Science Journal Directions p.1 Finish mineral properties foldable p.2 Write mineral property key concepts from textbook p. 74 p.3 Mineral Vs. Rock Vinn Diagram Cut 2 different colored circles out of the construction paper. Glue the top piece of the circle to your notebook. Write "Mineral" on one circle flap, write "Rock" on the other circle flap. Fill out the vinn diagram with comparisons. p.5 Standard on top of page, complete types of rock foldable p.6-7 Rock Jar Left side: tell how the three types of rock are formed Middle: paste rock jar and rocks Right side: uses of each rock S6E5d. Describe the processes that change rocks and the surface of the earth Use your graphic organizer to explain how rocks change in the Rock Cycle in complete sentences on page 9 of your science journal 1. Igneous to Sedimentary 2. Igneous to Metamorphic 3. Sedimentary to Igneous 4. Sedimentary to Metamorphic 5. Metamorphic to Igneous 6. Metamorphic to Sedimentary p.13 S6E5g Types of Fossils Foldable Make a foldable with the following tabs: mold fossil, cast fossil, trace fossil, true fossil, and petrified fossil p. 14 Six Fossil Questions Create a foldable with 6 questions and 6 answers about fossils p. 15 Fossil Reflection Prompts What type of fossil provides the most information about a once living organism? What natural process helps uncover once buried fossils?