6th Grade Science Nov 5

6th Grade Science
November 4- November 15
November 4
November 5
November 6
November 7
Key Concepts: Rocks are grouped into
three categories- sedimentary, igneous
and metamorphic.
Vocabulary- igneous, magma,
metamorphic, sedimentary
Activities: Students will complete and
discuss student sheet 19.1 “Talking
Drawing: Rock Formations to elicit
students’ ideas about where rocks come
from. Students will complete the
reading using Student Sheet 19.2
“Directed Reading Table: Rock
Key Concepts: Rocks are grouped into
three categories- sedimentary, igneous
and metamorphic.
Vocabulary- igneous, magma,
metamorphic, sedimentary
Activities: Students will complete a mini
journal quiz. The class will review
Student Sheet 19.2. They class will build
a concept map and revisit ideas by
completing Student Sheet 19.1. Students
will complete analysis questions for
Activity 19.
Key Concepts: Rocks are grouped into
three categories- sedimentary, igneous
and metamorphic.
Vocabulary- igneous, magma,
metamorphic, sedimentary
Activities: Students will simulate the
rock cycle. They will pretend to a rock
and go through the rock cycle by playing
a game. After the game is played
students will create a comic of their
Key Concepts: Rocks are grouped into
three categories- sedimentary, igneous
and metamorphic.
Vocabulary- igneous, magma,
metamorphic, sedimentary
Activity: Students will take a mini quiz
November 8
November 11
November 12
November 13
November 14
November 15
Common Core Tasks
on what they have learned so far in this
unit. Students will continue working on
their rock cycle comic.
Key Concepts: Rocks are grouped into
three categories- sedimentary, igneous
and metamorphic.
Vocabulary- igneous, magma,
metamorphic, sedimentary
Activities: Students will complete a
simulation of the rock cycle on the
They will complete a simulation guide
while completing the activity.
No School
Key Concepts: Rocks are grouped into
three categories- sedimentary, igneous
and metamorphic.
Activities: Students will take a mini
journal quiz.
Students will discuss the ways in which
rocks can be identified. Students will
examine and identify rock samples by
rock type. They will look at 8 rocks.
Key Concepts: Rocks are grouped into
three categories- sedimentary, igneous
and metamorphic.
Activities: Students will complete
Activity 20. They will decide whether the
hikers were likely to have seen
diamonds. They will complete the
analysis questions for activity 20.
Key concepts: Creating models is one
way to understand and communicate
scientific information. Rocks are found
in layers.
Vocabulary: model
Activities: Students will discuss how the
activity models layers of the earth.
Students model the formation of some
earth layers and then share data. The
class evaluates the model and compete
the analysis questions.
Reading Standards of Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects 6-12
 Key ideas and Details 3
 Craft and Structure 5,6
 Integration of knowledge and Ideas 7
 Analysis questions after each lab
 Lab participation
 Journal Quiz
Modifications: Certain students will require extra time, modified worksheets, copies
of notes and data tables, one-on-one aide
Instructional Strategies/Participation Techniques
To complete these activities students will participate in large group instruction,
cooperative learning groups and individual work. All labs students participate in
are hands-on. All students participate in labs.