Flow Fusing This is a great technique to create a self-standing piece using scrap glass. The finished project will be triangular in shape with the bottom being at least an inch wide and the top being as thin as a single sheet of glass. How to make this piece: 1. Make a rectangular shaped dam using kiln furniture and line it with 1/8” fiber paper on all four sides 2. Place a piece of ¼” clear glass on the bottom – the dam should fit tightly around the glass. 3. Then begin to layer stringers, noodles, frit, or small pieces of colored transparent glass. For this piece the layers are as follows: Layer 1: a transparent noodles and stringer of various heights laid side by side Layer 2: clear 1/8” glass Layer 3: clear glass pieced together with transparent noodles laid horizontally near the top and half way down Layer 4: clear glass pieced together with transparent noodles laid horizontally near the bottom of the piece Layer 5: clear glass pieced together with transparent noodles laid at an angle crossing over the other layers that have horizontal noodles. Layer 6: clear 1/8” glass 4. Set the kiln shelf in the kiln with the top end of the shelf raised 2” higher than the bottom of the shelf 5. Fire using a full fuse with a bubble squeeze program. Be sure the final cool down is very slow because of the varying thickness of the piece. 6. Once the piece is cool, coldwork the sides using a 120 grit pad first to even them out and then using a 400 grit pad. 7. Place the piece on its back in the kiln and firepolish using the following program: Ramp 100 9999 9999 50 Temp 980 1325 980 300 Hold 2:00 0 2:00 0 8. Once the piece is cooled, grind the bottom of the piece using 70 or 120 grit pad on the flat lap so it will stand up.