docx - 154.4kb - Department of Education and Early Childhood

Ms Gill Callister
Department of Education and Training
GPO Box 4367
MELBOURNE, Victoria 3001
Dear Ms Callister
I am pleased to provide you with this Statement of Expectations in your role as the designated
regulatory authority under the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010, the Victorian
Children’s Services Act 1996, and their respective associated regulations, which you have delegated
to the Quality Assessment and Regulation Division of the Department of Education and Training.
This Statement sets out my expectations of the Department and applies for the period of 2015–16
and 2016–17, or until otherwise amended.
As Minister for Families and Children, I am responsible for administering the Education and Care
Services National Law Act 2010 and the Victorian Children’s Services Act 1996 that apply to the
operation of early childhood education and care and, in the case of the National Law, school aged
care services. This Statement should be read within the context of the objectives, obligations and
functions outlined in these Acts, as amended.
I expect the Department to undertake the full range of functions and powers provided to the
regulatory authority in this legislation to promote the safety, health and well-being of children
attending education and care and children’s services. I acknowledge that the Department operates
within the context of national applied laws legislation and under the auspices of the Education
Council, and that the Department holds explicit joint governance responsibilities for the
implementation of the National Quality Framework in conjunction with the Australian Children’s
Education and Care Quality Authority, other State and Territory regulatory authorities and the
Commonwealth Department of Social Services. This Statement applies to those functions and
activities over which the Department has control or flexibility in meeting outcomes. In undertaking
this role, I expect the Department to continue to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its
regulatory activities.
I recognise the work that the Department has undertaken since 2012 to implement and administer
the National Quality Framework, and its continued efforts to improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of its operations, including by adopting a risk-based approach to monitoring and
compliance, conducting stakeholder forums, and regularly reviewing internal processes. I recognise
the progress the Department has made in achieving the expectations set out in the previous
Statement of Expectations issued on 27 May 2014. I reaffirm the following areas where there are
opportunities for the Department to improve its performance:
I expect the Department to continue to apply its best endeavours to assess and rate all Victorian
education and care services regulated under the National Law. I expect the Department to report
to me regularly on Victoria’s progress towards this target.
I expect the Department to lead and contribute work on the 2014 Council of Australian
Governments’ Review of the National Partnership on the National Quality Agenda for Early
Childhood Education and Care, and implement the agreed outcomes, with a view to:
maintaining and enhancing quality education and care outcomes for Victorian children in
early childhood education and care and school aged care services, and
reducing the overall regulatory burden for education and care services.
I expect the Department to achieve greater consistency in regulatory practice and outcomes by
aligning its administration of the Children’s Services Act 1996 with the Education and Care
Services National Law Act 2010. By December 2015, I further expect the Department to develop
mechanisms to align the records management of Victorian children’s services with the National
Quality Agenda Information Technology System to support the consistent recording and
reporting of all Victorian education and care services in a comprehensive database.
I expect the Department to continue to adopt a risk-based approach to ensure that services are
adequately monitored and that notifications and complaints are investigated in a timely way.
The Department should review its risk assessment frameworks on an ongoing basis to ensure
that risks to the safety, health and wellbeing of children are minimised. I expect that the
Department will continue to work with the Commonwealth Department of Social Services and
other relevant agencies to address compliance issues associated with the strong growth in the
family day care sector.
I expect the Department to deepen its engagement with education and care providers and
services, families and other stakeholders, to inform the ongoing improvement of its regulatory
I expect the Department to further improve the transparency and accountability of its regulatory
and decision-making processes. I expect the Department to make available clear and timely
information about its regulatory processes and decisions, and the avenues available to providers
and services to appeal decisions. I expect the Department to publish an annual report on its
activities as the regulatory authority for early childhood education and care services in Victoria as
a way of ensuring public accountability and providing information about its regulatory work.
I expect the Department to support early childhood education and care providers to reduce noncompliance. I expect the Department to continue to make available information to providers and
services to ensure their understanding of their legislated obligations. I also expect the
Department to continue to provide advice to services that receive a rating of ‘Working Towards
the National Quality Standard’ to assist them to meet the Standard.
I expect the Department to promote greater cooperation, information sharing, regulatory
coherence and efficiency with other regulators and key partners. I expect the Department to
continue to work cooperatively with the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality
Authority and other State and Territory regulatory authorities to administer the National Law. I
further expect the Department to establish Memoranda of Understanding or other arrangements
to streamline processes and share information with:
The Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority, with respect to the regulation of
kindergartens on school grounds and school aged care where school councils are the
approved provider, and
The Victorian Institute of Teaching, with respect to its responsibility to register early
childhood teachers from September 2015.
I expect the Department to continue to identify and report on the activities it will undertake to
achieve my expectations. In undertaking these, I expect the Department to consult with stakeholders
and the broader community as appropriate.
Reporting on progress should continue to be undertaken in the context of annual financial reporting
to avoid dual reporting streams. I also expect that these expectations continue to be incorporated
into the Quality Assessment and Regulation Division’s Strategic Plan, and that this Statement of
Expectations be published on the Department’s website upon receipt. I expect that by 1 July 2015,
the Department will outline how it intends to meet these expectations, including details of the
specific activities that will be undertaken.
I look forward to seeing the Department continue to work towards achieving best practice in its
critical role as the regulator of early childhood education and care and school aged care in Victoria.
Yours sincerely
Jenny Mikakos MP
Minister for Families & Children
Minister for Youth Affairs
/ 2015