1 Richard P. Ebstein, Mikhail M. Monakhov, Yunfeng Lu, Yushi Jiang, Poh San Lai, Soo Hong Chew. Dopamine D2 Receptor gene is Associated with Economic Risk Attitude measured by Experimental Games in a Large Sample of Han Chinese. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Table S1. Proposal number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Political Attitudes Battery (modified) Text of proposal Decrease the public sector Decrease defense expenses Decrease welfare benefits Decrease taxes Sell public companies to private buyers Decrease income inequality in society Have more private companies in health care Decrease the influence of financial markets on politics Have more autonomous schools Forbid all kinds of pornography Limit the right to abortion Introduce much tougher punishments for criminals Strengthen animal rights Invest more to prevent environmental damages Decrease carbon dioxide emissions Increase labor immigration to Singapore Decrease foreign aid Increase the economic support to immigrants so that they can preserve their own culture Forgive debt to developing countries Give private companies more freedom Singapore should work for increased free trade all over the world Singapore should actively support the war on terrorism Detailed political attitudes were assessed using Political Attitudes Battery adapted from Benjamin et al. [59]. The original version of the questionnaire has 34 questions, which focused on Sweden society. We modified it and finally got 22 questions on people’s attitudes on economic, social, and political policies in Singapore.The survey was preceded by following explanations: “Below is a table with proposals some people think should be implemented in Singapore. State what you think about each of these proposals.” Response options (with scores): Very good proposal (1), Fairly good proposal (2), Neither good nor bad proposal (3), Fairly bad proposal (4), Very bad proposal (5). 2 Table S2. Distribution of political attitude categories Males Females N % 8 0.9 Combined N % 14 0.8 N 6 % 0.7 Conservative 107 12.1 114 12.8 221 12.5 Middle-of-the-road 381 43.2 462 52 843 47.6 Liberal 325 36.8 275 30 600 33.9 Highly liberal 64 7.2 29 3.3 93 5.2 Total 883 100 888 100 1771 100 Highly conservative Subjects were asked following question: “In terms of politics, you consider yourself as:” Permitted responses were: “very conservative” (score 1), “conservative” (score 2), “middle-of-the-road” (score 3), “liberal” (score 4), “very liberal” (score 5), “others” (with a field to type in the specific opinion) and “don’t know”. Subjects choosing “others” and “don’t know” were excluded from the analysis (N = 325). 3 Table S3. Effects of sex and age on political attitudes (1) Coeff. sex age (2) Odds Ratio Coeff. (3) Odds Ratio 0.698*** 0.360*** (6.3e-05) Coeff. Odds Ratio 0.670*** 0.400*** (7.0e-05) 0.039 1.040 (.22) -0.030 0.971 (.4) N 1771 1769 1769 Ordered logistic regression. Odds ratios indicate odds of being in higher political attitude category with one unit increase of independent variable Sex = 1 for males and 2 for females. p-values in parentheses. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01. Higher values of political ideology scale correspond to liberal attitude. 4 Table S4. traits Associations between political attitudes and Big Five personality Combined -0.018** (2.1e-02) Males -0.003 (.77) Females -0.032*** (3.0e-03) -0.002 (.72) -0.004 (.65) -0.0001 (.99) Openness 0.036*** (3.5e-10) 0.040*** (5.0e-07) 0.031*** (1.7e-04) Agreeableness -0.033*** (9.0e-09) -0.027*** (4.3e-04) -0.038*** (6.8e-06) -0.011 (.11) -0.009 (.43) -0.014 (.15) Neuroticism Extraversion Conscientiousness -0.283** (1.5e-02) N 1257 601 656 Ordered logistic regression of political attitude score on personality traits. Higher values of political ideology scale correspond to liberal attitude. Sex = 1 for males and 2 for females. p-values in parentheses. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01 sex 5 Table S5. Associations between political attitudes and TCI personality traits Combined Males Females -0.007 (.25) -0.011 (.2) -0.005 (.59) Reward Dependence -0.013** (3.1e-02) -0.013 (.14) -0.014 (.12) Novelty Seeking 0.032*** (1.7e-06) 0.028*** (5.8e-03) 0.035*** (1.1e-04) Persistence 0.010* (7.0e-02) 0.008 (.26) 0.012 (.16) Self-Transcendence -0.018*** (3.5e-03) -0.020** (2.3e-02) -0.017* (6.2e-02) Self-Directedness -0.013** (3.1e-02) -0.022** (1.7e-02) -0.006 (.46) Cooperativeness -0.008 (.17) -0.005 (.57) -0.011 (.17) Harm Avoidance sex -0.256* (5.2e-02) N 959 454 505 Ordered logistic regression of political attitude score on personality traits. Higher values of political ideology scale correspond to liberal attitude. Sex = 1 for males and 2 for females. p-values in parentheses. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01. 6 Table S6. Genotypes and alleles frequencies of DRD4 exon III VNTR Genotype 2R/2R N 102 2R/3R 5.76 Alleles 2R N 773 % 21.8 2 0.11 3R 26 0.7 2R/4R 551 31.11 4R 2656 75.0 2R/5R 11 0.62 5R 64 1.8 2R/6R 5 0.28 6R 17 0.5 3R/3R 1 0.06 7R 4 0.1 3R/4R 22 1.24 8R 1 0.03 4R/4R 1010 57.03 9R 1 0.03 4R/5R 49 2.77 4R/6R 9 0.51 4R/7R 4 0.23 4R/8R 1 0.06 5R/5R 2 0.11 6R/6R 1 0.06 6R/9R 1 0.06 761 43.0 1771 100 Genotypes other than 4R/4R Total: % 7 Table S7. Attitudes DRD4 sex N Attitudes DRD4 sex N Effects of DRD4 on responses to Political Attitudes Battery (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Question Question Question Question Question Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 (7) Question 7 (8) Question 8 (9) Question 9 (10) Question 10 (11) Question 11 1.068 (0.118) 1.075 (0.121) 1,178 1.052 (0.113) 1.748*** (0.192) 1,178 0.826* (0.091) 1.428*** (0.160) 1,178 1.044 (0.112) 0.699*** (0.077) 1,178 1.185 (0.128) 0.914 (0.101) 1,178 1.242** (0.137) 0.974 (0.109) 1,178 1.010 (0.109) 1.316** (0.143) 1,178 1.069 (0.118) 1.486*** (0.168) 1,178 1.332*** (0.147) 1.563*** (0.173) 1,178 0.956 (0.104) 0.386*** (0.042) 1,178 1.125 (0.120) 0.642*** (0.070) 1,178 (1) Question 12 (2) Question 13 (3) Question 14 (4) Question 15 (5) Question 16 (6) Question 17 (7) Question 18 (8) Question 19 (9) Question 20 (10) Question 21 (11) Question 22 1.058 (0.115) 1.084 (0.118) 1,178 1.320** (0.146) 0.466*** (0.052) 1,178 1.307** (0.148) 0.629*** (0.071) 1,178 1.351*** (0.151) 0.606*** (0.069) 1,178 1.074 (0.116) 1.016 (0.111) 1,178 0.981 (0.110) 1.210* (0.133) 1,178 1.105 (0.120) 0.778** (0.085) 1,178 1.110 (0.120) 0.710*** (0.080) 1,178 0.938 (0.104) 1.166 (0.132) 1,178 1.081 (0.121) 1.470*** (0.169) 1,178 0.996 (0.107) 1.602*** (0.172) 1,178 All coefficients are reported in odds ratios. “Very good” is coded as 1, “fairly good proposal” is coded as 2, “neither good or bad proposal” is coded as 3, “fairly bad proposal” is coded as 4, and “very bad proposal” is coded as 5. DRD4 = 1 if DRD4 exon III VNTR genotype is 4R/4R and DRD4 = 0 for all other genotypes. Sex = 1 for males and 2 for females. Standard deviations are in parentheses. * means p < 0.10, ** means p < 0.05, *** means p < 0.01. 8 Table S8. Distribution of subjects by Number of Friends Males Females Combined Number of friends N % N % N % no friends 22 2.49 2 0.23 24 1.36 1-2 172 19.48 144 16.22 316 17.84 3-5 471 53.34 505 56.87 976 55.11 6-9 141 15.97 177 19.93 318 17.96 10 or more 77 8.72 60 6.76 137 7.74 Total 883 100 888 100 1771 100 9 Table S9. Regressions of political ideology on DRD4, sex and number of friends (1) DRD4 (2) Coef. -0.2 OR 0.82 ** ** Coef. -0.19** -0.36*** OR 0.82 Coef. 0.208 OR 1.231 (3.2e-02) 0.7 (4) (5) Coef. -.12 OR .88 Coef. 0.45 OR 1.56 ** (2.8e-02) sex (3) .55 -0.36*** 0.7 *** -0.358*** (0.25) 0.699*** -.36*** (.13) .69*** -0.15 0.86 *** (7.8e-05) (6.9e-05) (7.4e-05) (6.1e-05) (.28) -0.38** DRD4 × sex 0.68 ** (3.6e-02) Number of friends (ordinal) 0.01 1 0.071 (.94) Number of friends (binary) 1.07 (.33) 0.1 1.11 .24* (.3) DRD4 × Number of friends (ordinal) -0.129 OR – odds ratio. 0.23 1.26 (.11) 0.88 .21 DRD4 × Number of friends (binary) Log likelihood N 1.27* (8.5e-02) -.26 -2066.452 1771 -2065.958 1771 -2065.131 1771 .76 -0.25 0.78 (.18) (.21) -2065.1309 1771 -2062.919 1771 10 DRD4 exon III VNTR (4R/4R genotype) sex 0.490 (.37) -0.321 (.57) 0.575 (.32) 0.289 (.6) Conscientiousness Agreeableness Openness Extraversion Association between DRD4 gene and NEO-PI-R personality traits Neuroticism Table S10. -0.116 (.83) 4.894*** 0.798 2.172*** 3.364*** -3.444*** (1.4e-18) (.16) (1.5e-04) (2.7e-09) (5.5e-10) N 1257 1257 1257 1257 1257 Linear regression. DRD4 = 1 if DRD4 exon III VNTR genotype is 4R/4R and DRD4 = 0 for all other genotypes. Sex = 1 for males and 2 for females. p-values in parentheses. * p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01. 11 5.990*** 4.478*** 2.752*** (2.9e-08) (9.4e-08) (4.1e-04) -1.084 (.18) -4.618*** 1.623** (5.3e-06) (4.4e-02) Cooperativeness -0.296 (.77) SelfTranscendence -0.096 (.9) Self-Directedness sex -0.968 (.25) Persistence 0.281 (.79) Novelty Seeking DRD4 Reward Dependence Association between DRD4 gene and TCI-R personality traits Harm Avoidance Table S11. 1.315 (.21) -0.387 (.67) -1.647 (.12) 3.219*** (4.3e-04) 959 959 959 959 959 959 959 N Linear regression. DRD4 = 1 if DRD4 exon III VNTR genotype is 4R/4R and DRD4 = 0 for all other genotypes. Sex = 1 for males and 2 for females. p-values in parentheses. * p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01. 12 Figure S1. Distributions of responses to questions about environmental issues