Challenge 5 B - teachiuliamanicea

My name is Bogdan and I was born on a rare day in winter:
29th of February. So I feel special.
When I was a baby I used to laugh all the day.
When I grew up, I started to practice sports. So when I was
four years, I learnt to ski. Since then every year I have been
on ski camps and took part in contests. At school I fell in love
with English and Maths.
Now I'm a student at “Tudor Vianu School” and I want to lean
to become a doctor. This is me!!
Hi my name is Stefan and I was born on 18th March. When I
was a little kid I was shy and coward but now I am bold, brave
and friendly, too.
I like skating and learning a lot of new tricks. I like trying out
new things.
My wish is to become one of the best skateboarders ever.
When I grow up I’d like to be an architect. This is me!!!
My name is Tudor. I am 11 years old and I am in the fifth
grade. I was born on 9th February 2004. I like playing football
outside with my friends and playing computer games. In my
free time I usually play basketball or football with my younger
I like doing “business” with things from my home because my
dream job is to be a businessman.
This is me!!!
My name is Cosmin Boeriu.
I was born on 7th of April 2004.
I am a good child and I like mathematics and programming. I
hope to become a good programmer when I grow up. I
consider myself as an ambitious person, and I work hard to
achieve goals in my life.
I am a friendly, sociable person. I enjoy laughing and having a
good time! At my free time, I like playing sports, eating ice
cream, listening to music and playing computer games. I like
playing with my toys and going outside. Sometimes I like
sleeping late. I also love playing table tennis and chess with
my father.
I am basically a simple, honest and fun loving person. I could
go on and on but you get the idea of how I am!
This is me!!!
Hi, my name is Luca. I study at “Tudor Vianu” college. I like
informatics and football. I make a lot of problems to
informatics on the computer both at school and at home. I
usually go to the cinema or play table tennis with my dad in
the weekend. I also play Minecraft on my computer and on
my phone too (a lot). And I like to meet my friends into the
park and to play football with them.
I have a rabbit called Pascal. Every day I play with him and I
never forgive to give him a lot of hay, carrots and salad.
I also like to go to sea and especially to mountain with my
I never forget to make my all school homework.
This is me!!!
My name is Mario, I’m 11 years old and I’m in the fifth
grade. I was born on 25th of October and since I was small I
liked all types of sports and I loved creativity. I like innovation
and I’m a fan of people who innovate the world. My passions
are football, listening to music, nature, fast cars and
firecrackers. Like all the kids I hate school, annoying people,
false friends and musicals. I think that my future is the
product of my dreams. My favorite colours are green and
turquoise, and my favorite kind of music is pop.
The day known as Christmas Day is celebrated on the 25th
day of December. It is one of the most important days of the
year for Christians, along with Easter when the death and
resurrection of Jesus are celebrated. The season of preparing
for Christmas is called Advent and begins on a Sunday about
four weeks before Christmas. The Christmas Season ends on
January 6 or the Twelfth Day of Christmas, in which Epiphany
is remembered.
Christmas is celebrated all over the world, as a religious
holiday or as a time of celebration by Christians and
Non-Christians alike. The traditions are different from
country to country, but they nearly always include a
Feast, giving gifts or cards, and enjoying church or public
festivities such as singing Christmas carols and songs.
Santa Claus is a tradition in many countries of the world.
Family get-togethers
A family celebrating Christmas with music and singing
Most families think of Christmas as a time to get together
with other members of the family. People often travel from
far away to be with other family members at Christmas.
Those people who cannot travel often make long-distance
phone calls on Christmas Day. Many people also see
Christmas as a time to reach out to others that they know
might be lonely, and invite them to dinner on Christmas Day.
Christmas is seen as a time for people of all ages to have fun
together, for cousins to get to know each other, for
grandparents to see their grandchildren and for the family to
admire the babies that have been born during the year. Big
family parties are a time of joy.
In most homes when Christmas is celebrated, people set up a
Christmas tree in the house. Many people decorate their
homes at Christmas time. These decorations and the
Christmas tree are generally inside, but may be put where
they can also be seen through a window by people passing
The perfect holiday
The island of Kefalonia, in Greece, is one of the Greek islands
of the Ionian Sea and it belongs to the Ionian Islands group.
The largest of the Ionian islands, located between Lefkada
and Zante, Kefalonia island provides a wonderful place for
family vacations. The exotic beaches are probably the top
reason to visit Kefalonia Greece, with the crystal blue water
and the relaxing atmosphere. Myrtos, Antisamos, Lourdas
and Skala are the nicest beaches, however visitors will also
find numerous other gorgeous places to swim.
Fiscardo, Argostoli and Assos are fine villages to walk around
with traditional architecture, cosmopolitan style and delicious
restaurants. Interesting sightseeing on this Greek island
include the cave of Drogarati with the interesting stalactites
and stalagmites, the lake cave of Melissani, the Medieval
Castles of Saint George and Assos and the lovely monasteries
scattered in the inland.
On the southern part is Mount Ainos with the distinctive dark
fir forest that has been declared National Park.
Chapter 3: Riddles & jokes
Q: Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you
die. What is it?
A: Nothing.
Q: What goes up when rain comes down?
A: An umbrella!
Q: What is the longest word in the dictionary?
A: Smiles, because there is a mile between each “s”.
Q: What do you call a fish without an eye?
A: Fsh!
Q: What do you call a girl with a frog on her head?
A: Lilly.
Q: How does a dog stop a video?
A: He presses the paws button.
Chapter 4: Advertising
A Danone per day keeps
The doctor away.
Have a Danone every day
And improve your health.
If you want to start the day
In a good mood, have a Caroli breakfast.
Caroli means quality and energy.
Poiana is the chocolate
That takes you back to your childhood.
Have a Poiana daily.
Do you want to find some casual clothes? Come to H&M.
Have a break and be the king of
Your virtual country.
You have the chance to make your own
Army, fight and rule the world.
Now available on App Store or Google Play.
Freedom Bracelet
Technology has become an integral part of our lives. It has
transformed our lives in many ways. It makes life more
convenient for us: we can send messages quickly via the
internet and pay books, train tickets online instead of walking
to the station………
I think taking a break from technology is liberating. That’s
why I want to create a bracelet that could give us a break.
This is a common bracelet, not too wide, flat, attractive
designed. It could be decorated with crystals or precious
stones so it becomes an elegant accessory for girls.
Anyway, the design is not important. But when you put it
around the wrist, you can understand its power.
The bracelet has a technology incorporated, but there is a
kind of anti-technology.
You can open your tablet and play your favourite online
game, post messages or photos on your Facebook, talk with
someone on WhatsApp, you can see no difference in your
But, half an hour later, your brain begin to refuse such an
activity. The bracelet send to your brain signals to disagree
using this king of devices. It send us images of beautiful
nature sights and make us feel sick. You fell seek, tired of this
kind of activity, like you feel tired of working hard all day.
And you need a change, you need to switch it all off and pay a
visit to your best friend or take a bike ride.
Chapter 5: The horror story (don’t get scaredīŠ)
The Horror story
A man called Tucker was a butcher. He was quiet, and he didn't
like to spend the time with friends. He liked to go to a witch who
help him to communicate with dead people.
One Halloween night, he couldn't contact any ghosts. As that
night it was his birthday, he invited lots of people to his party.
He didn't like that he couldn't communicate with spirits and
he thought it was a sign: he had to kill all the people to have new
souls, to have new souls to speak with. He cooked a steak with poison.
The guests sat at table and ate it.
Suddenly the light turned off and everybody lay dead on the
Tucker felt very happy and ran to the witch in a hurry .There he was
surprised to see all the spirit of the people who had been murdered
that night. They killed Tucker and took him to Hell.
Chapter 6: The 2 interviews
1st interview, with my friend Freddy
Q: What does a good friend mean to you?
A: Someone I can count on, someone it is there
when I need him most.
Q: How did you meet your friend?
A: I met my best friend in the first grade when,
during the PE class, we played together a team
Q: How long have you been friends?
A: We have been friends for 4 years and despite
being in different schools we still find time to talk
and spend time together.
Q: What do you do with your friend?
A: We talk with each other, we play together we
go to the cinema.
Q: What do you think the main problem in
friendship is?
A: It is hard to agree and disagree on something.
2nd interview, with my friend, Rafe
Q: What is your happiest memory?
A: My happiest memory is the one when I met my
best friend who I didn’t see him for 1 year.
Q: What is the grossest thing you can think of?
A: A guy smelling a sock unchanged for 1 month.
Q: Why do you like being a kid?
A: I like being a kid because I can play outside with
my friends.
Q: What was the nicest thing you did for
A: I helped a friend with an ICT problem.
Q: If you could be any animal, which one would
you be?
A: I want to be a tiger cub because they are small
and sweet.
Q: What is your favourite thing to do?
A: I like playing football outside with my friends.
Q: What advice would you give your parents?
A: Games are important, but homework is more
Chapter 7: The 2 poems
Friends laugh a lot together
They share feelings, they share thoughts,
They are like connected dots.
Sometimes they taunt each other
Like a brother would do to a brother.
But they are always sympathetic
Because their feelings are authentic
Be they together, be they apart
Friends always find a way,
To spend time together, to talk heart to heart,
Not just to play.
My team
We’re doing a magazine, so we are full
of creativity.
If you want to be boring we could
We could talk ‘bout gravity.
I’m doing a funny poem ’coz’’ at the
End I want you look like a Troll-Man.
Everybody’s trying to make it
But I want mine distractive.
Bogdan did a horror story
I know that’s not a boring story.
Stefan made a cold report
I don’t know what he wrote ’bout.
Cosmin did the drawings
Coz’ he’s one of ours artists.
Tudor and Luca did the rest
But this poem is the best!
Next edition: 8th of June
Special offer: $10 $7
Stefan Tudorache
Stefan Tudorache
Editorial team:
Stefan Tudorache
Bogdan Cirje
Mario Serban
Luca Prunoiu
Cosmin Boeriu
Tudor Mihalcea
Stefan Tudorache
Tudor Mihalcea