Integrated Instructional Services: Carrie Martin Elementary School

Integrated Instructional Services:
Carrie Martin Elementary School offers services which address cognitive and learning disabilities, motorrelated issues, and speech and language disorders. The school employs the services of a School
Psychologist/Counselor, Learning Center /Special Education Teacher, Severe/Multiple- Needs Teachers,
Occupational Therapist, Speech-Language Pathologist, and School Nurse to support student learning. A
staffing team comprised of the above “Integrated Instructional Services” personnel meet with the school
principal, classroom teacher(s), district personnel, and parents /guardians to discuss the growth and
needs of identified students.
Student access to these programs involves a referral through the district RtI process (see district
website). Upon qualification, a legal Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) is developed for the student
identifying their strengths, needs, goals, and services in the areas of qualification. This plan is integrated
with Common Core Standards to support the needs of the student.
Learning Center/Resource: This is a service provided for students who have been identified as having
significant learning needs in academic areas such as literacy or math if regular education-based
interventions have been determined to be insufficient. Students are assisted in their general education
classrooms and/or in the “TLC”-Tiger Learning Center where they are supported in small groups or
individually by the TLC Staff. The use of intervention techniques and materials which are specific to the
needs of the student help the learner in meeting individual and grade-level goals/standards. Please
contact Hailey Uphaus at 613-5725 for further information regarding these services.
Speech/Language: These services are available to students who meet Thompson R2-J criteria for
support in the school setting. A student with a speech and/or language disorder may need services in
one or all of the following areas which impact their educational functioning: articulation, voice, fluency,
or receptive/expressive language. The Speech-Language Pathologist may work with students in
classroom settings, in a small group, or on an individual basis. Carrie Martin’s Speech/Language
Pathologist, Stephanie Bernhardt, can be reached at 613-5715.
Mental Health Services: Carrie Martin employs a School Counselor/School Psychologist who provides
social-emotional and behavioral supports for students and families upon student, teacher or parent
request. Classroom guidance lessons are provided to all Carrie Martin students based upon our school’s
“Leader In Me” model and Colorado State Social-Emotional Standards. Curriculum includes education
in areas of 7 Habits/Leadership skills, character development, problem-solving, study skills and career
awareness. Small groups of students meet with the counselor to learn/practice social skill/friendship
skill development or to support family changes such as divorce/separation or death of a family member.
The School Psychologist provides observations and assessment of social-emotional, adaptive behavior
and cognitive/learning styles (IQ) of students and develops behavior plans based on this data. These
results are interpreted and incorporated into a student’s IEP, 504 Plan, or individual behavioral
intervention plan to support student learning. Bobbi Schmitt, school Counselor/Psychologist, can be
reached at 613-5705.
Occupational Therapy: Supports are provided to students who have been identified as having significant
fine motor-related issues which impact their learning by a occupational therapist who serves Carrie
Martin on a part-time basis. Services to students are both direct and consultative, including strategies
and materials given to classroom teachers to support students in classroom environments. Questions
regarding O.T. services may be directed to Erin Cockrell at 613-5754.
I.L.C.- Intensive Learning Center: Carrie Martin serves the needs of students with multiple disabilities
and severe/profound learning disabilities in a setting which integrates classroom curriculum (at a
modified level) and daily living skills. The staff in this program supports the medical, cognitive,
behavioral, and communicative, as well as academic, skills for students with multiple and/or severe
disabilities. Daily communication between general education teachers and ILC staff insure that students
are included in general education classroom activities as appropriate with support from the ILC staff.
Melissa Scott can be reached at 613-5738 regarding this program.
School Nurse: A part-time school nurse is available at Carrie Martin to assist students with medical
needs which impact their learning. Services include development of student health care plans,
delegation of student medications, and communicating with parents and teachers regarding the impact
of health issues on students’ academic functioning. Jennifer Buchmeier, Carrie Martin’s School Nurse,
can be contacted at 613-5700.