Habitat Board Application 2014-2015

Leadership Board 2014-2015 Application
President, Vice President: Due Friday April 4, 2014 at 11:59pm to uclahabitat@gmail.com.
General Board Positions: Due Friday April 11, 2014 at 11:59pm to uclahabitat@gmail.com.
Positions Description Section
Please review the following leadership board position descriptions carefully before filling out your application.
Leadership board members should attend at least one Build Day, one social event, work as a team, make decisions
together, and help other members on their projects.
The President is responsible for running weekly leadership board meetings, delegating and overseeing tasks of the
leadership board, knowing what’s going on at all times, and making sure that the UCLA Habitat as a whole runs
efficiently. He or she is also the UCLA Habitat’s representative to the Center of Student Programming, Habitat for
Humanity International and Youth Programs department, and to other Habitat campus chapters. Applicants should be
well-versed in the goals and mission of UCLA Habitat and Habitat International. This position requires assertiveness,
attentiveness, integrity, hard work, and responsibility. Candidates must have been on board for ONE full year before
applying for Presidency.
Vice President
The Vice President is responsible for managing the UCLA Habitat email account, running general meetings, dealing with
the membership list, making reservations for events on campus, and lending support to the rest of leadership board. He
or she should know what is going on at all times and keep the rest of leadership board accountable for their
responsibilities. The Vice President is also a signatory for UCLA Habitat with the Center for Student Programming.
Candidates must have been on board for ONE full year before applying for Vice Presidency.
Finance Chair
The Finance Chair is responsible for creating and keeping track of the budget for the school year; managing UCLA
Habitat’s account with the University Credit Union; reimbursing leaders and members for money spent from the Habitat
budget; collecting membership dues; making donations to Habitat International and our local affiliate; deposits and
keeps track of any donations or funds raised throughout the year. This requires an individual who is highly organized and
Fundraising Chair
The Fundraising Chair is responsible for planning, coordinating, and implementing all fundraising activities. The goal of
fundraising is to raise money in support of our campus chapter, Collegiate Challenge, The Global Village Project, and our
local affiliate (build site) in Pacoima, CA. At least one fundraising event should be held per quarter. The fundraising
chair submits ideas to the entire board for approval and can delegate authority out to both Board and general
members. Potential applicants should be motivated self-starters with a high level of enthusiasm!
Build Day Coordinator
The Build Day Coordinator's primary responsibility is to organize Build Days. This requires being in regular contact with
the San Fernando Valley affiliate to find out when Build Days are available, informing general members when Build Days
will be held, and coordinating rides to and from the build site. The Build Day Coordinator should be able to attend a
Leadership Board 2014-2015 Application
President, Vice President: Due Friday April 4, 2014 at 11:59pm to uclahabitat@gmail.com.
General Board Positions: Due Friday April 11, 2014 at 11:59pm to uclahabitat@gmail.com.
majority of build days. He or she also acts as the liaison between UCLA Habitat and the San Fernando/Santa Clarita
Valley affiliate for other programs that UCLA Habitat would like to coordinate with the affiliate. This position requires an
applicant with enthusiasm and commitment, who works well with people!
Publicity & Design Chair
The Publicity Chair aspect is responsible for publicizing socials, fundraisers, and events to the general membership as
well as the UCLA campus community, depending on the type of program. He or she also plays a large role in recruiting
for new members at the beginning of the year and increasing UCLA Habitat presence on campus throughout the year.
Applicants will learn to utilize all forms of publicity, including Facebook, flyers, posters, counselor emails, Daily Bruin
press releases, classroom and residence hall announcements, and table tents, among others. The Design Chair half is
responsible for designing flyers, posters, and other paraphernalia. Knowledge of Photoshop or other graphics editing
program preferred. This position is also responsible for creating a quarterly newsletter.
Social Chair
The Social Chair is responsible for planning, coordinating, and executing all socials for the general members, as well as
events specifically for leadership board. The Social Chair collaborates and works with business and organizations,
negotiating and organizing the logistics to ensure that all socials run smoothly and successfully. In addition, the Social
Chair works with the board members to successfully promote and advertise events. The social chair is responsible for
coordinating at least two general members social and one board social each quarter. The goals of our socials are to
foster unity and friendship amongst all members, which results in membership retention and growth. This position
requires an organized, creative, and enthusiastic individual who can manage and oversee an event from start to finish!
Act! Speak! Build! Week Coordinator
Act! Speak! Build! Week is an advocacy week put on by Habitat for Humanity campus chapters nationwide. UCLA
Habitat’s ASB Week consists of different events over the course of a week that cover the goals of advocacy, education,
fundraising, and building. The ASB Week Coordinator will organize and plan events such as Shantytown and Speaker
Night. He or she will also work with all other leadership board members to plan a large-scale social, fundraiser, and Build
Day. Applicants should be highly motivated, willing to learn, punctual, and hard working.
Collegiate Challenge Coordinator
The Collegiate Challenge Coordinator is responsible for recruiting and leading UCLA students on a Spring Break build trip
to a Habitat build site in a city within the United States. In the past we’ve gone to Washington, D.C., Florida, New
Orleans, and New York. He or she will coordinate the trip with the site’s local affiliate, gather and turn in all required
registration fees and waiver forms, and help with the purchase of plane tickets and other transportation logistics. Also,
the Collegiate Challenge Coordinator should organize meetings, socials, and fundraisers for the Collegiate Challenge
team. It is highly recommended for the Coordinator to also be a participant on the trip, but in the case that he or she
cannot, tasks must be delegate to the team in order for them to be well-prepared for the trip beforehand. Project
duration is September to March/April.
Leadership Board 2014-2015 Application
President, Vice President: Due Friday April 4, 2014 at 11:59pm to uclahabitat@gmail.com.
General Board Positions: Due Friday April 11, 2014 at 11:59pm to uclahabitat@gmail.com.
Global Village Coordinator
The role of the Global Village Coordinator is to recruit and lead UCLA students in international volunteer missions during
summer break of 2015, locations of which will be decided by the Global Village Coordinator once selected. The GVC
works with Habitat for Humanity's international partners in these countries to build homes for families and communities
in need. The GVC is responsible for recruiting and interviewing suitable UCLA candidates to participate in the program,
preparing team members for their international volunteer work, assisting students in organizing flight schedules and
fundraising, and most importantly, being a responsible, organized and assertive team leader when abroad. The GVC
serves as the link between Habitat for Humanity International/its international affiliates and the UCLA student
volunteers. He or she will work with the students on the trip to organize daily schedules when abroad and coordinate
with the international affiliate. Prior international travel/volunteer experience and the ability to speak the local
language of the site is preferred, but not required. Applicants should note that this position requires strong leadership
skills, executive decision-making, plenty of logistical planning and organization, the ability to work well under pressure at
certain times, and a strong commitment to see the project through to the end. After the trip, the Global Village Chair is
expected to continue contributing to board and is responsible for recruiting future Global Village Chairs.
The Secretary is responsible for taking minutes during board meetings, creating sign-up sheets, updating the
website/Facebook page with pictures and information, among other administrative responsibilities. Aside from those
responsibilities, the secretary will be the unofficial historian as well. He or she should attend most socials, build days,
and events in order to take pictures and document the event. He or she will be responsible for making a Scrapbook that
will be ongoing throughout the year and uploading pictures of events in a timely manner. Applicants should be highly
organized, creative, and detail oriented.
 Must be able to attend at least one social, one fundraiser, and one build day a quarter
 Cannot miss more than 3 board meetings a quarter
 Need to submit valid excuse 24 hours in advance if they cannot make a meeting
 Meet all of one’s deadlines and support other board members in their projects and events
Leadership Board 2014-2015 Application
President, Vice President: Due Friday April 4, 2014 at 11:59pm to uclahabitat@gmail.com.
General Board Positions: Due Friday April 11, 2014 at 11:59pm to uclahabitat@gmail.com.
Personal Information Section
Phone number:
Year in school:
Please number up to 3 of the following leadership positions with “1” being your top choice.
Social Chair
Vice President
Act!Speak!Build!Week Coordinator (2)
Finance Chair
Collegiate Challenge Coordinator (2)
Fundraising Chair
Global Village Coordinator (2)
Build Day Coordinator
Publicity & Design Chair (2)
Short Answer Section
1. Please answer the following questions (4-6 sentences each):
1. What do you know about UCLA Habitat for Humanity and/or Habitat for Humanity International?
2. How have you been involved in UCLA Habitat or Habitat for Humanity?
3. What prior leadership experience do you have? Elaborate on those pertaining to your desired position.
4. Why are you interested in taking on a leadership position for UCLA Habitat for Humanity?
5. What new ideas do you have for Habitat or how do you see Habitat improving in the future?
2. Please answer these additional questions:
1. What major time commitments do you anticipate having in the 2013-2014 school year? How would you
prioritize UCLA Habitat for Humanity relative to your other commitments?
2. Any additional information that you would like to present about yourself that you were not able to express
through this application.