Parent/Student Handbook


Student/Parent Handbook 2015-2016



Our mission is to enable educationally underserved students to develop the knowledge, skills and character necessary to succeed in top quality schools and colleges and to command their future. i





Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to Aspire Academy!

As we continue our amazing journey, we are excited about all of our new Archers joining us. Every year is an opportunity to build on the success we have earned in order to make it even better for our futures. When students graduate from Aspire Academy, they will have the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful in top quality high schools, colleges, and the competitive world beyond.

In order to be successful, parents, staff and students must partner together and each person must do their part to foster an environment in which every child can thrive. This handbook has been designed to communicate the basic policies that we must follow to ensure that each child can attain the high standards we have set. Please go over the policies with your child and keep this handbook handy so that you may refer to it as necessary.

I am looking forward to a powerful and positive year. Please feel free to reach any of your child’s teachers or me. My number is listed in the directory along with all the other teachers at Aspire



Roy Feliciano

School Leader iii

Table of Contents


Mission, Goal, and Values…..5

Five Pillars…………………..6

Commitment to Excellence




School Closing………………10

Lunch ……………………….10

Bus/ Transportation…………10

Health Information …………11


Fire drills / Natural Disasters..12

Family Engagement…………12-13

Procedures for Parent/Guardian




Attendance ..………………...14



No Shortcuts………………17

Make-Up Work……………....17

Special Education……………18

Cheating/ Plagiarism…………18

Progress Reports……………..18

Final Grades/ Parent


Promotion to the next grade….20

Summer School………………20

Field Lessons…………………20




Definitions of terms………...….21

Non-Negotiable Expectations….22

Uniform and Dress Code Policy..23

Personal Belongings……………24

Cell Phone/Electronics…………25

Human Rights Policy…………...26


Sexual Harassment……………...26-27

Dating Violence…………………27

False Accusations………….........27



Searches and Interrogations…….28

Gang Related Activities………...29

Alcohol and Other Drugs……….30


Disciplinary Infractions………….30-33

Possible Consequences…………..35

Student Removal………………...35

Student Withdrawal………….......36

Suspension/ and Expulsion……...35-40

Character strengths ………………41

Acknowledgement Form………...42

Acceptable Use Policy Form…….43-45 iv

KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/ Parent Handbook Mission and Guiding Principles



The mission of KIPP Aspire Academy is to help our students cultivate the academic skills, intellectual habits, and character traits necessary to be successful in top quality high schools, colleges, and the competitive world beyond.


Our goal is that every student that is a part of KIPP Aspire Academy will go to college!

To make this happen, we have an undying expectation that

All of us will learn

! Through the belief that

There are no shortcuts and no excuses

, Archers learn the benefits of a hard work ethic, being nice, and what it means to be part of a

Team and Family



At KIPP Aspire Academy we value team effort and respect for one another. We encourage and expect students to help and support one another. We do not tolerate disrespect, ridiculing or bullying. We provide a safe environment where a child can learn and feel confident to ask questions and share his or her ideas. Our teachers and staff behave in a professional, supportive, and caring manner to help produce responsible, confident, and thoughtful individuals.


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Mission and Guiding Principles

Five Pillars:

These basic principles form the Five Pillars, responsible for the success of KIPP









ROGRAM) Schools:


High Expectations:

KIPP Schools have clearly defined and measurable high expectations for academic achievement and conduct.

2. Choice & Commitment:

Students, their parents, and the faculty of each KIPP School choose to participate in the program. No one is assigned or forced to attend these schools. Everyone must make and uphold a commitment to the school and to each other to put in the time and effort required to achieve success.

3. More Time:

There are no shortcuts when it comes to success in academics and life. By extending the school day, week and year, students have more time in the classroom to acquire the knowledge and skills that will prepare them for competitive high schools and colleges, as well as more opportunities to engage in diverse educational experiences.

4. Power to Lead:

KIPP school leaders are effective academic and organizational leaders who understand that great schools require great school leaders. They have control over their school budget and personnel, allowing them maximum effectiveness in helping students learn.

5. Focus on Results:

KIPP Schools unrelentingly focus on high student performance on standardized tests and other objective measures. Just as there are no shortcuts, there are no excuses.

Students are expected to achieve a level of academic aptitude that will enable them to succeed at the nation's best high schools and colleges.




KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Mission and Guiding Principles

Commitment to Excellence Contracts:


I, ________________________, promise to follow these KIPP Aspire Academy commitments.

I will support the KIPP Aspire Academy school culture.

This means:

*I will arrive at KIPP Aspire Academy during summer school and the regular school year Monday through Friday by 8:00 am and remain until the job is done.

*I will arrive at KIPP Aspire Academy scheduled Saturdays during the year at 8:00 and teach from 8:00 am until 11:20 am.

*I will plan and deliver outstanding lessons.

*I will actively learn, continue learning, and support the learning of others.

*I will promote and improve school discipline systems and procedures.

*I will openly communicate with the Aspire Team and Family.

*I will remain open to new ideas.

*I will accept additional roles and responsibilities.

*I will be the constant, not the variable, in the implementation of classroom routines, management, and quality of instruction.

*I will meet regularly with my colleagues.

I will support all students of KIPP Aspire Academy.

This means:

*I will be a positive role model.

*I will answer my phone during designated hours.

*I will teach in the best way I know how and continually seek help to improve instruction.

*I will create a positive environment for learning.

*I will protect the safety, learning, and rights of all individuals.

*I will maintain high expectations for all students.

I will support all parents of KIPP Aspire Academy.

This means:

*I will make myself available to parents.

*I will provide suggestions on how to support students academically.

*I will keep parents informed of their student’s academic and behavioral progress.

*I will strengthen Team and Family by encouraging parent involvement in school events.

Teacher Signature: Date:

X______________________________________________ _______________


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Mission and Guiding Principles


I, ________________________, promise to follow these KIPP Aspire Academy commitments.

I understand that school attendance is necessary for my child’s success.

This means:

*I will make arrangements for my child to attend KIPP Aspire Academy or board a KIPP

Aspire Academy bus at the appropriate time and location according to the following schedule:

** Summer School Monday - Friday 8:20 am – 3:20 pm

** Fall and Spring Semesters Mon, Tu, Thurs, Fri 8:20 am - 4:55 pm

Wednesday 8:20 am – 3:20 pm

** Saturday School Scheduled Saturdays 8:00 am —11:20 am

*I understand that bus transportation is a privilege, and we will have to make alternate transportation arrangements if my child does not follow all bus expectations.

*I will call the school if my child is going to be absent.

*I will schedule vacations and appointments during non-school time when possible.

*I will encourage my child to attend all KIPP Aspire Academy field trips he/she earns.

I will make education a priority by supporting my student and the teachers at KIPP Aspire


This means:

*I will provide a quiet area for my child to complete his/her lifework at home.

*I will check my child’s lifework daily, sign his/her agenda, and look over graded papers, paychecks, and parent letters.

*I will allow my child to call other students and teachers for lifework help.

*I will be a positive role model for my child.

*I will ensure that my child has necessary supplies and attire.

*I will actively monitor and work to improve my child’s academic and behavioral progress.

*I will communicate directly and politely with teachers or staff members regarding any concerns I might have.

*If my child’s behavior results in his/her placement on Bench, I will monitor

Benchwork and attend necessary parent conferences.

I will support the KIPP Aspire Academy school culture.

This means:

*I will support and respect all KIPP Aspire Academy Team and Family members, including teachers, office staff, bus drivers, fellow parents, etc.

*I will attend all parent nights and conferences.

*I will learn and promote the systems and procedures of KIPP Aspire Academy.

*I will participate in school improvement through volunteering time, expertise, resources, and leadership.

*I will maintain the expectation that my child will go to college in the future.

If these commitments are not followed, my child will lose certain KIPP Aspire Academy privileges.

Parent Signature: Date:

X______________________________________________ __________


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Mission and Guiding Principles


I, _____________________, promise to follow these KIPP Aspire Academy commitments.


I will always be ready and on time.

This means:

*I will attend KIPP Aspire Academy or board a KIPP Aspire Academy bus at the appropriate time and location according to the following schedule:

** Summer School Monday – Friday 8:20 am – 3:20 pm

** Fall and Spring Semesters Mon, Tu, Thurs, Fri 8:20 am - 4:55 pm

Wednesday 8:20 am – 3:20 pm

** Saturday School Scheduled Saturdays 8:00 am- 11:45 am


*I will present myself professionally by following the KIPP Aspire Academy standards for attire.

I will always work, think, and behave in the best way I know how.

This means:

*I will have integrity by being honest and taking ownership for all my actions.


*I will respect myself, my teammates, and all materials I use.

*I will value all of my teammates’ ideas and have a positive attitude.

*I will become a good leader.

*I will follow the bus expectations or lose transportation privileges.

I am responsible for keeping myself on the path to college.

This means:

*I will complete all of my lifework each night and turn it in on time.

*I will always take pride in my work.

*I will work hard every day to improve.

*I will call other students or teachers for help.

*I will actively participate and ask questions when I do not understand something.

*I will have my materials ready and organized.


I will work hard and be nice to all members of Team and Family, including my parents/guardians, classmates, and KIPP Aspire Academy staff.

This means:

*I will always protect the safety and rights of all individuals.

*I will follow the teach ers’ directions and expectations of my school.

*I will work on making our teamwork motto happen:

If there is a better way, we find it.

If there is a problem, we solve it.

If we need help, we ask for it.

If a teammate needs help, we give it.

If I do not follow the KIPP Aspire Academy commitments, I will lose certain KIPP Aspire Academy privileges.

Student Signature: Date:

X______________________________________________ _____________


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Mission and Guiding Principles


School Closing


When weather or another emergency makes it necessary to close schools, information on school closings will be broadcast on late night or early morning radio and television. If the San Antonio

Independent School District closes its schools due to bad weather, then KIPP Aspire Academy will also be closed, and if they are open, then KIPP Aspire Academy will be open.



All families must fill out a federal free/reduced lunch form. Families that qualify will receive a free/reduced pricing for breakfast and lunch. The full price for a school for lunch is $3.00. The reduced price for lunch is $0.40. Families may choose to have their children eat breakfast at home and/or send a bag lunch. Some students are allergic to certain foods, therefore sharing of lunches is prohibited for safety reasons.

If you pack a sack lunch or bring food from a restaurant for your student, please use a brown bag and aluminum foil/plastic bag. Food from outside the home is considered a competitive meal and regulations prohibit us from allowing it in our cafeteria. Providing outside food/drinks to other students other than your own is strictly prohibited.



Parents must provide contact information and identification information for any person authorized to pick up their student. Parents must inform the office if a child has permission to walk home or if a child may get off the bus at a classmate’s bus stop. If a student wishes to board another bus to visit another student, both parents must provide letters to the office granting permission. Parents and students will be informed about bus routes. All students are expected to be at their specified stop on time. Buses will not wait for tardy students.

Parents are expected to pick up students remaining after school for No Shortcuts, tutoring, or special activities on time. If a child is picked up late, he/she may lose their privilege to stay after school in the future.


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook General Information



State law requires that all children attending school be immunized against various diseases. During registration, a copy of the student’s shot record is required. The school nurse will evaluate the currency of the student’s shots and notify the parents of any other required immunizations. These requirements can be waived only if a properly signed health or religious exemption is filed with the school.


All KIPP San Antonio families will be asked to submit food allergy information through the school office in accordance with regulations.

Clinic Procedures


All medications should be taken directly to the school office by the parent. No medication may be kept in the classroom nor may students carry or administer their own medication. If the medication is a controlled substance it must be counted and the number recorded on the child’s medication log with the date.


All Over-The-Counter medications brought in by the parents must have a doctor’s prescription for amount and duration.


Prescription medication must be taken to school in a properly labeled prescription container. The school will administer the medication as stated on the prescription label. At the end of the school year, parents will be notified to pick up remaining medication.


Students who use asthma inhalers, diabetes monitoring or treatment equipment, and emergency medications for anaphylaxis are permitted carry these items – parents must communicate this information to the school office at the beginning of the year


The administration of nonprescription medications is normally not permitted unless authorized by parents in the student’s “Emergency Physician and Care Authorization” form. These forms will be provided to parents upon enrollment.


No other medications can be given, such as herbal remedies or homeopathic medications.


The date and dosage should be logged for every student for every medication.

When a student becomes ill during the school day the staff will offer access to an alternate setting

(clinic or other separate space), contact with our School Nurse for assessment, and parent contact. In some cases students will be encouraged to return to class or the parent/guardian might pick them up from the school. All communication will be coordinated with the school, the nurse, and the parent/guardian.

Health Screenings

The school will arrange for the following health screenings: hearing, vision, and scoliosis.


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook General Information


Our Mark Cards have been replaced with a new program called LiveSchool. LiveSchool is a new platform that allows students, parents and teachers to track and monitor behavior. It is Available for iOS, Android, and Web. Features include:

Timeline of Points and Rewards : Students and parents can view the behavior points, comments, and purchases recorded by teachers.

Account Balance : Up-to-the-minute total of points in the student’s LiveSchool bank account.

Rewards Store : Listing of upcoming rewards in the rewards store – and how many points they cost.

Rewards include quarterly and end of year trips.

Students should receive account information at open house and jersey nights.

Fire Drills/Natural Disasters:

Posted in every room is a map detailing the evacuation protocol required. Students are to follow their teacher outside in the event of a fire drill, fire, or natural disaster and to stay with their class. Students must not stop at the restrooms or lockers. They must proceed directly to the designated area and wait for instructions. Any student violating this procedure is jeopardizing the safety of our school and will face consequences including possible suspension.

Family Engagement

In addition to the duties listed in the signed contract, parents are expected to participate in their children’s learning in the following ways:

All Parent Meetings

All parents/guardians are expected to attend the scheduled "All Parent Meetings". If you cannot attend, a representative must attend in your place. During these meetings, parents have the opportunity to see student presentations, learn more about school procedures and policies, and become actively involved in further developing the school’s mission.

Important information is communicated during meetings and not attending may cause parents to miss key updates about their child’s progress.

Parents/guardians are expected to come to school during Report Card Night/Teacher parent conferences to pick up their child’s report card. During Report Card night, each parent/guardian will have the opportunity to set up a meeting to discuss the progress of his or her child with the child’s advisor and/or other teachers. Parents/guardians will also problem-solve with the help of teachers to determine strategies to maximize the performance of his or her child.


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook General Information

Campus Visitors

All KIPP San Antonio schools welcome visitors to the campus during school hours. We request that whenever possible visitors call ahead and schedule an appointment to ensure immediate service.

Visitors who arrive on campus are required to check in at the Main Office and will be asked to show

ID and sign in. Some visitors will be required to stay in the Office to meet with school staff.

Procedure for Parent/Guardian Concerns


If a parent has a concern or disagreement, they should discuss the matter with the teacher and attempt to resolve the disagreement through informal discussion. If there is no resolution to the problem, the parent/guardian should then contact the School Leader. The School Leader will mediate the problem with all parties involved.

Parental /Guardian Rights and Responsibilities:

Parents/guardians can seek information and/or support for the following programs: o Title IX – Coordinator Travis Boubel o ADA/Section 504 – Coordinator – Dawndra Nuzum o Age Discrimination Act Coordinator – Eric Huang

In addition, all KIPP San Antonio parents/guardians have the right to excuse your child from the Pledge of

Allegiance, moment of silence, recitation of the Declaration on Independence, and USDE Surveys and activities.

Families should contact the school’s Main Office to express interest in discussing or executing these exclusions.

All KIPP San Antonio schools will send home notification of teacher qualifications in accordance with state and federal regulations.

All KIPP San Antonio students are eligible by the FERPA. This provides all students the right to inspect and review his/her education records, the right to seek to amend the records, the right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information from the records (except in certain circumstances), and the right to file a complaint regarding an alleged failure by a school to comply with FERPA. When seeking access to records, students and parents/guardians can contact a school official (School Leaders, Assistant School Leaders, and

Campus Registrars) and will be allowed access to records when there is a legitimate educational interest (a school official will help determine if there is a valid reason to access the records).


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Academic Policies




All KIPP San Antonio schools provide academic programs for ESL students according to state and federal guidelines. This includes, but is not limited to, specific course assignment, targeted instruction, and support services.

When applicable, KIPP San Antonio schools incorporate CTE programing in accordance with state guidelines.

This includes, but is not limited to, computer-based courses and activities and career planning activities.

All KIPP San Antonio schools participate in School-Wide programs in regards to Title I funding. Therefor all

Title I participants benefit from academic and other programs implemented across the school, including tutoring, intervention, and enrichment.

At any time parents/guardians have the right to request an evaluation of their child to ensure appropriate academic programming is in place. All KIPP San Antonio schools honor parent/guardian rights for information, requests, and access to information.

The Director of Student Services for all KIPP San Antonio is Lisa Schutz.



Attend classes every day except for illness or family emergency.

Aspire Academy students arrive at 8:20 A.M. every day (Mon. – Fri.) and remain at school until 4:55

P.M. Monday through Friday, except Wednesday when the release time is 3:20 P.M. Aspire Academy students arrive at school at 8:00 A.M. on Saturday and remain until 11:20 A.M.

Parents are encouraged to schedule medical and dental appointments during non-school hours.

Parent requests for picking up students after 3:45 P.M. (2:15 on Wednesday) will not be honored without prior coordination with the office staff (at least an hour before), except for emergency situations.

Arriving to school in the morning

7:30 am is the earliest time allowed for students to arrive to school.

There won’t be any Staff supervision before 7:30am . Students must meet in the gym from 7:30am to 8:00 am. Parent drop off on the St. Ann’s street entrance is open at 8:00 .

1) Office Sign-Out policy – Students can be signed out during the last hour, only if you have contacted the office at least an hour before dismissal time.

We strongly encourage all appointments to be scheduled Wednesdays after school, attendance is very important for the success of your student.


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Academic Policies

2) Dismissal Policy - Students can remain inside the building 15 minutes after parent pick-up closes (5:20pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday), (4:00pm, Wednesday).

After this time school personnel will not supervise students and they must wait outside the school building. After no-shortcuts ends, students must wait outside the main school building and will not be supervised by school staff. School personnel are not liable for the safety of students that are picked up after the times stated above.

Compulsory Attendance

Unless specifically exempted by law, every child in the state who is as much as six years of age and who has not completed the academic year in which the student’s eighteenth birthday occurred shall be required to attend the public schools in the district of his/her residence or in some other district to which the student may be transferred as provided or authorized by law. Students are required to attend each school day for the entire period the program of instruction is provided. School employees must investigate and report violations of the compulsory attendance law. In accordance with the (Texas

Education Code (TEC), §42.006(b)

, TEC, §42.006(a) 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC)


Unexcused absences from school on 10 or more days or parts of a day within a six-month period or three or more days or parts of days within a four-week period) shall be reported to the truancy court action as provided by law.

A student must attend at least 90% of the days the class is offered to be awarded credit. If you must be absent or tardy due to any of the following circumstances, it is your responsibility to notify the school office as soon as possible.

Excused Absence

A student may be excused for temporary absence:

1. Resulting from any cause acceptable to the Principal.

2. For the purpose of observing religious holidays, including traveling for that purpose if, before the absence the parent submits a written request for the excused absence.

3. For treatment by health care professionals if the student begins classes or returns to school on the same day of the appointment or treatment.

Absences are excused when proper documentation is presented. Handwritten excuse notes will be accepted for academic purposes acceptance. Acceptance will be up to discretion of the administration but will result in an unexcused absence for the student record.

Extenuating Circumstances

KIPP Aspire Academy recognizes the following extenuating circumstances:


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Academic Policies

1. Board-approved extracurricular activity or public performance, subject to established limitations.

2. Required screening, diagnosis, and treatment for Medicaid-eligible students

3. Documented health care appointment for Medicaid-eligible students

4. Court proceeding documented by a probation officer

5. Absence required by state or local welfare authorities.

6. Temporary absence resulting from any cause acceptable to the student advisor, or principal, including personal illness, illness or death in the immediate family.

When returning to school after any absence, all students must bring an excuse note. An excuse note must be presented on the first day the student returns back to school following an absence. In order for an absence to be excused, student/parent/guardian must provide written documentation/verification of the absence.

Extended Absence

When a student’s absence for personal illness exceeds five consecutive days or a total of 10 days in a six-week period, the student will be required to present a statement from a physician or health clinic verifying the illness or other condition requiring the student’s extended absence from school.

Absence Notification

When absences occur, the school will make an effort to contact the student’s home to encourage improved attendance through automated phone calls and/or personal phone calls. Each campus has an

Attendance Committee that reviews records and will notify families of excessive absence through phone calls, in-person meetings, personalized letters, and home visits (when needed). These systems will be used to ensure parents/guardians are aware of the student’s attendance record. After three unexcused absences further attempts will be made to notify the parent, either by U.S. mail, documented telephone call, or documented personal contact, that truancy will be filed.

Release of Students from School

No student will be released to anyone except his/her parent/guardian. Parent may communicate to

School Operations Manager or Registrar of any other authorized individual who may pick up a student.


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Academic Policies



Be on time to school and to every class.

Any student arriving after 8:20 A.M. must be signed in at the office by a parent or guardian. Students should be in their seats at the start of each class. Excessive tardiness will be made up in No-Shortcuts.

If a student is tardy to advisory in the morning (i.e. arriving after Lifework check begins), he/she is assigned to Lunch Bench. The Lunch Bench teacher will check the lifework assignments that were not checked in the morning during Lunch Bench time. The student is given a mark for

(attendance/punctuality). He/she does NOT receive a mark for incomplete lifework (assuming all lifework was complete), and this day does NOT count as one of his/her three days towards Bench.


The following statements give information about lifework at Aspire Academy.

Students begin each class period by writing their lifework assignment for that subject in their agenda books.

Students are given approximately 90 minutes of lifework each day.

Students will at the very least read 30 minutes and complete a math assignment each night.

LW for Science, Writing and Non-Fiction studies will be assigned throughout the week.

No Shortcuts


A student will earn No Shortcuts for failure to consistently complete Lifework or make-up work. No

Shortcuts takes place Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 4:55-5:55 pm.

Make-Up Work


Students must complete all missed work.

It is the student’s responsibility to consult with each of his/her teachers to make sure he/she is aware of all assignments. The time generally allowed to complete this work is two days for every day that the student was absent. For example, if a student was absent for one day, then he or she will have two days to make up any missed work.


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Academic Policies

Special Education


Students with disabilities are guaranteed an equal opportunity for a free and appropriate public education. Services are provided in the least restrictive environment appropriate to meet individual student needs.



Cheating is a serious offense. If a student copies another student’s work or if a student gives another student his/her work, it is considered cheating.

Plagiarism involves the stealing of someone else’s ideas or words as one’s own or the imitation of the language, ideas, and thoughts of another author (or person) and representation of them as one’s original work.

Aspire Academy has a zero policy towards cheating and plagiarism. Students committing these transgressions will fail to receive credit and will be subject to Bench and a parent meeting .

Progress Reports


The progress report is not part of the student’s formal academic record. Rather, it is an opportunity to communicate with parents/guardians about how students are doing at the three week point in the marking period. Progress reports will include a letter, indicating the student’s grade. Teachers can request conferences with parents/guardians, and parents/guardians may call or request a conference with any teacher at any point in the year.


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Academic Policies


Parents will be able to keep track of student academic progeress through the Parent Portal. Advisory teachers will send login information home with students in the first few weeks of school. A sample form is below:

Parent/Guardian txConnect Log-On Form txConnect Website:

To register for txConnect, visit the above address and follow the instructions under New txConnect User. You will need your student’s date of birth and the Parent Portal ID (below) to add a student. Use the remainder of the form to document your log-in information and store this sheet in a safe place.

Student Information


Student ID#

Last Name

First Name

Middle Name

Date of Birth

Grade Level

Parent Portal ID:


(Note: this number is case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as shown above)

User Name:

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(Note: must be six to nine characters. It is not case-sensitive.)


_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(Note: must be six to nine characters and contain at least three of the following: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and/or punctuation. It is case-sensitive.)

Final Grades


The final, year-end grade for a course is the numerical average of the 4 marking periods. Grades are rounded to the nearest whole number. The minimal passing grade for a course is a 70%.


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Academic Policies

Promotion to the Next Grade


According to TEA guidelines, 5 th and 8 th grade students are required to pass the reading and math sections of the STAAR test in order to be promoted to 6 th

and 9 th

grade. A few students with extenuating circumstances may be promoted without passing these tests, provided the correct documentation is filed and the proper grade-placement meetings are held.

For grades 6 and 7, success on the STAAR test is not an explicit requirement for promotion. However, some students who fail to pass the STAAR test may benefit from another year in the same grade; in such a case, retention should be discussed with the teaching team and with the student’s parents.

In addition to the above requirement, Aspire Academy requires that students have a passing average for the year in both math and language arts , and either science or social studies, before they can be promoted to the next grade level. This means that a 6 th

grade student with an overall average of 69 in language arts class will not be promoted to 7 th

grade, regardless of his grades in other classes. We do not believe in social promotion, and we do not view retention as a punishment; instead, it is a chance for students to catch up.

Summer School


Aspire Academy runs a two-week intensive, academic Summer School in August. The goal of the

Summer School is to give students a “jump start” for the upcoming academic year. All students are required to attend the summer session every year. We will attempt to contact the family .

Field Lessons


These are also known as Field Trips. The same percentages used for the end-of-year trip are also used for the quarterly trips. These are 75% for freshman, 80% for sophomores, 82% for juniors, and 83% for seniors . To attend the end-of-year field trip, as well as the quarterly trips, students must also make satisfactory academic progress and have no issues regarding their integrity or character.

Cost of trips: Quarterly trips (three per year) - $10.00 each, End of Year trips - $120.00,

Academic Field lessons - No Cost -



Students will be able to receive extra help / tutoring during certain times of the day. Tutoring is a part of the daily schedule at KIPP Aspire Academy.



Textbooks are the property of the State of Texas and students will be charged for lost or damaged textbooks.


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Code of Conduct


All KIPP San Antonio schools follow policies that do not allow for corporal punishment.

In addition to school-specific activities, these rules apply to KIPP students while a) traveling to and from school or to and from any school activity, b) wearing a KIPP uniform or shirt (as they represent

KIPP in some fashion), c) any activity involving harm to another KIPP student or employee/volunteer regardless of where occurring, and d) any criminal conduct or illegal activity regardless of where it occurred.

Definitions of Terms

Abuse = improper or excessive use.

Bullying = defined by Texas Education Code 37.0832(a) to mean engaging in written or verbal expression through electronic means, or physical conduct that occurs on school property, at a schoolsponsored event, or in a vehicle operation by KIPP San Antonio and that has the effect of physically harming a student, damaging a student’s property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to the student or damage to student’s property, or is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive enough that the action or threat creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for the students

Controlled substances or dangerous drugs = include but are not limited to marijuana, any narcotic, hallucinogen, stimulant, depressant, amphetamine, barbiturate, anabolic steroid, or prescription medication provided to any person other than the person for whom the prescription was written.

Dating violence = the intentional use of physical, sexual, verbal, or emotional abuse by a person to harm, threaten, intimidate, or control another person with whom the student has or has had a dating relationship, as defined by Section 71.0021 of the Texas Family Code.

Self-defense = the use of force against another to the degree a person reasonably believes the force is immediately necessary to protect himself or herself.

Title Five offenses = those that involve injury to a person and include murder, manslaughter, criminally negligent homicide, trafficking in persons, unlawful transport, kidnapping, assault (on a public servant), aggravated assault, sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault, unlawful restraint, indecency with a child, injury to a child, an elderly person, or a disabled person, abandoning or endangering a child, deadly conduct, terroristic threat, aiding a person to commit suicide, harassment of a public servant, improper photography, smuggling persons, and tampering with a consumer product.

Under the influence = lacking the normal use of mental or physical abilities.

Use = voluntarily introducing into one’s body, by any means, a prohibited substance.


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Code of Conduct

Non-Negotiable Expectations for Aspire Academy Students



Adherence to the Aspire Academy Commitment to Excellence Form


Adherence to the Aspire Academy Values


Adherence to the Aspire Academy Credo:

When there is a problem, we find a solution.

When there is a better way, we find it.

When a teammate needs help, we give it.

When I need help, I ask.




Be on-task at all times during class. Students will always have their eyes, ears, and brains focused on the task at hand.


Be organized and prepared for all classes. Every Archer should have every day at least 2 sharpened pencils with erasers, a pen, and paper in their notebooks. Work should always be completed and presented neatly. The Aspire Academy Heading should be used on all papers.

Finally, all papers should be kept neatly in binders and folders.


Respond appropriately to all questions.


Conduct oneself in an orderly manner, demonstrating respect to our educational mission, while at Aspire Academy or an Aspire Academy function.


Do the right thing without being told. 'Assign Yourself.’


The Aspire Academy buses are not an entitlement; they are a privilege, and students may lose bus privileges when student actions lead to an unsafe environment.


The Bench will be one of the consequences for not adhering to Aspire Academy’s expectations. Bench ends when a student has fulfilled the work required to get off Bench, when teachers see sufficient improvement in the student’s behavior, and when the student’s parent(s) or guardian(s) have had a Bench conference.


Parents and Guardians will be prompt when bringing their children to Aspire Academy or

Aspire Academy functions and picking up their children from Aspire Academy or Aspire

Academy functions. During sporting events, if a student is picked up 30 minutes after the game has concluded, the student will not be able to attend the next game or event.

14. All of us will learn!


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Code of Conduct

Uniform and Dress Code Policy


KIPP Aspire Academy believes that school performance and future success are enhanced by appropriate dress and good grooming. Parents/Guardians are strongly urged to work closely with the school to insure their child's adherence to these standards. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to enforce moderate hairstyles and high standards of dress for their students, which include a uniform.

Parents/Guardians will be serving the welfare of our students and helping us as educators by emphasizing standards of neatness, cleanliness, safety, and decency in dress and grooming. The

Dress Code is in effect for students while attending school functions or school sponsored activities on or off school property. Exceptions to this for certain school-related events are determined by the

School Leader.

While it is inevitable that there will be differences of opinion as to the appropriateness of dress, grooming, and/or determining whether or not a student’s attire is disruptive or distracting to the educational environment of the school, the final determination will be made by the teachers and/or school administration. Any student who does not comply with the dress code will be removed from the regular school setting until the student complies with this code.

Students must earn the right to wear their Aspire jersey by attending summer school. Parents can purchase jerseys from the school at a nominal cost. Students may not wear jerseys from their previous grades (except for summer school) . Khaki pants, shorts, or skirts must be purchased by parents and must fit students well and modestly.

Students will wear their Aspire Academy jersey tucked into their khaki pants, shorts, or skirt, with an appropriate belt (plain black or plain brown, no studded, flashy or decorated belts). Pants /shorts worn below their hips are prohibited. Excessively worn, torn, frayed, tight, oversized or long clothing is not permitted. KIPP sweatshirts must not have holes or any writing on the outside letters (except for names embroidered). Socks need to be all white or all black when wearing shorts or skirts.

Students may wear any color socks when wearing long pants.

Additionally, students will follow the expectations below:

1. Hair must be neat and clean. Unconventional hairstyles that are considered to be distracting and/or disruptive to the educational environment are prohibited. Hair covering the eyes would be an example of an unconventional style and not allowed. Students may wear natural hair colors only . Hair designs are prohibited. (ie Mohawks and spikes will not be permitted if they exceed one inch of length, subject to administrator discretion).

2. Shoes with toe covering, rubber soles are required. Shoes with wheels are prohibited.

Solid black, solid white or solid grey sneakers are acceptable (sneakers can also be a combination of black, white and grey). No colored shoelaces or decorations will be accepted . Color is allowed on small brand logos for example an all-black sneaker with a red, blue Adidas, NIKE or Reebok brand.

Some colors are used by gangs throughout the city. All red, blue, green, etc. sneakers are not allowed.

Boots are not allowed .


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Code of Conduct

3. Over-sized athletic shorts are prohibited. Bicycle shorts, gym shorts, form fitting and skin-tight shorts or pants of spandex worn alone, or other similar materials worn alone are prohibited. Pants should be loose fitting or relaxed fit pants.

4. Skirts or skorts will be permitted provided that they are neatly hemmed, conservative, and modest in appearance. Teachers and/or school administration will determine appropriate length. Excessively high slits in skirts will not be permitted. Leggings may not be worn as pants. If leggings are worn under a skirt or skorts, the leggings must be solid black or gray and the skirt or skorts must be an appropriate length.

5. Body piercing ornaments and other similar ornaments are prohibited.

6. Visible tattoos and similar body painting(s) are prohibited. Writing, drawing, or carving on the body is prohibited.

7. Hats, caps, or other head apparel are not permitted. Hoods on hooded sweatshirts, shirts, and jackets may not be worn during instruction, passing periods, or while in the building.

8. Excessive make up is subject to administration approval. Only clear nail polish is permitted.

9. Undershirts, if worn, must be all white. They can be either short sleeves or long sleeves, but all white. Short sleeve undershirts cannot be visible at any time. No colored undershirt may be worn.

10. Any apparel or attire that is considered to be distracting and/or disruptive to the educational environment (ex. Non KIPP Aspire Academy shirts or sweatshirts, multiple bracelets or necklaces, large earrings, etc.) or considered a safety concern is prohibited.

Specific examples include the following :

Boys may not wear earrings.

Girls may wear one bracelet and / or pair of earrings that are no longer than one inch and no bigger than a quarter.

One thin necklace is appropriate for boys or girls, as long as it is tucked inside the shirt.

Property and Personal Belongings


Personal items may be brought to school for educational purposes only when approved or requested by a teacher. Students are not to bring and/or use on school premises items that are determined by teachers or school administration to be inappropriate at school. Students may be subject to disciplinary action for being in possession of any of the items below. A teacher or school administrator will contact the parent/guardian on each occurrence and the student’s consequences will range from a warning, earning

Bench, suspension from school, or expulsion for persistent misbehavior. Prohibited items will be confiscated .

Backpacks must be worn appropriately. No writing on the exterior of the backpack.


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Code of Conduct

Binders will have only the KIPP student heading. No pictures, symbols or other writing will be allowed on the inside or outside of the binder.


Students are urged to take pride in the appearance of their school, including the buildings, the furniture, and the surrounding property. No student shall damage or deface any property belonging to

KIPP Aspire Academy. Writing, drawing, or carving on any personal or school materials/supplies is prohibited. Students who violate this policy may be filed on in court, removed from school, or expelled. Parents/Guardians of students may be required to make full or partial restitution to the

District. Willful vandalism on the part of students who damage or destroy buildings, grounds, vehicles, and/or equipment owned or contracted for by Aspire Academy will be investigated. If students are found responsible for the vandalism, the students and their parents/guardians will be held financially accountable. Students found responsible for an act of vandalism will also be subject to disciplinary action and prosecution under the law.


Students are not to bring expensive personal items or unnecessary amounts of money to school. The school makes every attempt to help students safeguard their valuables. The care of valuables is the responsibility of the student. A student can help the school protect and prevent the loss of valuables by placing name labels on personal articles such as coats, jackets, gloves, and gymnasium clothes, etc. If a student wears glasses, his/her name and address should be placed in the glasses' case.

Cell Phones, Personal Electronics, and Internet Activities


Electronics Policy

(including, but not limited to, cell phones, MP3 players, eReaders, iPods, tablets)

At KIPP Aspire Academy we understand that many electronic devices are now part of our daily lives.

We request that students do not bring electronic devices to school. If it is necessary for a student to bring an electronic device to school, it must be switched off at all times throughout the day at KIPP


If a phone is out during the school day or if any electronic device is being used in class, during breaks or during lunch, a KIPP Aspire staff member will politely ask for the item and turn it in to the office.

The item will remain at the office until a parent/guardian can pick it up (pickup time will be Friday after 5:00 pm).

Students will be disciplined for placing offensive photos, obscene materials, derogatory statements, threatening or other similar content on an internet site (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, etc..) that disrupts the school environment, and/or invades the privacy of others. A student’s cell phone or other electronic


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Code of Conduct devices are subject to search in the event a school administrator believes reasonable suspicion exists that a student has violated or is violating either the law or school/district rules/policies or procedures.

The school will not accept responsibility for loss, theft or damage to any electronic devices brought to school, even those that are confiscated.

Human Rights Policy


Aspire Academy brings together a diverse group of individuals. It is guided by the principle that respect and consideration for all individuals is foremost in all school activities. It is unlawful to discriminate against any individual based on race, color, religion, sex, nationality, sexual orientation, age or handicap status. Aspire Academy is not only obligated to uphold the law concerning equal opportunity but regards the spirit of these laws to be the very core of its values. Aspire Academy wishes to stress that it is the responsibility of every member of the Aspire Academy community to observe and uphold the principles of equal opportunity as they affect staff, faculty and students in all aspects of school life. It is the responsibility of every member of the Aspire Academy community to actively promote appropriate workplace behavior. Any form of coercion or harassment that insults the dignity of others or impedes their freedom to work and learn will not be tolerated. Any such form of coercion or harassment will result in appropriate discipline, up to and including, expulsion.



Aspire Academy is committed to equitable and swift resolution of harassment issues. Any student experiencing harassment should follow any or all of these measures.

1. Let the offender know you want the behavior to stop. Be clear and direct. Do not apologize.

2. If you are not comfortable confronting the offender alone, ask a friend to accompany you, or write a letter to the offender, keeping a copy.

3. Make a record of when, where and how you were mistreated; include witnesses (if any), direct quotations, and other evidence.

4. Students should notify the School Leader, or if they are uncomfortable doing so, they should speak with another adult.

As soon as possible, the adult notified will report to the School Leader. The Leader will notify the authorities, if necessary. The School Leader will appoint a small group to investigate the matter in a swift and equitable manner. The School Leader will communicate the final decision directly to the parties involved.



All students and employees are expected to treat one another courteously, with respect for the other person’s feelings; to avoid any behaviors known to be offensive; and to stop these behaviors when asked or told to stop. All students are prohibited from engaging in offensive verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature directed toward another. Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Code of Conduct unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors, or other inappropriate verbal, written, or physical conduct of a sexual nature directed toward any other individual.

Anyone who is sexually harassed should contact the School Leader, other administrators, teachers, or counselors immediately to report the offense.

KIPP Aspire Academy believes that every student has the right to attend school and school-related activities free from all forms of discrimination on the basis of sex, including sexual harassment. Aspire

Academy considers sexual harassment of students to be serious and will consider the full range of disciplinary options, up to and including expulsion , according to the nature of the offense.


Dating violence is the intentional use of physical, sexual, verbal, or emotional abuse by a person to harm, threaten, intimidate, or control another person with whom the student has or has had a dating relationship, as defined by Section 71.0021 of the Texas Family Code. For purpose of this title, dating relationship means a relationship between individuals who have or have had a continuing relationship of a romantic or intimate nature. The existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on the length of the relationship; the nature of the relationship; and the frequency and type of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship.

Falsely Accusing Others of Misconduct


Students who falsely accuse other students, teachers, school administrators, and/or other school employees of misconduct may be subject to disciplinary procedures including, but not limited to,

Bench, suspension and/or expulsion.



Individual or group fights at school, school sponsored or school related activities, or while on KIPP

Aspire Academy transportation will not be tolerated. Parents/Guardians of students involved will be notified. The seriousness of each case will determine the disciplinary action taken. Students involved in fighting may be removed from school and/or Bus services. Students who engage in fighting will be subject to disciplinary consequences and could be issued a citation under Section 42.01 of the

Texas Penal Code, Disorderly Conduct. Specifically, Texas Penal Code, Section 42.01, (a) (6), states,

"fights with another in a public place.” This offense is a Class C misdemeanor and carries a fine of up to $500.



All school personnel are mandated reporters of suspected abuse and/or neglect. Mandated reporters are required to report suspected child maltreatment immediately when they have “reasonable cause to believe that a child who is 17 years of age or younger and known to them in a professional or official capacity has been harmed or is in danger of being harmed – physically, sexually, or through neglect –


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Code of Conduct and that a caregiver either committed the harm or should have taken steps to prevent the child from harm.”

No one in the workplace, to include supervisors, is permitted to suppress, change, or edit a report of abuse. A mandated reporter who willfully fails to report suspected incidents of child abuse or neglect is subject to license suspension or revocation, and commits a misdemeanor. Falsely reporting information is also a misdemeanor.


Searches and Interrogations


Administrators, teachers, and other professional personnel may question a student regarding the student’s own conduct or the conduct of others. In the context of school discipline, students cannot claim the right of freedom from self-incrimination.

Students are expected to provide any information about their misbehavior or that of other students.

Administrators are not required to contact parents/guardians prior to interviewing students. School officials may search a student’s outer clothing, pockets, shoes, or property by establishing reasonable suspicion or securing the student’s voluntary consent.

All KIPP San Antonio schools follow state and federal guidelines regarding search of student’s belongings, including items in pockets, backpacks, lockers, and cars on school property, and personal electronic devices. School officials may search the student, desk, locker, cell phone, backpacks, purse, vehicle or anything that contains the student’s personal effects by establishing reasonable suspicion or securing the student’s voluntary consent. This includes no searching the contents of a cell phone (or other electronic device) without explicit permission from the student, parent/guardian, and/or owner of the device.

Vehicles on school property may be searched if reasonable suspicion exists that the search will result in evidence that school rules have been violated. If a vehicle subject to a search is locked, the student shall be asked to unlock the vehicle. If the student refuses to permit the vehicle to be searched, the school may contact law enforcement officials. Students who leave campus without authorization or return are subject to an administrative search. A vehicle that is used to transport students on or off campus without authorization is subject to an administrative search. Students who are observed in an unauthorized area during school hours are subject to administrative search.

KIPP Aspire Academy reserves the right to use drug dogs, metal detectors and searches of students at random to ensure campus safety and to maintain effectiveness of the school. Other searches may be conducted if school officials have reasonable cause. Students shall be free from unreasonable searches and seizures by school officials. School officials may search a student’s outer clothing, pockets, or property by establishing reasonable cause or securing the student’s voluntary consent. Coercion, either expressed or implied, such as threatening to contact parents or police, invalidates apparent consent.

U.S. Const., Amend. 4.: New Jersey v. T.L.O.

, 105 S. Ct. 73 (1985); Jones v. Latexo ISD , 499 F. Supp.

223 (1980).


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Code of Conduct

Gang Related Activity


Gang/Crew Activity —A "gang” is defined as any group of two or more individuals whose purposes may include the commission of illegal acts. In addition, for purposes of this policy, a "gang" is a prohibited fraternity, or society as defined by Texas Education Code, Section 37.121. By this policy,

KIPP Aspire Academy acts to prohibit the existence of gangs and gang activity. Students are prohibited from gang involvement or gang activities while at school, at any school facility, at any school sponsored activity, or on a school bus. Gang activities and gang involvement are described as:

1. Wearing, possessing, using, distributing, displaying, or selling any clothing, jewelry, emblems, badges, symbols, signs, graffiti / tagging, display of identified gang colors, or other affiliation in any gang.

2. Committing any act or omission, or using, any speech, either verbal or nonverbal (tagging, gestures, handshakes, etc.), showing membership or affiliation in a gang.

3. Using any speech or committing any act or omission in furtherance of the interest of any gang or gang activity, including but not limited to: a. Soliciting others for membership in any gangs. b. Requesting any person to pay for protection or otherwise intimidating or threatening any person. c. Inciting other students to act with physical violence upon any other person. d. Engaging in concert with others in intimidating, fighting, assaulting, or threatening to assault others. e. Committing any other illegal act or other violation of school district policies.


1. A person commits an offense if the person: a. is a member of, pledges to become a member of, joins, or solicits another person to join or pledge to become a member of a public school fraternity, sorority, secret society, or gang; or b. is not enrolled in a public school and solicits or coerces another person to attend a meeting of a public school fraternity, sorority, secret society, or gang or a meeting at which membership in one of those groups is encouraged.

2. Students who violate this policy related to gang activity will be subject to disciplinary action that may include suspension or expulsion . Under this section, public school fraternity, sorority, secret society, or gang means an organization composed wholly or in part of students of public primary or secondary schools that seeks to perpetuate itself by taking in additional members from the students enrolled in school on the basis of the decision of its membership rather than on the free choice of a student in the school who is qualified by the rules of the school to fill the special aims of the organization. The term does not include an agency for public welfare, including Boy Scouts, Hi-Y,

Girl Reserves, DeMolay, Rainbow Girls, Pan-American Clubs, scholarship societies, or other similar educational organizations sponsored by state or national education authorities.


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Code of Conduct

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs


All KIPP San Antonio schools are declared to be alcohol-free, tobacco-free, and drug-free zones.

These materials are prohibited in the school building and on school grounds (including parking lot and athletic facilities). Controlled substances or dangerous drugs include but are not limited to marijuana, any narcotic, hallucinogen, stimulant, depressant, amphetamine, barbiturate, anabolic steroid, or prescription medication provided to any person other than the person for whom the prescription was written.

No student shall possess, use (voluntarily introducing into one’s body, by any means, a prohibited substance), transmit or be under the influence of (lacking the normal use of mental or physical abilities), but not limited to, any controlled substance, narcotic drug, hallucinogenic, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, alcoholic beverage, toxicant inhalant, or other intoxicant (as those items are defined by law), or over-the-counter drugs, or medications/remedies, such as but not limited to, homeopathic products, vitamins, herbs, dietary supplements, etc.: a) on school grounds during any school term b) off school grounds at a school activity, function, or event c) within 300 feet of KIPP Aspire Academy property

This policy shall apply in the event pills or other substances are simulated or represented as any of the previously mentioned controlled substances or over-the-counter drugs and shall apply to any type of drug paraphernalia.

A student who uses a drug as authorized by a licensed physician through a prescription specifically issued for the student’s use shall not be considered to have violated this rule as long as he/she follows the guidelines set forth by KIPP Aspire Health Services. Lockers may be searched for any contraband including alcohol and drugs. Students are held responsible for any prohibited item(s) found in their locker or on their person and are subject to disciplinary action.

KIPP Aspire Academy:

1. Prohibits smoking or using tobacco products at a school-related or school-sanctioned activity on or off school property.

2. Prohibits students from possessing tobacco products at a school-related or school-sanctioned activity on or off school property.

3. Ensures that school personnel enforce the policies on school property.

State law prohibits the possession, purchase, consumption or acceptance of a cigarette or tobacco product by an individual who is younger than 18 years of age. An offense under state law is punishable by a fine not to exceed $250. Additionally, a student will face disciplinary consequences.

Students who violate any of these policies on alcohol, tobacco, and drug use shall be subject to disciplinary action deemed appropriate by a school administrator, which may include expulsion.


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Code of Conduct

Possession of Weapons and / or Explosives


In addition to weapons prohibited by state and federal law, a student shall not possess, handle, use, display, and/or transport any object that can be considered a weapon, including, but not limited to:

1. Explosives, including fireworks of any kind, poppers, stink bombs, etc.

2. Razors

3. Any bladed instrument, including pocket knives

4. Stun guns, BB guns, pellet guns, air guns, laser guns, tranquilizer guns, etc.

5. Chemical dispensers sold commercially for personal protection that is not covered by the Texas

Penal Code (e.g., mace, pepper spray, or other irritants)

6. Bows, arrows, numchucks, boomerangs, cross-bows

7. Clubs

8. Ammunition

9. Acid

10. Metal pipes

11. Sharpened sticks

12. Pyrotechnics

13. Chains

14. Any other object used in a way that threatens or inflicts bodily injury on another person, or that the teachers and/or school administration determine presents a danger to any student, KIPP Aspire employee, or KIPP Aspire property by virtue of possession or use of the object .

Students found to be in violation of this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action including suspension or expulsion.

Any student who has reasonable grounds to suspect a violation of the school district’s policy relating to the possession of weapons / explosives is required to report such suspicion immediately to a teacher or school administrator.

Aspire Academy Student Removal, Withdrawal, Suspension and

Expulsion Policies


Behaviors that may result in disciplinary action

Disciplinary infractions include, but are not limited to the following:

Level I Offenses:


Causing an individual to act through the use of threat or coercion.


Cheating or copying the work of another.


Directing profanity, vulgar language, or obscene gestures toward another student or school employee.


Discharging a fire extinguisher or fire alarm without valid cause.


Disobeying conduct rules on buses or on field lessons.


Engaging in any conduct that school officials might reasonably believe will substantially disrupt the school program or incite violence.


Engaging in disruptive actions or demonstrations that substantially disrupt or materially interfere with school activities.


Engaging in verbal or written exchanges that threaten the safety of another student, a school employee, or school property.


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Code of Conduct


Failing to comply with directives given by school personnel.


Falsifying records, passes, or other school-related documents.




Inappropriate or indecent exposure of a student’s private body parts (depending on the nature, severity, and circumstances, this offense may also rise to a Level II offense).


Leaving school grounds or school-sponsored events without permission.


Making false accusations or hoaxes regarding school safety.


Possessing pornographic material.


Possessing published or electronic material that is designed to promote or encourage illegal behavior or that could threaten schools safety.


Possession of telecommunications or other electronic devices, including displaying, turning on, or using a device (including a cellular phone) while on school property during the school day without the explicit permission of school personnel.


Recording the voice or image of another without the prior consent of the individual(s) being recorded or in any way that disrupts the educational environment or invades the privacy of others.


Refusing the accept discipline management strategies as implemented by a teacher or school personnel.


Repeated tardiness.


Repeatedly violating norms and expectations for conduct in classrooms and across the school campus.


Throwing objects that can cause bodily injury or property damage.


Violating dress and appearance expectations as described in the Scholar Handbook.

Level II Offenses:


Use of medication that is beyond the appropriate/prescribed purpose and dosage. This includes being under the influence of medication that causes impairment of physical or mental faculties.


Being a member of, pledging to become a member of, joining, or soliciting another person to join, or pledge to become a member of a public school fraternity, sorority, gang, or secret society or organization. This includes visible display of colors, items, and logos affiliated with those organizations.


Committing extortion or blackmail (obtaining money or an object of value from an unwilling person).


Creating or participating in the creation or use of a systematic abuse of individuals or a group of students.


Damaging (including vandalism) property owned by others (including, but not limited to, school property or facilities, property of KIPP San Antonio employees or other students).


Engaging in conduct that constitutes dating violence, including the intentional use of physical, sexual, verbal, or emotional abuse to harm, threaten, intimidate, or control another person with whom the students has or has had a dating relationship.


Engaging in inappropriate verbal, physical, or sexual conduct directed toward another person.


False accusation of conduct that would constitute a misdemeanor or felony.


Fighting or arranging a fight. Students who involve themselves in fighting will, at a minimum, be suspended for the remainder of the school day.


Forgery of school documents at school or elsewhere.


Gang-related activity of any kind or nature (behavior that is deemed serious gang-related activity may be elevated to a Level III offense).


Harassment directed toward another students or staff member (can be based on race, color, religion, national origin, gender, disability, or age).


Any non-Title Five felony (school is notified by police). Title Five offenses are those that involve injury to a person and include murder, manslaughter, criminally negligent homicide, trafficking in persons, unlawful transport, kidnapping, assault (on a public servant), aggravated assault, sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault, unlawful restraint, indecency with a child, injury to a child, an elderly person, or a disabled person, abandoning or endangering a child, deadly conduct, terroristic threat, aiding a


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Code of Conduct person to commit suicide, harassment of a public servant, improper photography, smuggling persons, and tampering with a consumer product.


Participating in hazing activities (expecting/demanding actions from other students connected to their membership in or participation in any group.


Possessing or selling anything that can be/was mistaken for drugs or contraband.


Possessing or selling seed or pieces of marijuana in less than a usable amount.


Possessing, smoking, or using tobacco products.


Possession of stolen property.


Possessing, using, giving, or selling materials related to any prohibited substance.


Possession or use of prohibited items, including, but not limited to: a.

Fireworks of any kind, smoke or stink bombs, or any other pyrotechnic device; b.

A razor, box cutter, chain, or any other object used in a way that threatens or inflicts bodily injury to another person; c.

A “fake” weapon; d.

An air gun or BB gun; e.

Ammunition; f.

A stun gun; g.

A pocketknife or any other small knife; h.

Mace or pepper spray; i.

Matches or a lighter; j.

A laser pointer; or k.

Any items the School Leader or designee determines cause a threat of danger.


Persistent repetition of Level I offenses.


Threatening or bullying ( which is defined by Texas Education Code 37.0832(a) to mean engaging in written or verbal expression through electronic means, or physical conduct that occurs on school property, at a school-sponsored event, or in a vehicle operation by KIPP San Antonio and that has the effect of physically harming a student, damaging a student’s property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to the student or damage to student’s property, or is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive enough that the action or threat creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for the students) any person connected with KIPP San Antonio, whether on or off school property (this can be elevated to a Level III offense depending on the severity of the act).


Violating computer use policies for classroom, school, or KIPP San Antonio, including when completed off campus, and always including when the action causes a substantial disruption to the educational environment, including but not limited to: a.

Attempting to access or circumvent passwords or other security related information for KIPP

San Antonio or its students or employees, uploading or creating computer viruses; b.

Attempting to alter, destroy, or disable KIPP San Antonio computer equipment, data, the data of others, or other networks connected to the KIPP San Antonio system; c.

Using the Internet or other electronic communications to make threats; d.

Sending or posting messages that are abusive, obscene, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, damaging to another’s reputation, or illegal; e.

Using email or websites at school to encourage illegal behavior or threaten school safety,

Level III Offenses:


Using prescription drugs, giving prescription drugs to another, or being under the influence of prescription drugs on school property or at a school-related event.


Aggravated assault, kidnapping, robbery, sexual assault.


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Code of Conduct


Any offense described in the Texas Education Code Section 37.006(a) or 37.007 (a), (b), or (d), no matter where or when the offense takes place.




Burglary of a motor vehicle on campus.


Committing or assisting in a robbery or theft, even if it does not constitute a felony according to Texas

Penal Code.


Commission of a felony offense listed under Title Five, Texas Penal Code.


Committing the following offenses on school property or within 1000 feet of school property as measured from any point on the school’s real property boundary line, or while attending a schoolsponsored or school-related activity on or off school property: a.

Engaging in conduct punishable as a felony. b.

Committing an assault under Texas Penal Code 22.01(a)(1). c.

Selling, giving, or delivering to another person, or possessing, using, or being under the influence of marijuana, a controlled substance, alcohol, or a dangerous drug in an amount no constituting a felony offense. d.

Behaving in a manner that contains the elements of an offense relating to abusable volatile chemicals or to the offense of public lewdness or indecent exposure.


Conduct endangering the health and safety of others.


Criminal attempt to commit murder or capital murder, criminally negligent homicide, murder, capital murder, or manslaughter.


Deliberate destruction or tampering with school computer data or networks.


Engaging in bullying (as defined in the Scholar Handbook).


Engaging in conduct punishable as a felony, including that listed under Title Five of the Texas Penal

Code when the conduct occurs off school property and not at a school-sponsored or school-related event and: a.

The student receives deferred prosecution; b.

A court or jury finds that the student has engaged in delinquent conduct; or c.

The School Leader or designee has reasonable believe that the student engaged in the conduct.


Engaging in conduct that constitutes sexual harassment or sexual abuse, whether by word, gesture, or any other conduct directed toward another person, including a KIPP San Antonio student, employee, or volunteer.


Engaging in conduct that contains the elements of retaliation again any KIPP San Antonio employee or volunteer, whether on or off of school property.


Engaging in inappropriate or indecent exposure of private body parts.


Felony criminal mischief against school property, another student, or school staff.


Gang activity (violent or likely to cause harm to another or disrupt the educational environment in any way).


Inappropriate sexual contact.


Indecency with a child.


Repeated Level I offenses (four or more Level I offenses committed in any one school year).


Repeated Level II offenses (two or more Level II offenses committed in any one school year).


Possessing, selling, distributing, or being under the influence of inhalants.


Possessing, selling, distributing, or being under the influence of a simulated controlled substance.


Public lewdness.


Required registration as a sex offender.


Setting or attempting to set fire on school property (not arson).


Sexual abuse of a young child or children.


Sexual assault.


Stealing from students, staff, or KIPP San Antonio.


Targeting another individual for bodily harm.


Use, exhibition, or possession of a firearm, illegal knife, club, or prohibited weapon.


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Code of Conduct


Any discretionary or mandatory expulsion violation under Texas Education Code, Chapter 37.

Possible consequences for each level of behavior

Level 1: o Bench/after school detention o Behavior management strategies (include a list of how your teachers redirect and address issues in your system – the list can be elsewhere in the Handbook). o Grade reductions for academic dishonesty. o Out-of-school suspension o Removal from the classroom and/or placement in another classroom. o Restoration, if applicable (may include specific actions to earn place back in the Team & Family) o School-assessed and school-administered probation o Verbal correction o Withdrawal of privileges

Level II: o Any applicable consequence for Level I offenses including multiple consequences. o Out-of-school suspension for up to 5 days.

Level III: o Out-of-school suspension for 5 to 10 days. o Expulsion.



A teacher may call a school administrator for assistance with a student in order to maintain effective discipline in classrooms. The school administrator shall respond by employing appropriate discipline management techniques.

1. A teacher may remove a student from class:

(a.) who has been documented by the teacher to have repeatedly interfered with the teacher’s ability to communicate effectively with the students in the class or with the ability of the student’s classmates to learn; or

(b) whose behavior the teacher determines is so unruly, disruptive, or abusive that it seriously interferes with the teacher’s ability to communicate effectively with the students in the class or with the ability of the student’s classmates to learn.

*In accordance with Texas Education Code, section 37.002.

2. If a teacher removes a student from class under Subsection 1, the school administrator may place the student into another appropriate classroom, Bench, or on suspension from school. The terms of the removal may prohibit the student from attending or participating in school-sponsored or school-related activity.


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Code of Conduct

3. Not later than the third class day after the day on which a student is removed from class, the school administrator(s) shall schedule a conference among the administrator or the administrator’s designee, a parent/guardian of the student, the teacher removing the student from class, and the student. The student may not return to the regular classroom until the conference has taken place. Following the conference and whether or not each requested person is in attendance after valid attempts to require the person’s attendance, the school administrator(s) shall order the placement of the student.

*Special education students may not be removed in violation of specific IEP provisions or for more than a total of ten days during the school year without ARD committee approval.


Students will be able to withdraw from Aspire Academy at any point during the school year and return to their local zoned public school or any other school to which they can gain admissions. A school administrator will request a meeting with the family and student to discuss the reason for withdrawal . KIPP Aspire Academy requests that families notify the school in advance prior to withdrawing their student.



Aspire Academy will adhere to the Commitment To Excellence and this Code of Conduct as a guideline for in-class disciplinary action, suspension, or expulsion of students.

In deciding whether to order out-of-school suspension, the administrator may take into consideration factors including self-defense, prior discipline history, intent or lack of intent and other appropriate or mitigating factors determined by the administrator. Prior to suspending a student, a School Leader or designee will attempt to hold an informal conference with the student to: 1) Notify the student of the accusations against him/her, 2) Allow the students to relate his/her version of the incident, and 3)

Determine whether the student’s conduct warrants suspension.

In the event of an earned suspension, the School Leader or designee will give notice of suspension and the reasons for the suspension to the student. the School Leader or designee will make a reasonable effort to notify the student’s parent/guardian that the student has been suspended before the student is sent home. The School Leader or designee will notify a suspended student’s parent/guardian of the period of suspension, the grounds for suspension, and the time and place for an opportunity to conference with the School Leader prior to the student returning to his/her regular class schedule. A student shall receive credit for work missed during the period of suspension if the students makes up work missed during the period of suspension within the same number of school days the students was out-of-class on suspension.

Suspended students are prohibited from being on the KIPP Aspire Academy campus, properties, or school-related activities on or off school property without prior written permission of an administrator.

All suspensions and alternative instruction must be effectuated substantively and procedurally in accordance with Texas Education Code, section 37.005.

Due Process Procedures


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Code of Conduct

Students with disabilities have the same rights and responsibilities as other students, and may be disciplined for the same behavioral offenses listed above. If a student with disabilities has an IEP that includes disciplinary guidelines, that student will be disciplined according to those guidelines as required by IDEA . Students for whom the IEP does not include specific disciplinary guidelines may be disciplined in accordance with the standard school policy listed above.

All students are entitled to conferences, hearings, and/or appeals of disciplinary matters as provided by applicable state and federal law, and KIPP San Antonio policy.A student's family may elect to appeal a decision by the Aspire Academy School Leader to impose a long-term suspension or expulsion to

Executive Director. The family may bring counsel with them if they so desire. In all events of expulsion, the School Leader of KIPP Aspire Academy will work in conjunction with the family to find the best possible alternative setting.

The above-mentioned "suspension" and "expulsion" will be considered to mean the following:

"Short-term suspensions" shall refer to the removal of a student from school for disciplinary reasons for a period of five or fewer days.

"Long-term suspensions" shall refer to the removal of a student from school for disciplinary reasons for a period of more than five days.

"Expulsions" shall refer to the permanent removal of a student from school for disciplinary reasons.

If the School Leader or designee reasonably believes a student’s behavior is so unruly, disruptive, or abusive that it seriously interferes with a teacher’s ability to communicate effectively with the students in class, with the ability of a student’s classmates to learn, or with the operation of KIPP San Antonio or a school-sponsored activity, the School Leader or designee may order immediate removal of the student. The School Leader or designee may impose immediate suspension if s/he reasonably believes such action is necessary to protect persons or property from eminent harm. At the time of such an emergency removal, the student will be given verbal notice of the reason for the action and appropriate hearings will be schedule within a reasonable time after emergency removal.

Short Term Suspensions

A student who is determined to have broken Aspire Academy Commitment To Excellence/Code of

Conduct policies or has committed any of the infractions listed below shall be subject minimally to a short-term suspension (TEC, section 37.005), unless a school administrator determines that an exception should be made based on the individual circumstances of the incident and the student's disciplinary record. Depending upon the severity of the infraction, the student may be subject to a long-term suspension, expulsion, or referral to the appropriate law enforcement agencies. In addition to the above list of violations, the School Leader has the authority to suspend a student for a period of up to five school days for any of the following additional reasons: 1) The need to further investigate an incident, 2) A recommendation to expel the student, or 3) An emergency constituting endangerment to health or safety.

Procedures for Short-Term Suspension


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Code of Conduct

A KIPP Aspire Academy school administrator may impose a short-term suspension. Before imposing a short-term suspension, a school administrator shall verbally inform the student of the suspension, the reason for it, and whether it will be served in school or out of school. The student shall be given an opportunity to deny or explain charges. A school administrator shall immediately notify the parent(s) or guardian(s) in writing that the student has been suspended from school. Written notice shall be provided by personal delivery, express mail delivery, or equivalent means reasonably calculated to assure receipt of such notice within 24 hours of the suspension at the last known address. Where possible, notification also shall be provided by telephone if the school has been provided with a contact telephone number for the parent(s) or guardian(s). Such notice shall provide a description of the incident, or incidents, which resulted in the suspension. The notification shall be in the dominant language used by the parent(s) or guardian(s). After three short-term suspensions a hearing will be required with the School Leader to determine the next course of action.

Long Term Suspensions

A student who is determined to have committed any of the infractions listed below shall be subject minimally to a long-term suspension (TEC, section 37.005), unless a school administrator determines that an exception should be made based on the circumstance of the incident and the student's disciplinary record. Such a student may also be subject to any of the disciplinary measures outlined elsewhere in this document, to referral to law enforcement authorities, and/or to expulsion.

In addition, a student who commits any of the acts previously described as causes for short-term suspension may, instead or in addition, be subject to a long-term suspension at the School Leader's discretion.

* The Federal Gun-Free Schools Act of 1994, which applies to public schools, states that a student who is determined to have brought a weapon to school must be suspended for at least one calendar year. School administrators, however, may modify this suspension requirement on a case-by-case basis. Weapon as used in this law means "firearm," as defined by 18 USC

§3214(3)(d) effectuates this federal law.

The School Leader may modify the term of the expulsion from the regular school program on a case-by-case basis and in accordance with the legal requirements.

For the purpose of this section, “firearm” means:


Any weapon, including a starter gun, which will, or is designed to, or which may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive from the frame or receiver of any such weapon.


Any firearm muffler or firearm silencer.


Any destructive device. This means any explosive, incendiary or poison gas bomb, grenade, rocket having a propellant charge of more than four ounces, missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than ¼ ounce, mine, or device similar to any of the preceding described devices. It also means any type of weapon, other than a shotgun shell or a shotgun that is generally recognized as particularly suited for sporting purposes, by whatever name known which will, or which may be readily converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive or other propellant, and which has any barrel with a bore of more than ½ inch in diameter, and any combination of parts either designed or intended for use in converting any device into destructive device as describe, and from which a destructive device may be readily assembled.


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Code of Conduct

Procedures for Long-Term Suspension

When the School Leader or designee determine that a student’s conduct warrants a suspension of more than five days (extended suspension) or expulsion, but prior to taking any such action, the School Leader or designee will provide the student’s parent/guardian with written notice in the dominant language used by the parent(s) or guardian(s) of: a) the reasons for the proposed disciplinary action, b) the date and location for a hearing before the School Leader, within five days from the date of the disciplinary infraction. Written notice shall be provided by personal delivery, express mail delivery, or equivalent means reasonably calculated to assure receipt of such notice within 24 hours of suspension at the last known address. Where possible, notification shall be provided by telephone if the school has been provided with a contact telephone number for the parent(s) or guardian(s). The notice shall further state that, at the hearing, the student a) may be present, b) shall have the opportunity to present evidence, c) shall be apprised and informed of KIPP San

Antonio’s evidence, d) may be accompanied by his or her parent/guardian(s), and d) may be represented by an attorney.

KIPP San Antonio shall make a good faith effort to inform the students and the student’s parent/guardian(s) of the time and place for the hearing and KIPP San Antonio shall hold the hearing regardless of whether the student, the students parent/guardian(s) or another adult representing the student attends. The Hearing Officer or

School Leader may audio record the hearing. Immediately following the hearing, the School Leader will notify the student and the student’s parent/guardian(s) in writing of the final decision. The decision shall specify a) the length of the extended suspension or expulsion, if any, b) when or if the expulsion is not permanent, the procedures for re-admittance at the end of the expulsion period if at all, and c) the right to appeal the Hearing

Officer’s decision to the Board of Directors (or the Board’s designee). The notice shall also state that failure to make a timely request for such an appeal constitutes a waiver of further rights in the matter. If the School

Leader has initiated the suspension proceeding, the School Leader shall personally hear and determine the hearing. The hearing officer's report shall be advisory only and the School Leader may accept or reject all or part of it.

The student and his/her parent/guardian(s) may appeal the extended suspension or expulsion decision to the

Board of Directors of KIPP San Antonio by notifying the School Leader or Hearing Officer in writing within seven calendar days of the date of receipt of the Hearing Officer’s decision. The Board will review the audio or transcribed record from the hearing at a regular or specially called meeting in closed session. The Board will notify the student and his/her parent/guardian(s) of its decision, in writing, within five calendar days of the session. The decision of the Board is final and may not be appealed. Please note that discipline consequences will not be deferred pending the outcome of an appeal of an extended suspension or expulsion to the Board.

A student with a disability shall not be excluded from his/her current placement pending appeal to the Board of

Directors for more than two days without ARD Committee action to determine appropriate services in the interim and otherwise in accordance with applicable law. If a special education due process appeal to a TEA special education hearing officer is made, the student with a disability shall remain in the then current education setting in place at the time such appeal is noticed to KIPP San Antonio, unless KIPP San Antonio and the student’s parents agree otherwise.

Alternative Instruction Arrangements:

Students who earn suspension will be provided with alternative instruction. Arrangements will be made between the school and each individual family for the delivery of services, pick-up/delivery of work, and the making up of any missed assignments and classroom instructional support.


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Code of Conduct

Expulsion :

Texas Education Code, section 37.019 states that a student may be removed from the school if the behavior is so unruly, disruptive, or abusive that it seriously interferes with a teacher's ability to communicate effectively with the students in the class, with the ability of the student’s classmates to learn, or with the operation of a school or school-sponsored activity. In addition, a student may be removed from the school for action that is necessary to protect persons or property from imminent harm.

If a child is being considered for expulsion from KIPP Aspire Academy, the School Leader shall provide written notice to the student and his or her parent(s) or guardian(s) that the student is being considered for transfer to another school. Such notice shall set a time and place for an informal conference with the School Leader and shall inform the parent(s) or guardian(s) of their right to be accompanied by an individual of their choice. Except for those items that, under state and federal law, require immediate expulsion, the School Leader may not expel a student unless a prior written and verbal warning for expulsion has been issued to both the student and his/her parent or guardian. In that

"final warning", documentation must appear which clearly demonstrates which aspects of the Aspire

Academy Commitment to Excellence and Code of Conduct have been violated and why these violations warrant expulsion if continued. If, following the informal conference, the School Leader maintains that the student would receive an adequate and appropriate education in another school program, the School Leader shall issue a recommendation of transfer to KIPP SA Executive Director, which shall include a description of the behavior and/or academic problems indicative of the need for transfer, a description of the alternatives explored, and prior action taken to resolve the problem. The parents, should they so choose, may also present materials to the Executive Director. The Executive

Director will then render a formal decision.

Except when required by law, students will not earn academic credit during a period of expulsion.


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Code of Conduct

Character Strengths






Actively participates

Shows enthusiasm

Invigorates others



Finishes whatever he or she begins

Tried very hard even after experiencing failure

6 Works independently with focus

Self-Control – School Work



Comes to class prepared

Pays attention and resists distractions

9 Remembers and follows directions

10 Gets to work right away rather than procrastinating

Self-Control - Interpersonal

11 Remains calm even when criticized or otherwise provoked

12 Allows others to speak without interruption

13 Is polite to adults and peers

14 Keeps his/her temper in check


15 Gets over frustrations and setbacks quickly

16 Believes that effort will improve his or her future


17 Recognizes and shows appreciation for others

18 Recognizes and shows appreciation for opportunities

Social Intelligence

19 Is able to find solutions during conflicts with others

20 Demonstrates respect for feelings of others

21 Knows when and how to include others


22 Is eager to explore new things

23 Asks and answers questions to deepen understanding

24 Actively listens to others


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Code of Conduct

Acknowledgement Form


Student/Parent Handbook Acknowledgement Form

I have received my copy of the KIPP Aspire Academy Student/Parent Handbook. I understand and agree that it is my responsibility to read and familiarize myself with the policies and procedures contained in the manual.

I understand and agree that nothing in the Student / Parent Handbook creates or is intended to create rules or policies that replace the Commitment to Excellence or the Non-Negotiable Expectations for KIPP Aspire Academy students. Policies outlined in the Student Handbook are subject to change at the school’s discretion.

I state that I have read and fully understand the KIPP Aspire Academy Student / Parent Handbook and agree to all its terms.

Student Signature:

Student’s Printed Name:

Parent/Guardian Signature:

Parent/Guardian Printed Name:

Date: cc: Advisory File


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Code of Conduct

Internet Acceptable Use Policy

KIPP San Antonio believes accessing data on the Internet is a useful skill for lifelong learning. The goal in providing Internet access to staff and students is to promote educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, and communication.

The use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use may result in a cancellation of those privileges. KIPP San Antonio reserves the right to read, print, delete, store, or use any transmission on this system at its discretion. KIPP San Antonio grants permission to use this system for educational purposes only. Users hereby waive any right of privacy regarding information/messages sent or received by them on this system. The administration, faculty, and staff of KIPP San Antonio may deny, revoke, or suspend specific user access.

The Internet, for the purpose of this document, is defined as resources or information retrieved through the network that are not stored on school district equipment. These resources must be accessed through the world wide web.

Student Procedures for gaining access privileges to the Internet:

Students will receive access after they turn in an Agreement Form that has been signed by both the student and parent/guardian consenting to abide by the Internet Access Acceptable Use Policy.

Students may use the Internet during class time only if cleared by the teacher or classroom supervisor.

Any financial charges inc urred by the student while using the Internet are the student’s full responsibility and he/she will be held accountable for payment.

KIPP San Antonio personnel will monitor the information collection when district hardware and/or software is used.

Inappropriate use of access privileges will result in school disciplinary action and may result in access restrictions or cancellation of privileges. Inappropriate use of access privileges which results in loss of access does not excuse the student from the requirements of obtaining material necessary for classroom or project assignments.

Parents/guardians may request cancellation of access privileges by contacting the school.

Internet User Terms and Conditions Agreement


The use of the Internet accessed from or by the use of KIPP San Antonio property must be in support of education and research and consistent with the educational objectives of the

KIPP San Antonio. Transmission of any material in violation of any federal or state regulation is prohibited, including, but not limited to copyrighted material, threatening, violent or obscene material as determined by the building’s chief administrator or their designee, or material protected by trademark. Use of the Internet for commercial activities is not acceptable. Use for product advertisement or political lobbying is prohibited.


The use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use may result in cancellation of privileges.


Internet users are to abide by the rules of network etiquette, including, but not limited, to:


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Code of Conduct a.

Be polite. Your messages to others are to contain no abusive or threatening language. b.

Cursing, vulgarity, or other inappropriate language is unacceptable. c.

Promotion of, or solicitation for, illegal activities is strictly forbidden. d.

Do not reveal any personal information such as your address or phone number nor that of fellow students or colleagues. e.

Note that e-mail is not private. f.

Use extreme caution when communicating to others over the Internet .


KIPP San Antonio makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the

Internet service nor is it responsible for any damages you suffer from Internet use, including loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, mis-deliveries, or service interruptions.

Use of any information obtained via the Internet is at your own risk. KIPP San Antonio denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through

Internet. Stay mindful of the fact that not everyone that has a website is an expert resource.


Security on any computer system is a high priority.


Vandalism of hardware, software, or stored information will result in appropriate disciplinary action up to and including referral to law enforcement.


This document is not intended to encompass all activities of our users and should not be considered all inclusive of appropriate or inappropriate activities. School administration reserves the right to act on a case by case basis as needed.


KIPP: Aspire Academy

Student/Parent Handbook Code of Conduct



Student Name: _________________________________________________

Teacher Name: ____________________________________ Grade: ________

Parent Name(s): ________________________________________________

Date Handbook Received: ___________________________________________

I have received and read the entire KIPP Aspire Family Handbook. I pledge to adhere to the expectations outlined in this handbook. If I have questions I will talk to my child’s teacher or school leader.

Parent Signature: ___________________________________ Date: __________


All KIPP San Antonio students are eligible by the FERPA. This provides all students the right to inspect and review his/her education records, the right to seek to amend the records, the right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information from the records (except in certain circumstances), and the right to file a complaint regarding an alleged failure by a school to comply with FERPA. When seeking access to records, students and parents/guardians can contact a school official (School

Leaders, Assistant School Leaders, and Campus Registrars) and will be allowed access to records when there is a legitimate educational interest (a school official will help determine if there is a valid reason to access the records).

Parent Signature: ___________________________________ Date: __________

Internet Acceptable Use:

I understand the Internet Acceptable Use Policy, as outlined in the Student Handbook, and the consequences of a violation of the Policy.

 I hereby give permission for my child to access the Internet at KIPP San Antonio.

 I deny permission for my child to access the Internet at KIPP San Antonio.

Parent Signature: ___________________________________ Date: __________

