Three Trends in Natural Therapies Today

Three Trends in Natural Therapies Today
Three trends in medicine make it imperative for alternative health care and natural
therapists to change their thinking and the way they practice if they wish to survive as
natural therapists: 1) Codex Alimentarius, 2) Enforcement of Licensing Laws, 3)
Gigantic Pharmaceutical Company Profits, and 4) What You Can Do to Survive.
1. Codex Alimentarius
Codex Alimentarius is a treaty developed, orchestrated, controlled, manipulated and
paid for by the pharmaceutical, petrochemical, bioengineering and food processing
industries. There is not a more polite way to describe this insidious legislation designed
to eliminate all natural products and therapies. Here's a quick summary:
The pharmaceutical, petrochemical, bioengineering and food processing industries
started and funded the Codex Alimentarius Commission under the auspices of the
Agriculture Committee of the World Health Organization within the United Nations. They
did this quietly and overtly by spending a lot of "hush" money to purchase the loyalty of
medical and political leaders. Over time the Commission became stronger and stronger,
more and more vocal and strong advocates for health. They became more powerful
than the World Health Organization. As a result of their hard work, we have several laws
in most of the world most people know nothing about:
By law in America and most of the developed world the only thing that may be used to
cure anything is a pharmaceutical drug. The fact the only drugs that have ever been
proven to cure anything are antibiotics that cure bacterial infections is immaterial. The
fact there are more than 4000 different pharmaceuticals and less than two dozen
different antibiotics is immaterial. The fact that profits from antibiotics is much less than
one percent of all pharmaceutical company enormous profits is also immaterial.
By law in America and most of the developed world the only industry that may claim
their products cure anything is the pharmaceutical industry. The fact that the vast
majority of legal drugs have never been proven to cure anything is immaterial. The fact
that pharmaceuticals legally kill nearly 300,000 people in the USA and an estimated
1,000,000 a year worldwide is immaterial. The fact there has never been a documented
death by essential oils is also immaterial as far as the World Health Organization, the
Codex Alimentarius Commission, the US FDA and health regulators in most of the
developed world are concerned.
By law in America, and most of the developed world, medical doctors must abide by a
"standard for care" that requires them to prescribe a pharmaceutical drug for any
medical, emotional, mental or psychological condition, disease or disorder if such a drug
exists. The fact that legal drugs kill and maim is absolutely immaterial. And, incidentally,
it's illegal to say “drugs kill and natural therapies don’t” except as a personal opinion.
So, for the record, that's my opinion. And, incidentally, there is no evidence natural
therapies ever killed anybody.
In America today, if you have a serious illness like cancer, diabetes, heart disease or
any other serious disease and you die from the medications you took in an attempt to
recover, your death certificate will say you died from the disease and not the drug.
That’s the law. It’s absolutely immaterial, and illegal to declare, that any person with any
of these conditions died because of the drugs they took in an attempt to survive.
Most of the world has ratified the Codex Alimentarius Treaty including North and South
America, most of Europe and Asia, Australia and New Zealand and parts of Africa. This
treaty is being implemented at an increasingly rapid rate. Some natural products have
already been banned. Others are in the process of being eliminated. In the end, and the
planned date for complete implementation has been extended from December 31, 2009
to December 31, 2012, all natural products will be banned. That's the Codex plan.
Hopefully Americans will continue to learn the truth, wake up and do something
beneficial for their health.
This may not surprise anybody, but the US Food and Drug Administration, Health
Canada and the European Union all rely a great deal on information and proposed laws
provided by the Codex Alimentarius Commission and strongly endorsed by the
pharmaceutical, chemical, petroleum, genetic engineering and medical industries. The
US Department of Agriculture, US Department of Health, US Department of
Transportation and their counterparts in most of the developed world are also very
strongly influenced by these same industries supporting Codex Alimentarius.
2. Enforcement of Licensing Laws
In America and most of the developed world, state, provincial and federal governments
have the right to legislate licensing laws for the protection of the public. Most of these
governments give licensed professionals the right to diagnose, treat and cure the
diseases, disorders, issues and conditions described by the scope of practice for that
profession. Legally nobody but a licensed professional may diagnose, treat, cure or
prevent the diseases, disorders, issues and conditions defined by that scope of practice.
In parts of the world, including the USA and Canada, medical doctors have a legal
monopoly for diagnosing, treating, curing and preventing medical diseases, conditions,
disorders and associated trauma. Medical doctors includes osteopaths, chiropractors,
medical naturopaths, medical homeopaths, nurse practitioners, psychologists and
others with pharmaceutical prescription writing authority granted by the pharmaceutical
companies and licensing boards.
If anybody else diagnoses, treats, cures, prevents or attempts to cure any medical
condition of any kind, that person is practicing medicine without a license. In America,
and most developed nations, aromatherapists, traditional homeopaths and naturopaths,
nutritionists, herbalists and multi-level marketing company representatives are routinely
taught to practice medicine without a license. So are a lot of other health professionals.
That's just the way it is.
Until recently, medical and other licensing boards rarely challenged natural therapists
for practicing medicine without a license. Now pharmaceutical companies are funding
investigations and prosecution of anybody threatening their enormous profits. Medical
and other licensing boards have prosecuted and investigated many times more citizens
in the past three years than they did in the previous 30 years. All of these expenses and
more were paid for by citizen groups for better healthcare operated and funded by
offshore charities created anonymously by pharmaceutical companies. Everybody
knows this but nobody can or wants to do anything about it.
Psychotherapy and counseling licensing boards started harassing and prosecuting
natural therapists for practicing counseling in the last five years. Massage therapy
licensing boards started harassing and prosecuting natural therapists for practicing
massage therapy almost three years ago. Recently beauty industry boards have
challenged the right of natural therapists to practice anything within their license scope
of practice including beauty, rejuvenation and anti-aging.
3. Gigantic Pharmaceutical Industry Profits
Twenty years ago medical doctors, and only medical doctors, were legally allowed to
prescribe prescription drugs. In the past twenty years first osteopaths, then medical
naturopaths and medical homeopaths, then psychologists and nurse practitioners were
added to the list of professions that can prescribe prescription drugs. Currently, the
pharmaceutical industry is lobbying to allow all nurses, psychotherapists and social
workers, alcohol and drug abuse counselors, occupational therapists and other medical
therapists prescription privileges.
The industry is lobbying to have more people placed on prescription drugs at an earlier
age by more health practitioners for the purpose of amassing even greater profits. Make
no mistake about it; if history is our teacher, and wealth continues to create even more
wealth as it has throughout history, the plans of the pharmaceutical industry will come to
But that's only part of the pharmaceutical industry plan. They also plan to continue to
eliminate all competition even if they have to do it one company or one person at a time.
This is what they've been doing for years. Only recently, armed with support from the
US FDA, Health Canada and other governmental agencies, they are eliminating
competition faster than ever before.
If a natural food or product threatens pharmaceutical company profits that product and
food become a target and no effort is too much to eliminate that target. If a healthcare
provider threatens pharmaceutical company profits, that provider becomes a target and
no effort is overlooked to eliminate that target either. Profits are more important than
health, people and anything else you can imagine.
Natural therapeutic products and professionals cannot survive in that environment. But
that's the plan conceived by the pharmaceutical industry, adopted by the United Nations
(UN) and in the process of being implemented in most of the world as you read these
words. The UN had already adopted the World Health Organization (WHO)
recommendations. WHO previously adopted the policies and procedures developed by
the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC). The pharmaceutical company
representatives dominate controlling committees within WHO and the CAC. They are
politically extremely powerful.
4. What You Can Do
You can quickly and easily change the focus of your business from practicing medicine,
massage therapy, psychotherapy and/or counseling without a license to being an
ethical, professional and legal natural therapies practitioner. The good news is you can
do this in less than ninety days while working full time and caring for a family. Literally
thousands of people have done this. So can you. Here's how:
Create and use an empowering informed consent form.
Learn and use basic coaching skills in your profession or in your life.
Become licensed in a health care field if you already or can quickly qualify.
Become certified by an accredited and recognized certification board.
Become licensed as a spiritual coach or spiritual healer. (See FSHLB)
5. NTCW Editorial Disclaimer:
This article was written by John F. Gilbert, Ph.D., D.D. on January 14, 2009 and is
reprinted here with permission. This article is the opinion of Dr. Gilbert, who is the
president and primary negotiator for the Natural Therapies Conflict Resolutions Services
NTCW believes what Dr. Gilbert says is true, but NTCW has not proven this is the case.
We reprint his article here for informational purposes only. Each reader is advised to
verify these facts for him or herself and take the appropriate action based on this