
WVDE Language Leaper Unit Planning Guide
Unit Title/Essential Question:
Language Level:
Grade Level: 5th
Unit in Sequence:
Endangered Animals
Unit Overview (Premise):
The alien will learn about a variety of endangered animals and what caused them to become endangered (climate, predators, poachers) by
visiting different areas of the world. They will be able to group the animals (mammal, reptile, bird, He will learn some strategies that will prevent
an animal from becoming extinct.
As a mid assessments, the students will move a paper copy of alien to a picture of the endangered or extinct animal that is named by the teacher
using the learned vocabulary.
As a culminating activity the students will be given the name of an endangered or extinct animal and they will then give clues using learned
vocabulary to try to guess
Stage 1: What students should be able to do
Enduring Understandings (Students will understand that….):
There are many endangered animals from different species. These endangered animals have a variety of characteristics. Endangered animals
are becoming scares for a variety of factors.
Content Standards:
World Language Standards:
FL.O.FLEX.1.03 identify objects in the immediate environment.
FL.O.FLEX.1.05 recognize words and phrases in authentic oral and written samples.
FL.O.FLEX.1.04 follow simple directions, instructions and commands to participate in classroom and cultural activities.
FL.O.FLEX.1.07 imitate intonation and pronunciation.
FL.O.LI.3.01 identify interdisciplinary concepts and skills to establish connections between the target language and other subject areas.
21st Century Skills:
interpret science as the human’s search for an understanding of the world by asking questions
about themselves and their world
WVDE Language Leaper Unit Planning Guide
demonstrate curiosity, initiative and creativity by
observing, classifying, comparing and analyzing natural
objects in the environment.
identify that plants and animals have different structures.
identify the structures of living things including their systems, and explain their functions (e.g.,
wings for flying, fins for swimming, or roots for support and obtaining water).
compare and contrast simple models of different kinds of habitats, including a forest
and a stream.
Outcomes/Objectives/Progress Indicators (Students will be able to…..):
Name some endangered animals.
Describe characteristics of endanged animals.
Describe why these particular animals have become endangered.
Consider ways to prevent animals from becoming endangered.
Student will be able to classify groups of animals
WVDE Language Leaper Unit Planning Guide
Stage 2: How students will demonstrate what they know and can do: Performance Assessment
Performance Assessment # 1 (Interpretive)
Performance Assessment #2 (Presentational)
Stage 3: Episode Strand Themes & Functional Chunks of Language
Episodes 1-3: Endangered Birds
Chunks of language:
California Condor
Episodes 4-6:
Chunks of language:
Episodes 7-9:
WVDE Language Leaper Unit Planning Guide
Chunks of language:
Episodes 10-12:
Chunks of language:
Episodes 13-15:
Chunks of language: