Board Brief 2015-05 Professional Education Interim Report (Cox)

Board Brief 2015-05
Chapter Development Committee Interim Report
NCMA Board of Directors
Carly J. Cox, CFMC, Fellow
PY15 Chair, Professional Education Committee
Professional Education Committee Interim Report
October 28, 2013
Executive Summary:
The purpose of this Board Brief is to summarize the goals, major activities, and accomplishments
of the Professional Education Committee (PEC) from July – October 2014.
PEC Committee Membership:
1. Carly Cox
2. Jonene Johanson
3. Leonardo Manning
4. Cassandra Manos
5. Rodney Matsushima
6. Alisa McGlothen
7. Tom Robinson
8. Allie Stanzione
9. Melissa Starinksy
10. Mark Stevens
11. John Wilkinson
PEC PY15 Committee Goals, Actions, and Status (Supporting Information on Page 2)
Priorities for the Year
Strategic review of NCMA’s
education portfolio
Support alignment of
NCMA’s education portfolio
and the CMBOK
Enhance relationships with
universities and NCMA
Actions this Reporting Period
1. Reviewed draft charter
2. Met with Susan Esprella to understand the
scope of NCMA’s education portfolio
3. Facilitated GCMC focus group to discuss
member satisfaction with NCMA
education programs
4. Reviewed corporate education and
training policies
1. Create NCMA education
portfolio/CMBOK competency matrix
2. Complete CMBOK survey and provide
1. Discuss university interactions with
NCMA and its educational programs
2. Meeting between NCMA and Wright
State University
In Process
In Process
In process
Recommendation: None. This Board brief is provided for information only.
Cox, Carly
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Board Brief 2015-05
Chapter Development Committee Interim Report
Supporting Information for Actions this Reporting Period:
1. Reviewed draft charter – The committee reviewed and discussed the draft charter at the
July PEC meeting. Larry Trowel provided background information on the formation of this
committee, most importantly indicating we should take a strategic look at NCMA’s
professional education offerings and answer the questions, “Are we offering the most current,
accurate, and timely topics?” and “Where should we be headed in the future?” The
committee will be conducting research to support implementation of any recommendations.
2. Met with Susan Esprella to understand the scope of NCMA’s education portfolio –
Susan Esperella presented NCMA’s education programs at the September PEC meeting. She
described each offering and described the objectives of each program. This provided our
committee perspective on education topics offered, formats/media used, and known member
satisfaction. We will use this information along with other research to support
recommendations for NCMA’s education portfolio.
3. Facilitated GCMC focus group to discuss member satisfaction – Our committee is
working with Susan Esperella and Jessica Friedman to facilitate an education focus group for
our members. This meeting will be held in November, led by Melissa Starinksy, and the
results will be reported in the next Board Brief. The goal is to solicit feedback on member
satisfaction with NCMA’s educational programs.
4. Reviewed corporate education and training policies – Our committee would like to
understand how corporations treat training, education, and tuition. Understanding policies in
regards to payment, reimbursement, attendance, etc., may lead to marketing strategy
recommendations for education programs in the future. Allie Stanzione is leading the
corporate policy collection efforts and maintaining a master spreadsheet with this data.
5. Create NCMA education portfolio/CMBOK competency matrix – Our committee
believes there is a real opportunity for NCMA to enhance its education portfolio by
improving the relationship between its programs and the CMBOK. We are developing a
competency matrix, led by John Wilkinson, relating current NCMA education programs to
the CMBOK. This matrix will be used as a spring board for future discussions with NCMA
Staff about marrying our programs and our body of knowledge.
6. Complete CMBOK survey and provide feedback – We supported the CMBOK working
group by acting as the “test group” for the CMBOK survey. Committee members completed
the survey and provided feedback to Dr. Rendon during the September PEC meeting.
7. Discuss university interactions with NCMA and its educational programs – Our
committee is supported by members from several academic institutions. We discussed how
these institutions interact with NCMA and use its education programs. This data provides
insight into potential gaps and opportunities for improving our relationship with universities.
We plan to conduct further research to support recommendations for how to enhance our
relationships going forward.
8. Meeting between NCMA and Wright State University – The committee organized a
meeting between Mike Fischetti, Wright State University’s (Dayton, OH) Dean of the Raj
Soin College of Business, and the incoming Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Specific
discussion topics include an introduction of NCMA, our association mission, and potential
ways NCMA can support WSU (perhaps through contract management curriculum support
using the CMBOK). The results of this meeting will be reported in the next Board Brief.
Cox, Carly
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