SANCTA Program Year 1, Week 1 At

SANCTA Program Year 1, Week 1

At-Home Studies for Plane 2, Level B (9-11 years)

By Christelle J. K. Hagen

St. Anthony Claret, our patron

© Copyright 2014 Christelle J. K. Hagen. All right reserved. Please do not copy or distribute any portion of these lesson plans without written permission from Christelle Hagen. Your purchase of these lesson plans helps support our family so that we can continue to produce the program you enjoy! Thank you!

Sample At-Home Studies Schedule: Salvation History & Creation Study Weeks (1 & 3)

9:00-9:30 am

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

Memory Work, incl. Classical Language Memory Work

9:30-10:00 am

10:00-10:15 am Morning Snack/

Literature Read-


Morning Snack/

World Language


Faith Formation

Morning Snack/

Literature Read-


Morning Snack/

Literature Read-


10:15-11:15 am

11:15 am- 12:30 pm

Language Arts


Language Arts Language Arts Language Arts

12:30 pm-1:00 pm

1:00-2:00 pm

World Language

Lesson & Drill

World Language World Language World Language

2:00-3:00 pm

3:00-3:30 pm Physical Fitness Art

Lunch Break/


Creation Study

Physical Fitness Creation


Day 5


Community Day


Field Trip


Project Day

Books, Textbooks & Teacher’s Manuals Needed for Week 1

For Plane 2B Students (any age)

Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons Lesson Plans*

 Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons Student Manual*

 Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons Teacher’s Manual (and vocabulary cards)*

Archaeology for Kids

Artistic Pursuits, K-3, Volume 1 (or the Middle School Ancient History art book from

Harmony Fine Arts)*

 The Bible (a complete Bible, not an abridged or “kids” version)

Classically Catholic Memory Alpha Year Teacher’s Guide*

Connecting with History, Volume 1*

Cricket on the Hearth*

 Crossfit Kids Elementary Lesson Plans*

 King of the Golden City* (or another read-aloud book of your choice)

L’Art de Dire* (if French is your chosen World Language)

Learn Spanish with Grace* (if Spanish is your chosen World Language)

 My First Hebrew Word Book*

 Nature Portfolio*

The First Whole Book of Diagrams*

The Story of the World, Volume 1*

The Story of the World Activity Book, Volume 1*

The Story of the World, Volume 1 audio CD (optional)*

9 year olds only

 All About Spelling, Level 4 Teacher’s Guide*

 All About Spelling, Basic Interactive Pack*

Math-U-See Delta DVD*

Math-U-See Delta Student Text*

 Math-U-See Delta Teacher’s Manual*

10 year olds only

 All About Spelling, Level 5 Teacher’s Guide*

 All About Spelling, Basic Interactive Pack*

Math-U-See Epsilon DVD*

Math-U-See Epsilon Student Text*

Math-U-See Epsilon Teacher’s Manual*

11 year olds only

All About Spelling, Level 6 Teacher’s Guide*

All About Spelling, Basic Interactive Pack*

 Math-U-See Zeta DVD*

 Math-U-See Zeta Student Text*

Math-U-See Zeta Teacher’s Manual*

*Materials needed in future weeks or throughout the year

Other Books I Want for this Week

(add your own books here):

Materials Needed (other than textbooks)

 An English Studies Journal. A blank journal or notebook in which your student will record answers to questions that deepen his knowledge of English and practice his penmanship.

An Ancient Times Journal. A blank journal, sketchbook or notebook in which your student will, over the course of the year, compile his own history of Ancient Times. If this is your student’s second pass through this time period, challenge your student to add more details than he did in his first Ancient Times Journal. Let your student know you do not expect him to “repeat” his work from the first pass, but to go deeper and learn more this time around. If you do not have any students in the younger age group of Plane 2, a student of this age will probably be able to read The Story of the World on his own, enriched if you wish by listening to the recordings.

You will need the following supplies for the history and art projects: o “Kick-Off” Day: a copy of the Great Adventure Timeline Chart; crayons o Day 2: Survey Game: Yardstick or tape measure; 4 sticks or small tree branches; 4 pieces of string, each 12 feet long; Black pencil; Graph paper; Box of toothpicks;

Yellow, orange and red pencils

 Hint: If you have a student in Level 2A (6-8 years old), you will probably wish to choose just one archaeology-related activity to have all of the

Plane 2 children complete at the same time. o Day 2: You Make Cave Art! Project: Soft pastels (earth colors only); brown wrapping paper; black construction paper; hair spray (optional; to keep pastels o from smudging) o Days 2-4: Great Adventure Kids Card set o Day 3: Dating Coins History Project: at least 20 coins; pen or pencil; paper o Days 3-4: Penmanship: Handwriting paper; pretty paper or a journal with lines for copywork o Day 4: Experimenting with Agriculture History & Creation Stewardship Project: 5 egg cartons; soil; plastic spoon; 5 different kinds of seeds (student should locate these himself!); water! o Day 4: Optional Family History Project: History of My Family cover and Family

History page (both found in The Story of the World Activity Book); crayons, pencils, pens, photographs of family members

Parent/Teacher Preparation for Week 1

First Strand: Catholic Faith Formation

Connecting with History, Vol. 1 (CWH): read Section 1, “Guide to Using the Connecting with

History Program.” o Skim the sections on ‘The CONNECT Method’ and ‘Units and Themes’. The “CONNECT

Method” is incorporated into the SANCTA Program lesson plans; however, it is important for you to understand the method and the order of the Units in order to grasp the intent and order of these lesson plans. o Read ‘Introduction to Salvation History’ and ‘Views of Time and History’ carefully. These sections contain important background information that you will discuss with your student during Week 1. o Skim the ‘CWH Teacher’s Checklist.’ This section gives you an overview of each step in the CONNECT Method so that you can grasp your student’s goals and appropriate activities for each step. o If you believe that you might wish to adapt the SANCTA Program lesson plans, read

“Introductory Week” for ideas of alternative activities for Week 1. o Please Note: If you are part of a SANCTA Educational Community, your student’s guide will present the Bible Study / Salvation History Week 1, Day 1 lesson during your group session. If you are not part of a SANCTA Educational Community, plan to present the

Week 1, Day 1 lesson on a greatly abbreviated “Kick-Off the School Year” Day during which you plan to ONLY accomplish this lesson. This activity is too long to add to your first day of school while you are getting into your new school routines. Plan to begin your first “regular” day of school with the Scripture Memory Pre-Work activity located at the bottom of the Classical Education lesson plans for Week 1, Day 1.

Second Strand: Classical Education

 Literature Read-Aloud Suggestion: The Cricket on the Hearth. o This may very well be a challenging reading assignment for children of these ages, in part due to the vocabulary, as well as the subtle manner (oh so British!) in which the plot unfolds. If you find your student struggling, or if you envision this as a possibility, you may wish to “tell” this story aloud to your student, as he may well grasp more of the plot when listening. There is time built in to the suggested schedule for a read-aloud during the Morning Snack Break. You may wish to read the story, or assign the reading to another older student. No matter who reads, make sure to read aloud in an engaging way!! Living stories are TOLD, not read. As you proceed through the story, make sure to discuss the vital themes showcased throughout: for example, the significance of marriage and family, honesty, and thrift. o Hint: If you have a younger student, choose an easier read-aloud.

 Math-U-See. o Read Lesson 1 in your Math-U-See Teacher’s Manual. You may also wish to preview the math video for Lesson 1 for additional tips that will help you present the material to your student.

 The First Whole Book of Diagrams.

o Steps in presenting sentence diagramming for this week:


Have your student identify the verb and circle (or highlight) with red.


Have your student identify the “actor” of the sentence—the person, place or thing doing the action—and circle (or highlight) the subject with blue.


Draw a basic diagramming “tree,” starting with the horizontal baseline, then adding the center/division line going through the baseline and down into the

“ground”—like the root of the tree.


Color the area to the right of the “tree” red.


Color the area to the left of the “tree” blue.


Write the verb (circled in red) into the red space to the right of the tree.


Write the subject (circled in blue) on the blue space to the left of the tree.

 Sentence for Dictation for this Week: The kettle began it! o Note: The Dictation Sentence for this week is the first sentence from The Cricket on the

Hearth, by Charles Dickens. o As you dictate the sentence, make sure to tell your student that the sentence ends with an exclamation point, since your student will probably not remember this from his reading.

All About Spelling. o Read Section 1, “Preparing for Level [4, 5 or 6, etc., depending on your student’s age].” o Complete the “Gather the Materials” list for your student. o When you are ready to begin each lesson, make sure you have already gathered the materials listed in the “You Will Need” section at the beginning of the lesson and set up the materials as illustrated in the “Organize the Letter Tiles” section of the introduction. o Your student will progress through the steps in the All About Spelling curriculum at his own pace, continuing on once a prior step has been mastered. Therefore, the lesson plans do not contain specific directions for which step your student will do each day.

 French Using Nallenart: o Pacing Options: o Hint: Nallenart’s L’Art de Dire is an exclusively oral introduction to French, providing an excellent framework for their written French curriculum, L’Art de Lire. Unless your student already has prior experience with French, I strongly recommend that you work through L’Art de Dire—at an accelerated rate if desired—prior to beginning Level 1 of

L’Art de Lire. o Since each L’Art de Lire level consists of five units, you may choose one of two paces. o Slower pace (Your student will complete one level per academic year):


Spend months one-two reviewing L’Art de Dire (and any previous levels of L’Art

de Lire.)


Complete one mini-book per month from the current level of L’Art de Lire. If you follow the recommended lesson plans included in the Teacher’s Guide, you will finish one mini-book in the three “normal” weeks. You can spend each

Enrichment Week simply reviewing the flashcards from the previous month’s mini-book/unit.


Spend any remaining months reviewing what was learned during that academic year.


Note: These lesson plans assume you are using the Slower Pace. o Faster pace (If you wish for your student to “catch up” to the correct level prior to eighth grade or complete two levels per academic year):


Start the first mini-book in your student’s L’Art de Lire level immediately at the beginning of the academic year.


Do NOT take off Enrichment Weeks, but continue progressing through lessons so that you finish the first level in a half of an academic year.


This should allow you to finish the second level during the last half of the academic year.


Please note: if you follow this pacing, I strongly recommend that you have your student spend the summer reviewing what he has learned as this pace is fairly intensive.

 Consider a Prehistoric Art Field Trip o Optional: Plan a field trip to a site near you where you can view art from prehistoric times. If you take this field trip, have your student make a drawing in his Ancient Times

Journal or, if the field trip site allows, take a photo and paste in his Journal. Ask your student to narrate about the visit and record the narration in his Journal. You should plan to help the student by taking dictation as he narrates and then transfer the dictation into his Journal, unless your student has essentially mastered his handwriting, punctuation, spelling and grammar skills. Taking dictation—and then talking through the choices you make as you transfer the dictation to his journal—provides a great opportunity to model and teach these skills, since the ideas are much more relevant to the student. After all, they are his words and ideas!

Third Strand: Creation Study & Stewardship

Creation Study.

 Homeschooling Journey’s “Nature Portfolio” program uses a notebooking approach. Your student will end the year with a detailed journal of his own observations of wild animals. The

Nature Portfolio lesson plans, as incorporated into the SANCTA Program, cover the three “main” weeks of the month, with Enrichment Weeks off. The order in which animals are observed integrates with the Classically Catholic Memory Science Memory Work. Please note that there is no lesson this week. This would be a good week to familiarize yourself with the Nature Portfolio book and make a plan for how you want your student to complete each study.

Creation Stewardship.

The emphasis during Week 1 is on the stewardship of oneself as a unique creation of God. Spend time introducing the importance of caring for one’s own body as you work through the first lesson from the

Crossfit Kids lesson plans. Alternatively, if you are in the thick of harvest season, or doing other

homesteading work, you may desire that your student use his body to help care for plants or animals.

Since there are two sessions of Physical Fitness this week, you could choose to alternate Physical Fitness and husbandry work.

 Preview the Crossfit Kids Sessions 1 & 2 lesson plans and prepare any materials needed for the lessons.

Decide what you want your student to do for Creation Stewardship this week.

 The emphasis during this week is on the stewardship of oneself as a unique creation of God.

Spend time introducing the importance of caring for one’s own body as you work through the first lesson from the Crossfit Kids lesson plans. Alternatively, if you are in the thick of harvest season, or doing other homesteading work, you may desire that your student use his body to help care for plants or animals. Since there are two sessions of Physical Fitness this week, you could choose to do Physical Fitness once and creation stewardship during the second session.

Week 1, Day 1: What is Salvation History?

Catholic Faith Formation: 60 minutes

Bible Study 

Your teacher will read “What is History?” to you from Story of the

Salvation History World, Vol. 1. Alternately, you may listen to this section if you have The Story of the World CD.

Define: historian, history, timeline, Bible, salvation, Salvation

History, periods of Bible (or Salvation) history. Discuss your definitions with your teacher and write them in your Ancient

Times Journal.

Look at the table of contents of your family Bible. Notice that the books of the Bible are grouped by the type of literature, not chronologically. Discuss with your teacher how ordering the Bible based on the type of book (books of history, wisdom, prophecy,

Scripture Memory Pre-

Work letters, etc.) differs from ordering the books chronologically.

Look at the Great Adventure Bible Timeline. Locate today on the timeline. With your finger, trace back to the Crucifixion. Discuss the importance of this event to the study of history.

Continue to trace back to the beginning of the timeline. Discuss why you think there is so much more time represented on the timeline before the Crucifixion than after.

Discuss the importance of dividing Bible history into different periods. How does that help you understand the Bible? How does dividing Bible history into periods help you understand how God was preparing humankind for the coming of Jesus?

In your family Bible, find at least some of the representative books named just below the titles of the Periods of Bible history.

Open your Great Adventure Kids Coloring Book to the page showing the periods of Bible history. Color the first row—the Early

World—turquoise. Locate Genesis 1-11 in your family Bible.

Locate and read Genesis 1:27-28.

Memory Work: 15 minutes

Note: If you wish, sing along with the Classically Catholic Memory CD to help with your memory work.


Memorize the first half of CCM Week 10 Bible Memory Sentence





(Genesis 1:27)

Recite CCM Week 1 Timeline Events 1-4

Identify all continents CCM Week 1 Map 1

Recite CCM Week 1 Latin Sentence “Signum Crucis”

Recite CCM Week 1 Math Facts

Classical Education/Quadrivium: 50-60 minutes


9, 10 & 11 year olds: Watch the Lesson 1 segment from your Math-

U-See DVD.

Correctly complete Lesson 1, pp. 1A-1B (both sides).

Classical Education/Trivium: 90 minutes (not including Independent Reading)

English Language Studies: 

Using your best handwriting, copy Genesis 1:27 in your Ancient


English Language Studies:


Times Journal.

Review the spelling of the continents with the goal to achieve mastery by Day 4 of this week.

Work for about twenty minutes on your current step in All About

English Language Studies:


English Language Studies:

Independent Reading

English Language Studies:


Spelling with your teacher.

Define: subject, verb. Write your definitions in your English

Studies Journal and discuss your definitions with your teacher.

Talk with your teacher about how to diagram subject-verb sentences.

Read the examples of how to diagram subject-verb sentences on the first page of Chapter 1, “Subjects Act,” The First Whole Book of

Diagrams, by Mary O. Daly.

Diagram these shortened sentences from “Chirp the First,” in your

English Studies Journal. o I know. o I hope! o Everyone knows.

Ask your teacher to check your diagrams to make sure they are correct.

Read the first half of “Chirp the First” in The Cricket on the Hearth, by Charles Dickens.

Read the “Introduction” to Ancient-History Based Writing Lessons, with your teacher.

Read the Introduction to Lesson 1 and the section “Quality

Adjectives.” In your English Studies Journal, write out the verse about the Garden of Eden, and add adjectives where there are blank lines. Show your work to your teacher.

Next, read the section titled, “Alliteration.” Find some examples of alliteration in the sample poem on page 10.

Study the vocabulary words for Lesson 1. Your teacher will give you the cards in a zipper-closing bag. Store the bag in a safe place—you will need these cards all year!

Meet with your teacher to talk about and prepare for your composition assignment for the week. Together, you will brainstorm quality adjectives for the poem. Your teacher will point you to books or other resources to help you come up with ideas for quality adjectives.

Finally, copy “The Ancient World” poem (including blank lines) into

your English Studies Journal. Choose four of your best adjectives to complete the verse about Mesopotamia and Egypt.

Language Study: 15-35 minutes

Classical Languages

Memorize three of the words on the “I” page in My First Hebrew

Word Book. Make sure to use the correct pronunciation for the

World Languages:

French OR

Spanish vowels, as explained in the “Key to Transliteration” on the copyright page. Unless you already know how to write the

Hebrew alphabet, work on just learning how to say the words in


L’Art de Dire: Work for about fifteen minutes to a half hour on your French.

Learn Spanish with Grace: Work for about fifteen minutes to a half hour on your Spanish.

Creation Study & Stewardship: 20+ minutes

Creation Stewardship 

Your teacher may desire that you help with Creation Stewardship

-or- activities during this time. Discuss with your teacher ways you can

Care of the Self:

Physical Education work today or later this week to help with homesteading activities.

If not, follow your teacher’s directions to complete Crossfit Kids

Care of the Self

My History

Elementary Lesson 1.

Optional: God planned to create you! You may wish to explore the history of your family. Instructions for this project are in the

“Introduction” chapter of The Story of the World Activity Book 1.

Week 1, Day 2: What is Prehistory?

Catholic Faith Formation: 45 minutes

Bible Study

Salvation History

Play the “Great Adventure Memory Game.”

Your teacher will read “What is Archaeology?” to you from Story of

the World, Vol. 1. Alternately, you may listen to this section if you have The Story of the World CD.

Define: prehistory, archaeology. Write your definitions in your

Ancient Times Journal.

Read the first half of the chapter “How Archaeology Works” in

Archaeology for Kids. In your Ancient Times Journal, on the top of the next page, write the title “How Archaeology Works.” Write a list of the steps archaeologists perform as they do their work. In your own words, describe each step.

Optional: Do the “Survey Game” from Archaeology for Kids.

Read “Cave Dwellers” in Archaeology for Kids. Write about the

Cave Dwellers in your Ancient Times Journal.

Memory Work: 15 minutes

Scripture 

Memorize the first half of CCM Week 10 Bible Memory Sentence





(Genesis 1:27)

Recite CCM Week 1 Timeline Events 1-4

Identify all continents CCM Week 1 Map 1

Recite CCM Week 1 Latin Sentence “Signum Crucis”

Recite CCM Week 1 Math Facts


Classical Education/Quadrivium: 50+ minutes

If your teacher is not reading The Cricket on the Hearth to you as a

World Languages read-aloud, listen to King of the Golden City during your Morning


Snack Break.

9, 10 & 11 year olds: Correctly complete Lesson 1, pp. 1C-1D.

Classical Education/Trivium: 75 minutes

English Language Studies: 

If you did not finish yesterday, finish copying Genesis 1:27 in your

Penmanship Ancient Times Journal. Next, draw a picture to accompany your

English Language Studies:

Spelling verse or mount a photograph that you think helps to illustrate the verse.

Review spelling of the names of the continents.

Work for about twenty minutes on your current step in All About

Spelling with your teacher.

English Language Studies:


English Language Studies:

Independent Reading

English Language Studies:


Fine Arts: 30-60 minutes

Art & Architecture

Write three simple subject/verb sentences, color them as you were taught yesterday, and then make a diagram of each of them.

Have your teacher check your diagram.

Look through Chapter 1 in The First Whole Book of Diagrams.

Pick your favorite poem.

Read the second half of “Chirp the First,” in The Cricket on the


Choose four of your adjectives to complete the verses about Israel and Babylon in your poem, “The Ancient World.”

Review the vocabulary words.

Language Study: 35-45 minutes

Classical Language

Review previously studied words, and then memorize three of the

World Language:

French OR

Spanish words on the “I” page in My First Hebrew Word Book. Make sure to use the correct pronunciation for the vowels, as explained in the “Key to Transliteration” on the copyright page. Unless you already know how to write the Hebrew alphabet, work on just learning how to say the words in Hebrew.

L’Art de Dire: Work for about a half hour on your French.

Learn Spanish with Grace: Work for about a half hour on your


Do the “Cave Art” activity from Artistic Pursuits.

Creation Study & Stewardship: 30+ minutes

Creation Stewardship 

Your teacher may desire that you help with Creation Stewardship activities during this time. Discuss with your teacher ways you can do homesteading work today.

Week 1, Day 3: What is Archaeology?

Catholic Faith Formation: 45 minutes

Bible Study

Salvation History

Play Great Adventure Go Fish.

Read the second half of “How Archaeology Works” in Archaeology

for Kids. Add the final steps to your list that archaeologists take when doing their work. Remember to describe the steps in your own words.

Do the “Dating Coins” activity in Archaeology for Kids.

Memory Work: 15 minutes

Scripture 

Memorize the first half of CCM Week 10 Bible Memory Sentence





(Genesis 1:27)

Identify all continents CCM Week 1 Map 1

Recite CCM Week 1 Timeline Events 1-4

Recite CCM Week 1 Latin Sentence “Signum Crucis”

Recite CCM Week 1 Math Facts

Classical Education/Quadrivium: 50 minutes

Mathematics 

9, 10 & 11 year olds: Correctly complete Lesson 1, pages 1E-1F.

Classical Education/Trivium: 60 minutes

English Language Studies: 

Review the spelling of the names of the continents. Remember:

Spelling test yourself tomorrow!

Work for about twenty minutes on your current step in All About

English Language Studies:


Spelling with your teacher.

Ask your teacher (or another assistant) to dictate your favorite poem from Chapter 1, writing the poem on a piece of loose leaf

English Language Studies:

Reading paper.

Check your poem for spelling or other mistakes and correct.

Discuss the following questions about “Chirp the First” with your teacher: o Where does the story take place? o Who is Mrs. Peerybingle? If you were going to describe her to someone who had not read the story, what would you say about her? Write down a list of adjectives to describe her. o Who is Mr. Peerybingle? Write down a list of adjectives to describe him. o Who is Miss Slowboy? Describe her. (You do not need to write this list.)

English Language Studies: o What is John Peerybingle’s profession? o What do you know about Mr. Tackleton (nicknamed ‘Gruff and Tackleton’)? o Who is Caleb Plummer? o Who do you think the mysterious Stranger is? o Why do you think the wedding cake seemed such a shock to Mrs. Peerybingle (Dot/Mary)? o What has the Cricket added to the story? o Why do you think Tackleton wants his fiancée to associate with Dot and John? o What do you think may have caused Dot (Mrs.

Peerybingle) to have such a shock? o What do you think is the shadow on the hearth?

Choose four more of your adjectives to complete the verses about

Composition Greece and Rome in your poem, “The Ancient World.”

Language Study: 15-25 minutes

Classical Languages 

Review or memorize at least four of the words on the “I” page in

World Languages:

French OR

My First Hebrew Word Book.

L’Art de Dire: Work for about fifteen minutes on your French.

Spanish 

Learn Spanish with Grace: Work for about fifteen minutes on your


Creation Study & Stewardship: 20+ minutes

Creation Stewardship 

Your teacher may desire that you help with Creation Stewardship

-or- activities during this time. Discuss with your teacher ways you can

Care of the Self:

Physical Education work today or later this week to help with homesteading activities.

If not, follow your teacher’s directions to complete Crossfit Kids

Elementary Lesson 1.

Week 1, Day 4: Review: What is History?


Catholic Faith Formation: 45 minutes

Bible Study 

Play Bible Timeline Crazy Eights.

Read “Early Hunters,” “Early Farmers,” and “The New Stone Age,”


Creation Stewardship in Archaeology for Kids.

Begin the “Experimenting with Agriculture” activity in Archaeology

for Kids. Before you begin, write down in your Ancient Times

Journal what you expect your results to be.

Discuss with your teacher: Did this experiment change your ideas about history? Farming? If so, how?

Memory Work: 15 minutes

Scripture 

Memorize the first half of CCM Week 10 Bible Memory Sentence





(Genesis 1:27)

Recite CCM Week 1 Timeline Events 1-4

Identify all continents CCM Week 1 Map 1

Recite CCM Week 1 Latin Sentence “Signum Crucis”

Recite CCM Week 1 Math Facts

Classical Education/Quadrivium: 50 minutes

Mathematics 

9, 10 & 11 year olds: Correctly complete Test 1.

Classical Education/Trivium: 60+ minutes

English Language Studies:

Test yourself on the spelling of the continents. If you miss some,

Spelling write those words on the LAST page of your English Studies

English Language Studies:


Journal. Label the page, “Words to Practice.” You will test yourself on these words next week on Day 4.

Your teacher will give you a sentence to write in your English

Studies Journal. Write the sentence exactly as dictated by your teacher.

Check your sentence for correct spelling and punctuation.

When you are done, your teacher will check it.

Circle the verb of the dictated sentence in red. The verb is the

“action word” in the sentence.

Circle the subject of your dictated sentence in blue. Remember

English Language Studies:

Penmanship the subject of the sentence is the person, place, thing or idea that

does the action in your sentence.

Copy your favorite poem from Chapter 1 into your English Studies

Journal, using your best handwriting.

English Language Studies:


English Language Studies:

Independent Reading

Review your vocabulary words.

Complete your poem, “The Ancient World,” by choosing three adjectives to complete the last verse about the ancient world.

Read your completed poem to someone you love!

Read the first half of “Chirp the Second,” in The Cricket on the


Language Study: 15-25 minutes

Classical Languages

Memorize the remaining words on the “I” page in My First Hebrew

World Languages:

Word Book and review the rest.

L’Art de Dire: Work for about fifteen minutes on your French.

French OR

Spanish 

Learn Spanish with Grace: Work for about fifteen minutes on your


Fine Arts: 60+ minutes

Art & Architecture 

You may visit a location near you where you can view art from prehistoric times. Make a drawing in your Ancient Times Journal or, if the field trip site allows, take a photo and paste in your

Journal. Narrate about the visit and record your narration in your


Creation Study & Stewardship: 1+ hours (optional)

Creation Stewardship

If you do not go on the optional field trip this week, your teacher may have homesteading work for you to do during this time.