Physical Geography Test Review _2 _2012_

Physical Geography Test Review
1. What climate zone does the taiga grow in?
2. Tectonic plate movement may be caused by all of the following EXCEPT –
A. Slab pull
B. Ridge push
C. Convection
D. Magnetism
3. When it is summer in the northern hemisphere, it is _______________________ in the southern hemisphere.
4. Matching:
Rocks, Soil
Birds, Oak Tree
Oxygen, Gasses
Southern Ocean, Rain
5. An earthquake is part of which sphere?
6. As you go farther north OR south of the equator the temperature gets _______________.
7. Which of the following is the MOST likely cause of a plateau?
A. Volcanic ash
B. Tectonic movement
C. Gravitational pull
D. Soil deposition
8. Which of the following latitudes are cold for most of the year?
A. High latitude
B. Middle latitude
C. Low latitude
9. Name the MOST important factor in determining climate.
10. What kind of tropical storms occur every year in the Atlantic Ocean?
11. T or F: As a river reaches its mouth, it is often affected by incoming tides, resulting in a landform called an atoll.
12. Rainforests are found in which climate zone?
13. Because of El Nino, does Texas receive MORE or LESS rain?
14. Which climate region gets the least amount of precipitation?
15. Marine West Coast: _________latitude
Tropical Rain Forest: ________latitude
16. The Tundra climate zone is found in ______________ latitude areas.
17. Which of the following did Japan experience in recent history?
A. Monsoon
B. Tsunami
C. El Nina
D. Typhoon
18. Name a benefit of living near a volcano.
19. T or F: Temperature ranges in areas located near oceans do not vary much because water heats and cools
20. What kind of landform is often a result of tectonic plates colliding together?
21. Name an innovation that produces electricity and improves farming.
22. What is a seismograph used for?
23. Define desalinization and explain WHY the process is important.
24. List three characteristics you may locate on a physical map.
25. What is a political map?
26. What is responsible for the different seasons on Earth? (Think rotation, revolution…)
27. Provide a relative location for Alaska.
28. Define erosion.
29. List and define the TWO types of weathering.
30. T or F: The eastern coast of the US is likely to experience a volcano.
31. Which of the following is NOT a factor that influences climate?
A. Elevation
B. Latitude
C. Longitude
D. Proximity to water
32. When the length of day is equal to the length of night the Earth is experiencing a (n)
33. As elevation increases temperature __________________________ because the ___________ becomes thinner.
34. Define sustainable development.
35. Be sure you can find an absolute location using latitude and longitude.
36. Relative location: ____________________________::
Absolute location: ___________________________.