Home Learning Menu - FCCE – Frampton Cotterell C of E Primary


Home Learning Menu – Homework due Monday 12 th October

It is expected that every child will read regularly at home (we hope 5 times a week) and this will be recorded in their reading record. Also that every child will visit Mathletics (www.mathletics.co.uk) at least once a week – sometimes there will be tasks set by the teacher, otherwise your child may choose activities.

Spelling and grammar activities will also be sent home to be completed in your child’s home spelling book. Please note that assessment of spelling is on how well your child applies their spelling knowledge to their written work, not how many words are spelt correctly in an isolated test.

In addition, we are encouraging children to choose from our home learning menu, their minimum diet should be at least one starter, one main and one dessert.

Obviously if your child is really hungry they may choose more than one activity from any of the sections – the desserts are particularly tasty and are a great chance for creativity or learning through experience.

Please hand in homework on paper (or photo of homework) so it may be glued into topic books.

What are you going to eat this term?

Starters Mains Desserts

All spelling and grammar activities completed in home spelling book

Research a famous artist, finding out about their life and some famous artwork

Write a review of a great book you have read – even better if it on the 100 list

Year 3 and 4 Home Learning term 1 FCCE Primary School

Cook an Italian meal – weigh the ingredients yourself.

Work out how much it costs to make the meal

Measure the different members of your family to see if there measurements fit with Vitruvian Man

Choose two times tables you do not know and learn them. Hand in a sheet explaining how you learnt them

Visit http://shaunsgameacademy.co.uk/

Click on ‘learn and make’ to make your own game using scratch

Create your own 3D Shaun using clay or papier mache

Draw a portrait of someone in your family

Visit http://sustainableshaun.com/

Make a travel leaflet for a place you have visited

Write a story using all of your spelling words for Terms

1 and 2

Create a piece of artwork using mathematical shapes

Curriculum Coverage Term 1

Topics: Leonardo Da Vinci and Shaun The Sheep

Learn a new sport or skill, keep a weekly diary on how well it is going or how much you have improved


Fiction: Creating our own Shaun The Sheep stories using a simple story board

Non Fiction: Researching Italy and the artist Leonardo

Da Vinci, producing non chronological reports

Key Texts: Leonardo and The Flying Boy, Shaun The

Sheep – The Movie


Place Value: Understanding the value of digits in 3 and

4 digit numbers, using this to add 10s, 100s, 100s and to round numbers to 10 or 100.

Add and Subtract: Learn and apply written methods for adding and subtracting 2,3 and 4 digit numbers

Shape: Understanding and using angles (right, acute, obtuse)


Forces and Magnets

Investigate and understand how magnets attract and repel.

Investigate and begin to understand how forces are used in flying machines


Frampton Cotterell/Bristol: Understand why both places became settlements. Look at amenities and how they serve the people living there. Buildings of interest

Map Skills: Read simple maps and use coordinates



The Bible : Investigate how the Bible is organised.

Begin to understand how Christians use The Bible to guide them. Reflect on how they make decisions in their own lives.

ICT: Media – using images and word processing programs to create posters/programmes. Create a simple animation

PE: Dance/Net, wall and court games

Art: Portraits (sketching)

Year 3 and 4 Home Learning term 1 FCCE Primary School
