that is distracting to the bus driver,
or inappropriate language is not permitted.
5. Students should keep the bus clean and always pick up after themselves.
6. Students must not extend any part of their bodies through the bus windows, or be permitted to
throw objects out of bus windows. Students are not to yell or gesture at individuals outside the
bus or in other vehicles. This includes the drivers or passengers of vehicles.
7. Students should avoid eating, drinking, chewing gum or using personal electronic devices
without the permission of the driver.
8. Students are not to sit in the driver’s seat or tamper with any controls or bus equipment.
9. The emergency door or emergency window handles should never be touched or tampered with
unless a student is directed to do so by the bus driver.
10. Students may only transport their school books or other school equipment on the bus. Books
and other materials must be held by the student and may at no time block or be stored in the
aisle. Items may be transported if they fit on the student’s lap, but do not interfere with other
students in the same seat or do not come above the student’s chin. Musical instruments and
other items that can fit under the seat, without blocking the aisle, negatively impacting any
safety aspect of pupil transportation, or causing a disruption of the driver’s schedule, may be
transported. (OAC 3301-83-09)
11. Students may not use cell phones or any other portable electronic communication device.
Discipline matters will be handled by the School Principal upon being reported by the bus driver, a
student, or parent.
ICS reserves the right to videotape students on the school bus. This may include both audio and video
recording. The use of video helps to monitor and provide continued student safety, as well as to
evaluate and provide a safe environment for our bus drivers.
How to Cross Safely
1. Walk ten giant steps beyond the bumper of the bus.
2. Look at the driver for hand signal; make eye contact.
3. Check and listen for traffic both ways.
4. If horn blows; stop, check traffic again.
5. Cross in a straight line, not at an angle.
6. Never go back for anything forgotten or dropped.
7. Do not go to the mailbox or try to get a pet.
Railroad Crossing
1. Approximately 200 feet prior to the railroad tracks and until the bus completely clears the track,
ALL passengers must be SILENT; including teachers, coaches, and chaperones.
2. In the event a bus has become stalled or disabled, students should proceed to evacuate 100 feet
from the front of the bus.
Emergency Exit Drill
Front Evacuation Drill
All passengers will exit out the front door.
Rear Evacuation Drill
All passengers will exit out the rear door.
Combination Evacuation Drill
Front half of passengers will exit out the front door.
Rear half of passengers will exit out the rear door.