Hampshire Highways – Operations and Efficiency Programme for 2015-2017 Hampshire’s Highway’s, Traffic and Transport (H,T&T) has identified a number of tasks to support its continual development of asset management, to deliver operational efficiencies and maintain customer focus. This list of tasks supports and should be read in conjunction with Hampshire’s highway Asset Management Policy and Strategy documents. 1) Highway Operations Centre Tasks: To establish a Highway Operations Centre team to manage highway works programmes, provide real time information (RTI), enable more efficient responses to highway enquires and provide public, on-line, self help services. Target: April 2016 for full implementation Potential efficiency gains: Channel shift in public contact Enables ‘digital’ solutions Provides consistency across the service Allows quick resolution, with real time information/data Offers a one-stop shop approach. 2) Contract Management Tasks: To development a single Highway Maintenance Contract Management Team and to undertake a Member review of current contract arrangements which challenge current routine and reactive service delivery models. Target: Review and team complete, December 2015 Potential efficiency gains: Provides a leaner service Continues the development of service optimisation aspirations Develops the foundation for future contract best practice 3) Contract Procurement Tasks: To prepare for a new highway contract by completing professional consultant reviews and peer reviews whilst assessing the potential for regional collaboration to determine the contract style and content. Target: Contract in place May 2017 – latest May 2018 Potential efficiency gains: A reduction in the management resources. Benchmarking to inform best practice. Transfer of risk. Reduction of staff. 4) Traded Services Tasks: Implementation of a business case being developed in-house to provide professional highway services for other Local Highway Authorities and fund holders Target: Development to 2017 Potential efficiency gains: Maintains professional expertise in the Authority. Retains the capacity and capability within HCC and Local Authority’s generally. Contributes to HCC fixed costs. Offers VfM for Hampshire and adjacent Local Highway Authorities. 5) Benchmarking Tasks: Participation with NHT, CQC, SE7 and other regional groups, peer reviews, sharing information and good practice. Target: Continual improvement Potential efficiency gains: Informed targets and target setting (strategic and contract) Informed strategy and direction 6) Core Asset Management Work Tasks: Continual support and reinforcement of asset management principles at all levels and across the service by: Continuing to support the formal AM structures within highways which direct the development of AM. Improving inventory data to benefit the business and support management decisions. Developing lifecycle approaches to assets other than carriageways and structures. Developing staff at all levels to think in terms of asset management. Developing evidence to support investment decisions whilst challenging routine and reactive spend. Challenging and streamlining highway maintenance and highway management processes. Target: Continual development Potential efficiency gains: Ability to focus resources, reduce reactive spend in favour of structural improvement. Improved information to support our budget allocation decisions in meeting our service and asset condition objectives. Increase the capacity to inform strategic, tactical and local decisions and improve transparency. Explaining our decision making processes by providing better, clearer information to the public. 7) Improving Resilience Tasks: To identify and fund a programme of structural maintenance improvements in areas of the County which have suffered from groundwater and fluvial flooding in recent years. Target: First schemes to be completed in the 2014/15 planned maintenance programme and continuing into 15/16. Potential efficiency gains: A reduction in the need for reactive maintenance and emergency response. 8) Technology and systems Tasks: To examine and develop digital technologies, supporting remote , flexible working and the Highway Operations Centre, providing consistent, RTI services to the customer. Target: Continual development Potential efficiency gains: Streamlining operations Reducing resources and providing greater consistency and transparency Providing an enhanced online service and reducing the routine need to for personal contact with the public. Reduced need for local offices to manage the service. 9) National Influence Tasks: To maintain an active involvement and membership of national highway groups and providing support to, and participating in national workshops on particular highway projects. Targets: Attendance and membership of groups Potential efficiency gains: Participating in, influencing and sharing national good practice. 10) Recycling Project Tasks: To develop a business solution which provides an alternative solution to the disposal of surplus highway materials to tip. Target: Decision to proceed April 2015 Potential efficiency gains: Maximises the re-use of natural resources and provides income for Hampshire.