Staff Equal Opportunities Policy September 2014

Staff Equal Opportunities Policy
September 2014
Aspire Academy
Aspire Academy
Christian Aims and Values
We Aspire to be a community founded upon mutual trust where everyone is loved for
who they are. We seek to Serve others by putting their needs before our own and
believe that working together we can Achieve more than we could alone.
As an Alternative Provision Academy, our core values are forgiveness,
endurance and community:
Forgiveness is essential to human life and lies at the heart of all successful
relationships. With wisdom and understanding, we can learn to forgive. We aim
to do this by understanding ourselves and others. In this way we, can help each
other feel cared for;
Endurance is a trait that needs to be developed in everyone. Life throws many
challenges at us and we need to be prepared to face those challenges through
developing deep personal reserves.
We aim to be an inclusive community. Each person is needed, valued and
important. When things go wrong we will forgive each other and make a fresh
start. We will share what we have with those in need and try to treat others as
we would like them to treat us.
As an Alternative Provision Academy we aim to:
Treat students, staff and visitors with respect;
Incorporate and promote the values behind the academy motto; Aspire, Serve,
Achieve in all we do;
Instill a sense of self-worth and value in every student;
Encourage student participation in the planning and the running of our Academy
wherever possible;
 Encourage religious literacy as a way of interpreting the world around us;
 Encourage, challenge and support every person to achieve his or her potential.
Aspire Academy
Staff Equal Opportunities
Statement of Policy
The Governing Body of Aspire Academy supports the creation of an environment that
Eliminate unlawful, direct and indirect discrimination and promote equality of
Ensure that no employee or job applicant receives less favourable treatment on
grounds of, age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual
orientation, marriage and civil partnership and pregnancy and maternity. Have
regard to the Equality Act 2010 Value, celebrate and learn from the cultural diversity
of its staff.
Statement of Policy Review
The Board of Trustees has agreed that this policy will be reviewed on a three yearly basis.
This review will take into consideration all aspects of applicable legislation and advice
current at the time of the review. The next ‘Period of Review’ will be SEPTEMBER 2017
The Workforce
The Academy will ensure that no employee receives less favourable treatment and that
appropriate support is provided so that all employees attain their full potential to the
benefit of the Academy and themselves.
All employees are afforded the opportunity to undertake training appropriate to their
present posts and future aspirations.
The Academy wishes to achieve an ability-based workforce which is in line with the working
population mix in the communities that we serve.
The Academy operates an equal opportunities practice in the recruitment, selection and
promotion of staff at all levels. Selection criteria and procedures are monitored and
reviewed to ensure that individuals are recruited and selected on the basis of their relevant
merits and abilities in ways that can be shown as non-discriminatory.
The cooperation of all employees is essential for the success of this policy. However, the
Governing Body and Senior Leadership Team (SLT) have lead responsibility for achieving the
aims of this policy and for ensuring compliance with the relevant Acts of Parliament and
Codes of Practice. Behaviour or action against the spirit or the letter of the aims on which
this policy is based will be considered a serious disciplinary matter and may lead to
Positive Action
Underrepresented groups should be encouraged to apply for training and employment
opportunities within the Academy. Recruitment to all jobs should be strictly on merit.
Wherever necessary, use should be made of lawful exemption to recruit suitably qualified
people to cater for the special needs of particular groups.
Efforts should be made to identify and remove unnecessary and unjustifiable barriers and to
provide appropriate facilities and conditions of service to meet the needs of
underrepresented groups.
Vacancy Advertising
The Governing Body and SLT put in place arrangements to determine which vacancies must
be advertised both internally and externally simultaneously. It is anticipated that senior
posts would always be advertised externally (see Staff Recruitment and Appointment
All vacancy advertisements should include a short statement on equal opportunities.
Selection & Recruitment
Selection criteria, including job descriptions and post holder specifications, should be kept
under review to ensure that they are justifiable on non-discriminatory grounds as being
essential for the effective performance of the job.
Wherever possible, more than one person should be involved in the short listing and the
selection interview. All staff involved in the recruitment process should receive training in
equal opportunities.
Reasons for selection and rejection of applicants for vacancies must be recorded and kept on
file for a minimum of six months and a maximum of twelve months.
Personnel Records
Employees are able to check and correct their own records of personal details. Otherwise,
access to personal records is restricted in accordance with the provisions of the Data
Protection Act.
Monitoring, Evaluation and Review
The Governing Body will review this policy at least every two years and assess its
implementation and effectiveness. The policy will be promoted and published throughout
the Academy.