ODN O&M: Manageable and easy TextStart By Liu Huaqing Optical

ODN O&M: Manageable and easy
By Liu Huaqing
Optical distribution networks (ODNs), thanks to their passive nature, are not easy to
operate or maintain. Currently, ODN pipe resource information (dumb resources),
which is also used for service activation and maintenance, is not effectively managed;
this brings about numerous O&M challenges.
ODN passivity hinders O&M
ODN pipe resource data accuracy is difficult to maintain during the O&M process
thanks to database update failures caused by neglect or misoperation. The average
error rate for resource data exceeds 20%. Operators must repeatedly clean up and
rectify the data, which involves a plethora of optical equipment, resources, man hours,
and headaches.
ODN O&M processes such as label identification and port search are all done by hand,
which makes fiber connection efficiency rather low. Further exacerbating the situation
is the complexity of collaboration and communication between the relevant
departments. Considering the massive number of cables and labels involved, the
search for a particular port is an ordeal.
For routine checking and fault location, O&M personnel often need to determine the
connections between certain optic fibers. As fibers are labeled manually, these labels
are often unclear. Resolution may involve a call back to HQ or an onsite guesstimate;
neither is optimal as far as O&M efficiency is concerned.
The passive nature of ODN infrastructure is clearly the culprit of all of the above
difficulties with ODN O&M; automation would seem the answer.
iODN makes O&M quick & easy
The Huawei iODN solution is designed to manage and simplify the O&M process. By
adding certain smart elements to compensate for an ODN's passive nature, this
solution smartens management and simplifies deployment, effectively cutting
management and operating costs for operators.
By reading eID optical distribution frame (iODF), fiber distribution terminal (iFDT),
and fiber allocation terminal (iFAT) data, iODN O&M enables intelligent
management and data consistency for optical fibers, including data related to port
state, optical route, and fiber connection relationship, thereby ensuring support for
service provisioning and troubleshooting.
Each eID contains a globally-unique identifier, similar to a MAC address, as well as
comprehensive information on individual optical fiber sections, which may include
optical routing, sequential location of a certain fiber, and information on the optical
splitter or distribution module connected to a certain fiber.
Huawei iODN's O&M tools include the ODN management system, the iField
proprietary tool, the N2510 OLS, and the U2000 access network management system
(NMS). Each works with the other to increase ODN O&M efficiency.
The U2000 ODN NMS forms the very core, as it manages ODN equipment, maintains
resource data integrity, provisions services for fiber connection, and handles online
query. It also serves as the interface between iODN and the upper-layer operational
support systems, including the platforms for orders & resource management and the
alarm system.
The iField tool is a professional handheld instrument, used primarily for guidance of
onsite fiber connection, field data gathering, and field query, all of which significantly
enhance the efficiency of field operations.
With support from smart equipment such as the iODF, iFDT, and iFAT, the ODN
NMS interacts directly with various devices such as smart ODN nodes (if active)
through available management channels. If said nodes are passive, they must be
connected through iField, which provides power supply and communications channels,
so their information can still be reported to the NMS in a timely manner.
The iField also plays a crucial role at key points in the closed-loop data management
process to ensure data integrity. When connected to a device, iField automatically
checks onsite data against instruction ticket information and gives a prompt if any
error is found. If the error has no impact on the connection process, it will continue
while the error is reported for resolution at a later time. If the iField determines that
operation personnel are not following ticket instructions, it will give them an
immediate prompt.
The ODN NMS can detect all data changes and ensure data integrity in a timely
manner, be it through changes to the instruction ticket distributed by the scheduling
system or onsite changes in fiber connection. Even when O&M personnel operate
other passive devices, iField will automatically report changes when finally connected
to said devices, thereby ensuring timely data update.
The ODN NMS will also make timely reports concerning any data changes to the
upper-layer resource system. This ensures data integrity for the resource system,
which provides correct data intended for service provisioning and scheduling.
High-efficiency fiber connection
The connection process begins by first connecting the ODN NMS with the integrated
scheduling and resource management systems to obtain instruction information and
ensure data accuracy. The NMS then issues electronic orders to the iField's operators.
After onsite personnel connect iField, it will guide the connection process
automatically. Throughout the entire procedure, iField directs smart ODN power
conservation devices that will switch on port indicators based on instructions; onsite
personnel need no longer search for the targeted port by hand. When faults occur,
iField can be used to identify the standby port for a particular port, restoring services
as quickly as possible.
Upon the completion of operations, iField will automatically report the results to the
NMS, closing the loop for the connection process.
Support for onsite troubleshooting
With iField, onsite personnel can easily get a clear picture of optical connection data
and data for the entire optical routing process by inputting data for any single port or
user along the route. Time need no longer be wasted during searching or checking
with the network management center, which still may not guarantee data accuracy.
Huawei iODN enables easy and manageable O&M for an ODN. After its pilot
deployment at China Telecom's Xuancheng branch in Anhui province, iODN
facilitated a 58% reduction in working hours devoted to onsite fiber (48-cord)
Huawei iODN features rapid deployment & service provisioning, as well as visualized
intelligent management, all of which have won high praise in the industry. At the
Broadband World Forum Europe 2011 in Paris, Huawei iODN became the first of its
kind among passive network solutions to win the InfoVision Award for its eID and
intelligent network management. So far, iODN standards-related documents have
been completely accepted by the IETF, while other players across the industry chain
have jumped on the bandwagon of intelligent ODN. With industry collaboration, the
reality of manageable and easy O&M for ODNs is within reach.