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The Justin Amorratanasuchad
Scholarship Fund
P.O. Box 30761, Seattle, WA 98113
On April 17, 2011, Justin
Amorratanasuchad was doing what
he loved most – filming – when he
died in a tragic accident. Justin, 21,
was a junior in the film program at
Emerson College at the time. He
had been accepted for his senior
year internship program in Los
Justin was a gifted filmmaker,
winning national and international
awards while attending Ballard
High School in Seattle, where he
graduated in 2008. Among these
recognitions was a Student
Television Award for Excellence
from the Northwest Chapter of the
National Academy of Television
Arts & Sciences, presented at the
regional Emmy Awards. Thanks to
his high school’s video production
program and awards like this,
Justin built a portfolio that gained
him acceptance into prestigious
film schools.
To honor the creative energy Justin
brought to the world, his family and
friends have established a
scholarship fund for advanced
studies in film and television. It will
provide assistance to graduates of
Puget Sound area high school video
production programs who have the
talent but need financial assistance
to pursue their dreams, like Justin.
JDogg Film Scholarship Application
The Justin Amorratanasuchad (JDogg) Scholarship Fund is pleased
to offer a scholarship award to graduating high school student(s) in
the Puget Sound area who plans to pursue post-secondary studies in
film/tv/media. Please read the application, provide the information
requested and submit your application as indicated below.
WHAT: $5,000 – 10,000 scholarship award will be sent to the
school/college to which the winning applicant has been accepted for
film/tv/media studies.
WHO: Applicant must be a graduating senior from a Puget Sound
area high school video/film production program. Applicant has been
accepted to a college or university for advanced studies in
film/tv/media productions. The student demonstrates financial need.
Student enters his/her film(s) in the Northwest High School
Film Festival (NWHSFF).
Student downloads JDogg Scholarship application form from
the NWHSFF website, or gets a copy from his/her film/video
production teacher.
Student submits scholarship application & supporting
documents no later than the week following the deadline for their
film submission to NWHSFF. Applications are submitted to the
scholarship committee, as indicated below.
NWHSFF judges view submissions and recommend
finalist(s) to the JDogg scholarship committee. An award recipient
will be chosen from the finalists submitted by NWHSFF judges.
WHEN: Submit this application no later than one week following
the deadline for film submissions to the NWHS Film Festival.
See reverse for more instructions….
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WHERE: Send your completed application and all supporting documents to:
Email: JustinMemorial@gmail.com
Completed application form:
[ ] Personal information
[ ] Financial statement
[ ] Parent statement and signature
[ ] Field of specialization and academic plans
Supporting documents:
[ ] Copy of your Expected Family Contribution from FAFSA (1 page)
[ ] Recommendation letter from your high school film/video/media teacher
[ ] Resume, including a list of awards & recognitions from your high school and community.
[ ] Half-page statement (separate document) in response to BOTH questions 1 and 2 below:
1. Please answer: Why are you a good candidate to receive this award?
2. Choose ONE question below and answer it.
1. How will your study in college/university contribute to your immediate or long range
career plans?
2. Why do you want to be a film maker?
3. Explain the importance of film making in today’s society.
4. What do you think are the most important issues in film making today?
* * *
(Please do not submit this page. It is for your reference only.)
JDogg Film Scholarship Application
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PERSONAL INFORMATION: Please print clearly!
Student Name ________________________________
Cell: __________________________________
Home address (street)___________________________________
(city)_________________________ (zip)________
Birth date __________________
Parent Name(s) ________________________________________
Parent’s home tel.______________________
Cumulative GPA to date__________
Today’s date ______________________
JDogg Film Scholarship Application
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1. Estimated expenses for your freshman year:
Tuition $ _______________
Other: $ _______________
2. Other scholarships, grants or other financial assistance received for college/university:
3. Please include with this application a copy of your “Expected Family Contribution”
from FAFSA’s determination of higher educational expenses (1 page).
From a financial standpoint, what impact do you think this scholarship would have on
your education? (Brief response in the space below.)
5. Parent statement defining your need for financial assistance. Please mention any special
personal or family circumstances affecting your child’s need for financial assistance.
Parent signature ______________________________
JDogg Film Scholarship Application
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Artistic concentration
Film. Specify: _______________________________
T. V. Specify: ______________________________
Media. Specify: _____________________________
Degree/certificate goal(s)________________________________________________________________
Professional goal(s) ____________________________________________________________________
School(s) applied to:
Accepted? (circle one)
Haven’t heard
Haven’t heard
Haven’t heard
Which school will you attend? ______________________________________________________
* * *
Thank You!
Award recipients will be notified
at the 2015 Northwest High School Film Festival!
JDogg Film Scholarship Application
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