US History - Miner SPRING Final

US History - Miner
SPRING Final Exam
Charles Lindbergh
Time-payment plan
Made first solo flight across the Atlantic
Bessie Smith
Perhaps the most famous jazz musician of all time
Installment plan
Questioned the popular culture of the 1920s
Advertising image of a young woman in the 1920s
The Lost Generation
ab. Narrow-minded, obsessed businessman in fiction whose deepest
desires are determined by advertising
ac. U.S. writer living in Paris who experimented boldly with language
Louis Armstrong
10. Gertrude Stein
ad. Chains of newspapers under centralized direction
ae. Famous blues singer of the 1920s
bc. Sudden explosion of interest in some product or activity
11. Which group of people in the United States refused to obey Prohibition?
a. The middle class
b. The fundamentalists
c. The lower class
d. The Protestants
12. Many people felt that Nicola Sacco and Bartolemeo Vanzetti were found guilty of murder because
a. They were immigrants and radicals
b. They were German
c. The were from the slums of Boston
d. They were friends of the victims
13. During the 1920s some prominent American writers and artists moved to Europe partly because
a. They felt that American society did nor value their work
b. There was too much competition among writers in the United States
c. They were mobbed by fans wherever they went
d. They felt that there was nothing in the United States to inspire them to write
14. The Harlem Renaissance was
a. The lost generation of white writers
b. A New York City train going uptown
c. A jazz club in New Orleans
d. The African American literary and artistic movement of the 1920s
15. Which one of the following does NOT describe the people in power in the United States during the 1920s?
a. Eastern European
b. White
c. Protestant
d. Male
16. Which of the following was NOT a reason why Prohibition was difficult to enforce?
a. The United States offered 18,700 miles of coastlines and land borders to smugglers
b. Most women refused to drink alcohol
c. Hundreds of ships anchored in international waters dispensed legal liquor to anyone who came out by boat
d. Thousands of druggists sold alcohol using doctors’ prescriptions
17. Fundamentalists believe that
a. People should study the Bible to determine their own interpretation
b. The Bible tells the literal truth
c. Evolution is a loose interpretation of the creation of the earth according to the Bible
d. Evolution should be studied even though they do not believe in the creation theory
18. In 1914 Henry Ford doubled workers’ wages at his plant in Highland Park, Michigan, because
a. The government had doubled the minimum wage
b. The union threatened to stage a strike if he did not
c. He thought if the workers had more money they could purchase more of his cars
d. He wanted to help out the poor during the depression
19. How did high schools change in the 1920s?
a. New high schools were built
b. High schools added huge gyms
c. Laboratories were added to the schools
d. All of the above
20. What revolutionized advertising in the 1920s?
a. Advertising in newspapers
b. Advertising on the radio
c. The idea of using it to create consumer demand
d. Advertising in shop windows
21. Most Americans in the 1920s regarded installment buying as
a. An easy way to raise their standard of living
b. Shameful
c. An easy road to ruin
d. A passing fad
22. As a result of the Scopes trial
a. The Butler Act remained the law in Tennessee
b. John Scopes was found not guilty
c. Evolution has never again been taught in public schools in Tennessee
d. Fundamentalism ended
23. How did jazz come to northern cities?
a. It was brought by immigrants from western Europe
b. It was brought by immigrants from southern Europe
c. It was brought by African Americans from New Orleans when they migrated
d. It was brought by Mexican Americans when they migrated to the cities
24. Which one of the following statements does NOT describe beliefs held by the Ku Klux Klan?
a. The KKK provided a fellowship of prejudice against those who were different
b. As “pure” Americans, the KKK was a guardian of society’s behavior and morals
c. The KKK supported equality and equal opportunities for all American citizens
d. Members of the KKK stressed nationalism and racial purity
25. What image did Herbert Hoover want to present during the presidential election of 1928?
a. Millionaire
b. Typical Iowa farm boy
c. Mining engineer
d. Secretary of commerce
26. Which one of the following does NOT describe relationships of the United States with Latin America?
a. The US did not hesitate to use soldiers to protect its business interests
b. American policy makers began to recognize that US troops in Latin America created resentment abroad and
criticism at home
c. The US felt it had the right and duty to extend its civilization south of the border
d. The US was not interested in the financial policies of Latin American countries
27. All major strikes of 1919 were portrayed in the press as
a. Unnecessary
b. An important right for all working people
c. Necessary for improving working conditions
d. Anti-American actions
28. Which of the following does NOT describe the entertainment scene in the 1920s?
a. Movies defined and helped create American culture
b. As Americans had more leisure time, money, and energy, they participated on more sports
c. Recorded blues and jazz music became part of the mainstream as people began to have access to the
phonograph and radio
d. Because Americans were more educated, they began to read less
29. When many farmers replaced their workhorses with tractors in the 1920s. they
a. Produced fewer crops than before
b. Realized that they needed their workhorses
c. Ran out of gasoline
d. Produced a surplus of wheat and corn
30. What job besides factory work could a woman without a high school diploma get in the 1920s?
a. A nursing job
b. A teaching job
c. Secretarial work
d. A job as a shop clerk
31. How did the corporate revolution culminate (“end up”) in the 1920s?
a. Thousands of small firms went out of business ow were absorbed into larger companies
b. Most family-run businesses raised enough money to invest in research and development
c. Most small family-run businesses advertised nationally
d. Corporations went out of business because of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act
32. In the 1920s, more Americans ate fresh fruits and vegetables daily because
a. They learned about the importance of eating healthful foods
b. They had refrigeration
c. It became fashionable
d. People had greenhouses
33. The Boston Police Strike in 1919 was
a. Called “Bolshevistic” by the Boston newspapers
b. Supported by Massachusetts governor Calvin Coolidge
c. Peacefully settled
d. Settled by Massachusetts governor Calvin Coolidge
Teapot Dome Affair
Industrial productivity
American Plan
Rotary Club
a. control of an entire industry by a few major producers
b. limiting of arms
c. service group for business leaders
d. regard for money and material possessions over intellectual, spiritual ,
and artistic values
e. in the United States, a Protestant movement characterized by the belief
that the words of the Bible were inspired by God and should be
interpreted literally and followed strictly
ab. Person who acts like a machine
ac. Variety of activities companies used after WWI to demoralize and
destroy unions
ad. Most famous scandal of President Harding’s administration
ae. Amount of goods produced by each hour of labor.
43. Documentary photography during the Great Depression, such as that of Dorothea Lange,
a. Was not taken seriously
b. Focused on the drudgery of household chores without electrical appliances
c. Conveyed the scope of the Depression
d. Mirrored the lives of members of the movie industry
44. Movies during the 1930s changed dramatically because
a. Dancing was introduced for the first time
b. Movies with sound became common
c. Silent movies first became common
d. Editing began to be used
45. An economic depression is characterized by a sharp
a. Decline in unemployment
b. Rise in unemployment
c. Increase in farmers’ incomes
d. Increase in consumer spending
46. The goal of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation was to
a. Inspire confidence in agriculture
b. Increase money in charity funds
c. stimulate industry and create jobs
d. close banks on the verge of bankruptcy
47. After the stock market crash, the Federal Reserve system followed a policy that
a. dried up credit
b. made it easy to get credit
c. left too much money in circulation
d. printed more money than consumers could spend
48. When the stock market crashed in 1929,
a. Stock prices dropped sharply in late-summer selling
b. Stock bought on margin lost value, leaving investors unable to pay brokers
c. Brokers’ investments were secure
d. Only saving in banks were safe
49. Many employment opportunities were open to women during the 1930s because
a. Jobs that traditionally went to women did not decline extensively
b. Discrimination ended in all working fields
c. Most men gave up looking for jobs
d. Women were harder workers than men
50. For the majority of Americans the most damaging loss during the Depression was that of
a. Money
b. Material possessions
c. Jobs
d. Hope and pride
51. Before the stock market crash of 1929, any economists and poitcians of the late 1920s believed that the United States
had entered a new era in which
a. Everyone would be rich
b. No one would be rich
c. All people would have the same amount of money
d. Most people would be very poor
52. The stock market was a attractive gamble for thousands of Americans during the late 1920s because
a. Banks did not pay interest of savings accounts then
b. There was a dramatic difference between the return on a savings account and the return on stocks
c. Most people were out of work
d. There was a shortage of goods to buy and people did not know what else to do with their money
53. During the dust storms, many Great Plains farmers abandoned their farms and headed to California, lured by
a. Large industries looking for workers
b. Good unemployment benefits
c. Jobs in agriculture
d. Inexpensive housing
54. The final blow to President Hoover’s career was
a. Passage of the Agricultural Marketing Act
b. Routing (dispersing) of the bonus army
c. Establishment of the Farm Board
d. Passage of the Emergency Relief Act
55. Between 1929 and 1932, unemployment in the United States
a. Dropped from about 25 percent to about 5 percent
b. Rose from about 5 percent to about 25 percent
c. Remained at about 5 percent
d. Rose only slightly from about 5 percent to about 25 percent
56. The Grapes of Wrath
57. Okies
58. Speculation
59. Douglas MacArthur
60. Gone With The Wind
Famous dancer in musicals of the 1930s
Take back ownership of the property without letting
the farmer pay off the rest of the mortgage
c. A period of severely reduced economic activity
d. Elected President in 1932
e. General in charge of forces that routed (removed by
force) the Bonus Army
ab. 1930s novel about an Okie family driven from their land
61. Foreclosure
62. Depression
63. Fred Astaire
64. Franklin D Roosevelt
ac. 1,000-page novel that described the Civil War
ad. A way of gambling with short-term investments
ae. Left their Dust Bowl farms for a new life in California
65. The Agricultural Adjustment Administration gave money to
a. Local and state relief organizations
b. Farmers to subsidize reduced crop and livestock production
c. Sharecroppers and tenant farmers to help them buy their own farms
d. Industries related to agriculture
66. Eleanor Roosevelt worked to get women appointed to political posts because
a. She did not like men in politics
b. Women had a harder time than men finding a job during the Depression
c. She felt that women were in the best position to promote such things as child welfare and world peace
d. She felt that women should get into the job market
67. The Rural Electrification Act of 1935 lent money to groups of farmers who
a. Would not use electricity
b. Organized to build power plants
c. Let their land lie fallow
d. Obtained electricity from utility companies
68. Which of the following was NOT an activity of the Southern Tenant Farmers’ Union?
a. They went on strike to obtain raises for working tenant farmers and day laborers
b. They held violent protests against Southern landowners
c. They showed that blacks and whites could work together for a cause
d. They petitioned the Department of Agriculture to give them a guarantee that tenant farmers would get their
fair share of AAA payments
69. The Truth-in-Securities Act was a reform measure designed to
a. Eliminate the stock market
b. Promote the use of lie detectors
c. Limit the number of banks
d. Protect investors from fraud in the stock market
70. Since local relief agencies could not meet the growing demand for public aid, Roosevelt asked Congress to
a. Declare a bank holiday
b. Appropriate $500 million to be distributed by the Federal Emergency Relief Administration
c. Sponsor the National Industrial Recovery Act
d. Pass legislation creating the Tennessee Valley Authority
71. Which one of the following was NOT part of Roosevelt’s plan to deal with the bank crisis?
a. Have banks remain open while Congress worked out a solution
b. Declare a partial bank holiday
c. Banks lacking assets would remain closed until the government could reopen them safely
d. Allow banks to accept all deposits and make emergency loans for food and animal feed
72. The Social Security Act
a. Provided relief to all minority groups
b. Provided relief to all needy people
c. Instituted pension and survivor benefits for the elderly and the orphaned
d. Instituted unemployment benefits for all people who lost their jobs
73. One of Father Coughlin’s ideas that appealed to the working class was that
a. The post office should be run like banks
b. The wealth of the few should be redistributed
c. Protestant bankers were responsible for the plight of the nation
d. Pension plans for retired people should be started
74. Huey P. Long never controlled the United States government as he had hoped because he was
a. Deported to another country
b. Sentenced to prison for illegal government control in Louisiana
c. Assassinated
d. Defeated in the presidential election of 1936
75. Faced with attacks by radicals, liberals, and conservatives, and hampered by the Supreme Court, Roosevelt
a. Launched the Second New Deal
b. Decided against seeking a second term as president
c. Abandoned his reform and recovery policies
d. Asked states to develop their own reform and recovery policies and not rely on federal help.
Frances Perkins
Mass media
Dust storm
a. “black blizzards”
b. taxes on imported products
c. recovery program that built dams to turn water
power into electricity
d. financial assistance
e. first female to be appointed to a cabinet post
ab. Methods by which information and entertainment are
transmitted to large numbers of people
82. A. Phillip Randolph organized the March on Washington movement (after the start of WWII) in part to
a. Obtain higher wages for train porters
b. Protest the exclusion of African Americans from well-paying jobs in war industries
c. Protest against the NAACP
d. End black military service
83. Why did the United States eventually abandon the “island hopping” strategy in the Pacific?
a. The Japanese military began to surrender the islands without fighting
b. The strategy was totally unsuccessful
c. The strategy resulted in a very high death toll for American forces
d. The strategy was unsuccessful in recapturing the Philippines
84. Which of the following statements about population shifts during World War II is NOT true?
a. Every state experienced an increase in population
b. Many people moved from rural to urban areas
c. The largest population gains occurred in the states in the West
d. Many small towns grew into boomtowns with dense populations
85. In Korematsu v. United States, the Supreme Court
a. Overruled the order providing for the relocation of Japanese Americans
b. Decided that a curfew order affecting only Japanese Americans did not violate their constitutional rights
c. Upheld the order providing for the relocation of Japanese Americans
d. Ruled that the judiciary could second-guess military decisions.
86. A large part of the migrating people in the United States during World War II were
a. African Americans
b. Native Americans
c. The elderly
d. Americans from northern Europe
87. Women working in industries during World War II
a. Received pay that was equal to male workers
b. Generally were not accepted by male workers
c. Were guaranteed continued employment after the war
d. Were easily accepted by male workers
88. After World War II, the Soviet Union (USSR) and the United states
a. Proceeded to develop a relationship based on trust
b. Joined together to aid all European countries
c. Viewed each other with distrust
f. Began a new alliance
The GI Bill
Termination policy
Invisible poor
Operation Wetback
Religious resurgence
a. The postwar process of dismissing troops from military service and dismantling
the war machine
b. A program responsible for deporting millions of Mexicans
c. Passed by Congress in 1944 to help ease the transition of soldiers from military
to civilian life
d. The millions of Americans living in poverty in the inner cities
e. The result of the increase in church membership in the postwar era
ab. An attempt to end the reservation system
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SHORT RESPONSE: (5 points)
A. Briefly state the Options available to President Truman with regard to ending the war with Japan,
then indicate which YOU would have chosen, and why.