Evaluation form for Computer/Endorsement students

Portfolio Grading Guidelines
Your grades on the portfolio will be based on the degree to which your work meets the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) National
Educational Technology Standards (NETS) for Coaching (see handout entitled “ISTE-NETS-C”). This set of grading rubrics is based upon these standards, so
it is critical, first of all, that you place a given assignment in the most appropriate section of the portfolio, aligned with the standard that it best addressed.
It is also important that you identify how each assignment meets one or more substandards of ISTE-NETS-C, by listing the appropriate identifying
number/letter (example: 1a) in your annotations, along with reasons why it does so. You can identify substandards for standards other than the one in
which the assignment is placed, if you wish. For example, a project might address substandards within both “visionary leadership” (standard 1) and
“professional development” (standard 4).
You will be assigned a point total between 0-3 on each of the 28 substandards (within the 6 standards) in ISTE-NETS-C. A grade of 0 means you failed to
meet the substandard entirely. Grades of 1, 2 or 3 are based upon the degree to which your work approached (1pt.), met (2pts.) or exceeded (3pts.) a
given standard (see below). An overall “satisfactory” grade (S) on the portfolio requires a total of 56 points (an average of 2pts. per substandard). Lower
than this number will result in an unsatisfactory grade (U) being assigned for ITEC 67439 Portfolio Review.
Approaches (1 pt.)
Meets (2 pts.)
Exceeds (3 pts.)
1a. Define the term shared vision and explain importance of
developing, communicating, and implementing a shared
vision for technology use in schools and strategic plans to
reach the vision.
1a. Contribute to the development, communication, and
implementation of a shared vision for the comprehensive use
of technology to support a digital-age education for all
1a. Lead school-level teams in developing,
communicating, and/or implementing a shared vision for
the comprehensive use of technology to support a digitalage education for all students.
1b. Analyze how the content of national, state, and local
strategic plans currently support the effective use of
technology in schools.
1b. Contribute to the planning, development,
communication, implementation, and evaluation of
technology-infused strategic plans at the district and/or
school levels.
1b. Lead school-level teams in planning, developing,
communicating, implementing, and evaluating of
technology-infused strategic plans at the school levels.
1c. Identify strategies to advocate for policies, procedures,
programs, and funding strategies to support the
implementation of a shared vision as represented in the
school and district technology plans and guidelines.
1c. Advocate for policies, procedures, programs, and funding
strategies to support the implementation of the shared vision
represented in the school and district technology plans and
1c. Lead advocacy activities resulting in improved policies,
procedures, programs, and/or funding strategies to
support their local school implement the shared vision
represented in school and/or district technology plans and
1d. Identify principles of organizational change and project
management useful when initiating and sustaining effective
use of technology innovations in K-12 schools.
1d. Implement strategies for initiating and sustaining
technology innovations and manage the change process in
schools and classrooms.
1d. Design innovative strategies for initiating and
sustaining technology innovations and manage the change
process in schools and classrooms.
Approaches (1 pt.)
Meets (2 pts.)
Exceeds (3 pts.)
2a. identify technology literacy standards (NETS-S and any
local/state student technology standards) that must be
addressed in classroom instruction and develop strategies for
integrating technology into content-area instruction.
2a. coach teachers in and model design and implementation
of technology-enhanced learning experiences addressing
student content and technology literacy standards.
2a-h. provide evidence that their coaching and/or
modeling practices helped other educators increase
or improve technology use to support effective
teaching, learning, and assessment strategies.
2b. Identify ways that technology can support and enable
research-based teaching, learning, and assessment strategies
in the classroom. Implement research-based teaching,
learning, and assessment strategies in their own classrooms.
2b. coach teachers in and model design and implementation
of technology-enhanced learning experiences using a variety
of research-based, learner-centered instructional strategies
and assessment tools to address the diverse needs and
interests of all students.
2c. coach teachers in and model engagement of students in
local and global interdisciplinary units in which technology
helps students assume professional roles, research real-world
problems, collaborate with others, and produce products that
are meaningful and useful to a wide audience.
2d. identify principles of research-based instruction,
including the importance of implementing learner-centered
instruction, meeting the needs of diverse learners,
differentiating instruction, providing students with
meaningful-relevant tasks, and promoting creativity/higherorder thinking/mental habits of mind.
• identify principles of effective student assessment and data
analysis. (2g)
• identify ways that technology can support effective student
assessment and data analysis in K-12 schools. (2h)
2d. coach teachers in and model design and implementation
of technology-enhanced learning experiences emphasizing
creativity, higher-order thinking skills and processes, and
mental habits of mind (e.g., critical thinking, meta-cognition,
and self-regulation).
2e. coach teachers in and model design and implementation
of technology-enhanced learning experiences using
differentiation, including adjusting content, process, product,
and learning environment based upon student readiness
levels, learning styles, interests, and personal goals.
2f. coach teachers in and model incorporation of researchbased best practices in instructional design when planning
technology-enhanced learning experiences.
2g. coach teachers in and model effective use of technology
tools and researches to continually assess student learning
and technology literacy by applying a rich variety of formative
and summative assessments aligned with content and
student technology standards.
2h. coach teachers in and model effective use of technology
tools and researches to systematically collect and analyze
student achievement data, interpret results, and
communicate findings to improve instructional practice and
maximize student learning.
2a-h. provide evidence that their coaching and/or
modeling practices related to the effective use of
technology for teaching, learning, and assessment
resulted in enhanced student learning.
2a-h. produce technology-supported instructional,
assessment, and/or data analysis resources that are
used by educators beyond the local school.
Approaches (1 pt.)
Meets (2 pts.)
Exceeds (3 pts.)
3a. identify strategies for effective classroom management and
collaborative learning strategies to maximize teacher and
student use of digital tools and resources and access to
technology-rich learning environments.
3a. model effective classroom management and collaborative
learning strategies to maximize teacher and student use of digital
tools and resources and access to technology-rich learning
3a-c. provide evidence that coaching and modeling efforts
improved other teachers’ ability to manage technology-rich
learning environments and/or implement online and
blended learning in their classrooms.
3b. maintain and manage a variety of digital tools and resources
in their own classrooms.
3b. maintain and manage a variety of digital tools and resources
for teacher and student use in technology-rich learning
3a. 3e-f. provide evidence that their maintenance,
management, troubleshooting, selection, and evaluation
activities resulted in increased student and educator access
to technologies.
3c. identify research-based strategies for using online and
blended learning, digital content, and collaborative learning
networks to support and extend student learning as well as
expand opportunities and choices for online professional
development for teachers and administrators. Experiment with
online and blended learning, digital content, and collaborative
learning networks to support and extend student learning in
their own classrooms.
3c. coach teachers in and model use of online and blended
learning, digital content, and collaborative learning networks to
support and extend student learning as well as expand
opportunities and choices for online professional development
for teachers and administrators.
3d. identify the types of adaptive and assistive technologies to
support student learning.
3d. select, evaluate, and facilitate the use of adaptive and
assistive technologies to support student learning.
3e. identify principles of basic troubleshooting basic software,
hardware, and connectivity problems common in digital learning
3e. troubleshoot basic software, hardware, and connectivity
problems common in digital learning environments.
3f. identify strategies and processes for selecting and evaluating
digital tools and resources that enhance teaching and learning
and are compatible with the school technology infrastructure.
3f. collaborate with teachers and administrators to select and
evaluate digital tools and resources that enhance teaching and
learning and are compatible with the school technology
3g. identify digital communication and collaboration tools useful
for communicating locally and globally with students, parents,
peers, and the larger community.
3g. use digital communication and collaboration tools to
communicate locally and globally with students, parents, peers,
and the larger community.
3g. produce resources related to improving digital-age
learning environments that are used by educators beyond
their local school.
Approaches (1 pt.)
Meets (2 pts.)
4a. conduct needs assessments to inform the content and
delivery of technology-related professional learning programs
that result in a positive impact on student learning.
4b. identify research-based principles of adult learning and
standards for high-quality professional development/evaluation.
Identify best-practice examples of how these principles and
standards have been implemented to support the effective use of
technology in K-12 schools.
4b. design, develop, and implement technology-rich
professional learning programs that model principles of adult
learning and promote digital-age best practices in teaching,
learning, and assessment.
Exceeds (3 pts.)
4a-c. provide evidence that technology-related professional
development programs increased or improved the use of
technology in the classroom and/or improved student
4a-c. produce resources related to technology-related
professional development and program evaluation that are
used by educators beyond their local school.
4c. evaluate results of professional learning programs to
determine the effectiveness on deepening teacher content
knowledge, improving teacher pedagogical skills and/or
increasing student learning.
Approaches (1 pt.)
Meets (2 pts.)
Exceeds (3 pts.)
5a. identify strategies and best-practice examples for achieving
equitable access to digital tools and resources and technologyrelated best practices for all students and teachers.
5a. model and promote strategies for achieving equitable access 5a, 5c. provide evidence that strategies they implemented
to digital tools and resources and technology-related best
have resulted in greater digital equity, respect for diversity,
practices for all students and teachers.
cultural understanding, and global awareness.
5b. explain key issues, principles, policies, and legislation that
5b. model and facilitate safe, healthy, legal, and ethical uses of
define/influence what is considered safe, healthy, legal, and ethical digital information and technologies .
uses of digital information and technologies in K-12 schools.
5b. provide evidence that strategies they have implemented
have had an impact on aligning technology-related practices
to safe, healthy, legal, and ethical uses of technology.
5c. identify best-practice examples of how digital-age
5c. model and promote diversity, cultural understanding, and
communication and collaboration tools are used to promote
global awareness by using digital-age communication and
diversity, cultural understanding, and global awareness through local collaboration tools to interact locally and globally with
and global interactions among students, peers, parents, and the
students, peers, parents, and the larger community.
larger community.
5c. produce resources related to digital citizenship that are
used by educators beyond their local school.
Approaches (1 pt.)
Meets (2 pts.)
Exceeds (3 pts.)
6a. identify foundational principles related to content and
pedagogical knowledge in technology integration and current and
emerging technologies necessary to effectively implement the
6a. engage in continual learning to deepen content and
pedagogical knowledge in technology integration and current
and emerging technologies necessary to effectively implement
the NETS•S and NETS•T.
6b. identify basic foundational principles related to organizational
change and leadership, project management, and adult learning
to improve professional practice.
6b. engage in continuous learning to deepen professional
knowledge, skills, and dispositions in organizational change and
leadership, project management, and adult learning to
improve professional practice.
6a-b. produce resources or engages in professional
activity that assist others in developing their
knowledge of content and pedagogy, emerging
technologies, technology integration, technology
standards, organizational change, leadership,
project management, and/or adult learning.
6c. identify qualities and best-practices of a reflective practitioner
and why self-evaluation/reflection is beneficial.
6c. regularly evaluate and reflect on their professional practice
and dispositions to improve and strengthen their ability to
effectively model and facilitate technology-enhanced learning
6a-c. identify strategies to engage in continuous learning,
evaluation, and reflection to deep content knowledge and
professional growth related to content and pedagogical
knowledge, emerging technologies, technology integration,
technology standards, organizational change, leadership, project
management, and adult learning.
6c. produce resources or engages in professional
activity that assist others in evaluating their own
professional practice and/or dispositions to
improve and strengthen their ability to
effectively model and facilitate technologyenhanced learning experiences.
6a-c. provide evidence that these resources or
professional activities have contributed to the
professional growth of other technology coaches
or educational leaders responsible for supporting
effective technology implementation.