Behaviour Key Principles Summary

Behaviour-Key Principles Summary
What does outstanding Behaviour Management/Behaviour for Learning look like in a
mainstream classroom?
Teaching Standard (TS7)
Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment
 have clear rules and routines for behaviour in classrooms, and take responsibility for
promoting good and courteous behaviour both in classrooms and around the school, in
accordance with the school’s behaviour policy
 have high expectations of behaviour, and establish a framework for discipline with a
range of strategies, using praise, sanctions and rewards consistently and fairly
 manage classes effectively, using approaches which are appropriate to pupils’ needs in
order to involve and motivate them
 maintain good relationships with pupils, exercise appropriate authority, and act
decisively when necessary.
What will the outcomes be for learning if teachers exhibit all elements of this standard?
All students display an excellent and enthusiastic attitude.
Lessons proceed without interruption.
All students are highly adept at managing their own behaviour
in the classroom, supported by systematic and consistently
applied approaches to behaviour management.
Entrance into the classroom is very calm and orderly and pupils
are considerate to others. Classroom expectations are
Exceptional progress made by all pupils (Evidenced through
data and progress within the lesson)
All pupils inspired by the tasks and extremely well motivated
and engaged throughout the lesson
High level of challenge for all pupils to work
Appropriate and regular homework contributes very well to
pupils’ learning
What skills and attributes will an outstanding teacher be able to demonstrate/utilise?
Meet and greet is an embedded part of lesson/class structure, the member of staff meets
the pupils with a positive welcome to the lesson allowing a clear hierarchy at the
threshold of the person setting expectations.
Meet and greet will allow ‘Early Identification’ (uniform issues/equipment issues
/pastoral issues )and ensures pupils are ready to engage in learning and promotes trust
A clear understanding of the pupils in the room in terms of social dynamics and setting a
clear seating plan/classroom design to build the best relationships between all young
Lessons are well planned are resources ready for learning this will allow lessons to
provided differentiated challenge to all students.
Students are provided with constant checks on progress and given platforms to move
forward through the lesson.
Support given with literacy and numeracy as identified in the planning
Understands the learners within the room and plans and differentiates accordingly to
allow all to make progress and move forward, strategies are employed to support learning
and manage behaviour.
Ensures ‘Additional adults’ are communicated with and deployed to support learning of
key students and /or groups.
A full understanding of the school/academy behaviour policy and the protocol expected
to follow the interpretation of the policy into classroom practice in a clear and well
communicated manner; allowing the pupils within the room to be able to make choices
about managing their own behaviour.
The member of staff has a clear ability to communicate and allow pupils to make choices,
promoting a clear behaviour for learning agenda within the classroom that makes the
pupils aware of the impact of their actions.
Behaviour issues are dealt with consistently and following the policy but an underlying
trend is always to allow the pupil to return to learning.
Where appropriate a restorative language is used to always allow pupils to make choice
on the next actions making them responsible for their behaviour and being guided
towards a solution that allows a return to learning.
Behaviour patterns are reviewed and if needed the home /school link pursued to highlight
and find solutions to behaviour
Teacher rewards students for learning, progress and behaviour according to school
/academy policy.
Teacher has ensured that all students feel equal within the room, students have their
trust and they feel safe and secure due to a consistent approach with all.