Aboriginal Heritage Amendment Bill 2011 Introduction Print EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM General The Aboriginal Heritage Amendment Bill 2011 amends the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006. Clause Notes Clause 1 sets out the purposes of the Bill. The purpose of the Bill is to amend the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 (the Principal Act) to validate certain acts, matters or things, arising or done for the purposes of the Principal Act. Clause 2 provides for the commencement of the Act. The Act comes into operation on the day after the day on which the Act receives the Royal Assent. Clause 3 inserts a new section 197 in the Principal Act. New section 197 is a validation provision. Subclause (1) provides that a director, officer or employee of a RAP who, on or before the validation date, has made a decision or taken any action or purported to make a decision or take any action under section 63(1) of the Principal Act, on behalf of the RAP, is by virtue of that section, taken to have been authorised by the RAP to make the decision or take the action. Subclause (2) provides that a decision or action or purported decision or action to which subclause (1) applies, is a decision or action made by the RAP under section 63(1) of the Principal Act. 571174 1 BILL LA INTRODUCTION 27/6/2011 Subclause (3) provides that any action, matter or thing, taken, arising or done as result of or in consequence of, or in reliance upon, a decision or action or purported decision or action is deemed to be and always have been valid and effective. Subclause (4) sets out definitions of RAP and validation date for the purposes of the section. Clause 4 provides for the automatic repeal of the Act on the first anniversary of its commencement. The repeal of the Act does not affect in any way the continuing operation of the amendments made by the Act (see section 15(1) of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984). 2