Unit Plan Template Note: Type in the gray areas. Unit Author First and Last Name William Baquerano Author's E-mail Address williambaquerano@my.unt.edu Course Name(s) LTEC Course Number(s) 4100 Course Section(s) 006 School City, State, Zip Denton, TX, 76201 Instructor Name(s): Professor Knezek Unit Overview Unit Plan Title Endangered Animals Curriculum-Framing Questions Essential Question Why are endangered animals? Unit Questions Why do animals become endangered? Which habitats and climates do endangered animals live in? What can we do to help endangered animals? Unit Summary Students will learn endangered animals in this planet, why they are important to our planet, and they can do to help minimize the problem. Subject Area(s): (List all subjects that apply) Science, Art (for group and individual projects), English Grade Level (Click boxes of all grade levels that apply) K-2 6-8 ESL Gifted and Talented 3-5 9-12 Resource Other: 4-8 Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes To learn what endangered animals are, and how they become endangered. To learn what animals are endangered and why it is important to save them. Targeted State Frameworks/Content Standards/Benchmarks I N T E L ® T E A C H T O © 2001 Intel. All rights reserved. T H E F U T U R E 1 Science, Grade 3, Science concepts. The student knows that living organisms need food, water, light, air, a way to dispose of waste, and an environment in which to live. The student is expected to: observe and describe the habitats of organisms within an ecosystem observe and identify organisms with similar needs that compete with one another for resources such as oxygen, water, food, or space describe environmental changes in which some organisms would thrive, become ill, or perish; and describe how living organisms modify their physical environment to meet their needs such as beavers building a dam or humans building a home. Procedures Students will learn about endangered animals in our planet and research them. Later on they will do an art project on the animal they choose, and write a mini research paper. At the end of the lesson the students will make the art projects and research papers into one big class book. Approximate Time Needed 2 weeks Prerequisite Skills Knowing different animals from around the world Materials and Resources Required For Unit Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed.) Camera Laser Disk Computer(s) Printer Digital Camera Projection System DVD Player Scanner Internet Connection Television VCR Video Camera Video Conferencing Equip. Other: Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.) Database/Spreadsheet Image Processing Desktop Publishing Internet Web Browser E-mail Software Multimedia Encyclopedia on CD-ROM Web Page Development Word Processing Other: Printed Materials List of endangered animals Supplies Art supplies to make art projects of animals. I N T E L ® T E A C H T O © 2001 Intel. All rights reserved. T H E F U T U R E 2 Internet Resources Others http://www.wwf.org/ http://www.earthsendangered.com/ None Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction Resource Student Some research on a certain animal can be given to them at an extent Gifted Student I can give them more of challenge when researching. Or they may research two animals. Student Assessment I will assess them by having the class present their animal to see if they know their knowledge from it. I will use a rubric to determine their grade, more on the research than the art project. Page 3 of 3